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    Interesujące miejsca

    Miejsca warte zobaczenia w Południowym Tyrolu

    Południowy Tyrol jest szczególnie bogaty w historie, które krążą wokół tajemniczych miejsc i niezwykłych formacji naturalnych. Miejsca, które warto zobaczyć, takie jak ławki czarownic na alpejskim pastwisku Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm, opowiadają historie czarownic i królów, podczas gdy miejsca mocy, takie jak "Stoanerne Mandln" z ponad setką kopców lub stare ruiny na wzgórzu Castelfeder, zachęcają odwiedzających do relaksu i wzięcia głębokiego oddechu. Unikalne formacje naturalne, takie jak piramidy ziemne, to miejsca warte wędrówki i odkrywania.

    Lakes, cascades
    Kortscher See lake
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    The mountain lake of Corzes/Kortsch is located in the traditional Schlandrauntal Valley, after the Schlanderser and Kortscher Alm alpine pastures. The Ötzisteig leads directly past the lake into the Schnalstal valley.
    Places to See
    Burgstall Prehistoric Settlement Site in Riffian/Rifiano
    Riffian/Rifiano, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Burgstall is a settlement from the late Iron Age, inhabited from approximately 400 B C over several centuries. It got distroyed after the middle of the 1st century B C due to fire, and was never rebuilt. The central building has been excavated and is in good condition. Next to this building is another residence and quarters for servants, storage areas and stables.

    Accessible from Riffian/Rifiano on the Kirchweg trail and then to Gnealersteig path. Walking time: about 40 min.

    Tip: visit the permanent exhibition Vita Raetica in the Raiffeisenkasse building
    Mon, Fri 8.00 am-12.30 pm + 3.30 pm-4.30 pm · Tue, Wed 8.00 am-12.30 pm · Thu 8.00 am-12.30 pm + 5.00 pm-6.30 pm

    Places to See
    Ruins of Rasen
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Around 1200 the ruins of Rasen ( Neurasen und Altrasen ) were habitation and court of the sires of Rasen. 
    The Rasun Nuova Castle in Oberrasen is privately owned and belongs to the Burgfrieder farm.

    Lakes, cascades
    Lake di Tarres
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Here you will find a splendid panorama and a calm environment. Around the lake is also a small path. The path is very easy to walk and mostly flat. To arrive at this idyllic place you have to follow the path no.9. Only members of the local fishermen's association can also fish there.

    Lakes, cascades
    Lake Kratzberger See
    Hafling/Avelengo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Kratzberger See Lake (2,116 m) is situated on the eastern side of the western ridge of the Sarentino Alps, along the E5 European long-distance footpath.

    The clear mountain lake is known for its luminous shore and for being one of what are called brüllenden Seen or ‘roaring lakes’. According to lore, the brüllenden Seen emit audible sounds when inclement weather is looming. Above and beyond mythology, though, the lake is one of the most popular hiking destinations at Merano 2000.

    It's accessible from the Missenstein Joch. From there, you can reach the lake along a somewhat narrow section of the European long distance footpath.

    Lakes, cascades
    Waterfalls in Stuls
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Just below Stuls/Stulles, the third highest waterfall in Europe, cascades down a drop of 112m and then another 230m.
    It can be seen from Breiteben/Pianlargo, from the road to Timmelsjoch mountain pass or from the trail Passer Gorge.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Marx' Church, Lasa/Laas
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Erected in the 12th century, St. Mark’s Church – known colloquially as “St. Marx” – is located close to the parish church of Lasa and is considered one of the most beautiful Romanesque structures in South Tyrol despite lacking a bell tower.

    The walls of this desecrated church consist of large stones hewn into even layers. St. Marx catches the eye on account of its exceptional height for the time at which it was built and its division into two storeys. The crypt was used for a number of centuries as a depot for storing bones, while fragments of frescoes have been revealed around the apse in the interior.

    In the course of the Josephine church reform, St. Marx was desecrated and ultimately used for entirely different purposes. Following an extended period in which the church housed a workshop for the renowned Lasa stonemasonry school, the upper storey subsequently served as a rehearsal venue for the local brass band.

    The church underwent a thorough restoration in 2000, which led to the discovery of long-forgotten fragments of valuable Gothic frescoes from around the year 1400.

    Opening times:
    closed, to be visit from the outside

    Guided tours:
    no guided tours

    Lakes, cascades
    Waterfall in Vilpian
    Terlan/Terlano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    A Natural Monument!
    The 82 m high waterfall is fed by the Möltner Brook. The path leads past the old Vilpiano's Wasserwaal from the 17th century. The water was once used to irrigate the fields.

    Accessible by foot in ten minutes from the village center of Vilpiano.

    Lakes, cascades
    Lake "Mesner Låcke"
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The artificial pond at Teis is ideal for relaxing. It is situated amidst meadows and a circular trail (suitable for baby carriages and wheelchairs) will take you around this pond. Benches and a fountain with drinking water invite to take a rest and boulders on the eastern side of the pond stand witness to the area's geological history.

    Lakes, cascades
    Stieber Waterfall in Moos/Moso
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    From Moos/Moso walk up the first road bridge. At 50 meters, turn left on the walkway up to the wooden observation bridges over the Stieber waterfall. From here hikers will have a breathtaking view of the gigantic Stieber waterfall, where the Pfeldererbach stream first plunges 19 meters then 18 meters deep in the Passer river.

    Places to See
    Adventure trail "Guggn" San Genesio-Tschaufen
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    A cozy themed trail for everyone, leads trough for meadows and forests. From San Genesio over the Salten until Tschaufen will have 9 play and activity stations and interesting information
    boards around Haflinger horses and larch trees.
    Places to See
    The Hill of the Holy Sepulchre
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The Hill of the Holy Sepulchre is the most beautiful viewpoint of Tiso. The Holy Grave Chapel was built as a baroque building at the end of the 17th century. In it, the suffering and death of Jesus Christ was worshiped. After the entry of Italy into the First World War in May 1915, fortifications were built here on the order of the Austrian Empire army. They should serve as a defense against a possible invasion of Italian troops in the Isarco Valley, if the Dolomite front should fall. The trenches and a bunker were built by Russian prisoners. However, the defenses were not used during the First World War. However, during the final months of World War II, the bunker was used by the village population as protection against air raids and bombing.

    Places to See
    Electrical power station in the former brewery
    Terlan/Terlano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Jewish business family Schwarz founded the steam-powered brewery in 1849. It was the largest in South Tyrol. In 1897, an electric power plant was added. The plant was equipped with the latest, state-of-the art turbine model, Pelton. Many parts oft he plant were made of steel casting which are still perfectly preserved today.

    In 1924, the brewery was sold and transformed into a malt brewery. Pilsner, Münchner and Caramel malt beers were produced.

    The electrical power station was in use from 1897 until the malt brewery closed down in 1986. The whole area then became the property of the Autonomous Province of Bozen. The regional Fire Brigade school was built on the site, but a few of the original buildings have been preserved. At Heinrich Erschbamer’s instigation and his untiring commitment, the electric power plant has been professionally restored and has been open to the public since 2014.

    Lakes, cascades
    waterfall Egger
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The Egger waterfall near the rest station Egerhöfe in Antholz Mittertal is now accessible. A unique opportunity to experience a waterfall closely. The hike takes a total of about 45 minutes (up and down).

    Places to See
    The Monument to St. John Nepomuk in the New Town
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Following repeated floods, a monument in honour of St. John Nepomuk (1350-1393) was erected in 1739 in Sterzing / Vipiteno. He is venerated as the protector of waters and bridges and is invoked when there is danger of flood. According to the legend, St. John Nepomuk, who came from the Bohemian town of Pomuk, refused to reveal the confessional secrets of the Bohemian queen. The king ordered him to be drowned in the Moldavian river. For this reason he is venerated as the protector of waters and bridges and is invoked when there is danger of flood.

    Places to See
    Lutheran church
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The Lutheran church is a lime block northeastern of St. Magdalena, accessible from the church of St. Magdalena. The supporters of the lutheran teaching shall have met in secret to celebrate The Liturgy of the Word.

    Places to See
    Biotope Laugen in Natz
    Natz-Schabs/Naz-Sciaves, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Nowadays a sustainable handling towards nature and environment includes not just the protetion, but also the taking care of precious cultivated landscapes.  Wetlands such as the biotope Laugen fulfill a variety of landscape- ecological functions. They mean scenic wealth and represent a useful habitat for a multitude of endangered species of plants and animals. The biotope also provides an ideal resting place for migratory birds.

    Other nature habitats in the Natz-Schabs holiday region include Raiermoos, Sommersürs, Zussis and Laugen.


    Lakes, cascades
    Fish pond Anterselva di Sotto/Antholz Niedertal
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Fishing becomes a precious experience for families at the idyllically located fish pond in Antholz Niedertal. No fishing certification is required

    The fishing equipment can be rented directly at the fish pond itself. A playground and a bar with terrace can be found there as well.

    Places to See
    Avia - The Lumberjack-Trail
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    AVIA – Lumberjack Trail from San Genesio village centre to Avigna, and on to the Mezzavia in the Sarentino Valley.
    9 interactive stations themed around timber felling and wood processing and the prehistory of the village of Afing will be inviting visitors of all ages to embark on an enthralling journey of discovery.
    Lakes, cascades
    Passeirer Waterfall in St. Martin/S. Martino
    St.Martin in Passeier/San Martino in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    The beautiful waterfall called Passeirer Wasserfall is 48 m high and is located at the beginning of the romantic Kalmtal/Valclava. You can reach the waterfall by walking from the village St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo, St. Martin/S. Martino or Riffian/Rifiano.

    From the tourist office St. Martin/S. Martino follow the main street in direction St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo. After the tennis court across the bridge and take the hiking trail along the river for about 2 km in direction Meran/Merano. Next to the sawmill across the bridge and then take on the left side the hiking trail up to the main street. Cross the street and take the Trifterweg to the waterfall.

    Lakes, cascades
    A natural monument - the dripstone spring in the Burgum valley
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Along the stream near the hamlet of "Burgum" you can hear the whisper of one of the most beautiful natural monuments in the region. When the sunlight shines on it, uncountable cascades of a filigree waterfall shine in numerous beautiful colours. Between the cascades a dark olive-green moss grows, saturated with crystal clear and fresh water. It is tough to decide from which angle you have the best view of the waterfall. A few years ago, this spring waterfall was placed under conservation and is now a natural monument that should not be missed. Take the chance and come to rest and dream in this magical place. This natural monument can be found in the wooded Burgum valley on the way to the hut “Sterzinger Hütte” on path nr. 2.


    Places to See
    The Lasa Sloped Railway
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Even today, the custom-manufactured railway built for the special environment of the Stelvio National Park transports the heavy marble blocks over four sections almost automatically down into the valley.

    The marble-transporting train has been operated in the same original state since 1930 and carries the marble from the marble quarry (2,200 m above sea level) to the valley. With the Lasa sloped railway, it is possible to transport a 40-ton load at a speed of 1m/sec in 16 minutes in to the valley. To date, this type of transport is the most environmentally-friendly method of transportation of marble thusfar. During the marble hikes, interested guests can also visit the unique inclined railway.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Ägidius' Church, Corzes/Kortsch
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    If you let your gaze wander over the barren slopes of the Sonnenberg mountain range in the Vinschgau valley in summertime, the white-chalk St. Ägidius' church above Silandro/Schlanders will stand out. Embedded in the stone terraces of the Corzes/Kortsch steppe belt, the small Romanesque church resembles a Mediterranean rock church.

    With its octagonal spire and the oversized Christophorus fresco on the south facade , St. Ägidius is also a landmark of the valley. The massive tower with a octagon roof was not built until the 14th century, when the Romanesque church was expanded. The Christophorus fresco, on the other hand, dates from around 1330. Inside there are also wall paintings from the 13th and 15th centuries, when the church above the Kortscher Leiten meadows was much used.

    As a result of the strategically favourable environs featuring a view over the valley, people settled here in ancient times. Specifically, the remains of a prehistoric settlement, known locally as the “Schatzknott," were uncovered nearby.

    Lakes, cascades
    The "Gurgl" gorge
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    To the Valdaun creek to the gorge "Gurgl". The creek has here broken through the rock and a waterfall rushes down about 20-25 m. The hike in the shady Stelvio National Park is especially recommended on hot summe days.
    Lakes, cascades
    Göflaner See lake
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The mountain lake of Covelano/Göflan is idyllically situated in the Stelvio National Park, above the Covelano marble quarry and at the foot of Jennwand summit.

    Refreshments stop: Göflaneralm, Haslhof

    Places to See
    Glacier Mill in Platt/Plata
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    A 1.4 m wide and almost 3.6 m deep glacier mill, which was eroded by glacier water, by rotating circles of co-moving stones of local rock.

    From the village of Plata the path n° 6 proceeds towards “Pianlargo” until a chapel, where the path n° 5 leads down to the glacial mill. Time to walk ca. 30min.

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