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    Kultura i Zabytki w Południowym Tyrolu

    Poznaj bogactwo kulturowe Południowego Tyrolu. Odwiedź zabytki i muzea, które ukazują fascynującą historię oraz dziedzictwo tego niezwykłego regionu.
    Forts & Castles
    Ruins of Festenstein Castle
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The castle ruins of "Castelforte/Festenstein" can be described as Andriano's symbol. It reigns over Andriano from the lofty, rocky outcrop of the Gola del Rio Gaido, and can only be reached via a steep mountain climb. Its location was certainly a pondered choice by the stonemason to ensure the weapons of the enemies would never reach the castle. At the same time, the spectacular location of the castle offers a 360° view across the lower Valle dell'Adige. "Festenstein" was first mentioned in written documents in the mid-13th century. We assume that the castle was built at the time or greatly expanded. Regardless, it had already been built by the time the Counts of Appiano oversaw the valley, they probably assigned one of their vassals to administer the castle.
    Managing such a castle would have been tedious work  and included collecting taxes from farms, the constant worry about providing the castle with water, food, and firewood, improvement works and endless suveillance shifts. All these tasks, considering the virtually inaccessible location of the castle, would have been pure torture. Sometime between the 13th and 14th century the castle was damaged, probably during the ongoing skirmishes of the time, because in 1383 it became property of the Lords of Villandro, who were tasked with restoring the decrepit ruins to their former glory. This shows how the castle still had a role to play at the end of the 14th century.

    In the following period, the castle changed hands various times. In the 15th century it belonged to the Sparrenberger, members of the gentry, followed by the Lords Lanser of Appiano between 1654 and 1818.

    In 2008,  Count Meinhard Khuen von Belasi purchased the castle ruins and commissioned, together with the South Tyrolean Office for Cultural Heritage, various restoration measures to secure the state of the walls and protect the castle from further deterioration.

    After years of restoration work, Castelforte is now open to visitors. On various dates, the Andriano Tourist Association enables a special opening of the castle.
    Special Opening of the Ruins Festenstein 2023:

    Sunday, 02.04.2023
    Sunday, 16.04.2023
    Friday,21.04.2023 cancelled
    Sunday, 30.04.2023
    Friday,12.05.2023 cancelled
    Monday, 29.05.2023
    Friday, 02.06.2023
    Saturday, 10.06.2023
    Sunday, 11.06.2023
    Sunday, 03.09.2023
    Sunday, 01.10.2023
    Sunday, 15.10.2023

    Opening times:  10:00 – 15:00

    Cancelled in bad weather!

    Churches & Monasteries
    Convent S. Floriano
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Klösterle in St. Florian/St. Floriano was built in the 13th century as a pilgrims' hospice and offered accommodation to many travelers in the past because of its strategic location, 25 km (one day's walk) from Trento and Bolzano/Bozen. It is one of the few hospices of this type still completely preserved in Europe. It is believed that the famous painter Albrecht Dürer, on his first trip to Italy, sought a place to stay in the Klösterle because of flooding. The well-preserved unique art monument, in Romanesque style, is accessible to visitors via the Dürer path. During the summer months, events such as concerts and plays are staged there.

    Forts & Castles
    Haderburg/ Castello di Salorno
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The castle of Salorno stands imposingly on the rocks above the village and is the symbol of the village. Its position makes it one of the most impressive ruins in the Alps. It was built in the Middle Age and during the time it was constantly enlarged. It was in possession of different nobel families and since the 17th century it belongs to the descendants of Earl Zenobio-Albrizzi from Venice. Thank to their help the castle was restored. Since 2003 it can be visited during summer. Nowadays there take place many cultural events during the warm season.

    There is a path called "Way of visions" which leads to the hill of the castle in 20 minutes (by foot).

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Valentine Church
    Andrian/Andriano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Andrian's parish church is dedicated to Saint Valentine. The patrocinium of St. Valentine suggests that it was a place of worship here very early on. The first documented mention of a church dates back to 1231. The oldest part of the present church consists of the lower part of the tower with the three-part ogival spire windows. Unfortunately, the nave of that time has not been preserved, but it is part of the building erected in the early 16th century, which today forms the choir of the church and has preserved its late Gothic elements with its ogival windows and star-ribbed vaulting. Some frescoes from that period can still be seen in the present-day sacristy, as well as the statues of Mary with Christ Child, St. Sebastian, St. Anne, St. Barbara and St. Catherine (late 15th/early 16th century) in the neo-Gothic winged altar, which was only made in 1904. All the rest of the church, including the nave and the upper part of the tower, was not built until the 19th century (nave 1852-1854, tower 1883) and in 1864 the side altarpieces were painted by Anton Psenner.

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    Lakes, cascades
    3D path from Entiklar to Cortina
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The middle part of the "3-Dörfer-Wegs" (three village trail), or 3D-Weg, leads from Entiklar to Margreid. Between lovely rock walls harboring wall ferns and lizards, we wander leisurely upwards to the "Margreider Leiten", steep vineyards with panoramic views of the Etsch valley. The last part follows a somehwat steep paved road into the beautiful little wine village of Margreid.

    Lakes, cascades
    Fennberg Lake
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    A lovely winding mountain road leads you quickly up from Kurtatsch, through woods, meadows, vineyards and fruit orchards to the high plateau of Unterfennberg. The jewel of this plateau is without question little Lake Fennberg, perfect for a summer swim. Although the lake is a biotope with unusual flora and fauna (more than 35 types of orchids, freshwater crayfish and other types of plants and animals),  a small wooden pier with a ladder leads down to swim in the silky moor water while enjoying the views of the tiny St. Leonard's church and the surrounding mountain peaks. Water lilies and dragonflies build a frame for the lake, which is a popular spot for ice-skating during the cold winter months. The plateau offers many walking paths as well as the possibility of travelling up by car, hiking path or via ferrata. The plateau is also an excellent destination for bikers, be it mountain bikers, motor bikers or racing bikers.

    Forts & Castles
    Abraham (present-day post office)
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Two-storey building from the 17th century. Stone-framed, round-arched portal on façade with sandstone-
    framed double-arched window (bifora) above. A marble plaque with Latin inscription and chronogram at

    the entrance to the courtyard recalls the 1765 encounter of Francis I and his royal daughter-in-law
    Elisabeth, the Infanta (princess) of Spain.
    Places to See
    Panoramic view Kanzel
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    This fantastic vantage point above Neumarkt offers a spectacular view over Neumarkt, Montan and the entire Unterland region as far as Bolzano/Bozen, Lake Kaltern and the entire Mendola group as far as the Corno di Tres above Fenn. To the north, the peaks of the Ifinger and Hirzer mountains can be seen, as well as the Sarner Scharte and the Texelgruppe above Meran/o.
    Production facilities, farm shops
    Terlan/Terlano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Regional agricultural products straight from the farmer. Visit us in our farm shop.
    Places to See
    Panoramic view Mendelpass
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The viewpoint at the mountain station of the Mendel cable car, offers a breathtaking view on Kaltern and the Dolomiti mountain peaks of Rosengarten/Catinaccio and Latemar.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of St. Vigilius
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Parish church of St. Vigilius with its Romanesque church tower was mentioned for the first time in 1337. The old baptismal font inside dates from an earlier time, from 1033. At the beginning of the 16th century, the church was remodeled and a sandstone arch was added. In 1850, the late Gothic high altar was built where the baroque altarpiece showing the martyrium of Str. Vigilius was built in. A further gem inside the Cortaccia church is the legendary crying picture of the Virgin Mary which was first exhibited on July 17, 1738 and has since been the goal of many pilgrims.

    Lakes, cascades
    Big Montiggl Lake
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The big Montiggl Lake is located in the middle of the nature reserve Montiggl with its stunning mixed forest in the community of Eppan on 492 meters above sea level. It can be reached by car or by the numerous walking paths nearby.

    The big Montiggl Lake has a shoreline of 2 kilometres and its surface is around 18 hectares wide. At its deepest spot it has a depth of 11.5 meters. In the north-east it is surrounded by rock, whereat the opposite site it changes to a swamp.

    According to analyses the lake has very good data regarding the water quality and is therefore one of South Tyroles most popular swimming lake. In the west of the lake there are hotels, restaurants and a swimming pool with a pier located.

    Culture & Attractions
    Panoramic view Altenburg/Castelvecchio
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    This wonderful panoramic point is right next to the church in Altenburg/Castelvecchio and offers a stunning view towards Lake Kaltern and the homonymous village. Northwards you can see the mountain peaks of Hirzer/Punta Cervina and Ifinger/Picco Ivigna, but also the Sarner Scharte/Forcella Sarentina and the Rittner Horn/Corno del Renon. Eastwards instead you can see the peaks of Rosengarten/Catinaccio and Latemar, while southwards the view sweeps across the Etschtal/Val d’Adige.

    Places to See
    Panoramic view peak Penegal
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The panoramic view at the mount Penegal, on 1,737 m offers a stunning view towards the near Dolomites, the Brenta Dolomites as well as the Etschtal/Val d’Adige (South Tyrol) and the Val di Non (Trentino). Absolutely not to be missed especially in case of optimal weather conditions.

    Forts & Castles
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Complex of residential and farm buildings on the Wasserfallstrasse and the St. Kolumbangasse, arranged at an acute angle and grouped around a courtyard. Its core is located at the intersection of the two roads; it was expanded in the early 17th century, during the Renaissance, as indicated by the stone-framed courtyard gate with the monogram “Hans Pock” and the date 1626: the year 1620 could once be read on a double-arched window.

    Forts & Castles
    Boymont castle
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Mysterious eras of the past Food, drinks and an attraction A brief journey back in time to the High Middle Ages. Only the freshly prepared dishes create a rather delicious bridge to the future. Boymont Castle was built as the seat of a noble family in the year 1230. After a fire in 1742, the ruins came into the possession of several owners, until it was finally bought by Fritz Dellago in 1977. The two knights' halls, as well as the stone-framed arched windows, pillars and capitals are worth a visit in their own right. Special dishes: Daily ribs and roast in medieval style made in the smoker. Opening hours Ruin Boymont is open daily from 11.00 till 17.00. Day off on Mondays, except from Mid-September till October.

    Forts & Castles
    Englar Castle
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The castle's castle consists of an older Gothic castle dating from around 1450 and a western annex from the Renaissance around 1530, in which today's hotel is housed.In the core of the house are remains of a late medieval fortification tower.

    The romantic courtyard with fountains and old cedars is framed by 17th and 18th century buildings.

    Englar is considered the best preserved gothic castle in South Tyrol The castle was not designed as a defensive castle, but as a noble nobility, it was intended to underline the social position of the then-builders of the Counts of Firmian.

    The square building is completed by an imposingly steep Gothic roof and was at that time a revolutionary technical achievement.

    Today, our house opens its hospitable gates for travelers and recreation seekers who are sensitive to the generous and stylish ambience of a historic building and appreciate a special and comfortable atmosphere.

    The ensemble with ancient trees is rounded off by the Gothic church church of St. Sebastian near the house as well as the adjoining estate with fruit and wine cultures, a small duck pond, an extensive chicken farm and animals lovingly farmed by our

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of San Gertrude
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The parish church of St. Gertrude in Magrè sull Strada del Vino is one of the most curious churches in Bassa Atesina, since the church tower is separated from the nave by a street. This, however, was not always the case. The church was first documented in the year 1343; at this time, the nave was located next to the tower and was considerably smaller than it is today. In 1466, the church was rebuilt and the church tower, which contains two beautiful bells from the 16th century, was made taller in 1513. At the beginning of the 17th century, the rectory was built and building on a larger parish church was begun. For lack of space, the church was built on the other side of the street, which led to its separation from the tower. The new church was dedicated to St. Gertrude and the old building was torn down. The baroque interior of the St. Gertrude parish church is one of the most beautiful in Alto Adige. It is very bright and clearly structured. The altar wall is made of stucco marble and shows a fresco of St. Gertrude. The only original furnishings which remain are the side altars, certain sculptures and some paintings.

    Forts & Castles
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    There used to be two large residential units here: in the front part was the house of the tailor Ulrich Leb, mentioned in 1523, called am "Prunnen", named after the village fountain which stood in front of this house until the first decade of the 21st century; and in the rear part of the house was the "Haus an der Stiegen", first mentioned in 1526 with Conz Puphtaler. Inhabitants of these houses include cobblers, coopers, bailiffs and schoolmasters. Even a baking oven is mentioned: in the 17th century, when Montan had no baker of its own, the "Brothieter" also served bread here from time to time.

    Peter, Elisabeth and Anna Terleth were the last private owners from 1875. With a foundation, they laid the foundation stone for the old people's home that has stood here since 2010.

    The farm gate to the east and the farmhouse parlour to the south have been preserved from the old days and have both been well integrated into the new building.

    Forts & Castles
    Castle Enna
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The stately castle of Enn is located above Montan/Montagna. It was built around the year 1300 at the request of the noble Lords of Enn, who at that time also owned the fortress of Castelfeder. In the course of a dispute, the von Enn family was expelled. The castle was subsequently inhabited by several noble families and repeatedly rebuilt. Since the 17th century, Enn Castle has been privately owned by the Albrizzi family and is not open to visitors. An exception is the traditional "Schlosskonzert," which takes place annually in mid-August. This is a good opportunity to see the castle courtyard and experience a traditional concert by the Montan Music Band.

    Places to See
    Big stone
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    This large stone from the Bronze Age can be found along the Grauner Weg, but unfortunately, its original place of origin is not known. Its many engraved symbols are still a mystery today.

    Stone of mica schist with 53 sunken bowls. They point to ancient sacrificial and cult ceremonies. Furthermore, two ships and a
    Swastika can be seen (a sun). These type of stones ​​date back to the Bronze Age. The remaining symbols may have been engraved
    later. The exact location where it was found in Graun is unknown.
    Lookout point below the Gasthof Buchwald
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Our hiking tip: You can reach the Gasthof Buchwald starting from Perdonig following the mark 8/10 to the former Gasthof Pichler on a steeper rise. You can go back on the “Eppaner Höhenweg” (number 9) to Perdonig (number 12) (Time approx.. 3,5 hours)
    Places to See
    Castelfeder Biotope
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Castelfeder (from castello, the Italian word for castle) is nestled between the holiday villages on this strategically important porphyry hill. Castelfeder is a prehistoric and Roman as well as early medieval settlement characterized by the remnants of several structures and buildings on a large hilltop. It is a true place of energy and a popular destination for excursions, especially in spring. Today, sections of the encircling defensive wall with the well-known "Kuchelen" castle walls, and parts of the Barbara chapel from the 6th century can still be seen. In addition, the sunny Castelfeder hill fascinates with its unique and diverse flora. A special feature is the smoothly polished fertility chute carved in porphyry. It was a central component of an ancient cult. Rumor has it that even today sliding down it results in the arrival of a much yearned-for baby.

    Forts & Castles
    Baumgarten Castle
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Another point of interest is the Baumgarten Castle in the historical center of Auer/Ora. During the 12th century, it was used as a fortification. Afterwards, many modifications were made and additions built. Nowadays, it is part of the agricultural high school.

    Lakes, cascades
    Lake Kaltern
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Lake Kaltern The Mediterranean landscape around Lake Kalterer See leads many to the correct assumption that this lake really is the warmest lake in the Alps! There are four public beaches that offer direct access to the lake, known for its especially inviting water quality and colorful splendor! Sometimes it's a tint of deep blue, other times it mirrors the green of the surrounding landscape! And Lake Kalterer See is so versatile: row boats, sailboats, pedal boats and surf boards glide across the water. Yet it's so incredibly tranquil here. For sure you'll hear the sound of children's laughter; after all, this is their little corner of paradise. Quite simply, it's beautiful in the lake, on the lake and all around the lake.

    Places to See
    Panoramic view Leuchtenburg/Castelchiaro
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Leuchtenburg/Castelchiaro ruin dominates the hill above Lake Kaltern and shapes the landscape all around this wonderful village. The panoramic view from there is stunning and involves Kaltern itself, Tramin/Termeno, the South Tyrolean Unterland/Bassa Atesina and the nearby mountain peaks.

    Forts & Castles
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Once the "Wirtshaus am Steg". In 1523 the Leb family lived here. Ulrich Leb, called Uez, was a master tailor. In 1568, a bakery with master baker Hans Taz is mentioned for the first time on the lower floor. On the upper floor is the inn, which was probably run as such until the first half of the 17th century. Attempts to make it an inn again in 1670 and 1699 were successfully stopped by the then existing inns "Am Löwen" and "An der Rose" with reference to the few guest houses. After numerous changes of ownership in the following decades, several doctors of wounds moved in here one after the other from 1774 onwards. Only with the Wegscheider family, who have owned the house for several generations, does this place regain its former purpose and become a village bakery and also an inn again.

    The two oculi in the attic are remarkable. These openings, also called "ox eyes", are still a widespread element in the façades of historic houses in Montan today.

    Forts & Castles
    Gschachnes (Braitohaus)
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Three-storey building with regular window axes and south-facing loggia in the Mitterdorf quarter. The
    origin was a tower-like core at the southwest corner dating from the late 13th-century, extended in at
    least five development phases between the 14th and 17th centuries to create the present structure.
    Further developments took place in the neo-Classicist and Historicist periods. The two lower levels of
    the three-storey loggia structure on the southern façade date back to the Renaissance; the finishing
    balustrade with its Tuscan columns is a neo-Classicist addition from around 1800.
    Culture & Attractions
    The Wine Trail
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The wine trail was strategically created in the shape of an eight, with its crossing point at the PUNKT Winehouse on the village market square, and leads you past vineyards and wine estates all the way to Lake Kaltern. White limestone road markers provide information on the unique names of the vineyards - such as Puntara and Palurisch, Salt and Plantaditsch. There are four resting stops along the way, marked by bronze plated information tables.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Gleif Church
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Calvary was laid out by the Order of the Capucin monks near Bozen. After this, most other brother houses of the Order did the same, and this included Eppan. At the end of this pathway the Gleif Church was built in 1716. Each station of the cross took time to erect and several figures were finished in the 19th century. Architectural style: the church was built in the middle of the 18th century as the graveyard church at the end of the pilgrimage path. The two domed towers of the Renaissance building give it an impressive appearance. With all its inside decorations, it is definitely worth a visit. Extras: the view of Eppan from here is worth the walk. Walking: the easy walk to the Gleif Church is part of nearly everyone's holiday programme, but can also be combined with the Ice Holes, Matschatsch, Kem Ravine, the Mendel or the Gantkofel.

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