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Production facilities, farm shops

Haidenhof - wine tasting and guided tour

Cermes/Tscherms, Tscherms/Cermes, Meran/Merano and environs
from center

Wine has been made at the Haidenhof vineyard for several generations. The grapes from the 3.5 hectares of vines grow at 450 meters a.s.l. on steep, south-east facing slopes. The sandy, loamy soil and the Mediterranean climate lend this wine its unmistakable flavors. Every wine inherits its characteristics from the variety of grape, the special soil, the annual weather conditions and the work done in the cellar. The wines tend to be  fruity and physical. Cellar master Hannes, son of the house, will be pleased to present his fine wines to you at a wine tasting. 

Opening hours

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