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    Vacances sur la route du vin du Sud-Tyrol

    Pour vos  vacances à Eppan/Appiano sur la route du vin dans le Sud-Tyrol, sous le signe du bien-être et du divertissement, vous pouvez choisir parmi de nombreux hébergements qui répondent à vos souhaits.
    Forts & Castles
    Ansitz Kreit
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Eines der schönsten Anwesen auf rebbepflanztem Hügel. Beliebter Drehort für Filmszenen. Ehemals einfacher mittelalterlicher Weinhof; Umbau zu einem vornehmen Ansitz im Stilempfinden
    der Zeit um 1600 vom Besitzer Elias Leis (Baumeister Luca d’Allio): zwei Ecktürme am Wohntrakt, Freitreppe, Loggia, gewölbte Mittelsäle mit Doppelbogenfenstern. Wegen Überschuldung wurde das Anwesen bald verkauft. Über die Jahrhunderte mehrmals Besitzerwechsel, u. a. Johann Anton Zeffer, der 1641 mit „von Zephyris“ geadelt wurde. Seit dem frühen 19. Jh. im bäuerlichen Besitz.
    Die Kapelle mit Fassadenturm ist dem Viehpatron St. Anton Abt geweiht und auf einem mittelalterlichen Kern erbaut, im 17. Jh. erweitert. Die Deckenmalerei, Szenen des Hl. Antonius, stammt von Lukas Plazer (1664).
    Bathing Lakes & Outdoor Pools
    Lido at the big Montiggl lake
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Relaxation and fun for young and old

    The public swimming pool is located at the large lake of Monticolo in the middle of the nature reserve forest Montiggl - Mitterberg in Eppan on the wine route. Here you can experience a lot of fun and action. The huge lawn, heated swimming pool, pool bar and restaurant serving Italian and South Tyrolean specialties, as well as boatl (rowing boats) and stand up paddle rental make a stay at the large lake Monticolo a relaxing, exciting and enjoyable pastime. The lakes in Montiggl have been recently re-awarded with the highest distinction of the Italian National Nature Conservation, the so-called "5 VELE" for the very good water quality. That's why you jump here like spontaneously into the refreshing water.

    Opening times for the season 2024:

    Opening hours:
    from 09.00 to 19.00

    Admission prices:

       Adults    Children/Senior
     under 15 years and above 65 years  Single admission        9,50 €    5,00 €  from 3 pm      6,50 €    3,50 €  Evening ticket from 6 pm      2,50 €    2,50 €  Block of 6    47,50 €   25,00 €  season ticket  165,00 €  90,00 €


    The large water slide remains closed.

    Limited number of bathers due to the Corona crisis:

    • Admission Lido max. 500 persons

    In order to avoid parking problems, in the summer time a bus goes to Montiggl and back.

    Forts & Castles
    "von Hoffenburg Estate"
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Hausmann-Locherer estate dates from the Renaissance period, was built in the second half of the 16th century and is characterised by architectural elements of Nordic and Italian origin that are typical of the Überetsch/Oltradige architectural style. Architrave-shaped windows and an entrance portal with a round arch decorate the façade of the building. Above this round arch is the coat of arms of Andrä Locherer from 1593, consisting of a unicorn standing on its hind legs. The interior rooms with their central hall are arranged symmetrically. Some rooms have stuccoed ceilings, others are covered with 17th century woodcarving decorations. The entire building encloses an inner courtyard.


    Forts & Castles
    Manor House: Ansitz Zinnenberg
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    In the fullness of the Überetscher countryside, high among the vineyards and orchards, lies the magnificent mansion of the 15th Century overlooking the idyllic Adige valley. For over 50 years in private property. Since 2022,  it has been run, like Castle Freudenstein , by Mrs Karoline Fink and her son Peter Gostner.The place is made for celebrations, which is why the Ansitz Zinnenberg is mainly used for weddings, company parties, Törggelen and other festivities. We will make your celebration an unforgettable event, with all the trimmings: decoration, cuisine and organisation.  
    Ansitz Zinnenberg is also a hotel with five suites; a special, private retreat. Please feel free to contact us for further information. 

    South Tyrolean Wine Museum
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    South Tyrolean Wine Museum in Kaltern - How could it be otherwise? The South Tyrolean Wine Museum is located in Kaltern! Innumerable objects impress the visitor with the history and significance of wine in South Tyrol. There are impressive wine presses, wine barrels and other wine production tools and equipment. You will hear informative stories and legends about wine - for example the importance of the “Saltner” as the guard of the vineyards.

    Forts & Castles
    Von Gelmini estate
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Gelmini estate was built in the first half of the 17th century. It belonged to the An der Lan and Fedrigotti families and to the Gelmini family. The three-storey building has a beautiful garden and several courtyards leading to the service buildings. Another interesting feature is the oriel with turrets and ox-eyes in the upper part of the façade, located on Schillerstrasse. The building is decorated with a mosaic created in 1911 depicting a Virgin and Child inspired by Raphael's Renaissance Madonna. Particularly worth seeing are the coffered ceiling in the wood-panelled oriel room, which dates from 1661, and the carved wooden walls, which run in two vertical strips and are separated by refined half-columns. Dr. Max von Gelmini was one of the largest silkworm breeders in South Tyrol. He built the so-called "silk spinning mill", one of the most important examples of industrial architecture in the entire country.


    Other public institutions
    Public open-air swimmingpool Terlan
    Terlan/Terlano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The open-air swimming-pool in Terlan offers water fun for kids and adults alike. Kids can splish splash in the children’s pool, adults can do laps in the big pool and there are refreshments and ice cream available at the bar.
    Big pool, 25 x 16 m plus children’s pool, whirlpool and sunbathing area with shadowy trees. Average water temperature 25 °C.

    Open daily 2024: from 18th May to 1st September
    from 18th to 31st May:  from 10 am to 7 pm
    from 1st to 1st September: from 9 am to 8 pm

    Admission: for adults 6.80 euro, children (6-17 years) 5.50 euro, children up to 5 years go for free.
    Reductions for senior citizens (Ladies and Gentlemen from 65 years): 5.50 euro
    Family day ticket (2 parents + 2 children) 19.00 Euro
    Happy Day (morning until 3 pm or afternoon from 3 pm) only mo-fr: adults 5.50 euro, children and senior 4 Euro  
    Ten-day ticket (10+1 entries): adults 68.00 euros, children and seniors 55.00 euros.
    Happy Day (10+1 entries): adults 55.00 euros, children and seniors 40.00 euros.
    Sun lounger: 4.00 euro.

    Places to See
    Old Grapevine
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Ancient domestic grapevine in Magrè In the Vicolo dei Conti in Margreid, a house grape which was planted in 1601 covers the entire facade of the Feichter residence and still proudly produces 80 kg of grapes for harvest every year.

    Monte Corno Nature Park visitor centre
    Truden/Trodena, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Monte Corno visitor centre is located in the building of the “old mill” in the centre of Trodena. Under the theme “Make visible the hidden” it gives information on the biodiversity of the Nature Park Monte Corno. Furthermore, the visitor also gets information about the geological structure, the flora and fauna of the nature park as well as on the culture and history of the place. Centrepiece of the house is certainly the electricity-powered elevator mill buildt 1948-49. It's three stories high and the only one in South Tyrol which works today. The flour, which is being grinded in the summer season on the mill grinding days, is used for baking bread.

    In the year 2020 we enjoy 40 years Nature Park.

    The Visit centre is open also on Sunday during the months July, August and September.


    Leather ware, shoes
    Amalia Pernter 1896
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The tailor's shop in Salorno produces lederhosen, typical leather trousers of South Tyrol. Lederhosen are a traditional costume and part of the culture of South Tyrol.



    Forts & Castles
    Abraham (present-day post office)
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Two-storey building from the 17th century. Stone-framed, round-arched portal on façade with sandstone-
    framed double-arched window (bifora) above. A marble plaque with Latin inscription and chronogram at

    the entrance to the courtyard recalls the 1765 encounter of Francis I and his royal daughter-in-law
    Elisabeth, the Infanta (princess) of Spain.
    Hiking guides
    Lukas Varesco - Hiking guide
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    They know the most beautiful places, they know the best route and give you the feeling of being in safe hands. South Tyrol's certified hiking guides accompany you through the unique natural landscape and along unique paths up to the peaks and through the countryside. You will also learn lots of interesting facts about the flora, fauna, history and geology of the region.
    Forts & Castles
    “Altes Gemeindehaus” (Old parish hall)
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Here used to be the farm at Ziggl, first mentioned in 1541 as the property of Franz Seemann von Mangern, later as the property of the Barons von Coreth. In 1798 Bartlme von Hebenstreit sold it to the court clerk Anton Teiss. In 1820 Michael Rizzoll acquired the farm; the majority of the estates were separated in the process. In 1862 it went to Katharina Rizzolli and in 1871 to the grocer Mathias Pfitscher. In 1880, he sold it to the municipality. From 1889 onwards, the school building was erected in the lower part, the upper part being the community hall until the first half of the 20th century. Today, this house houses various social institutions, a primary school, library, flats for the elderly and the doctor's ambulatory.

     Inside the house there are numerous cross vaults, and the doors and windows are mostly stone-framed. The sandstone for these openings was once quarried in the surrounding area, for example in Kalditsch.

    Agricultural Consortium
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Welcome to the Agricultural Consortium of Kaltern.
    Here you will find agricultural resources from A to Z.
    Forts & Castles
    "Wohlgemuth zu Wendelstein" estate
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The „Wohlgemuth zu Wendelstein“ estate dates back to 1592. The date is above the portal in the fresco of the triangular pediment on the double-arched window, which is adorned by a beautiful wrought-iron balustrade. The Renaissance building has an irregular floor plan and is set around an inner courtyard. The hall on the first floor with the aforementioned double-arched window has a precious coffered ceiling.

    Forts & Castles
    "De Campi" estate
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The “De Campi” estate dates back to the 16th century and is connected to the Wohlgemuth manor by a stone portal on which the coat of arms and three pinnacles can be seen. The street-side façade is symmetrically divided into three storeys. The windows and doors are also stone-framed. The upper floor has two polygonal corner oriels. In the middle of the two is an elegant double-arched window and above it is a wide French door with a wrought-iron balcony. The year 1563 is written on the cellar door.
    Forts & Castles
    Picturesque Arcades in Egna
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Egna is located at the foot of he Castelfeder hill. Already in the Middle Ages the village was a thriving trading centre due to its strategic geographical position and today it is the main cultural and economic centre of the Bassa Atesina. It is no coincidence that this lovely village is considered one of the most beautiful places in Italy. A must see is the old village centre with its 500 metres of arcades, its stately manors and magnificent inter courtyards. This is where you will find the perfect mix of entertainment, relaxation and taste.

    Forts & Castles
    An der Lan estate
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The stone-framed round-arched portal opens towards Goethe Street on the west side of the An der Lan estate, a Renaissance building from the 16th century. Above it you find the beautiful double-arched windows. The south façade is adorned by a belt cornice and large rectangular windows set in stone with wrought-iron grilles. Inside, the central halls have vaulted ceilings, with the wood-panelled room on the first floor a testament to expert woodcarving and inspired by the Renaissance style. In 1817, the building was acquired by the Gelmini zu Kreuzhof family.

    Forts & Castles
    Ansitz Freienfeld
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Ansitz Freienfeld was built in 1521 by the Earl of Indermauer. (Courtyard surrounded by embattled walls.) In the large windows of the Trinkstube beautiful frescoes can be seen.

    Places to See
    Hill Castelfeder
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The fertile terrace between Auer/Ora, Neumarkt/Egna, and Montan/Montagna is an ancient cultural landscape. Castelfeder was the center of human existence in the south of South Tyrol for thousands of years. There are traces of settlements from the Stone and Bronze Ages. The remains of a castle complex, the legendary fertility chute and the walls of the Barbara Chapel bear witness to a mystical past. Also, Raetians, Romans, and other tribes who settled in the area around the hill retreated to the 400-meter-high hill in troubled times and left their traces.

    After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire had Castelfeder refortified as a bastion against the Germanic tribes shortly after the year 500. On this "acropolis," hundreds of people could find refuge together with their cattle and supplies. The last remains of the 500-meter-long ring wall of this largest fortress of the Adige Valley are the "Kuchelen," whose construction resembles the city wall of Constantinople.

    Because of the Mediterranean vegetation, the area was called the "Arcadia of Tyrol" by romantic poets. The Castelfeder hill is important not only from an archaeological and historical point of view, but also from an ecological one. Thus, a zone with an area of about one hundred hectares was placed under landscape protection as a biotope years ago. Due to the Mediterranean climate, it is particularly mild on the hill as early as March. Today, Castelfeder is home to some animals that have become rare in Europe. The biotope's flora and fauna can be explored on the nature discovery trail.
    Bathing Lakes & Outdoor Pools
    Open Air swimming pool Salorno/Salurn
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Enjoy your family day at the open air swimming pool in Salorno/Salurn. Waterslides and a big variety of different pool types assure a lot of fun the whole day.

    Forts & Castles
    Hausmann-Locherer estate
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Hausmann-Locherer estate dates from the Renaissance period, was built in the second half of the 16th century and is characterised by architectural elements of Nordic and Italian origin that are typical of the Überetsch/Oltradige architectural style. Architrave-shaped windows and an entrance portal with a round arch decorate the façade of the building. Above this round arch is the coat of arms of Andrä Locherer from 1593, consisting of a unicorn standing on its hind legs. The interior rooms with their central hall are arranged symmetrically. Some rooms have stuccoed ceilings, others are covered with 17th century woodcarving decorations. The entire building encloses an inner courtyard.

    Forts & Castles
    “von Lutterotti” estate
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The most interesting part of the façade of the “von Lutterotti” estate, a 17th century Baroque building, is probably the portal. It is framed by two half-columns with capitals and scroll and smooth and broken headstones. This is the magnificent archway of the court and prison building of the former Salorno/Salurn jurisdiction. The seat is adorned by three wrought-iron balconies. The hall on the first floor is decorated with stucco work. After the building was no longer used as a seat of jurisdiction, it passed to the namesake Lutterotti family from Salurn.

    Construction sector, trade
    IFA Immobilien
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    IFA Immobilien is your partner in selling, renting, advising and mediating real estate. Feel free to contact us by phone for further information - we are here for you!
    Meat and sausages
    Butchery Windegger
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    We work with trained specialists and focus on the best taste. Whether sausage, bacon, ham, smoked meat or ready-to-cook products - our customers taste and appreciate this!
    Forts & Castles
    “Liebenstein” estate
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The “Liebenstein” estate with its Maria-Hilf fresco dates back to the 16th century. In the first documents it is referred to as "Hof der Plattner genannt Röll". At the beginning of the 18th century, the two original buildings were combined into a single complex and given the name "Ansitz Liebenstein". The An der Lan family were the last noble owners of the house.
    Forts & Castles
    Griesfeld residence
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Griesfeld estate in Neumarkt/Egna. This beautiful residence was built by Karl Balthasar of Cazan around the middle of the 17th century. Rectangular windows, two biforiums and six ox-eye windows adorn the elegant façade. On the second floor of the building there is a wonderful Baroque chapel, whose barrel vault is decorated with rich stucco and valuable 17th-century frescoes depicting the lives of saints and the Blessed Mother. Today this stately building houses a home economics school

    Bathing Lakes & Outdoor Pools
    Open Air swimming pool Egna/Neuamarkt
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Open Air swimming Pool in Egna/Neumarkt has everything a waterfun-lover needs. We offer you a big variety on different activies: beach volleyball, beach soccer, water zumba or swimming by night. In case you need Internet, we've got a free wifi area.


    Forts & Castles
    Via Andreas-Hofer
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Andreas-Hofer-Street owes its name to the South Tyrolean patriot who led the 1809 uprising against Napoleon. When arrested in 1810, Andreas Hofer was imprisoned in the Neumarkt/Egna prison on the night of January 30th before being transferred to Mantua to be executed. The old court prisons are found at house number 28; originally property of the lords of Enn and Caldiff, they remained in use until 1830. Today, the building is in private hands, but on the ground floor, two cells with cross vaults remain, and plaque commemorating the illustrious guest marks the façade.


    Bathing Lakes & Outdoor Pools
    Open Air swimming pool Ora/Auer
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Open Air swimming pool in Auer/Ora offers you the possibility to relax or have fun with your whole family. Wheter you choose the pool for the children or the water slide - it's all up to you.