This trail will take you along alpine meadows to interactive stations and inform you about alpine pasture farming and the Dolomites World Heritage Site. Toni and Klara must find their small calf Peppi in this interactive audio game.
This trail will take you along alpine meadows to interactive stations and inform you about alpine pasture farming and the Dolomites World Heritage Site. Toni and Klara must find their small calf Peppi in this interactive audio game.
This adventure-hiking trail directly beneath the walls of the Latemar will guide you to the region's most-spectacular outlook points, with lots of educational and informative fables of these places.
The Oberholz hut at the mountain station of the chairlift "Oberholz" can act as starting- or endpoint of a hike. With its modern architecture, the unique location and the 360° panoramic terrace, the Oberholz hut is a true highlight.
Spectacular, breathtaking views over endless alpine peaks. Four panoramic plattforms at over 2000 metres to give you an uniquely thrilling experience.
One of the platforms, the sunny terrace of Oberholz alpine hut, offers an unbelievable 360° panoramic view and fits seamlessly into the natural mountain landscape.
The LATEMAR.NATURA trail was made for families and nature-lovers and leads through alpine landscapes and altitude zones to discover natural habitats of the alpine region. Interactive stations make the hikers aware of the nature around and acquaint them with the local flora and fauna.
The Oberholz hut at the mountain station acts as starting point of a hike underneath the rocks of Latemar. With its modern architecture, the unique location and the 360° panoramic terrace, the Oberholz hut is a true highlight.
The Latemar World Heritage Site promises unforgettable adventures and a one-of-a-kind nature experience. In summer 2023, Obereggen's new adventure programme will feature along three different paths the Magical Tales of the Dolomites, the Storm Vaia and thrilling poacher legends. Various installations, booklets, maps, audio games and an app will help children aged 6 to 14 solve difficult puzzles and tasks in analog and digital formats. The entire family can actively participate in the adventures and earn valuable points that will help with specific reforestation of the woods. Vaia’s Wrath - Audio game hike: about 2 hours, 2.5 km (trail nr. 9, LATEMAR.ALP). Last night, hurricane Vaia roared through the Latemar region, leaving behind a landscape of devastation. Pale and sleepy, Toni turns off the radio. Your family is currently spending the fall vacations on Toni’s parents’ farm, the Jörgelhof. You are just sitting with a cup of tea when Toni’s sister Klara storms into the parlor - her beloved calf Peppi is gone! You quickly gather the most important equipment and set off in search for the lost animal – through the completely devastated forest landscape. Fallen trees, raging streams – many dangerous and tricky situation are awaiting you and you must master them.
The Latemar World Heritage Site promises unforgettable adventures and a one-of-a-kind nature experience. In summer 2023, Obereggen's new adventure programme will feature along three different paths the Magical Tales of the Dolomites, the Storm Vaia and thrilling poacher legends. Various installations, booklets, maps, audio games and an app will help children aged 6 to 14 solve difficult puzzles and tasks in analog and digital formats. The entire family can actively participate in the adventures and earn valuable points that will help with specific reforestation of the woods. The Secret of the Venetian - Audio game hike: 2 hours, 1.4 km (trail nr. 22, LATEMAR.PANORAMA). Toni and Klara, the Jörglhof siblings, are once again on the road with you, entertaining you with a legend from their homeland, the Latemar puppets. Fascinated, you are looking at the mountain peaks of the Latemar, to recognize in them the puppets of the Venetian, when you hear a voice "I, too, am looking for my knife! Help me and I will reward you richly!". Startled, you whirl around, between the bushes there is an old man who seems to have sprung from the legend you just heard. In search of the lost knife, you land in the middle of the legendary world of the Latemar. There are tricky puzzles to be solve, the evil witch Langwerda to be escaped and many dangers to be overcome.
The Latemar World Heritage Site promises unforgettable adventures and a one-of-a-kind nature experience. In summer 2023, Obereggen's new adventure programme will feature along three different paths the Magical Tales of the Dolomites, the Storm Vaia and thrilling poacher legends. Various installations, booklets, maps, audio games and an app will help children aged 6 to 14 solve difficult puzzles and tasks in analog and digital formats. The entire family can actively participate in the adventures and earn valuable points that will help with specific reforestation of the woods. On the Poachers's Trail - Audio game hike: 2 hours, 1.3 km (trail nr. 23, LATEMAR.NATURA). It’s 5:30 am. At the crack of dawn, Klara and Toni left the Jörglhof with you. They want to take advantage of the breaking dawn to introduce you to the diverse wildlife of their home, Latemar. Suddenly, the forest’s silence is disturbed by a loud bang – a gunshot! Startled you stop … trampling, branches and twigs cracking, a young deer rushes across the path in front of you and disappears in the bushes. In the distance, you hear a suppressed curse – a poacher! You want to stop the rascal and thus, secretly take up the pursuit – an adventurous hunt begins. In the process, you have to master exciting and tricky challenges.
The tour to the idyllic Latemar hut / Rif. Torre di Pisa at an altitude of 2,671 meters above sea-level is a special experience. This deman-ding but well-secured mountain hiking trail will take you into the heart of the Dolomites World Heritage Site. You will be rewarded with views that are breath-taking to say the least. The Oberholz hut at the mountain station acts as starting point of the hike. With its modern architecture, unique location and 360° panoramic terrace, the Oberholz hut is a true highlight.