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    Alpejska Droga Sztuki Romańskiej - Schody do nieba

    W średniowieczu wzdłuż ważnych szlaków handlowych i pielgrzymkowych prowadzących przez Alpy zbudowano wiele ośrodków kulturalnych, takich jak miasta, twierdze, zamki, kościoły, kaplice i klasztory. Wzdłuż ważnych szlaków handlowych i pielgrzymkowych, które prowadziły przez Alpy.
    Places to See
    Glorenza - the little medieval town in South Tyrol
    Glurns/Glorenza, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Glurns, the smallest town in South Tyrol, works its magic on every visitor with its charming medieval atmosphere, perfectly preserved town walls and its three picturesque gate towers. Virtually unchanged since the 16th century, there are echoes of the eventful history of this former trading town around every corner. With its romantic character, rich culture and idyllic surroundings, Glurns is a real alpine jewel. It is our pleasure to invite you to our beautiful town to share with you magical moments, historic festivals and spectacular cultural events.

    While the beginnings of the village of Glurns probably go back to the Carolingian era, the first actual mention dates from 1163. Southeast of the clustered village on the bridge over the River Etsch, Meinhard II of Gorizia-Tirol created a city around the year 1290 in order to secure his power in the Upper Vinschgau Valley against the Bishop of Chur. This new settlement was described as a “burgum” in the year 1294. The two settlements – the village and the city of Glurns – existed for some 200 years alongside each other. After the destruction suffered during the Battle of Calven in 1499, the Habsburgs, especially Maximilian I, had Glurns fortified as a bulwark against the forces of Graubünden; the centres of the two settlements were thus connected by means of the new city walls, still in existence today. Among the oldest buildings that exist to this day are the residential and defensive towers, especially the so-called “Glurns Castle”, and the Spatzenturm tower in the southwest corner of the old town. The 16th century constructions succeed in dominating the city’s contemporary appearance.

    Forts & Castles
    Tyrol Castle
    Tirol/Tirolo, Meran/Merano and environs

    Tyrol Castle is the most historically significant castle in South Tyrol. Its origins stretch back into the late 11th century.

    Since 2003 Tyrol Castle has housed the South Tyrolean Museum of History. Its main focus is the history of the province from its beginnings to modern times.

    The oldest structural elements can be found in church excavations in the outer bailey (three building phases, three-apse chamber from the 9th century). The south palace contains the two Romanesque portals. The two-storey castle chapel is dedicated to St. Pancras and is famous for its gothic frescoes. What is believed to be the wedding chamber of Countess Margarethe of Tyrol, known as Maultasch (literally “bag mouth”), is situated in the Mushaus. The keep, which was only completed after 1902, now houses an exhibition of the history of the 20th century depicted over twenty separate levels. The historic estate buildings house special exhibitions.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church "Santa Maria in Colle"
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    In 1992 in the church "Unsere liebe Frau auf dem Bichl" the in Laces standing stone (3.300-2.200 B.C.) was found during restoration work by the State Monument Authorities. The stele, which is made from the finest Vinschgau marble, formed the supporting surface of the altar table. The top and bottom parts as well parts of the left upper side of the 107 cm high, 77 cm wide and 12 cm thick stone are missing. It was probably originally located around where the current church stands on the hill and would thus have been visible from afar. As well as the iconic features common to all the male engraved stones from the Etsch valley group, such as scalloped belts, axes, daggers, clubs, bows, various decorative elements and fringed capes, elements are present that belong to the Lombardy group from Val Camonica and Valtellina, such as suns, deer and stylised male figure. Thus the in Laces standing stone is great proof of the ancient connection of the Vinschgau and the Etsch valley and the valleys of north-eastern Lombardy.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of Santa Margherita
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs

    Small church with three apses in Romanesque style, with a cycle of frescoes dating back to 1215. Restored in 1969 and 1982.

    Traces of the Middle Ages are omnipresent throughout South Tyrol. Among many fortresses, castles and mansions, important monasteries and thousands of churches and chapels there are also impressive historic examples of the early and high Romanesque period.

    In Lana, that alone boasts more than 30 monasteries and chapels, you can find architectural and artistic traces from before 1000 AD. One highlight, among many others, is the cycle of frescoes in early Romanesque style that can be seen in the three apses church of St. Margareth's.

    Stories date St. Margareth's back to the end of the 10th century and it is said that the small church with its three apses was a gift of Theophano, the Byzantine wife of Emperor Otto II. The only remains from the original Romanesque building that can still be seen today are the round apses with their paintings from 1215. Like in the church of St. Kastelaz the bases depict bestiaries.

    More detailed information and map of the cultural site are available in the tourist office Lana and surroundings and on . Discover our virtual tour >

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Peter's Parish Church
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs

    Popular wisdom says that the church square, which offers many beautiful views, was once home to one of the oldest baptisteries in the area. Today, the Parish Church stands on an even older site dating back to the pre-romanesque period (lombard-carolingian style) and is one of the rare examples of a cross-domed church with central nave and side naves.

    In 1287 Count Meinhard II of Tyrol transferred the patronage to the Cistercian monastery of Stams in the Oberinntal valley. St. Peter is still under the pastoral care of the monastery today. Under Meinhard, the lombard-carolingian church underwent a thorough reconfiguration; further modifications were made in the Gothic period. The church is rich in precious Romanesque and Gothic frescoes. The southern side nave has an especially well-preserved half-length portrait of St. Paul dating back to the 11th century.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Sisinius' Church, Lasa/Laas
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The Romanesque St. Sisinius' Church is situated on a plateau above Lasa/Laas, the village of marble in South Tyrol. Its rare choir tower church was built on the ruins of a former building. Skeleton and clay fragments from the Bronze Age even prove the existence of a cult worship place. The hill’s many years of settlement are probably due to its location. Even today, visitors enjoy the wonderful view of the surrounding mountains that extend to the Laaser Ferner glacier.

    The church itself was first mentioned in 1290 and is dedicated to the martyr Sisinius, who lived in the Nonsberg area of South Tyrol. Surrounded by a high asylum wall in a Romanesque herringbone pattern, the eastern wall has a Gothic pointed arch gate devoid of a gate wing. The choir is located in the tower, which is covered by a stone tower pyramid. The nave, on the other hand, has two round arched windows, a protruding triumphal arch and a portal made of pure Lasa marble.

    The church has no sacral furniture and is closed. Once a year only, just before Easter, it is decorated as an Easter grave for devotion.

    On Good Friday and Holy Saturday the Easter tomb is on display in the church.

    Forts & Castles
    Castelbello Castle
    Kastelbell-Tschars/Castelbello-Ciardes, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    The picturesque Castelbello Castle, first mentioned in 1238, was built by the Lords of Montalban. Majestically, it is situated on a cliff on the left bank of the Adige River. Because of its exposed position, the castle had to be protected by strong fortifications, which needed to be remodernized over the years. In 1813 and 1824, the castle was largely destroyed by fire. The Counts of Hendl rebuilt only a small part for residential purposes. At the end of a protracted court process held over decades between Count Siegmund von Hendl and the Republic of Italy for the possession of the castle, eventually a settlement was reached. This allowed the State to acquire the castle. The Castelbello Castle is the cultural center of the village. In addition to permanent exhibitions in Spring and Autumn, alternating art exhibitions take place here.
    The building of the chapel followed in the late 13th or early 14th cent. The walls contain a frieze with the Twelve Apostles as well as texts from the Confession of Faith. Because the apostles are turned towards one another in pairs, the quotations are alternately written in plain and inverted script.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Collegiate Church
    Innichen/San Candido, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    The Collegiate Church in San Candido is one of the most beautiful sacral buildings in Roman style in the Eastern Alps. The Collegiate Church was constructed around 1143 when the Benedictine Convent of San Candido founded in the 8th century by Duke Tassilo from Bavaria III was transformed into a Collegiate Church. The Church assumed its present appearance around 1280, while the bell tower dates back to between 1320 and 1326. The monumental walls recall the style of the fortresses favoured by the crusaders and the many castles built in the days of the Hohenstaufen. Also the church was meant to be a fortress of God. Worth seeing are the monumental Roman fresco, the special crucifixion group, and the crypt.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Marx' Church, Lasa/Laas
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Erected in the 12th century, St. Mark’s Church – known colloquially as “St. Marx” – is located close to the parish church of Lasa and is considered one of the most beautiful Romanesque structures in South Tyrol despite lacking a bell tower.

    The walls of this desecrated church consist of large stones hewn into even layers. St. Marx catches the eye on account of its exceptional height for the time at which it was built and its division into two storeys. The crypt was used for a number of centuries as a depot for storing bones, while fragments of frescoes have been revealed around the apse in the interior.

    In the course of the Josephine church reform, St. Marx was desecrated and ultimately used for entirely different purposes. Following an extended period in which the church housed a workshop for the renowned Lasa stonemasonry school, the upper storey subsequently served as a rehearsal venue for the local brass band.

    The church underwent a thorough restoration in 2000, which led to the discovery of long-forgotten fragments of valuable Gothic frescoes from around the year 1400.

    Opening times:
    closed, to be visit from the outside

    Guided tours:
    no guided tours

    Churches & Monasteries
    Convent S. Floriano
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Klösterle in St. Florian/St. Floriano was built in the 13th century as a pilgrims' hospice and offered accommodation to many travelers in the past because of its strategic location, 25 km (one day's walk) from Trento and Bolzano/Bozen. It is one of the few hospices of this type still completely preserved in Europe. It is believed that the famous painter Albrecht Dürer, on his first trip to Italy, sought a place to stay in the Klösterle because of flooding. The well-preserved unique art monument, in Romanesque style, is accessible to visitors via the Dürer path. During the summer months, events such as concerts and plays are staged there.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Jakob's Church in Grissian/Grissiano
    Tisens/Tesimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    According to a 6 m-long inscription preserved in the presbytery, this simple, rectangular church with round apse in the east, was consecrated on 12 May 1142. It was painted around 1210 with outstanding and historically important Romanesque frescoes, which, among other things, show the planned sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham against a mountain backdrop. After the incorporation of the tower in around 1380, the church was decorated with Gothic paintings inside and also externally on the south wall. A wooden statue of St. Jakob from 1520 which was revamped in 1610, and two Baroque altars on the west wall, can also be seen. Below the church there is a shrine with simple but expressive pictures from the period around 1440.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Jakob Church in Kastelaz
    Tramin an der Weinstraße/Termeno sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The most prominent artwork of Tramin and at the same time one of the finest masterpieces of Tyrolean art can be found in the small St. Jakob church situated on a hill above the village.

    It contains a well- preserved Romanescue fresco cycle dating back to about 1220. The figures portrayedin the colourful frescoes are quite atypical in painting since they are usually represented as stone sculptures. In fact, on the walls of the small chancel you can admire bizarre hybrid creatures with both human an beastly attributes, fabulous figures emanating from the myths of medieval times. They all seem to represent the sinful antagonism of the overlying scenes showing a graceful depiction of the Twelve Apostels with the enthroned Crist in the Mandorla, the almond- shaped aureole.

    The southern annex of the chapel contains yet another jewel: here the painter Ambrosius Gander executed some bright and valuable murals, amongst which the well-known legend of the Pilgrims. The inscription tells us that these paintings were completed 1441.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Johannes' Parish Church, Lasa/Laas
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    St. Johannes' Parish Church in Lasa was erected around 1200 on the site of a previous church from the Carolingian period, as evidenced by a marble fragment dating from these times. The chaotic events surrounding the brutal Swabian War saw the Romanesque church burned down in 1499, although it witnessed a Gothic rebuild a few short years later. St. Johannes Parish Church has been damaged by fire on several occasions throughout its history, with the foundation walls and workpieces of the Romanesque apse only being rediscovered in the 1970s. These were then reconstructed true to the original style.

    The East wall comprises three large blind arches that resemble the profile of a Romanesque basilica. Masterful animal sculptures can be viewed all around the apse, including depictions of a lion and a ram. The altar itself is furnished with a relief that dates from the Early Middle Ages and features St. Sisinnius, St. Alexander and St. Martyrius.

    Worship Sat 7.30 pm, Sun 10 am (Winter Sat 6 pm, Sun 10 am)


    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Kathrein church
    Hafling/Avelengo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The romanesque church called St. Kathrein has a gothic apse and dates from the thirteenth century. It has well-preserved frescoes from the fourteenth century and a winged altar in the late-Gothic Tyrolean style (which can only be see through an opening in the portal).

    The story

    Like many other churches in the region, the St. Kathrein church in Hafling was built on a site that was originally a pagan place of worship. Presumably there was already a small church standing here in the twelfth century, which was destroyed by fire in 1202. The only parts of the church that survived from the period before the church fire are the regularly stratified walls of the flat-roofed nave.

    Fifty years later, a Romanesque church had already come into being, which was newly consecrated in 1251. In the late Gothic period, the church was rebuilt again. Two hundred years later, in 1452, it was once again rebuilt and rededicated.

    The late-Gothic winged altar is a valuable decorative element of the church. The central part of the altar cabinet contains three wooden figures: the patron saint, St. Catherine, flanked by John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene.

    The Legend

    According to legend, the local people wanted to build a Christian church on this site. They charged two giants to procure stones. The giants, however, had promised to build at church in Lafenn at the exact same time. Having only one hammer between them, the two giants had to share. Eventually, a conflict arose between the pair over the hammer, so the Lafenn giant picked up an enormous boulder and threw it at the St. Catherine giant. The boulder missed its target, but can still be seen in the meadow near Sulfner, just below the church.

    Dates church tours 2022:
    30.05. | 13.06. | 27.06. | 04.07. | 11.07. | 18.07. | 25.07. | 08.08. | 16.08.* | 22.08. | 29.08. | 05.09. | 19.09. | 03.10. | 24.10. | 31.10.2022

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Proculus Church
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    St. Prokulus Church: This delightful little church was built in the first half of the VII century and houses the oldest frescoes in the German-speaking area of Europe. All the inside walls and the south-facing outside wall were covered in frescoes towards the end of the XIV century. The pre-Carolingian frescoes inside the building were not revealed until 1923.

    The ticket is available at the museum. Free admission with the museumobil Card an the Museumcard. We offer tablets to guide you trough the museum trail in English.

    Opening hours 2024: 19.03. - 31.10.2024

    every tuesday, thursday and sunday 10.00 - 12.30 and 14.30 - 17.30

    Closed: 01.04.2024, 01.05.2024 and 20.05.2024

    Churches & Monasteries
    Convent of St. John in Müstair
    Taufers im Münstertal/Tubre, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The St. Johann Benedictine convent of Müstair Valley across the border in Switzerland is a well-preserved monastery complex that dates back to the Carolingian period. Here, Benedictine everyday life, cultural cultivation, art and research meet. Legend has it that none other than Charlemagne laid the foundation stone for the monastery. Immediately after his coronation, Charlemagne was caught in a snowstorm on the Umbrail Pass. Out of gratitude for having survived this, he founded the monastery in Müstair in 775. 
    St. Johann Monastery has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983. 

    More information, guided tours and opening hours of the monastery church at:

    Places to See
    Chapel St. Katharina (Hocheppan)
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The castle chapel of Hocheppan with its roman frescos is one of the most important roman art monuments in South Tyrol. The centuries old frescos had been painted over and were only entirely laid open in 1926. Besides religious themes, the hunting scene on the exterior wall can be seen as one of the rarest profane depictions in Tyrol dating from this time period. The wall paintings originate from the first decade of the 13th century and show famous illustrations like the foolish virgins, the dumpling eater - the first proof for Tyrolean dumplings - and the picture of 'Maria Heimsuchung' which is well known far beyond the border of South Tyrol.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of S. John
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    This very early church stands in the south-east part of the village, in the midst of green meadows. The church was built in the Romanesque style by the von Tschengels as their proprietary church at the end of the 13th century; it then benefited from the pastoral care of clerics from Tschengls. The last member of the Tschengls died in 1421. Inside the church John the Evangelist and John the Baptist are revered as patron saints. In the course of time the church was adapted to contemporary architectural styles and enriched with devotional pictures. Particular sights worth seeing are:

    • Romanesque and Gothic frescoes
    • the gallery from c. 1600
    • the wooden baroque ceiling and pews
    • a grave-stone from the Counts of Tschengels
    • the frescoes uncovered in the last century
    • two frescoes by Karl Plattner (1948)

    The last constructional measure was the reroofing with small shingles in 2002.


    For visits, contact the Prad am Stilfserjoch tourist office.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Castle chapel "Sankt Stephan"
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The castle chapel of St. Stephen in Morter, or the sistine chapel of the Venosta Valley as it is also known, dates back to 1487, and certainly does rank among one of the most remarkable churches in the Southern Tyrol. Although the tiny church appears simple and unassuming from the outside, the magnificent frescoes in the interior are an absolute must for those who are interested in art and culture.

    Open every Friday + Saturday from 14.30-17.30 (April-October).

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church "St. Karpophorus"
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    St. Karpophorus Church in Tarres was taken over between 1212-1214 as a gift from Emperor Friedrich who was in possession of the German Order of Knights. The church tower, which was spared from being converted at a later stage, is probably the most beautiful of all of the structured roman towers in the Venosta region. The church forms part of the “Stairway to Heaven” project.

    The church can be visited on request on Thursdays from 1.30 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. 

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of St. Nicolas, Lasa
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The Church of St. Nicholas is a late gothic construction presumably dating from around 1500. In 1786 the church was secularised, in line with the reforms instituted by Emperor Joseph II and there are no remaining traces of its original function. In 1984 the church was restored and today it is used to house exhibitions.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of San Vigilio and Biagio
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The Vigilius/Blasiuskirche church in Morter is of pre-roman origin and it ranks among the oldest and most important religious buildings in the Venostaregion. Its "oriental" appearing architecture is particularly striking, while the consecration inscription reveals the year 1080. The church is one of the cultural centres of the “Stairway to Heaven” project.

    The key can be collected from the hotel at MARTIN's in Morter 
    +39 0473 742 049

    Churches & Monasteries
    Augustinian Monastery of Novacella
    Vahrn/Varna, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Monastery of Novacella was founded by the blessed bishop Hartmann in 1142 as an Augustinian monastery. Thanks to its monastery school it became one of the most important centre of education and art. In 1742 the monastery was the largest in Tyrol, the Romanesque abbey church of Abbazia di Novacella was redesigned in Baroque style. Unique at  the monastery of Novacella is the round building of Castello dell'Angelo, former hostel and defence facility. The Gothic cloister benefits from valuable frescoes, while the well in the courtyard depicts the wonders of the world. The 8th wonder is said to be Novacella. The Rococo library of the monastery  of Novacella is uniquely beautiful, the Pinacoteca houses medieval paintings by outstanding masters Michael and Friedrich Pacher and Marx Reichlich. The Turkish wall dates back to turbulent times. The mill, water buildings and wine cellar point to the economic importance of the monastery. The area around the monastery is the northernmost winegrowing region of Italy with the well-known white wines Sylvaner, Müller-Thurgau and Kerner.

    Other information about the monastery of Novacella

    Visit without guide from Monday to Saturday from 10:00am to 5:00pm

    The historical garden: The historical garden is situated at the entrance to the monastery complex. It reopened in summer 2004 following extensive restoration work. The monastery garden can be visited indipendently from Thuersday to Saturday from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm

    The monastery of Novacella is closed on Sundays and Catholic Holidays. 

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Veit´s Church
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The mystical Hill of Tartsch towers amidst the green valley of Upper Vinschgau Valley, surrounded by the villages of Glurns/ Glorenza, Matsch/ Mazia and Mals/ Malles. Due to its position as viewing platform, the schist drumlin was already settled in prehistoric times. In the 11th century A.D. the Romanesque St. Veit Church dedicated to St. Vitus was erected upon a pagan cult site. It is one of the few churches that were never restored and displays precious medieval murals.
    The Romanesque frescoes, which unfortunately have only been preserved in a few places, are of great art-historical importance. The interior of the church has a wooden ceiling from the 16th century. 
    Traces of fire can still be seen in some parts of the church. These date back to the Engadine War of 1499. 

    The church S. Veit is open from June to October every Thursday at 5pm for the guided tours in german and italian language (Info: +39 0473 831190).

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Johann´s Church in Taufers i.M. / Tubre i.V.M.
    Taufers im Münstertal/Tubre, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    In 1220, the Church of San Giovanni/ St. Johann in Taufers was built as a Romanesque church in the shape of a cross. The fully frescoed groined vault depicts its Byzantine influence. It is worth seeing the Late Romanesque frescoes. Whole sections of the walls of the predecessor church from the 9th century were used to build the church. 
    Later, the church was used as a hospice church and served as a common room and sleeping place for pilgrims. 

    The church S. Johann in Taufers is open every day from 9.30 a.m. until 5.00 p.m..

    Churches & Monasteries
    Marienberg Monastery
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Marienberg Abbey above Burgeis/ Burgusio dates back to the 12th Century. The highest located Benedictine abbey in Europe is situated at an altitude of 1,340 m a.s.l., since 900 years monks live here according to the rules of Saint Benedict of Nursia. Today, the main hall displays impressions about the daily life of the monks marked by Benedict's credo ora et labora. The exhibition displays also beautiful paintings such as the Romanesque Crypt frescoe with its unique depiction of angels.

    Special exhibitions:

    - Marienberg in front of and behind the lens
    - Maria

    Guided Tours
    All information about guided tours and timetables can be found at

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Ägidius' Church, Corzes/Kortsch
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    If you let your gaze wander over the barren slopes of the Sonnenberg mountain range in the Vinschgau valley in summertime, the white-chalk St. Ägidius' church above Silandro/Schlanders will stand out. Embedded in the stone terraces of the Corzes/Kortsch steppe belt, the small Romanesque church resembles a Mediterranean rock church.

    With its octagonal spire and the oversized Christophorus fresco on the south facade , St. Ägidius is also a landmark of the valley. The massive tower with a octagon roof was not built until the 14th century, when the Romanesque church was expanded. The Christophorus fresco, on the other hand, dates from around 1330. Inside there are also wall paintings from the 13th and 15th centuries, when the church above the Kortscher Leiten meadows was much used.

    As a result of the strategically favourable environs featuring a view over the valley, people settled here in ancient times. Specifically, the remains of a prehistoric settlement, known locally as the “Schatzknott," were uncovered nearby.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Nikolaus church Laces
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    St. Nicholas’s Church in Laces is a Romanesque church from the 14th century. Formerly it belonged to the monastery of Laces, now it belongs to the municipality of Laces. The remains of the frescoes by the southern front of the church, which portray the crucifixion of St. Nicholas and St. Christopher, are well worth a look.

    Since 2017 it is exibition place of the menhir: the top and bottom parts as well parts of the left upper side of the 107 cm high, 77 cm wide and 12 cm thick stone are missing. It was probably originally located around where the current church stands on the hill and would thus have been visible from afar. As well as the iconic features common to all the male engraved stones from the Etsch valley group, such as scalloped belts, axes, daggers, clubs, bows, various decorative elements and fringed capes, elements are present that belong to the Lombardy group from Val Camonica and Valtellina, such as suns, deer and stylised male figure. Thus the Laces standing stone is great proof of the ancient connection of the Vinschgau and the Etsch valley and the valleys of north-eastern Lombardy.

    The church is open daily from 09 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Benedikt´s Church
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The St. Benedikt church of Mals was ercted in the 8th century A.D. Its Carolingian frescoes are among the earliest murals in central Europe. Originally, St. Benedict's did not have a tower; this was probably only built in the 12th century and therefore appears somewhat oversized. 
    Without doubt, however, the two portraits of the founders are the most interesting. They show the Bishop of Chur and a Franconian landlord in traditional costume. This portrait is unique in Europe, as there is no comparable representation anywhere else. 

    Opening hours 08.04.2024 - 31.10.2024:
    Visitation: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.
    Guided Tour: Monday, Wednesday and Friday (only in German at 2 p.m. and Italian 2.30 p.m.
    Prices: € 1,80 per person; € 3,00 per person with guided tour
    Registration not required 

    Guided tours only in german or italian language (Info: +39 0473 831190)
    The church is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

    Churches & Monasteries
    S. Jakob Church in Söles near Glurns/ Glorenza
    Glurns/Glorenza, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The earliest mentions date back to 1220 and 1249. In 1499 the church was set on fire after the Battle of the Calven and was rebuilt as a Gothic church in 1570/1580. Excavations brought to light surprising results in the form of a predecessor church from the 6th/7th and 8th centuries. The patrocinium, however, points to the 9th century. Furthermore, parts of frescoes from the time before the first mentioning of the church were found, which turned out to be picture decorations of the Romanesque predecessor church and are of excellent artistic quality.

    Open only for guided tours in german language on request (+39 0473 831097).


      Zwiedzając 31 wyjątkowych miejsc wzdłuż Alpejskiej Drogi Sztuki Romańskiej - Schodów do Nieba między Południowym Tyrolem a kantonem Gryzonia, nadal można odkryć szczególne cechy sztuki i kultury tamtych czasów, w tym jej charakterystyczne symbole i elementy budowlane. Zachwyć się zarówno małymi, nieznanymi obiektami kulturalnymi, jak i większymi, bardziej znanymi miejscami, takimi jak zamek Schloss Tirol, klasztor św. Jana w Müstair i opactwo benedyktyńskie Marienberg. Romański był czymś więcej niż tylko stylem artystycznym, był duchową ideą wyrażoną przez budynek, obraz lub rzeźbę. Architektura i kosmos obrazów zostały zaprojektowane jak świątynia, każda inspirująca drugą w swojej monumentalności. W kościołach odkrywano mityczne stworzenia, syreny, centaury i pożerające kolumny demony. Zgodnie z ówczesnym światopoglądem, stworzenia te zamieszkiwały strefy peryferyjne płaskiego dysku Ziemi i ilustrowały kontrast między boskim porządkiem a ludzkim chaosem. Podziwiaj freski malarzy, którzy w tamtych czasach byli nieznanymi rzemieślnikami. Tacy rzemieślnicy pracowali w służbie czegoś poza sobą i stworzyli ilustrowany teologiczny kosmos dla swoich pracodawców.