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    Evenementen in Brixen en omgeving

    Geniet van de unieke evenementen in Brixen en omgeving. Ontdek lokale tradities, sportevenementen en nog veel meer in deze schilderachtige regio.

    Gastronomy/regional products
    Swiss Mountain Pine Oil Distillery
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Free guided tours of the Swiss Mountain Pine Oil Distillery on the Alps of Barbiano/Barbian from 15th May until 30th October 2024 every Wednesday from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm. From „Huberkreuz“ parking follow the trail n° 4 and 15. Free for guests of the Klausen, Barbian, Feldthurns and Villanders Tourism Association. Guided tours of the distillery during summer on advance booking only. Phone +39 328 892 6205
    23 oktober, 2024 - 30 oktober, 2024
    Roundtrip with a minibus to the parking lot Huber Kreuz/alpe di Barbiano
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Departure in Barbiano/Village Square at 9.30am and return from the parking lot "Huber Kreuz" at 4.30pm. The ticket for the round trip is free with the Klausen Card for members of the Tourist Association Chiusa, Barbiano, Velturno and Villandro and for non-members € 8.00. The Alpe di Barbiano is a perfect starting point for lovely hiking tours to the Corno del Renon, the most beautiful viewpoint of South Tyrol. Appropriate hiking clothes, rain shelter and good footwear are recommended. Registration within 9.00 pm of the previous day at your accommodation or at the tourist office in Barbian, tel. +39 0471 654 411.
    23 oktober, 2024 - 30 oktober, 2024
    ¿Hablas español?
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Do you speak Spanish and want to improve it? We are the Armonia Latina Bressanone association and you are welcome to practice with us.
    23 oktober, 2024 - 11 december, 2024
    Gastronomy/regional products
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    23 oktober, 2024 - 28 december, 2024
    27th Keschtniglwochen: Mystery thriller on chestnut evening
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Need a thrill? Looking for good music? Then you've come to the right place. Because music and a story form an ingenious combination, complementing and counterpointing each other. Heike Vigl narrates. The Joe Smith Quartet plays and sings. Ingenious catchy tunes: rhythmic, pop, dark, with a touch of jazz. The Feldthurns economic committee and the Klausen, Barbian, Feldthurns and Villanders tourism co-operative look forward to seeing you there. ONLY IN GERMAN Ticket reservations at the Feldthurns information office +39 0472 855290 or Price: 15,00€
    24 oktober, 2024 - 24 oktober, 2024
    Gastronomy/regional products
    Walk & Wine - guided walk with wine tasting
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Guided walk on the "Laitacher Weinwanderweg" with wine tasting: Duration: 3 hours Height difference: 350 m Costs: free with KlausenCard, for guests of the members of the Tourism Gen. Klausen, Barbian, Feldthurns, Villanders 5,00€, otherwise 10,00 € per person
    24 oktober, 2024 - 24 oktober, 2024
    Prevention and support: eating disorders
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Dr Markus Markart, former head of the childrens ward at Brixen Hospital, talks about the key to overcoming eating disorders. On 24 October at 19:30 in the library in Feldthurns. ONLY IN GERMAN
    24 oktober, 2024 - 24 oktober, 2024
    ALPINE TALES - Sunrise hike
    Mühlbach/Rio di Pusteria, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Some things are worth an early rise, even on holiday. You will be rewarded with the unique experience of an Alpine sunrise. We will take the cable car to reach an altitude of 2,000 metres and set off in the dark, experiencing how the new day arises from the silence of the night one step at a time. After an easy hike (approx 40 minutes, 130 meters elevation gain) to the Steinermandl panoramic platform, we will savour the magical moment when the first sun rays bathe the mountains in their bright light. The experience is rounded off by a stopover for refreshments at a mountain hut. (Consumption against payment) The descent by cable car is available from 8:30 a.m. Warm clothing is recommended. Costs for the cable car: With Almencard 04.07.-12.07 and 16.09.- 02.11.2024 for free and from 13.07. - 15.09. the ticket for the cable car can be bought on site or online. With museumobil Card and others: The ticket for the cable car can be bought on site or online.
    24 oktober, 2024 - 31 oktober, 2024
    Gastronomy/regional products
    "Törggele" hike
    Natz-Schabs/Naz-Sciaves, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    A true adventure on the sunny plateau: the autumnal custom of "Törggelen" is a delight for visitors and locals alike. Understandably, for it is the ideal combination of exercise in the fresh air and culinary delights. After a hike across the colourful high plateau of Naz-Sciaves with our guide, we stop at a typical farm, where specialities from the Isarco Valley are served.* *Food and drink are not included in the price.
    24 oktober, 2024 - 31 oktober, 2024
    Gastronomy/regional products
    "Törggele" hike
    Natz-Schabs/Naz-Sciaves, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    A true adventure on the sunny plateau: the autumnal custom of "Törggelen" is a delight for visitors and locals alike. Understandably, for it is the ideal combination of exercise in the fresh air and culinary delights. After a hike across the colourful high plateau of Naz-Sciaves with our guide, we stop at a typical farm, where specialities from the Isarco Valley are served.* *Food and drink are not included in the price.
    24 oktober, 2024 - 31 oktober, 2024
    Sunrise hike
    Mühlbach/Rio di Pusteria, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Some things are worth an early rise, even on holiday. You will be rewarded with the unique experience of an Alpine sunrise. We will take the cable car to reach an altitude of 2,000 metres and set off in the dark, experiencing how the new day arises from the silence of the night one step at a time. After an easy hike (approx 40 minutes, 130 meters elevation gain) to the Steinermandl panoramic platform, we will savour the magical moment when the first sun rays bathe the mountains in their bright light. The experience is rounded off by a stopover for refreshments at a mountain hut. (Consumption against payment) The descent by cable car is available from 8:30 a.m. Warm clothing is recommended. Costs for the cable car: With Almencard 16.09.- 10.10.2024 for free and from 13.07. - 15.09. the ticket for the cable car can be bought on site or online. With museumobil Card and others: The ticket for the cable car can be bought on site or online.
    24 oktober, 2024 - 31 oktober, 2024
    Weekly market at Mühlbach
    Mühlbach/Rio di Pusteria, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Weekly market in the village center - an opportunity to stroll through the colorful & noisy market stalls, haggle the price and return home satisfied.
    24 oktober, 2024 - 31 oktober, 2024
    Farmers' market in Klausen
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The farmers sell their fresh products at the square "Tinneplatz" from 8:00 - 12:30. Fresh, seasonal food and typical South Tyrolean products are available at the farmers' market in Klausen.
    24 oktober, 2024 - 31 oktober, 2024
    27th Chestnut Weeks: Chestnuts experience
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Experience roasting chestnuts with farmer and wood carver Herbert Kerschbaumer. He explains how to properly collect, carve and roast chestnuts. The chestnuts are then tasted. You are welcome to visit the workshop with the hand-carved wooden figures. Price per person: € 15.00. Meeting point: 3.00 pm at Thalerhof. Duration: 2h.
    24 oktober, 2024 - 07 november, 2024
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    25 oktober, 2024 - 25 oktober, 2024
    "The small literary vinotheque" on the day of the library
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    "The little literary vinotheque" with actress Gabi Mitternöckler and sommelier Ingrid Egger. Delicious, humorous literary interludes, as well as autumnal thoughts and texts for the Törggele season. Fresh and fruity wines from Feldthurn winegrowers will be served to match. The Feldthurns Library, the Feldthurns Education Committee and the South Tyrol Library Association look forward to seeing you there. On Friday 25 October at 8.00pm for a voluntary donation. Please register directly at the library or by e-mail. ONLY IN GERMAN
    25 oktober, 2024 - 25 oktober, 2024
    Gastronomy/regional products
    27th Chestnut Weeks: Wine, hiking and chestnut delicacy
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Guided pleasure hike Feldthurns: Hike with tasting of traditional specialties and roasted chestnuts at local inns. Meeting point at the Tourist Info Feldthurns at 10.00 am Hiking time: 2,5 - 3h Return approx. at 4.00 pm Price: For guests of member companies of the Tourism Gen. Klausen, Barbian, Feldthurns, Villanders free of charge (excluding consumption), otherwise € 10.00 per person.
    25 oktober, 2024 - 08 november, 2024
    Martina Schwarzmann “Ganz einfach”
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Ein schönes Leben haben, das ist doch ganz einfach. Da bäckt man einen Kuchen und danach isst man ihn auf. Zwischendrin wird noch ein bisschen was erlebt und ein bisschen gearbeitet. So schaut der Tag von Martina Schwarzmann aus. Ganz einfach. Wenn in der Zeitung nichts Schönes drinsteht, dann liest man sie einfach nicht. Und hartnäckige Flecken in der Wäsche entfernt man am besten mit der Schere. Manchmal wird ein bisschen rumgeplärrt, mal von den minderjährigen Mitbewohnern, manchmal auch von den volljährigen Bewohnern des Bauernhofs, der der Lebensmittelpunkt der Künstlerin, einfachen Hausfrau und vierfachen Mutter ist. Denn manchmal, sitzt man da und schaut Möchte man es ruhiger haben, muss man nur das Richtige kochen. Denn wenn alle den Mund voll haben, ist es mal ganz kurz leise. Nachts ist es auch so ganz ruhig. Dann hört Martina im Bad, wie sich die Silberfischerl über ihren Körper unterhalten. Wenn Martina nicht gerade ihre wilden Kinder bändigt oder ihrem Mann auf dem Acker hilft, dann sitzt sie manchmal da und schaut, das ist auch schön. Denn wenn man gscheit schaut, dann sieht man immer was, worüber man mal dringend ein Lied schreiben sollte. So wie über den eingetrockneten Frosch, aus dem sie mit Hilfe einer Schnur einen Teebeutel bastelt: falls der Storch mal vorbeikommt, damit man ihm was Passendes anbieten kann. Und manchmal steht der Sinn des Lebens vor der Tür Manchmal klingelts bei Martina, dann steht meist der Sinn des Lebens vor der Tür. Der sucht schon seit Jahren nach ihr. Aber sie macht nie auf. Soll er ruhig weitersuchen. Wenn Ihr Martina sucht, dann findet ihr sie auf der Bühne eures Vertrauens. Also kommt in Scharen, lauscht und lasst es euch gut gehen. Das habt ihr euch verdient! Martina Schwarzmann: Eigentlich ist sie gelernte Köchin, doch in Wahrheit eine geborene Kabarettistin. Mit ihrem trockenen Humor, ihrer präzisen Beobachtungsgabe und ihrem unbestechlichen Blick für die Tücken des Alltags ist sie mittlerweile von den bayerischen Kabarettbühnen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Wenn sie die skurrilen Geschichten vom Wahnsinn ihres ganz normalen Lebens und ihre mitreißenden Lieder zum Besten gibt, lacht das Publikum Tränen. Ausgezeichnet mit zahlreichen Kabarett- und Kleinkunstpreisen bespielt die Mutter von vier Kindern aktuell die Bühnen Bayerns und darüber hinaus.
    26 oktober, 2024 - 26 oktober, 2024
    Starry sounds
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    James MacMillan – A new song Ēriks Ešenvalds – Stars Johann Sebastian Bach – Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam, BWV 684 Johannes Brahms – Geistliches Lied, op. 30 Maurice Duruflé – Ubi caritas Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy – Hör mein Bitten Mattia Culmone – O sacrum convivium Franz Schmidt (zum 150. Geburtstag) – Toccata Ola Gjeilo – Pulchra es, amica mea Jonathan Dove – Seek him that maketh the seven stars Elias Praxmarer - organ Helene Grabitzky, soprano Vocal ensemble Vocappella Innsbruck Conductor - Bernhard Sieberer
    26 oktober, 2024 - 26 oktober, 2024
    "Terner Machart"
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    "Terner Machart" - Exhibition of handcraft Start at 09:30 a.m. until 16:00 p.m. in the parish hall of Terenten.
    27 oktober, 2024 - 27 oktober, 2024
    Madame Butterfly (Opera in three acts)
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Opera in three acts based on a libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica In Nagasaki, Japan, the American Lieutenant Pinkerton has fallen in love with the geisha Cho-Cho-San, whom everyone calls Butterfly. Pinkerton only wants to marry the beautiful Japanese woman Butterfly according to Japanese custom. He has no interest in a serious marriage. Butterfly, on the other hand, really loves Pinkerton. Shortly after he leaves for America, she has a child with him. But she waits in vain for several years for him to return. The opera comes to a tragic end because Pinkerton wants to pick up his child in Japan and take it with him to America. Accompanied by his new wife, he arrives in Nagasaki. Butterfly is prepared to leave the child to him. She says goodbye to her son and while Pinkerton comes to pick him up, Butterfly kills herself with a dagger. Madama Butterfly: Victoria Burneo Sanchez Suzuki: Elena Serra F.B. Pinkerton: Alessandro Goldoni Sharpless: Walter Franceschini Goro: John Faber Cardona Other characters: Anna Bellosguardo, Adriana Bia, Paola Leonardi, Marco Bertolini, Domenico Feliciello, Filiberto Mignolli, Danilo Zeni, Leonora Victoria Vadagnini Choirs: G. Verdi Opera Choir - Bolzano & Estrolirica Director: Mirko Corradini Orchestra: Aurona Participating maestro: Luca Schinai Concertmaster and conductor: Claudio Vadagnini Admission price: 10 Euro Ticket reservation: Tickets also available on the day of the performance at the Forum Brixen from 2 pm
    27 oktober, 2024 - 27 oktober, 2024
    Cabaret: Ninderscht isch nicht (in german language)
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Couples therapy with Ginther and Irene After the successful cabaret "Schaffa Schaffa, Häusle baue", Ginther (Thomas Hochkofler) and Irene (Karin Verdorfer) now pass on to the audience the life tips they learned in a couple's therapy - according to the motto: Eppes isch iberåll und "ninderscht isch nicht"! After the huge success of the cinema film "Joe der Film", Thomas Hochkofler and Karin Verdorfer return to the cabaret stage. In the cabaret programme "Schaffa Schaffa, Häusle baue", Ginther and Irene gave the audience important tips on building a house. In the meantime, a few years have passed, there was a serious marital crisis between the two, whereupon they went to couples therapy - and now everything seems to be back on track. After the joint couples therapy, the two know exactly how to have a really good relationship, and they are convinced that they have to pass on this knowledge - quasi as a social initiative to save couples. As absolute specialists in this field, they help the audience with this play to raise the quality of their relationship to a safe level. So "Ninderscht isch nicht" is suitable on the one hand for couples or those who would like to become couples, but on the other hand also for singles who, after this play, either come to the realisation that they would prefer to remain singles after all, or simply that now is the right time to find a dream partner. Of course, couples who want to break up in style also receive valuable tips - according to the motto: "Ninderscht isch nicht"!
    28 oktober, 2024 - 28 oktober, 2024
    Das fliegende Klassenzimmer
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    DE/IT 2023, 90 Min. Regie: Carolina Hellsgård mit: Tom Schilling, Trystan Pütter, Hannah Herzsprung In lingua tedesca Die begabte 13-jährige Martina bekommt die Chance auf ein Stipendium für das begehrte Johann-Sigismund-Gymnasium im Alpenstädtchen Kirchberg. Obwohl sie dort nur lernen will, wird Martina in einen Streit zwischen Stadt- und Landkindern verwickelt. Doch dann verändert ein dramatischer Unfall alles. Ticket: 5€
    28 oktober, 2024 - 28 oktober, 2024
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    FR 2024, 97 Min. Regia: Blandine Lenoir con: Izïa Higelin, Sophie Guillemin, Salif Cissé, Jean-Pierre Darroussin In lingua tedesca Die Kinderbuchillustratorin Juliette lebt in Paris und kehrt in ihren Heimatort zurück. Mitten in der französischen Provinz hofft sie auf eine entspannte Zeit im Kreise ihrer Familie. Stattdessen trifft sie auf ihre Schwester, die mitten in einer existentiellen Krise steckt, ihren launischen Vater, ihre Mutter, die in die Esoterik-Welt abgedriftet ist und auf ihre geliebte Großmutter, die erst seit kurzem im Pflegeheim wohnt. Und dann ist da noch der Barkeeper Polux, der zufällig Juliettes Weg kreuzt. Ticket: 7€
    28 oktober, 2024 - 28 oktober, 2024
    ALPINE TALES - Alpine autumn hike to the Astjoch (2,194 metres)
    Rodeneck/Rodengo, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    When you hear South Tyrol, you quickly think of high peaks, glistening mountain lakes and idyllic hiking trails. After this experience, you will be able to talk about this tour for a long time to come, as the somewhat challenging summit hike offers both wonderful forests with their spicy scents and impressive mountain massifs in picturesque autumn colours.
    29 oktober, 2024 - 29 oktober, 2024
    Gastronomy/regional products
    Guided hike - traditional "Törggelen" con stop at Peintnerhof
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Guided "Törggele" hike with guide Helena Graf, with a stop at the traditional farm "Peintnerhof" and a cosy get-together in the "Stube". Meeting point: 10.00 am Tourist Office Feldthurns, return: around 4.00 pm. Walking time: 2 - 2.5 hours, easy hike. Minimum number of participants: 2 persons, free hike for guests of member accommodation, otherwise € 10.00 per person (excl. consumption).
    30 oktober, 2024 - 30 oktober, 2024
    27th Chestnut Weeks: Adventure hike for kids
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Hiking together in the chestnut forest, telling stories and roasting chestnuts at the fire, from 5 years Meeting point at 2.00 pm at the Castle Velthurns Price: € 5.00 per person
    31 oktober, 2024 - 31 oktober, 2024
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