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    Zimowe Wędrówki w Bozen i Okolicach

    Przeżyj zimową przygodę podczas wędrówek w Bozen i okolicach. Odkryj urokliwe trasy, które oferują piękne widoki i doskonałe warunki do zimowego trekkingu.
    restuarant Edelweiss (Jenesieno) - restaurant Tschaufen
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Along the hiking trail from Jenesien to Tschaufen, there is much to experience, for young and old. In the meadows along the hiking trail and in the forests you can meet different kinds of animals. There is a beautiful panorama on the plateau Tschaufen, and the the eponymous restaurant on the Salto awaits you with an extensive menu of homemade pastries and delicious cold dishes.

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    89 m wysokość w górę
    1h:16 min czas trwania
    Winter hike to Cislon Alm
    Truden/Trodena, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    We start on the top of  village and follow for 300 m nr.3. Then we choose nr. 1 and arrive during the large street with good hiking shoes the Cislon Alp (1250m). During the winter it's open from Thursday to Sunday! Then we follow the nr. 2 till a sharp right hand bend (Hochwand) and leave the nr.2. We follow the street till the "Jägerkreuz" and turn down back to the point where we started. Attention: after the Cislon Alp you should have snow shoes for the trip!
    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    327 m wysokość w górę
    2h:46 min czas trwania
    From Aldino to Göller lake
    Aldein/Aldino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    This hiking tour will lead us through a pine wood to the idyllic Lake Göller, to the “Göller Spitz” (Peak Göller) and the “Rotwand”, a spectacular cliff with an amazing panoramic view of the South Tyrolean mountains and the Val d’Adige. On our way home we will see a ruin called “Burgstallegg” and one of the most beautiful biotopes in South Tyrol, the “Pigleider Moos”.

    Poziom trudności: łatwy
    379 m wysokość w górę
    3h:38 min czas trwania
    Trodena - Horn Alp in winter
    Truden/Trodena, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Starting in Trodena/Truden we take the European long distance path E5. We walk through a wonderful mixed coniferous forest on a forestry trail and we get to the col "Ziss-Sattel". The trail continues to the  "Hornalm" on 1.710 m. The panoramic view from here is surely worth the tiring climb: You have a wonderful view over the mountain chain "Lagoraikette", the Palagruppe, the two mountains Schwarzhorn and Weißhorn, the Latemar, the Rosengarten group, the Schlern and the Alps of the Stubaital and Ötztal. After a stop for a bite to eat, we take the path E5 back to Trodena. The Alp is open in Winter from Tuesday to Sunday.
    Poziom trudności: średni
    685 m wysokość w górę
    4h:05 min czas trwania
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