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    Les alpages sur la route du vin du Sud-Tyrol

    Que serait la randonnée dans le Sud-Tyrol sans la traditionnelle "Brettl-Marende" dans l'un des nombreux alpages et refuges surplombant les vallées et offrant une vue imprenable sur les montagnes ? Là où se trouvent les sentiers de randonnée, les délicieuses possibilités de se restaurer ne sont généralement pas loin. Ainsi, ta prochaine randonnée sera un moment fort pour toute la famille.

    Alpine Farms
    Schutzhaus Halbweghütte
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road
    Our family run restaurant is open since 1959. We offer our guests homemade meals typical from South Tyrol and Trentino. We have a comfy sitting room, a big terasse and a big children's playground. For group reservation we ask to make them in advance. New: E-Bike charging station.
    Alpine Farms
    Rifugio Oltradige
    Tramin an der Weinstraße/Termeno sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road
    The Rifugio Oltradige al Roen/Überetscher Hütte faces the Dolomites with a stunning view over the Adige's Valley. Lots of trails head to the Rifugio, from the most demanding to the simplest one, wich is also suitable for baby buggy. Right behind the Rifugio starts an easy via Ferrata that leads to the top of Monte Roen, the view up there is even more astonishing. The Rifugio offers the possibility to stay overnight, that gives the guests the chance to enjoy the sunrise coming up from the Dolomites.