Unterschiedliche Gesteinsarten, wie zum Beispiel Granit oder Prophyr, Routenhöhen bis zu über 30 Meter und eine breit gefächerte Auswahl an Routen in allen Schwierigkeitsstufen machen das Klettern in Südtirol zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis. An milden Wintertagen laden sonnig gelegenen Sportklettergärten, beispielsweise in Truden, Kurtatsch, am Ritten oder in Latsch, zum Klettern ein.
Don’t look down! This motto is valid not only for who has a bad head of heights, but also for adventurers who climb on rope courses at the adventure park.
The adventure park is situated in Dobbiaco and it is targeted exclusively to beginners and because of that appropriate particularly for families with children. Besides, also experienced climbers won’t get a raw deal. In the adventure park of Dobbiaco there are 10 different courses. Seven of them are excellently suitable for children. The first two are there to familiarize with the security equipment. The following course is about 2 m high and perfect for smaller children. The green and blue courses are all 219 m long and 3–4 m high. Besides, there are also the purple and the red course. They are about 4–6 m high and a bit more difficult. The most difficult course is the black one: it is 8-15 m high. The latest attraction of the course is the new canyon course, with about 40 tricky obstacles.