Starting point of this winter hike is the parking lot Herol - Lüsen Berg. From here we goe, past the Reaswiese on the rolled hiking trail no. 3 to the Tulper-Gampis an in a pleasant climb up to the alp-street and on the right to the Starkenfeldhütte (1.936 m). Here we continue the way until the Astalm, from where the hiking trail no. 66 turns right to the Steineralm. Now we go on (no. 2a) to the Kreuzwiesenalm (1.924 m), which invites to have a break. Over the Griablsteig and past the Ploner Hölle we go back to Herol.
From the Astalm there is the possibility to extend the tour and make a detour to the peak of the Astjoch (2.194 m).
Brixen - Lüsen - Lüsen Berg - Parking Lot Herol