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    Activités spéciales des régions du Sud-Tyrol

    Découvre toutes les activités Highlight des différentes régions et planifie ton séjour dans le Sud-Tyrol.
    Culture & Attractions
    Lake Carezza
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental

    Every vacationer in South Tyrol has to visit Lake Carezza, the most gorgeous Alpine mountain lake!
    This small mountain lake is well-known for its soft, deep green waters and the exquisite view of the Rosengarten and Latemar mountain ranges.

    The lake is at its most gorgeous in the evening or early morning, when the Rosengarten-Latemar mountain ranges and the green of the Karerwald forest are reflected in its crystal clear water. This is a natural spectacle you won't want to miss!

    Many South Tyrolean legends are based around the lake, such as that of the water nymph, and many writers and painters have chosen the motif for their paintings and stories.

    Situated at 1,520 metres above sea level, Lake Carezza is 300 m long and 140 m wide in the Val d'Ega municipality of Nova Levante and is a protected natural monument. It is fed by underground springs from the Latemar mountain range, which is why both its size and depth are highly dependent on season and weather conditions - the greatest depth of Lake Carezza has been recorded at 22 m.

    As Lake Carezza is a protected area, it is forbidden to cross the protective boundaries around the lake. Likewise, bathing and swimming in it is also strictly prohibited.  

    Lake Carezza is accessible without barriers. At the car park of the lake there are a total of 4 parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities. At the lake there is a visitor centre with barrier-free toilets and a barrier-free passage to the lake. The viewing platform and the circular walk around the lake are also barrier-free. 

    There are refreshment facilities at the visitor centre, which include two bistros. Other places to stop are the restaurants and huts in the area.

    Lake Carezza is accessible around the clock all year round. The visitor centre with its subway for pedestrians and the toilets are open daily from 9 am - 6 pm.

    For more info on Lake Carezza, click here:

    Forts & Castles
    The ruins of Hauenstein
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    At the foot of the might rock face of the Santner, hidden deep in forest, lies the legendary castle ruin of Hauenstein. The castel dates back to the 12th century and was built by the Lords of Hauenstein and enlarged in the 15th and 16th century. One of the owners was the famous minnesinger Oswald von Wolkenstein.
    Today all that remains of the former glory are the castle walls, and yet the site continues to emanate a very special, mysterious energy.
    According to an old legend, a secret passageway runs between the two castles of Hauenstein and Salegg. And every so often, or so they say in the area around the Schlern, you can hear the spine-chilling wails of a banished damsel.

    Sports and leisure
    Plose Looping
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Get on the bike and ride the looping of your life. Plose Looping is most probably the highest looping in the world: on a height of 2000m. Right next to the top station of the cable car Plose it also offers spectacular views on the majestic Dolomites.
    The mobile structure has been installed at the end of July 2016 and has a diameter of 7m. Usually it takes some time until you get the right speed, then you can do as many loopings as you wish. The use is free for all holders of a valid lift ticket. Registration in the Infoshop is required


    Forts & Castles
    Salegg ruins
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    The ruins of Salegg are not far from the Hauenstein ruins, at the foot of the might rock face of the Santner, hidden deep in the forest. The castle dates back to the 12th century and were passed in the hands of the Wolkenstein dynasty. 
    Today all hat remains of its former glory are the castle walls, and yet the site continues to emanate a very special, mysterious energy.
    According to an old legend, a secret passageway runs between the two castles Hauenstein and Salegg.

    Culture & Attractions
    waterfalls of Barbian
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Another important attraction was not created by builders but by nature: the Barbian waterfalls. The Ganderbach (stream), which is near Kollmann and flows into the Eisack river, which has a length of almost 6 kilometres. At the point of 1,510 metres above sea level, the stream falls over several rock cliffs down into the valley. The lower part of the waterfall with his 85 metres is the highest of the waterfalls at Barbian. From here, you can reach the upper part of the waterfall on a marked, wild and romantic path.

    Forts & Castles
    Matsch, the mountaineering village
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The scheme to promote mountaineering villages in the Alpine regions supports environmentally-friendly, natural tourism. The network unites villages with a thriving natural and cultural landscape, which have been spared major technical innovations and where mountains and mountaineering are an integral part of the identity.
    From leisurely “Waalweg” irrigation-channel trails through to the three-thousand metre climbs – enjoy all the authenticity of the Matsch Valley. The living traditions and customs offer you an insight into the active village community, and a stop-off to wander round the castle ruins at the entrance to the village brings the dreaded Matsch robber-barons back to fearsome life.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Joseph in Ronchi - Rungg
    Tramin an der Weinstraße/Termeno sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The little St. Joseph Church in Ronchi - “Kirche St. Joseph in Rungg” in German, “Chiesa di San Giuseppe a Ronchi” in Italian - is, compared to the other churches in the surroundings of Lake Caldaro, a more recent construction. The building was planned in 1900 by Ferdinand Mungenast, an Austrian architect, who designed also other significant buildings in Bolzano and the Oltradige area, such as the Grandhotel d’Appiano or the St. Joseph Church in Frangarto. Seven years after its edification in 1901, the St. Joseph Church was embellished with a steeple.

    Nowadays, the sacred building presents itself with a two-bay groined vault, a polygonal choir termination and a church tower with a pointed spire. In 1977 the church was placed under monumental protection. Worth seeing are above all the artworks by Ferdinand Stuflesser (1855 - 1926), a famous sculptor from the Val Gardena valley in South Tyrol: the altar with the statues of St. Joseph with Jesus the child and St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers and deaf people, as well as St. Teresa of Ávila, also called Saint Teresa of Jesus, the national patron saint of Spain.

    Above the church entrance there is the statue of St. Anthony of Padua, venerated as the patron saint for the recovery of lost items. It is located in the hamlet of Ronchi (Rungg), which can be found along the South Tyrolean Wine Road after the centre of Termeno and before the wine village of Cortaccia. Also the public bus stops there.

    Culture & Attractions
    Karlotten Kofel
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    Not far from Seis, there is a hushed spot with a view beyond compare: The Karlotten Kofel hill. At the highest point of the volcanic rock and at the foot of the shimmering red porphyry of the mountain face, the incredible view opens out onto the mighty massif of the Schlern - and no less than seven chruch towers! Through the heat of the lava and the exceptionally sunny location, the vegetation here is surprisingly Mediterranean.
    Culture & Attractions
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental

    Lo sapevi che il Lago di Carezza ha un fratello minore?

    Seguendo il sentiero [12] attraverso la foresta del Latemar, si arriva a uno specchio d'acqua segreto: il Mittersee o Lago di Mezzo. Non appena la neve inizia a sciogliersi, dove in realtà c'è solo un prato, emerge un lago. Il lago è alimentato da sorgenti sotterranee e per un breve periodo in primavera invita i più avventurosi a fare un giro su una zattera e i più coraggiosi a immergere i piedi nell'acqua fresca a 8 gradi.


    Forts & Castles
    Zwölferturm tower at Sterzing
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The famous landmark of Sterzing, the city tower, is widely known as “Zwölferturm”. Its name is attributed to the fact that its bell rings the citizens for lunchbreak. Consisting of gray granite blocks from the area, it was erected over the city gate from 1468 to 1472 according to the design of Hans Feur. Two marble tablets above the archway remind us of the laying of the foundation stone by the Duke Sigismund of Austria back in 1469. It became a symbol of the economic and cultural boom in the city in the north of South Tyrol and has established itself to this day as the symbol for the city of Sterzing. 

    At certain events, the tower can also be visited also from the inside, e.g. during the Cristmas Market, in summer during the lantern parties or at the famous dumpling festival ("Knödelfest"). 

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish church "Maria Himmelfahrt" (Mary’s ascension) by Terlan
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Parish church "Maria Himmelfahrt" (Mary´s ascension) by Terlan is a building from the High Gothic Period of the 14th Century. The altar room and the choir chairs are the oldest part of the building.
    Catholic services: Sat. 7 pm (every 2nd and 4th saturday of the month) and Sun. 8.45 am (every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month) in German and every Sunday 10.15 am in Italian.

    Culture & Attractions
    Cupule engravings
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Cupule rock art decorations are nowadays found to be a worldwide spread phenomenon and just as mysterious as menhir standing stones. A varied selection of such cupules consisting in different sized cup-shaped engravings, hand carved by man on stone and rock surfaces, have also been discovered on the sun mounatin slopes between Castelbello and Coldrano and in Val Martello. They are arranged in either isolated or group settings, alongside paths and road tracks, streams and waterways and are often located on the most exposed rock outcroppings. Proven archaeological evidence establishes that the beginnings of cupule engravings date back to the neolithic (with some dating even as far back as the mesolithic) era. The bronze age too provides records of cupule rock art, up towards the end of the iron age, where the production of cupules then slowly fades away. Even though christianity is evidently well established by the time, this form of rock art is apparently picked up again towards the end of the early middle ages, with a second bout flourishing around the high middle ages.

    Culture & Attractions
    Waterfall in Vilpian
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    A Natural Monument!
    The 82 m high waterfall is fed by the Möltner Brook. The path leads past the old Vilpiano's Wasserwaal from the 17th century. The water was once used to irrigate the fields.

    Accessible by foot in ten minutes from the village center of Vilpiano.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish church of St. Peter and Paul (1801)
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The parish church of St. Peter was built according to the plans by Matthäus Wachter in the 18th century and was dedicated to the saints Peter and Paul. The late baroque frescoes were painted by Joseph Schöpf, one of the most eminent painters of Tyrol. The bell tower dates back to the year 1897.

    Forts & Castles
    The Skeleton of Hauenstein
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    About an hour from Seis am Schlern you will find the ruins of Hauenstein on an enormous mountain slope. These ruins were once home to poet and singer Oswald von Wolkenstein, and every so often in the quiet of the night, one can hear the sounds of violins and the mournful song of a maiden who is said to have been bewitched there. Late one evening, shepherds were guarding their flocks around the castle. They sat to rest at the entrance to the castle and recounted one tale after another. All of a sudden, they sensed that somebody in the castle had opened a window. They looked up and saw, through the shimmering light of the open window, a woman combing her long hair. Her head, however, was but a skull, and the shepherds blood curdled at the sight of such beautiful hair growing from a head so fearsome. The woman threw stones and sand at the flock of sheep, who ran in terror. It's believed that the skeleton is the wife of a banished knight, destined to roam the castle until the return of her lost spouse.

    Culture & Attractions
    Deer Park Sompunt
    Badia, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    The Deer Park “Sompunt”, between La Villa and Badia includes more than 7 hectares of meadows and forest where more than 30 species of deer and fallow deer live together in harmony.
    The park can be easily reached by car, bus or by foot.

    Starting from the hut “Paraciora” and following an easy marked path, you can admire these wild animals living in uncontaminated nature.
    The path is approx. 1 km long.

    The route is indicated by arrows and information boards on which you will find some information about the park and its majestic inhabitants. The trail is also suitable for trekking strollers.

    • Every Tuesday from 1st June till 1st October from 10. 00 a.m. until 11.00 a.m. you can visit the Deer Park with the owner. Meeting Point is the hut “Paraciora”. The visit is free.

    Our Park offers a playground for children and there are also ponies, donkeys, rabbits, ducks, chicken and goats to see.

    Culture & Attractions
    "Loretzboden" panoramic view point on Monte Sole mountain Lasa
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    Above the marble village of Lasa, the Venosta Monte Sole mountain presents itself in a fascinating way. All sorts of plants and herbs grow on the sun-exposed slopes and countless species of insects and reptiles enjoy the start of spring.
    The “Loretzboden” also marks the beginning of the new Pharmacy way - "A path is created by walking".

    Culture & Attractions
    Lasa marble
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    In the area of the station you can already see the marble blocks weighing several tons, which are processed in the marble factory of the company Lasa Marmo.

    In the world of marble and in the whole place one finds the white stone: sculptures, buildings and even marble sidewalks - at sculptor workshops and at the technical school for stone-treatment.

    Lasa marble is not only popular in South Tyrol, as in the Silandro Hospital and Bolzano Concert Hall, but worldwide - to marvel at the World Trade Center Transportation Hub.

    The world of marble can be discovered during guided tours and hikes.

    Culture & Attractions
    Wishing bell on the Rosskopf / Monte Cavallo
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The wishing bell on the Rosskopf / Monte Cavallo carries your wishes, thoughts and prayers high above the peaks of the mountains into the country. The ringing of the bell brings hope, joy and confidence.  

    Bruneck Castle, MMM RIPA
    Bruneck/Brunico, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    In 1250, Bishop Bruno of Brixen founded Bruneck Castle, which served as his summer residence. The town that evolved below the castle walls took on its name. After an eventful history, having been used as a prison and as a school, today the castle houses the fifth Messner Mountain Museum, which focuses on mountain peoples. The historical structure was carefully excavated and restored. The rooms, however, were not sufficient to house the museum and so a section is housed underground, in spaces that were once part of the fortification walls. Modern architectural forms were used for all the additions and new buildings, with concrete, steel, wood and glass having been used as materials. Only the parts that had to be provided as temporary extensions, for example the cashier areas and rooms for temporary exhibitions, were consciously done in wood and may be dismantled at any time.

    Culture & Attractions
    Ancient larch tree on the Salto high plateau
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    In San Genesio at 1,435 m asl, located on the „Malgorer“ Salto, there ist the most ancient larch tree of the Salto high plateau.

    Its age cannot be exactly determined.

    This ancient larch tree is an an aesthetic feature in the middle of the wide larch groves on the Salto.

    The lowest strongest branches form a candelabra shape. The tree crown could develop freely upward due to the lack of competition.

    The once splendid tree has suffered damage due to the snow pressure in the winter of 2008/2009, numerous branches were pressed down and broken.

    Height of the tree: 24m

    Diameter: 2,03m

    Circumference: 6,40m

    Locality: Montoppio

    Sea level: 1435 m

    Forts & Castles
    The trenches of Teis
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal
    Around the village of Teis, from the bottom of the Villnöss valley to the Haube mountain at 1260 m above sea level, you can find a line of partly uncovered and partly hidden trenches, shelters and caverns. These are the remains of the extensive fortifications built as part of the “Barricade of Klausen/Chiusa” at the beginning of the First World War. Over the course of the last century, the trenches have been partly destroyed by human activities and partly reclaimed by nature. A group of locals has taken on the task of investigating the history of these fortifications more closely, preserving them and making them accessible to the public.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Church Hl. Mauritius in Sella
    Tramin an der Weinstraße/Termeno sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    To the north of Rechtenthal Castle lies the hamlet Söll whose church is dedicatet to St. Mauritius. The steeple with its paired round arch windows and its brick-built pyramidal roof dates back as far as the 13th century, whereas the church nave and décor are basically realized in Gothic style. Of particular interest is a fresco, unfortunately seriously damaged, depicting the church's patron saint in a cavalry battle. The same patron also features as the central charakter in the winged altarpiece. When leaving the church, you will notice an inscription on the outer wall, just above the small rectangular window. Written in Gothic minuscules it tells that the south annex of the sacred building was wewcted later, in 1470. Just below the church you can see a building that is architecturally very interesting. Its structure is well-proportioned and the elegant wrought iron window grilles aforning the upper floor bear witness of the centuries-old craftsmanship that was at work here. A little further uphill from the church another architectual gem is hiding: here you will come across a group of two or three picturesque old farmhouses, and on the archway of one of these you can still read the initials of one of its formers owners who perpetuated his name back in 1684.

    The left nave is Romanesque. The high altar was built around 1520. The left side nave is Gothic. The altar there contains picture panels of Adam and Eve, probably from Bartlmä Dill Riemenschneider.

    Forts & Castles
    The Hill of the Holy Sepulchre
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The Hill of the Holy Sepulchre is the most beautiful viewpoint of Tiso. The Holy Grave Chapel was built as a baroque building at the end of the 17th century. In it, the suffering and death of Jesus Christ was worshiped. After the entry of Italy into the First World War in May 1915, fortifications were built here on the order of the Austrian Empire army. They should serve as a defense against a possible invasion of Italian troops in the Isarco Valley, if the Dolomite front should fall. The trenches and a bunker were built by Russian prisoners. However, the defenses were not used during the First World War. However, during the final months of World War II, the bunker was used by the village population as protection against air raids and bombing.

    Culture & Attractions
    Monument - memorial
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Tyrolean Rebellion of 1809 was a rebellion of peasants in the County of Tyrol led by Andreas Hofer against the occupation of their homeland by the French and Bavarian troops within the context of the War of the Fifth Coalition against Napoleon I.

    Culture & Attractions
    Tiers am Rosengarten/Tires al Catinaccio, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    Lake "Wuhnleger"

    No other place offers such an intense view of the Catinaccio as Wuhnleger. This alpine meadow is located about a 45 minute walk from S. Cipriano and a 60 minute walk from Tires al Catinaccio/Tiers am Rosengarten at 1,402 m in the heart of the Sciliar-Catinaccio Nature Park. The lake at Wuhnleger and the surroundings provide the living space for many animals like toads, salamanders and dragonflies. The bomb pits at Wuhnleger provide evidence of World War II when an airplane dropped a bomb during an emergency.

    Highlight: Observing sunset and the Catinaccio Mountain being mirrored in the lake provide a special experience.

    Bathing Lakes & Outdoor Pools
    Balneum Sterzing Relax bath
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The Balneum is an indoor and outdoor swimming pool with a spacious alpine style sauna in Sterzing / Vipiteno in the north of Southtyrol. 
    We make sure there are enough places to sit and lie down... For big ones and for little ones.

    Guides, schools
    Via ferrata "Heini Holzer" - Ivigna
    Hafling/Avelengo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The 500 m long climb is perfectly secured with 1.000 m of steel cable and it is rated at medium difficulty (A – B – in some places B/C). Nevertheless, the last part of the via ferrata, the so-called Angel’s edge, presents a very impressive rock passage.

    Due to the nature of the new via ferrata, the climb can be a bit of an adventure for less experienced mountaineers as well as mountaineering families with children who like walking and climbing. The minimum recommended height is 1.50 m.

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