Signposted mountain run of 21.1 km and 2,100 m altitude difference, that takes ambitious athletes from Prad to the Passo Stelvio summit.
Mountainrunthat bringstheambitiousathletefromPradover21. 1kmand2.100 hmtotheStelvioPass.This mountain run starts at the aquaprad visitor centre in Prad am Stilfserjoch. At the beginning we run from here to the upper Suldenbach bridge where we take trail no. 11. After passing the Mitterhof and Patzleidhof farms, we follow the same trail number to Stilfs. Nearby the hotel Stilfserhof, we take trail no. 7, which leads us along a hiking trail to the Fragges game reserve. From the red deer enclosure the same trail number leads along forest and hiking trails to the alpine huts Prader Alm and Furkelhütte. From here, the Goldsee Lake Trail no. 20 accompanies us with breathtaking views of the mountains and glaciers of the Ortles Alps to the Passo Stelvio summit.
TIP: This route is also offered as a competition as part of the Stelvio Marathon.