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    Kultura i Zabytki w Bozen i Okolicach

    Zanurz się w kulturze Bozen i okolic. Region ten oferuje wiele zabytków i wydarzeń kulturalnych, które przybliżą Ci bogatą historię i tradycje Południowego Tyrolu.
    Culture & Attractions
    Bridge of Vadena/Pfatten
    Vadena/Pfatten, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The bridge of Vadena/Pfatten was built in 1999 to replace the old, single-lane bridge from 1928. The modern, progressive structure is reminiscent in its form of the old bridge, which was restored and rebuilt a little further north as a bicycle bridge on the Adige/Etsch cycle route. The bridge of Vadena/Pfatten crosses the Adige river and connects the villages of Bronzolo/Branzoll and Vadena/Pfatten. Today it is also a symbol of the countless river crossings that have marked the history of the two villages for centuries.
    St. Oswald walk
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    From San Atonio's bridge you may take the St. Oswald walk, wich will take you to Eberle Hotel and to St. Magdalena hill. Following the Eisack river, and crossing over it, you'll arrive at the Kohlern cable car and at Virgl Hill, from where you can take another path back to Haselburg Castle.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Old parish church St. Leonhard
    Bronzolo/Branzoll, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    In Bronzolo/Branzoll we find one of the most beautiful church squares in South Tyrol with the romanesque and late gothic parish church St. Leonhard.

    Cultural centres and theatre
    Teatro Comunale Bolzano/Stadttheater Bozen
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    A brand new building in the centre of town, planned by the world-known architect and designer Marco Zanuso, hosts international, Italian and German productions.

    The Communal Theatre of Bolzano has become, united to the Auditorium, one of the more important cultural places ofBolzano and of the Alto Adige.

    The two structures offer from 30 to 50 events, spacing from the theatre in German and Italian language to the ballet and to the dance, from the musical comedy to the works monthly and operette. They always come however used also more for conventions, assemblies, conferences.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish Church St. Magdalena
    Vadena/Pfatten, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The parish church of St. Magdalena used to be a small chapel that was integrated into a castle. The chapel was built in 1304 and dedicated to St. Mary Loreto. In 1797 the chapel had some modifications, such as the construction of a tower and the extension of the chapel to a church. In 1804 the patronage of the church was transferred to St. Magdalena.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Franciscan Church and Convent
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Franciscan order settles in town in 1221; the present building Dates back to the rist haf of the 14th century, but the original ceiling, flat and with a choir of polygonal shape, has been replaces by a vaulted ceiling from the 15th century. The coister is a beautiful example of gothic art, which replaces the Romanesque style in which the rest of the building was built; there are different frescoes from various periods of time, including some from Giotto's School and some from the 17th and 18th century. The church still preserves an astounding wooden altar by Hans Klocker of Brixen (painted Wood - 1500) which was dedicated to the Nativity Scene. The choir of the church is embellished by the modern glass panels of Widmoser.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish Church to the sacred heart of Jesus
    Bronzolo/Branzoll, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The original church of San Leonardo in Bronzolo/Branzoll had become too small and so the new neo-Romanesque parish church was built in 1896. It is a three-aisled basilica with a perforated clerestory, flat ceiling and a bell tower with a pyramid roof. The church was inaugurated in 1897 and dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    Guntschna walk
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Guntschna walk starts from the old church of Gries and then winds up the back of Guntschna hill: it was dedicated to the Archduke Henry of the Absburgs and descends towards the Fagen neightbourhood towards the Talfer walk.

    Places to See
    Via degli Argentieri / Silbergasse
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Parallel to the Portici/Lauben, this street used to be the southern moat of the City. The entrance to the Mercantile Museum is visible in the homonymous building, then Troio House, decorated with frescoes and a Corner turret; a narrow side street leads to the Lauben.

    Production facilities
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    For generations Birra FORST, with passion and expertise, has been committed to preserving the pleasure of the art of brewing, offering FORST specialties that have always maintained the highest standards of quality.

    A company strongly linked to its land, values and traditions, growing in full respect for nature and the environment.

    The desire to preserve the brewing culture and the attention to detail that can be felt throughout the company are also perceived in the many FORST premises, where the beer enthusiast can experience them in a convivial atmosphere.

    Closely linked to its places and people, Birra FORST is committed to the community with a strong sense of social responsibility, which takes shape in the support of numerous organizations and associations, throughout the country.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Tower of the old Magdalena church
    Vadena/Pfatten, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The tower in the Vadena district of Birti is the last remnant of the curacy church of St. Mary Magdalene from the 14th century. It is 24.6 m high and the walls are 70 to 90 cm thick. You can see the bricked-up arched windows on each side, only one is still open and intact. At that time, three bells hung in the tower, two smaller and one large. The brick helmet is damaged at its top, as the wind had thrown the button off the tower in 1743/44. Due to its very unfavourable location on the open valley floor, the Madgalena Church was hit by countless Adige floods. The church was flooded in 1755. The citizens of Vadena therefore thought about moving the church to the castle chapel in the courtyard of Vadena. In 1794, the church had to be abandoned after further numerous floods, because the water exceeded the altar refectory and the death chests floated around like ships. On 2 July 1795, a contract was concluded between the castle chapel owner Menz and the neighbours in Vadena and the castle chapel was designated as the new curacy church. In 1796, the Church of Mary Magdalene was demolished, only the tower still reminds us of the location of the old church. 

    Little Gallery
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The art gallery "Kleine Galerie - Piccola Galleria" offers local artists the possibility to expose their works.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Stiftskirche in Gries / Chiesa Abbaziale a Gries
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The story of the Benedictine Monastry of Muri Gries Dates back to the 13th Century, commissioned by the Counts of Morit-Greifenstein. It was first inhabitated by Augustinian Monks, then pillaged during farmer's war, destroyed during the Napolenic war and discontinuing during the Bavarian government. The curch ist dedicated to St. Augustin and houses important frescoes by Martin Knoller. Access permitted only to the inner gatter.

    ar/ge kunst art gallery
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    ar/ge kunst, Bolzano’s Kunstverein, was founded on the premises of Via Museo 29 in 1985, where it still stands today. The name ar/ge kunst is an abbreviation of the German word ‘Arbeitsgemeinschaft’ (working group), which was chosen to promote the idea of collective work on the language of contemporary art and on its relationship with disciplines such as architecture, design, performance and cinema. This objective was to be achieved with and for members and visitors alike. The institution’s mission is to produce and present regional, national and international artistic practices and to conduct critical research on the role of art and its relationship with the social and political sphere within which it operates. In recent years ar/ge kunst has turned its attention toward the idea of the exhibition as a medium. This has involved various formats including workshops, residences, lectures and performances, which all take place in parallel with the exhibitions so as to expand the scope of research and facilitate the transmission of knowledge.
    Places to See
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Piazza Walther/Waltherpaltz is the central quare of Bolzano. Thanks to its cafés and pretty shops it has become the front parlour of the town and it hosts many traditional events such as the Flower Market and the Christmas market.

    It dates back to 1808 when it was named after Maximilian of Bavaria who had decreeded its construction. It then became "Johannesplatz" as a homage to the Archduke Johann of Austria and in 1901 changes ist name yet again to that of Walther von der Vogelweide (one of the most important German poets who lived between 1170 and 1230) and keeps it untile present date, except for a brief period between the two WWs, when it got named afer King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy.

    Other producers
    Butcher's shop Egger
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Located in Piazza delle Erbe / Obstplatz, right in the gastronomic heart of the city, Butcher's shop Egger pampers all meat lovers with tasted and genuine products.

    Forts & Castles
    Weighing House
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Attractive building from 1634 incorporating an original part of the old City walls, maintained its official function until 1780. Right up in front of it a plaque which commemorates Saint Andrew's Church (demolished in 1785) and in front of it you can admire the picturesque Piazza del Grano Kornplatz (Wheat Square), embellished by nice shops and restaurants, one the main wheat market and of other land produce. In this respect we are talking about the firs main urban centre of Bolzano/Bozen together with the castle of the Prince-Bishops of Trento, founders of the City: the Castle was probably destroyed by Mainhard II during one of his incursions to obtain control over the important commercial town (1277).

    Cultural centres and theatre
    Theatro Comunale Gries/ Stadttheater Gries
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The auditorium can be used from cultural and sports associations, corporate bodies or private individuals for the organisation of events and other initiatives of public interest.

    Show program:

    Places to See
    Monument to Peter Mayr
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Built following Georg von Hauberrisser's Project, from Munich. Mayr, head of the Schützen, a traditional unit of infantrymen, and firm believer in the rebellion against the French domain, was shot by the French on the 20th February 1810.

    Crib Collection, Muri Gries Monastery
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Since 1991 The Monastery Muri Gries holds an interesting nativity crib museum. Open every Saturday from 1st December to 2nd February 15-17 pm, from 3rd February to 30th November only the first Saturday of the month, in July and August on request.

    Civic Gallery Bolzano Bozen
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Municipal Gallery is located in the former Dominican monastery and extends over two floors. The Municipal Departement of culture of Bolzano/Bozen organises regional and inter-regional exhibitions on art and cultural topics.

    Forts & Castles
    Palais Campofranco
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Palais Campofranco was built in the second half of the 18th century. During the following century, it was the residence of the Archduke Ranieri Joseph of Austria and his wife, Princess Elisabeth of Savoy. The emblem of the Palace is its monumental ginko biloba tree, a gift for Empress Elisabeth of Austria, more commonly known as Princess Sissi, from her uncle Heinrich.

    A change that preserves both the environment and the past of the building. This is the vision that nurtured the Palais Campofranco’s rebirth, built up from its historical foundations into a tribute to the territory through the creative use of smart technologies and natural energy sources.

    The inner court of the Palais, with its impressive ginkgo tree as a centrepiece, is open all year round to give the palace a central role in Bolzano’s city life.

    Places to See
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The justice palace, built in 1939 on architect Paolo Rossi´s project, tower over financial buildings; the bas-relief it sports is of Hans Piffrader. At the centre of the square the Naiads Fountain of 1960.

    Bolzano/Bozen Municipal Museum
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    First opened in 1905, it holds one of the biggest historic-artistic collections in South Tyrol: works of arts from the Middle Ages until the 20th century, Romansque Madonna's and crosses, winged gothic altars and the famous art section of popular art with the gothic "Stuben", the original folk costumes and masks.

    Places to See
    Via Joseph Streiter Gasse
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    This street carries the Name of the Poet, lawyer and Mayor of Bolzano/Bozen during the second half of the 19th century. The street overlaps the old northern moat of the first medieval centre and the buildings on ist southern part correspond the the northern facade of the arcades. Especially during summer, the beginning of the street becomes a suggestive Corner of Bolzano: criss-cross from an original oper-bar on the fish Banks to shop, decorations and Restaurants, which create a Special and unique atmosphere. Numerous arches look down on the street, which contribute to the medieval hue. Number 25 corresponds to the entrance to the ancient Town Hall.

    Places to See
    Piazza Municipio / Rathausplatz
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The square is surrounded by beautiful buildings of the Town Hall on the southern side (in neo-baroque style, with an interesting frescoes inside) and by Amonn House on the eastern side (facade decorated with stucco).

    Places to See
    Monument to Victory in Bolzano/Bozen
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    "BZ '18–'45: one monument, one city, two dictatorships", is an exhibition opened to the public in July 2014. It illustrates the history of the Monument to Victory, designed by Marcello Piacentini and erected by the Fascist regime between 1926 and 1928. The monument reflects and provides a link to local historical events during the twenty years of Fascism and the Nazi occupation, within the context of national and international events in the years between the two World Wars (1918–1945). The exhibition also covers the radical urban transformations for the construction of a new “Italian” city of Bolzano, from the end of the 1920s. Finally, the exhibition confronts the difficult relationship between the different language groups, caused by the overbearing legacy of Fascism, within the evolving social and political framework of the second half of the twentieth century to the present day.

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