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    Rękodzieło w Dolomitach Seiser Alm

    Poznaj lokalnych artystów i ich dzieła w regionie Dolomitów Seiser Alm. Region ten słynie z wyjątkowych wyrobów rękodzielniczych, które odzwierciedlają bogate tradycje kulturowe.
    Woodcarvings Kostner
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    The woodcarver is a traditional craftsman who can carve figures and other objects out of wood. In Castelrotto there are woodcarvers who master their craft. They use traditional wood cutting tools such as saw, plane, file and carving knife. With their handicraft techniques they create unique works of art, made of the best wood. Different traditions and techniques form the basis for a variety of interesting figures and objects. Often the objects are sold as souvenirs, decorations or as gifts.

    Bottega del Mondo Schlern
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    The Weltladen Schlern is located near the centre of Castelrotto and is run by volunteers from the surrounding area. It is the youngest among the 16 World Shops in South Tyrol and opened its doors in November 2019. As the Weltladen Schlern is a branch of the Weltladen Klausen, there is a close cooperation between the two shops. The concept of the shop is to support disadvantaged producers in the Global South through fair working conditions, wages and social projects instead of exploiting them in the current economic system. Imported food, cosmetics and handicrafts that can be bought in the shop are all Fair Trade certified. Selected South Tyrolean products offered in the shop promote small regional cycles and strengthen small-scale farmers.
    Kurt Art
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    At Kurt Art we would like to take you on a journey and show you how a product, which is timeless in its form and in its quality, is made.

    All our products are manufactured in our workshop and you can watch yourselves how they are made.

    It is very important to us to show people how, with diligence and creativity, beautiful products can be made. This way visitors can become part of these products. From the selected wood to the purchase of one of our products, visitors become part of this experience: creations were just waiting for them.
    Wood carver Verginer
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    The woodcarver is a traditional craftsman who can carve figures and other objects out of wood. In Castelrotto there are woodcarvers who master their craft. They use traditional wood cutting tools such as saw, plane, file and carving knife. With their handicraft techniques they create unique works of art, made of the best wood. Different traditions and techniques form the basis for a variety of interesting figures and objects. Often the objects are sold as souvenirs, decorations or as gifts.
    Anno Domini
    Völs am Schlern/Fiè allo Sciliar, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    A vast range of antiques and their restauration in Völs am Schlern.

    If the store is closed for a moment within the opening hours, please call us. We will gladly let you know when we will be back. 
