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Filtres sélectionnés

    Tous les événements Törggelen dans le Sud-Tyrol

    Le Törggelen est une manifestation automnale traditionnelle dans le Sud-Tyrol, au cours de laquelle on déguste de nouveaux vins et des délices locaux. Découvrez l'atmosphère chaleureuse et la cuisine unique qui te plongeront dans l'ambiance de l'automne.
    Gastronomy/regional products
    Gassltörggelen – culinary delights in the streets of Chiusa/Klausen
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    When autumn begins in the southern Valle Isarco/Eisacktal, it starts also the so-called Törggele-season. Chiusa/Klausen celebrates the beginning of this ancient tradition with a big festival. From 19th September to 21st September, the artist's city Chiusa dedicates itself entirely to the traditions of the "Törggelen" and transforms itself into some kind of outdoor tavern. Through the streets of the town, gastronomic stands offer various South Tyrolean specialties, such as Knödel, Schlutzkrapfen, sausages with sauerkraut (fermented cabbage), doughnuts, Strauben and roasted chestnuts. A rich selection of white wines from the Valle Isarco completes the culinary offer. The festival has also a colourful entertainment program and a lot of popular music.
    19 septembre, 2025 - 21 septembre, 2025
    Gastronomy/regional products
    Törggelen time in Kastelbell-Tschars
    Kastelbell-Tschars/Castelbello-Ciardes, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    A year full of sunshine, wind and water is being pressed and cellared from the grapes on the southern slopes of Castelbello during these autumn days. This new wine needs to be tasted! The farmers' wives serve it with sausage, dumplings and sauerkraut. There is also a batch of roasted chestnuts on the table. This is Törggelen! Events during the Törggele period Sunday, 12 October 2025 Autumn concert with Törggelen of the Tschars music band | 11.00 am village square Tschars Saturday, 18 October from 5.00 pm and Sunday, 19 October from 11.00 am Törggelen festival in the cellars and alleyways of Galsaun
    27 septembre, 2025 - 16 novembre, 2025
    Gastronomy/regional products
    Autumn Festival Termeno
    Tramin an der Weinstraße/Termeno sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road
    Autumn days in Tramin …enjoy the golden autumn! The South Tyrolean Wine road changes into a colourful sea of vineyards and orchards. The farmers are in their heyday and the harvest gets taken in. Soon the barrels will be full, the fermentation of the popular juice from the grapes doesn’t take long to begin. Now the “Neue” new wine can be sampled, the most important moment of the year for the farmers. And celebrated it will be. How the new wine tastes – that will be found out by the people of Tramin and its guests during the traditional Autumn Days Tramin at the latest, which are always at the end of October. People of all age groups meet at the festival area that is richly decorated with lots of harvest products for a joyful festival. The “Neue” new wine and wines from Tramin get sampled; and along with this there are hearty South Tyrolean specialities. And all of the colourful shenanigans at the festival area are accompanied by the colourful and melodious performances of folk music groups. Free bus shuttle from Kaltern, St. Josef am See, Auer and Kurtatsch.
    03 octobre, 2025 - 04 octobre, 2025
    The Original Törggelen
    Ritten/Renon, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The bonfire of chestnuts kicking off the event at all the Buschenschänke taverns. Participating at Ritten/Renon: - Ebnicher/Oberbozen, guided tour of the farm and chestnut groves, tel. +39 329 6085866. - Rielinger/Siffian, wine tasting, tel. +39 0471 356274. Autumn is upon us. Leaves in hues of gold and scarlet-red begin to dot the mountains, and the aroma of grapes, ripened by the summer sun, still wafts through the vineyards. This is the environment in which the Törggelen tradition was born: the farmers would invite friends and neighbors to their wine cellars and cozy Stuben parlors in order to celebrate the crushing of the grapes. Today, in keeping with authentic practice of the tradition, chestnuts from neighboring groves are served together with homemade wine, and visitors can sample local specialties. As part of the Original Törggelen event, rural taverns known as Buschenschänke have been selected that meet the quality criteria of the Red Rooster brand. This year there are 18 taverns: located in the Isarco/Etschtal Valley, around Bozen and Meran, and along the Wine Route. The taverns in the Isarco/Etschtal Valley are connected to one another by the Eisacktal Chestnut Trail ("Keschtnweg"). Inauguration The bonfire of chestnuts, or Keschtnfeuer, will be lit at 7 p.m., kicking off the Original Törggelen event at all nine Buschenschänke taverns. In addition to serving fine wines, roasting chestnuts and preparing local specialties, the farmers will conduct tours and wine tastings starting at 6 p.m. Advance bookings are required at the participating farms (limited number of participants).
    04 octobre, 2025 - 04 octobre, 2025
    Gastronomy/regional products
    Guided "Törggele"-hike: discovering an ancient South Tyrolean tradition
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    ONLY IN GERMAN! From the beginning of October, at the end of the grape harvest, until the beginning of the pre-Christmas season is "Törggelezeit". After leisurely walks through the golden autumn landscape, guests and South Tyroleans enjoy the products of the harvest, especially chestnuts and new wine (Sußer). On this week's hike we visit the Holznerhof. We take the bus from the village centre of Schenna up to Verdins and hike via the Wieser Steig through the Vallplatz forest to the Holznerhof and after a cosy stop we descend to the Pichler restaurant. From the starting point you are free to decide whether to return on foot or by bus. A Törggelemenü and hearty music are of course not to be missed! Difference in altitude: approx. 300m Walking time: approx. 2.5 hours Level of difficulty: easy/medium
    07 octobre, 2025 - 07 octobre, 2025
    Gastronomy/regional products
    "Törggele" Fest
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs
    Connoisseurs and friends of South Tyrolean cuisine should not miss the Törggelefest! Traditional dishes, roasted chestnuts and new wine, as well as musical entertainment on the town hall square in Naturno. Start 10.30 am. Admission free! In case of bad weather the event is canceled.
    12 octobre, 2025 - 12 octobre, 2025