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    Sites touristiques

    Endroits à visiter dans le Sud-Tyrol

    Le Sud-Tyrol est remarquablement riche en contes et légendes qui se rapportent à des lieux mystérieux et à des paysages inhabituels. Des lieux mystiques comme les bancs des sorcières sur l'Alpe de Siusi racontent des histoires de sorcières et de rois, des lieux de force comme les Stoanernen Mandln avec leurs plus de cent formations de pierre ou les anciennes ruines sur la colline de Castelfeder invitent à se ressourcer. Des paysages uniques comme les pyramides de terre sont des buts de randonnées qui valent la peine.

    Places to See
    Lime Pit and Lime Kiln
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs

    10 minutes‘ walk from the Schwarze Lacke habitat are the lime pit and lime kilns, which were an important source of employment for many Marling residents until 1960. Limestone was fired in them until that date. This ancient tradition only died out with the emergence of cement.

    Places to See
    24 Schmölzschmiedhaus
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Das Schmelzschmiedhaus                                     


    Unter dem so genannten „Schmelzschmiedhaus“ versteht sich jenes Wohn- und Wirtschaftsgebäude im Prader Ortsteil „Koatlack“ welches als Grundbesitz der Grafen Trapp auf Churburg einst eine gewichtige Rolle im Prader-Schmelzbetrieb spielte. Südöstlich im Ökonomiegebäude integriert befand sich nämlich eine so genannte „Wasserschmiede“. Ihr oblag nicht nur die Aufgabe die im Schmelz- und Bergwerksbetrieb anfallenden Schmiedearbeiten zu erledigen, sondern wohl auch das gewonnenen Roheisen –Kupfer teilweise zu Halbfabrikaten zu verarbeiten. Insbesondere in Zeiten des Bergbau-Niedergangs, als es mit der Ergiebigkeit der Erzgruben nicht zum Besten stand, belehnte der Schmelz-Gewerke und Gerichtspfleger zu Glurns und Mals Graf Trapp, diverse Untertanen mit der „Schmölzschmiedt“. Dem zu Folge wird der Betrieb in einschlägigen Dokumenten auch die „Trappische-Schmiedt“ genannt. Um 1549 besitzen Stefan Gerytter mit Frau Anna zu Prad die Schmiede und verkaufen sie samt Behausung, Hof, Stadel und Stall für 216 Gulden Tiroler Münze und Landeswährung den Dorfmeistern von Prad und Agums. Diese wiederum vergeben sie an Peter und Barbara Schmid aus Stilfs, sesshaft in Prad, nachdem ihnen die Liegenschaft zu einem jährlichen Zins von 5 Pfund Berner Tiroler Münze zu ewigen Zinslehen verliehen wurde. Damit verpflichteten sich die Eheleute, die zu leistenden Schmiedearbeiten von Montag bis Donnerstag um den jährlichen Empfang von 26 Mutt Roggen und 13 Mutt Gerste zu verrichten. In der Folgezeit ist aus den Urbaren und Steuerkatastern ein ständiger Besitzerwechsel der „Wasserschmitten“, die immer wieder bestandsweise verliehen wird, zu beobachten. Aus den Fassionen von 1775 erfahren wir schließlich, dass Johannes Ortler neben dem Schmied Joseph Theiner, eine in diesem Haus integrierte Lodenwalke betreibt. Ab dieser Zeit dürfte sich sowohl der Name „Wålcherhitt“ als auch der von der Kreuzgasse zum Haus führende Zugang „Wålchersteig“ gebildet haben. Damals, so offenbart uns die erwähnte Quelle, befanden sich im Gebäude der „Schmölzschmitten“ außer der Wasserschmiede und Lodenwalke, drei Stuben, zwei „Kuchlen“, sieben „Kämmer“ und drei Keller. Zudem gehörten neben einem Krautgarten auch etwas mehr als drei Tagmahd (6.858 m²) Wiesfeld dazu. Wobei es hier zu erwähnen gilt, dass diese Liegenschaft erst später das „bäuerliche Recht“ zugestanden bekam. Neben den unterschiedlichsten Besitzern dieses Anwesens findet sich dann zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts der aus Reschen stammende Hufschmied Alois Mall (Jhg.1785). Er vermählte sich mit der Schmiedtochter Anna Maria Schlögl, übernahm in der Folge die Schmiede und bekam damit auch den Vulgonamen „Schlögele-Schmied“ übertragen. Sein Enkel Johann Mall (Jhg.1855) ist es dann, der als Letzter die alte Schmiede aufgibt um in den ersten 1920-er Jahren in sein neu erbautes Haus mit Werkstatt (Bp.263) zu übersiedeln. Den Hausanteil der alten Schmiede erwarb 1931 hingegen Johann Josef Obkircher (Sienele – Jhg.1902) und verpflichtete sich den Mall-Geschwistern Alois, Anna und Anton in drei Räumen das lebenslange Wohnrecht zu gewähren. In der Folge errichtete Obkircher – Prads letzter Rädermacher - um das Jahr 1933 an der Nordostseite der „Wålcherhitt“ einen Zubau in Form einer Wagnerwerkstätte mit darüber befindlichem Wohntrakt.    

    Zum geschichtsträchtigen Gebäude selbst bleibt schließlich noch zu erwähnen, dass der andauernden Besitzerwechsel an der Bausubstanz stetige Veränderungen mit sich brachte, deren Merkmale heute noch in aller Deutlichkeit sichtbar sind.  

    Lakes, cascades
    Lake Felixer Weiher
    U.L.Frau i.W.-St. Felix/Senale-S.Felice, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Lake Tret – also called Lake Santa Maria – is located in Alta Val di Non near St. Felix, at the point where South Tyrol and the Italian-speaking Trentino meet. The way to the sea proceeds through the forest and across larch meadows, by the wayside we watch various forest flowers and many butterflies.

    Places to See
    Places of historical interests
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Prato allo Stelvio  was and still is marked by a continuous changing. As a living organisms it is drawing itself through the history. People come and go, the buildings crumbles and there are built new ones. The forces of nature continue shaping the landscape. Also wars and catastrophes didn’t spare the peaceful place at the road of Passo dello Stelvio.

    Something is lasting. The building of historic value have been listed on a historic register; the churches testify the architecture of the past; customs are kept alive. Memories are preserved and kept alive for future inhabitants and visitors of our place.

    An important role have for this the historic village points, that are distributed among  whole Prato. They help us to understand our place  with its history at the bottom of the National park of Passo dello Stelvio.

    Places to See
    The stone "Dürerstein" in Chiusa/Klausen
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    One wrote the year 1494 as the young artist ALBRECHT DÜRER made a stop in Klausen during his Italy journey. Today a beautiful walk leads to these slopes from Klausen. From this promising place the painter drew the city of Klausen. The result of its feather was lost later, but a copper engraving "Das große Glück" ( the great fortune) is delivered: Klausen calls itself also the "Small Dürer Town": Who wants to visit this place, goes today to the "Dürerstein".

    Places to See
    The Toll Post of the Ancient Romans in Töll/Tel
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Toll Post in Töll/Tel: testimony to the lively trade on the Via Claudia Augusta from Roman times to the Middle Ages

    Emperor Claudius (41-54 AD) moved the border between the two Roman provinces of Raetia (with its capital Augusta Vindelicorium, Augsburg), and Venetia et Histria to the Töll (Teloneion = customs house) and laid the foundation stone for the toll station and the toll for goods and vehicles.
    The Latin inscription on the base of the statue of Diana proves that a certain Aetetus, head of the customs office at Töll/Tel in the 3rd century, had the Temple of Diana built. He also introduced the "Gallic goods customs" (= foreign and export customs for goods to Germania, which replaced the Illyrian, the internal customs).
    Along this important traffic route, the Via Claudia Augusta, inns and road stations for changing horses were built.
    After the departure of the Romans towards the end of the 5th century AD, there are no records of the existence of a toll station for centuries.

    In 1160, a customs officer is reported for the first time again and the sovereign customs are mentioned for the first time in 1271 and as the property of the Count of Tyrol (Meinard II). In 1388, the customs post was moved from Plars (Algund/Lagundo) to the Töll/Tel (to today's "Rössl" inn, since its renovation a few years ago again called "Zollwirt" - transl. inn at the toll station) and developed into the most important in Tyrol.

    Toll guards had to keep an accurate register, which was sent to the Count’s Chamber on a quarterly basis and the customs officers handling the Tyrol Count’s tax revenues enjoyed the status of court officials. In 1808, the building housing the tax office was sold off by the Bavarian authorities and, after the introduction of a new consumption tax in 1829, the toll post was completely abandoned. From 1400 until its closure, the names of 27 customs officers were recorded as having worked there. The toll station (the Zollhof) included the Zollbaur Inn with the actual customs office situated on the left side of the building and a repository on the right. Just behind was the Steidlhof Guesthouse made famous for once hosting Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, Archduke of Austria and King of Hungary and Bohemia, (1503-1564). Ferdinand’s coronation as Emperor in 1525 is remembered in one of the Renaissance frescoes preserved in the customs office. Dating no later than 1530, this opus has been marvelously restored.

    The former customs or toll post is no longer in existence.

    Places to See
    Millennial Column
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The column was erected in 1909 for the 1000th anniversary of the town. On the column is enthroned the lamb as the heraldic animal of Bressanone and at its base is the statue of Bishop Zacharias.
    Places to See
    Empress Elisabeth Denkmal
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs

    This monument dedicated to Merano’s most illustrious guest was erected in 1903; it is located along the verdant Summer Promenade near the Post Office Bridge. The beloved Austrian empress’s frequent visits to Merano boosted the city’s prestige and contributed greatly to its reputation as a spa resort.

    Places to See
    E-Lok Lana Burgstall/Postal
    Burgstall/Postal, Meran/Merano and environs

    Historical restoration of the electric locomotive in Burgstall
    A restoration of the historic electric locomotive in Burgstall has been done. The locomotive, once located in the ruined carriage house at the old bus station in Lana, has been placed near the train station Lana-Burgstall and the Adige bridge.

    The restored iron truss bridge of the Water Protection Office together with the wicker dome and the locomotive give a round picture of South Tyrol's technical culture.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Peter by the Hill
    Völs am Schlern/Fiè allo Sciliar, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    On a small hill, in a sunny position, there is the settlement of Peterbühl. The hill, which tower is an important historical site. Here are the origins of Völs am Schlern and the entire region of the Schlern. People settled here many thousands of years before Christ. Today, the chapel of St. Peter am Bühl stands somewhat apart in the greenery. Above the door you can see the crossed keys of St. Peter, and next to them the coats of arms of the Thun and Firmian families: they are of Regina von Thun and Katharina von Firmian, the two wives of Leonhard the Elder of Völs. The altar from the 16th century is on display in the Völs Parish Museum. The decorative paintings are made in the year of 1600 in style of renaissance.

    A beautiful place for a leisurely walk directly in Völs am Schlern. Several seating options provide a relaxed atmosphere and invite you to relax. A small children's playground can also be found along the circular path, as well as a statue. Sometimes there are some goats that come to the Peterbühl and provide a good company. In summer you can take a guided tour to see the Peterbühl church from the inside.

    Places to See
    Open-air exhibition at Pstosser Bühel
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    Short hike or pleasant walk around the Pstosser Bühel in the immediate vicinity of the centre of Collepietra/Steinegg.

    An open-air exhibition with 10 picture panels on astronomical topics was installed along the path around the Pstosser Bühl [2B].
    With the current exhibition (since May 2022), the visitor dives into the depths of the universe. "Fly to the universe" shows deep-sky photography starting from the Max Valier Observatory to the distant corners of the universe. The photographers of this exhibition are Stephanie Wolters, Brigitte Lintner and Dieter Seiwald from the amateur astronomers "Max Valier".

    An additional highlight on this short walk is a mountain cinema with the most beautiful views on the Renon/Ritten, the Valle d'Isarco/Eisack Valley, the Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm, the Sciliar/Schlern and the Catinaccio/Rosengarten.
    Places to See
    Bunker Resia Reschen
    Graun im Vinschgau/Curon Venosta, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The bunker 20 is located near Reschen to about 1550m above sea level. Here is also the source of the Adige, with its 415 km of Italy's second longest river. The bunker is dug partly into the rock and partly executed in concrete. It has a length of approximately 20 m and a walk-in area of ​​about 450 m²

    Admission by guided tour only.


    Places to See
    Glorenza - the little medieval town in South Tyrol
    Glurns/Glorenza, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Glurns, the smallest town in South Tyrol, works its magic on every visitor with its charming medieval atmosphere, perfectly preserved town walls and its three picturesque gate towers. Virtually unchanged since the 16th century, there are echoes of the eventful history of this former trading town around every corner. With its romantic character, rich culture and idyllic surroundings, Glurns is a real alpine jewel. It is our pleasure to invite you to our beautiful town to share with you magical moments, historic festivals and spectacular cultural events.

    While the beginnings of the village of Glurns probably go back to the Carolingian era, the first actual mention dates from 1163. Southeast of the clustered village on the bridge over the River Etsch, Meinhard II of Gorizia-Tirol created a city around the year 1290 in order to secure his power in the Upper Vinschgau Valley against the Bishop of Chur. This new settlement was described as a “burgum” in the year 1294. The two settlements – the village and the city of Glurns – existed for some 200 years alongside each other. After the destruction suffered during the Battle of Calven in 1499, the Habsburgs, especially Maximilian I, had Glurns fortified as a bulwark against the forces of Graubünden; the centres of the two settlements were thus connected by means of the new city walls, still in existence today. Among the oldest buildings that exist to this day are the residential and defensive towers, especially the so-called “Glurns Castle”, and the Spatzenturm tower in the southwest corner of the old town. The 16th century constructions succeed in dominating the city’s contemporary appearance.

    Places to See
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs

    Geocaching - The GPS Treasure Hunt

    Geocaching (from "geo", the Greek for earth, and "cache" or "secret store") is a kind of electronic treasure hunt practiced the world over, which first came into being in 2004.

    The basic idea is to communicate the location of new and interesting places, to foster group dynamics and the ability to get one's bearings, all whilst having fun.

    Geocaches are also hidden in Merano and Environs and published on the internet using geographical data on the official geocaching database. With the help of a GPS receiver, anyone can go treasure hunting. Together with the MGM (Merano Marketing association), the Lana & Environs Tourist Information Association has also hidden geocaches under the  reference "eye-catcher".

    But what is a geocache? A geocache is a water-tight container containing a logbook that is well hidden in an interesting place. Whoever finds it can enter their name in the logbook and so document their successful search.

    Afterwards the container has to be put back in its hiding place! The successful hunt is entered on the internet and, perhaps, complemented with photos and comments. In this way other interested parties and above all the person who hid it can find out about what goes on with the geocache.

    Places to See
    Castle ruin of Montechiaro
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The ruins of Lichtenberg Castle are perched high above the town of Montechiaro/Lichtenberg near Prato/Prad at the Passo dello Stelvio/ Stilfserjoch Pass. The castle has a rich history of Minnesang, a courtly tradition of lyric and song that was popular in the Middle Ages.

    The Count of Tyrol held the enlarged castle up until 1513; the Counts of Khuen-Belasi subsequently took it over, and still own it today. The castle’s tradition of minstrelsy is still visible in the fragments and traces of once-sumptuous fresco decoration leftover from the heyday of the courts. Most of the fresco cycle was removed in 1912, and was transferred to the Ferdinandeum Museum in Innsbruck.

    Places to See
    Limekiln in Andriano
    Andrian/Andriano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The limekiln in Andriano is a kind of kiln where in the past people used to produce quicklime from limestone.
    Places to See
    Dürer Path
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    During his first trip to Italy in 1494, the famous German painter Albrecht Dürer had to deviate from his route to Venice because of a flood on the Adige River. After possibly spending the night in the monastery "Klösterle" of St. Florian/San Floriano or in Neumarkt/Egna, he probably arrived at the Freedom Square in Laag/Laghetti and from there took the path over the Sauch Saddle into the Cembra Valley. This assumption is based on Dürer's watercolors of Segonzano Castle and a mill. Today it is possible to follow Dürer's footsteps on the Dürer path of the same name, which begins in St. Florian near Laag.

    Lakes, cascades
    Burkhard Gorge
    Ratschings/Racines, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    A hidden natural spectacle reveals itself to hikers at the head of the Ridnauntal valley: the waterfalls of the Burkhard Gorge, which can be reached by following a panoramic trail. Starting from the mining museum in Maiern/Masseria, a marked hiking track leads through shady coniferous forests alongside the Fernerbach, a babbling glacial stream. The romantic, approximately one metre wide hiking trail winds through meadows and forests, past lush mossy expanses.

    Lakes, cascades
    Schwemmalm Adventure Pond
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    Tree showers, water wheels and a raft, these are just some of the attractions that make Schwemmalm Adventure Pond the ideal destination for the whole family, guaranteeing fun and excitement for the young ones.

    The pond is a natural playground oasis for children and adults alike, and with its diverse habitat, blends harmoniously into the Schwemmalm landscape. Wooden tables and chairs ensure that this natural children's playground is also a real place for parents to relax on the meadows while the kids experience pond adventure.

    Lakes, cascades
    Lake of Landro
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    From Dobbiaco in Alta Pusteria you can reach the Landro lake in the Landro-Valley. It is already in the Three Peaks Nature Park, so it is a protected area, and the Fanes-Sennes-Braies Nature Park is directly adjacent to its western shore. The magnificent mountain scenery around the turquoise-green Dolomite lake is known far and wide: The view reaches as far as the Cristallo Group in the Ampezzo Dolomites, and near the lake, in the direction of Dobbiaco, is the well-known "Three Peaks View" with a view of the world-famous Three Peaks.                                                                         

    Places to See
    Earth Pyramids in Perca/Percha
    Percha/Perca, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The Earth Pyramids in Percha - Several hundred years ago there was a landslide caused by a storm, which cut off the existing cart track between the Thalerhof and Aschbach. It would have been easy to fill in the gap with earth, but nobody did it, as the route was not an important one. In 1882 there was again a great storm, and a large trench formed. Through repeated flooding and washing out of the side slopes, these loamy pillar structures remained standing where the heavier stones lay. The earth pyramids change constantly, and new pillars form all the time, especially in winter and spring. The erosion area is situated at a height of 1550 to 1750 meters above sea level and is the most significant incidence of earth pyramids in the Puster Valley, particularly because of the many different sizes of formation.

    Lakes, cascades
    3D path from Entiklar to Cortina
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The middle part of the "3-Dörfer-Wegs" (three village trail), or 3D-Weg, leads from Entiklar to Margreid. Between lovely rock walls harboring wall ferns and lizards, we wander leisurely upwards to the "Margreider Leiten", steep vineyards with panoramic views of the Etsch valley. The last part follows a somehwat steep paved road into the beautiful little wine village of Margreid.

    Lakes, cascades
    Fennberg Lake
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    A lovely winding mountain road leads you quickly up from Kurtatsch, through woods, meadows, vineyards and fruit orchards to the high plateau of Unterfennberg. The jewel of this plateau is without question little Lake Fennberg, perfect for a summer swim. Although the lake is a biotope with unusual flora and fauna (more than 35 types of orchids, freshwater crayfish and other types of plants and animals),  a small wooden pier with a ladder leads down to swim in the silky moor water while enjoying the views of the tiny St. Leonard's church and the surrounding mountain peaks. Water lilies and dragonflies build a frame for the lake, which is a popular spot for ice-skating during the cold winter months. The plateau offers many walking paths as well as the possibility of travelling up by car, hiking path or via ferrata. The plateau is also an excellent destination for bikers, be it mountain bikers, motor bikers or racing bikers.

    Places to See
    Earth pyramids in Terenten
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The formation of the pyramids in Terento probably dates back to 1837. As a result of a strong storm, the Ternerbach River swept away 3 residential houses, 16 mills, 13 beaters, a smiths and a sawmill. 13 people died during this storm. It is very likely that the slope started to disintegrate as a result of this storm. Over the following decades, the erosion had an impact on two different types of debris: the classic pyramids were formed from the material mix with stone blocks; from the material containing no stone blocks only ravines and ridges were formed. Starting point: car park in the village center
    Places to See
    Earth pyramids Ritten
    Ritten/Renon, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Renon earth pyramids are the highest and the most aesthetically pleasing in Europe. Earth pyramids are a phenomenon of erosion. They originate where ice-age glaciers have deposited moraine clay in valleys. When it is dry, it is rock-hard. If it comes into contact with water, it turns into a clayey pulp that flows down into the valley. However, when protected from the rain by large stones, the clay remains dry and hard. Only the part around the stone erodes. This is how earth columns are formed and become higher each time it rains. If the top stone falls off the peak, the column is certainly doomed to a quick decline because the clay is exposed to the rain and then carried away by it. The earth pyramids on the Renon can be marvelled at in three ravines: in the Rio Fosco valley between Longomoso and S. Maria, in the Rio Rivellone valley below Soprabolzano and in the valley of the Rio Gasterer at Auna di Sotto.

    Forts & Castles
    Ruins of Festenstein Castle
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The castle ruins of "Castelforte/Festenstein" can be described as Andriano's symbol. It reigns over Andriano from the lofty, rocky outcrop of the Gola del Rio Gaido, and can only be reached via a steep mountain climb. Its location was certainly a pondered choice by the stonemason to ensure the weapons of the enemies would never reach the castle. At the same time, the spectacular location of the castle offers a 360° view across the lower Valle dell'Adige. "Festenstein" was first mentioned in written documents in the mid-13th century. We assume that the castle was built at the time or greatly expanded. Regardless, it had already been built by the time the Counts of Appiano oversaw the valley, they probably assigned one of their vassals to administer the castle.
    Managing such a castle would have been tedious work  and included collecting taxes from farms, the constant worry about providing the castle with water, food, and firewood, improvement works and endless suveillance shifts. All these tasks, considering the virtually inaccessible location of the castle, would have been pure torture. Sometime between the 13th and 14th century the castle was damaged, probably during the ongoing skirmishes of the time, because in 1383 it became property of the Lords of Villandro, who were tasked with restoring the decrepit ruins to their former glory. This shows how the castle still had a role to play at the end of the 14th century.

    In the following period, the castle changed hands various times. In the 15th century it belonged to the Sparrenberger, members of the gentry, followed by the Lords Lanser of Appiano between 1654 and 1818.

    In 2008,  Count Meinhard Khuen von Belasi purchased the castle ruins and commissioned, together with the South Tyrolean Office for Cultural Heritage, various restoration measures to secure the state of the walls and protect the castle from further deterioration.

    After years of restoration work, Castelforte is now open to visitors. On various dates, the Andriano Tourist Association enables a special opening of the castle.
    Special Opening of the Ruins Festenstein 2023:

    Sunday, 02.04.2023
    Sunday, 16.04.2023
    Friday,21.04.2023 cancelled
    Sunday, 30.04.2023
    Friday,12.05.2023 cancelled
    Monday, 29.05.2023
    Friday, 02.06.2023
    Saturday, 10.06.2023
    Sunday, 11.06.2023
    Sunday, 03.09.2023
    Sunday, 01.10.2023
    Sunday, 15.10.2023

    Opening times:  10:00 – 15:00

    Cancelled in bad weather!

    Places to See
    Bunker Malles / Mals
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    As a place of passage over the Alps, the Upper Vinschgau has always been of military interest. Not only the Romans, the Habsburgs and Napoleon passed through here, but also the Second World War left its traces. Most of these traces, however, are not visible to the naked eye, as they are monumental underground bunkers that were planned as defensive installations and places of refuge. The hidden fortresses were part of the Alpine Wall, but were never used for military purposes.
    Today, the architectural relics from the interwar period are embedded in the orchards and pastures of the surrounding area.

    Lakes, cascades
    Lake Kaltern
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Lake Kaltern The Mediterranean landscape around Lake Kalterer See leads many to the correct assumption that this lake really is the warmest lake in the Alps! There are four public beaches that offer direct access to the lake, known for its especially inviting water quality and colorful splendor! Sometimes it's a tint of deep blue, other times it mirrors the green of the surrounding landscape! And Lake Kalterer See is so versatile: row boats, sailboats, pedal boats and surf boards glide across the water. Yet it's so incredibly tranquil here. For sure you'll hear the sound of children's laughter; after all, this is their little corner of paradise. Quite simply, it's beautiful in the lake, on the lake and all around the lake.

    Places to See
    Earth pyramids in the valley of the Gastererbach Unterinn
    Ritten/Renon, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Renon earth pyramids are the highest and the most aesthetically pleasing in Europe. Earth pyramids are a phenomenon of erosion. They originate where ice-age glaciers have deposited moraine clay in valleys. When it is dry, it is rock-hard. If it comes into contact with water, it turns into a clayey pulp that flows down into the valley. However, when protected from the rain by large stones, the clay remains dry and hard. Only the part around the stone erodes. This is how earth columns are formed and become higher each time it rains. If the top stone falls off the peak, the column is certainly doomed to a quick decline because the clay is exposed to the rain and then carried away by it.

    The earth pyramids on the Renon can be marvelled at in three ravines: in the Rio Fosco valley between Longomoso and S. Maria, in the Rio Rivellone valley below Soprabolzano and in the valley of the Rio Gasterer at Auna di Sotto.

    Forts & Castles
    Historical city center Klausen
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The City of Artists and Albrecht Dürer
    The medieval city, which is surpassed in height by the mighty Sabiona Monastery mountain, proudly calls itself the "City of Dürer." Here, where the city was the scene of intense artistic activity just a hundred years ago, is where Albrecht Dürer stopped during his journey through Italy. He exploited his portrait of the city as a background for an allegorical copper-plate engraving titled "Das Grosse Glück" ("Nemesis").

    Today, Klausen is still numbered among the most-beautiful of Italy's ancient cities: Its tower-studded facades, its wide alcove balconies, and the picturesque signs of its old inns and pubs were all that was needed to convince the club "I borghi più belli d'Italia" of its worthiness. And the "Treasure of Loreto" (a singular collection of works of art) in the city museum has got to be seen to be believed.
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