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Vybrané filtry

    Divadelní a dramatická představení

    Poznejte kouzlo divadla a dramatu v Jižním Tyrolsku. Navštivte představení, kde na jevišti ožívají emoce a příběhy. Najděte si vybrané akce pro svou dovolenou:

    Movie Nights in the Vintschger Museum
    Schluderns/Sluderno, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    The team of the Vintschger Museum invites you to two movie nights in October! Amateur film recordings from the municipalities of Schluderns and Mals will be shown. (in German) Historical amateur films are valuable sources for historiography. They document events from a personal personal point of view and bring the past to life. Programme: 4 October 2024 at 8 pm Lutt Franz: Schluderns (Inauguration of the new primary school, Martini celebration at the castle chapel in Matsch, senior citizens at the Tartscher Bichl hill) 18 October 2024 at 8 pm Sagmeister Rudi: Mals Village life 1971-1975 (skiing, Watles, customs and leisure activities) The team of the Vintschger Museum is looking forward to seeing you!
    18 října, 2024 - 18 října, 2024
    Musical - Anouk und ihre Reise ans Meer
    A musical by Uwe Heynitz in german language. A fantastic journey through a dissolving world. A stunning experience for the eyes, ears, and mind. This beautiful, modern, and visually powerful fairy tale for children, teenagers, and young-at-heart adults tells the story of little Anouk, who must find the sea to heal and save reality. The show is filled with an abundance of striking images, memorable characters, and breathtaking songs, offering plenty of food for thought and reflection. Phone obsession, data giants, and bullying serve as the backdrop for the story of the orphan Anouk, whose bones are turning to glass, and who must find the long-lost sea to heal and save the crumbling Earth. The Heimatbühne Welsberg is excited to take you on a journey this year with a musical full of depth and beauty. Ticket price: Adults €14; children, students, and seniors: €8. Recommended age: for people aged 5 and up. TICKET PRESALE AND RESERVATIONS: Starting September 27 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday: direct ticket sales at the Paul-Troger-Haus or phone reservations at the same time under Tel. No. 379 2714432. WhatsApp and SMS will not be accepted.
    18 října, 2024 - 20 října, 2024
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    19 října, 2024 - 20 října, 2024
    Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen: Vor Sonnenaufgang
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    ‘Before Sunrise’ by Ewald Palmetshofer, based on Gerhart Hauptmann, is about a family in the countryside that has come into money and, marked by strokes of fate, seeks anaesthesia in alcohol intoxication. This led director Sarantos Zervoulakos and set and costume designer Ece Anisoglu - inspired by the location and nature of the studio in the Stadttheater Bozen and the wellness paradise of South Tyrol - to transform the setting into a sauna, which has consequences for the players. This social drama also includes a kissing scene with simulated sex, an off-screen birth and mild physical violence. Potential nudity is also to be expected due to the location in a sauna. All these consequences have prompted us, the Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen, to deal with the complex issue of intimacy coordination and to provide preventive measures for players and all those involved.
    19 října, 2024 - 27 října, 2024
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    FR/CH 2023, 112 Min. Regia: Anna Novion con: Ella Rumpf, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Clotilde Courau In lingua tedesca Marguerite ist eine äußerst talentierte Mathematikerin und die einzige Frau ihres Jahrgangs an der ENS in Paris. Als sie ihre Dissertation einer Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern präsentiert, bemerkt sie einen schwerwiegenden Fehler in ihrer Arbeit, der sie verunsichert. Sie will alles hinter sich lassen und von Neuem beginnen. Doch als sie sich mit Lea anfreundet, schöpft sie neue Hoffnung, bezüglich der Richtigkeit ihres Theorems. Ticket: 7€
    21 října, 2024 - 21 října, 2024
    Waag Aquarium Unplugged: TESSA KAI live concert
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Entry: pay as you can Every third Tuesday of the month, Waag presents "Aquarium Unplugged", in collaboration with Supermarket Crew. In the Aquarium, the Waag Café room at the corner of Piazza del Grano and tvia Portici, an upcoming artist will perform unplugged. Lisa Pivetta, aka TESSA KAI, from Bolzano, born in 2006 will be our first guest artist. Passionate about music from an early age in 2022 she began to approach songwriting as part of the Student Festival, and in 2024 she kicked off the TESSA KAI project with her first unreleased song “Panda.” Booking is strongly recommended: office@waaghaus.eu Tel. +39 3513414316
    22 října, 2024 - 22 října, 2024
    Documentary Film at the Visitor Centre
    Stilfs/Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    Spectacular aerial photographs provide an overview of the rugged habitat of the Stelvio National Park. This documentary film portrays the Alpine animals and plants in their natural environment. Film in German language 5:00 p.m. / Film in Italian language 4:00 p.m. Film made of Marco Polo e Thomas Vonmetz copyright:PR Video / Rai Südtirol /Prov. Autonoma Bolzano Südtirol Dip. 28
    23 října, 2024 - 23 října, 2024
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    Cabaret in German language We only have this one world. And it's called Strunzenöd. Michael Altinger has been trying to save this world for the last two cabaret programmes. With ‘Lichtblick’, the last part of his trilogy, the final showdown will finally take place. And there will be a happy ending. But for whom? Hopefully for the good guys. Because that's us. After all, we're in favour of a speed limit because we wouldn't voluntarily drive 130 on the motorway. We are in favour of a holiday in a motorhome because it produces fewer emissions than a private jet. And we have brought up our children in such a way that they will force politicians to save the weather for us. Because otherwise there would be nothing left to talk about without conflict. At a time when old friends have new opinions. Altinger is the ray of hope that gives this world another chance. Because everything is at stake. It's about Strunzenöd. And he is well ammunitioned, with words, willpower and sausage salad. And together with his guitarist Andreas Rother, he also develops the right sound that a great end-time battle demands. The ‘Steinegg Live Festival’, which is now popular far beyond the borders, is entering its 28th round this year. As in previous years, the organisers are offering a collection of music and culture between the middle and end of October ... a mix of local art and foreign star guests. ENTRY: 24,00€ (online ticket) 25,00€ (evening ticket) Get your ONLINE TICKET here: Ticket MICHAEL ALTINGER
    23 října, 2024 - 23 října, 2024
    Stable Theatre Bolzano 2024/2025
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    ‘Social intimacy’: the TSB's 2024/2025 season affirms the vital importance of theatre as a community reference point. The new programming has literally won over the Bolzano audience. The playbill designed for the Bolzano Municipal Theatre consists of 13 appointments with theatre excellence that are the result of the encounter between texts and artists of the highest calibre.
    23 října, 2024 - 13 dubna, 2025
    27th Keschtniglwochen: Mystery thriller on chestnut evening
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Need a thrill? Looking for good music? Then you've come to the right place. Because music and a story form an ingenious combination, complementing and counterpointing each other. Heike Vigl narrates. The Joe Smith Quartet plays and sings. Ingenious catchy tunes: rhythmic, pop, dark, with a touch of jazz. The Feldthurns economic committee and the Klausen, Barbian, Feldthurns and Villanders tourism co-operative look forward to seeing you there. ONLY IN GERMAN Ticket reservations at the Feldthurns information office +39 0472 855290 or info@klausen.it. Price: 15,00€
    24 října, 2024 - 24 října, 2024
    Film presentation "Flurnamen rund um den Schlern" - in German
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    Film presentation of "Flurnamen rund um den Schlern". Afterwards, a discussion with local historian and field name expert Johannes Ortner, as well as Marianne Prieth and Nikolaus Malfertheiner. Finally, a small reception. The event is held in German.
    24 října, 2024 - 24 října, 2024
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    Hydráos (Italian premiere) Editta Braun is a pioneer of contemporary choreography in Austria. After graduating from the University of Salzburg, she studied dance in Paris and New York. She has created more than 35 productions and has toured the world with her company. Her special characteristics are intercultural collaboration, political engagement, society and theatre in a feminist perspective. She has won important national and international awards for her choreographic work and, since 2023, several awards for her first dance film LUVOS migrations. Concept, choreography, direction, costume: Editta Braun Performers: Sonia Borkowicz, Weng Teng Choi-Buttinger, Simona Štangová Photo, Video: Bettina Frenzel Music and sound: Thierry Zaboitzeff Lighting design: Thomas Hinterberger Production: editta braun company Funded by Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport, Land Salzburg, Stadt Salzburg, Österreichisches Kulturforum Milano, Städteparnterschaft Meran-Salzburg Positive Projection (world premiere) Since 1986 dance teacher and choreographer at the ASV Ballet School Arabesque Merano. She is active as a dancer and choreographer, with more than 26 productions and performances in Merano, in the province of Bolzano, Milan and in Chiavenna (Lombardia) and Calcio (BG). She was awarded the "Premio Fersen alla Regia 2016" for the direction of the short piece "Ho dei bei piedi - Ich habe schöne Füße". Concept, dramaturgy: Sabine Raffeiner, Filippo Quarta Choreography: Sabine Raffeiner, Hugo Olagnon, Giulia Manica Performers: Hugo Olagnon, Giulia Manica Direction, production, costume: Sabine Raffeiner Texts: Filippo Quarta Photo: Christian Lang Music and sound: Filippo Quarta Lighting design: Sabine Raffeiner, Crealight/Julian Marmsoler Supported by Abteilung für Deutsche Kultur der Autonomen Provinz Bozen With the kind support of Scuola di danza Arabesque asd, Christian Lang, Maria Katzlinger alpmove.it Ticket 10/15 €: www.ticket.bz.it
    26 října, 2024 - 26 října, 2024
    Martina Schwarzmann “Ganz einfach”
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Ein schönes Leben haben, das ist doch ganz einfach. Da bäckt man einen Kuchen und danach isst man ihn auf. Zwischendrin wird noch ein bisschen was erlebt und ein bisschen gearbeitet. So schaut der Tag von Martina Schwarzmann aus. Ganz einfach. Wenn in der Zeitung nichts Schönes drinsteht, dann liest man sie einfach nicht. Und hartnäckige Flecken in der Wäsche entfernt man am besten mit der Schere. Manchmal wird ein bisschen rumgeplärrt, mal von den minderjährigen Mitbewohnern, manchmal auch von den volljährigen Bewohnern des Bauernhofs, der der Lebensmittelpunkt der Künstlerin, einfachen Hausfrau und vierfachen Mutter ist. Denn manchmal, sitzt man da und schaut Möchte man es ruhiger haben, muss man nur das Richtige kochen. Denn wenn alle den Mund voll haben, ist es mal ganz kurz leise. Nachts ist es auch so ganz ruhig. Dann hört Martina im Bad, wie sich die Silberfischerl über ihren Körper unterhalten. Wenn Martina nicht gerade ihre wilden Kinder bändigt oder ihrem Mann auf dem Acker hilft, dann sitzt sie manchmal da und schaut, das ist auch schön. Denn wenn man gscheit schaut, dann sieht man immer was, worüber man mal dringend ein Lied schreiben sollte. So wie über den eingetrockneten Frosch, aus dem sie mit Hilfe einer Schnur einen Teebeutel bastelt: falls der Storch mal vorbeikommt, damit man ihm was Passendes anbieten kann. Und manchmal steht der Sinn des Lebens vor der Tür Manchmal klingelts bei Martina, dann steht meist der Sinn des Lebens vor der Tür. Der sucht schon seit Jahren nach ihr. Aber sie macht nie auf. Soll er ruhig weitersuchen. Wenn Ihr Martina sucht, dann findet ihr sie auf der Bühne eures Vertrauens. Also kommt in Scharen, lauscht und lasst es euch gut gehen. Das habt ihr euch verdient! Martina Schwarzmann: Eigentlich ist sie gelernte Köchin, doch in Wahrheit eine geborene Kabarettistin. Mit ihrem trockenen Humor, ihrer präzisen Beobachtungsgabe und ihrem unbestechlichen Blick für die Tücken des Alltags ist sie mittlerweile von den bayerischen Kabarettbühnen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Wenn sie die skurrilen Geschichten vom Wahnsinn ihres ganz normalen Lebens und ihre mitreißenden Lieder zum Besten gibt, lacht das Publikum Tränen. Ausgezeichnet mit zahlreichen Kabarett- und Kleinkunstpreisen bespielt die Mutter von vier Kindern aktuell die Bühnen Bayerns und darüber hinaus.
    26 října, 2024 - 26 října, 2024
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The C. MONTEVERDI Conservatory invites you to its free concert series ‘Monteverdi in concert’ from 3 October 2024!
    26 října, 2024 - 21 prosince, 2024
    Teatro Cristallo - Il teatro è dei bambini
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    To love theatre... from an early age! Performances organised by the Compagnia teatroBlu, which also runs theatre courses for all ages
    26 října, 2024 - 22 února, 2025
    Madame Butterfly (Opera in three acts)
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Opera in three acts based on a libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica In Nagasaki, Japan, the American Lieutenant Pinkerton has fallen in love with the geisha Cho-Cho-San, whom everyone calls Butterfly. Pinkerton only wants to marry the beautiful Japanese woman Butterfly according to Japanese custom. He has no interest in a serious marriage. Butterfly, on the other hand, really loves Pinkerton. Shortly after he leaves for America, she has a child with him. But she waits in vain for several years for him to return. The opera comes to a tragic end because Pinkerton wants to pick up his child in Japan and take it with him to America. Accompanied by his new wife, he arrives in Nagasaki. Butterfly is prepared to leave the child to him. She says goodbye to her son and while Pinkerton comes to pick him up, Butterfly kills herself with a dagger. Madama Butterfly: Victoria Burneo Sanchez Suzuki: Elena Serra F.B. Pinkerton: Alessandro Goldoni Sharpless: Walter Franceschini Goro: John Faber Cardona Other characters: Anna Bellosguardo, Adriana Bia, Paola Leonardi, Marco Bertolini, Domenico Feliciello, Filiberto Mignolli, Danilo Zeni, Leonora Victoria Vadagnini Choirs: G. Verdi Opera Choir - Bolzano & Estrolirica Director: Mirko Corradini Orchestra: Aurona Participating maestro: Luca Schinai Concertmaster and conductor: Claudio Vadagnini Admission price: 10 Euro Ticket reservation: orchestra.aurona@gmail.com Tickets also available on the day of the performance at the Forum Brixen from 2 pm
    27 října, 2024 - 27 října, 2024
    perma.kult, Klang- und Lecture-Performance
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The lecture performance perma.kult uses a formal lecture to explore a different method of landscape and garden cultivation from the conventional monoculture - permaculture. The latter is seen as an alternative to the capitalism of always more and the ruthless use of our planet's resources/limitations. On a second level, the performer André Hinderlich negotiates fragments of his biography, his own professional reality and identity within the lecture. The lecture assumes that the formation of (individual) identity is linked to the respective historical cultural-natural relationships of a specific society.
    27 října, 2024 - 27 října, 2024
    Cabaret: Ninderscht isch nicht (in german language)
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Couples therapy with Ginther and Irene After the successful cabaret "Schaffa Schaffa, Häusle baue", Ginther (Thomas Hochkofler) and Irene (Karin Verdorfer) now pass on to the audience the life tips they learned in a couple's therapy - according to the motto: Eppes isch iberåll und "ninderscht isch nicht"! After the huge success of the cinema film "Joe der Film", Thomas Hochkofler and Karin Verdorfer return to the cabaret stage. In the cabaret programme "Schaffa Schaffa, Häusle baue", Ginther and Irene gave the audience important tips on building a house. In the meantime, a few years have passed, there was a serious marital crisis between the two, whereupon they went to couples therapy - and now everything seems to be back on track. After the joint couples therapy, the two know exactly how to have a really good relationship, and they are convinced that they have to pass on this knowledge - quasi as a social initiative to save couples. As absolute specialists in this field, they help the audience with this play to raise the quality of their relationship to a safe level. So "Ninderscht isch nicht" is suitable on the one hand for couples or those who would like to become couples, but on the other hand also for singles who, after this play, either come to the realisation that they would prefer to remain singles after all, or simply that now is the right time to find a dream partner. Of course, couples who want to break up in style also receive valuable tips - according to the motto: "Ninderscht isch nicht"!
    28 října, 2024 - 28 října, 2024
    Das fliegende Klassenzimmer
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    DE/IT 2023, 90 Min. Regie: Carolina Hellsgård mit: Tom Schilling, Trystan Pütter, Hannah Herzsprung In lingua tedesca Die begabte 13-jährige Martina bekommt die Chance auf ein Stipendium für das begehrte Johann-Sigismund-Gymnasium im Alpenstädtchen Kirchberg. Obwohl sie dort nur lernen will, wird Martina in einen Streit zwischen Stadt- und Landkindern verwickelt. Doch dann verändert ein dramatischer Unfall alles. Ticket: 5€
    28 října, 2024 - 28 října, 2024
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    FR 2024, 97 Min. Regia: Blandine Lenoir con: Izïa Higelin, Sophie Guillemin, Salif Cissé, Jean-Pierre Darroussin In lingua tedesca Die Kinderbuchillustratorin Juliette lebt in Paris und kehrt in ihren Heimatort zurück. Mitten in der französischen Provinz hofft sie auf eine entspannte Zeit im Kreise ihrer Familie. Stattdessen trifft sie auf ihre Schwester, die mitten in einer existentiellen Krise steckt, ihren launischen Vater, ihre Mutter, die in die Esoterik-Welt abgedriftet ist und auf ihre geliebte Großmutter, die erst seit kurzem im Pflegeheim wohnt. Und dann ist da noch der Barkeeper Polux, der zufällig Juliettes Weg kreuzt. Ticket: 7€
    28 října, 2024 - 28 října, 2024
    Puppet theatre in the Nature Park Visitor Center
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal
    Puppet theatre "Not only wolves are hungry". Puppet theatre by Eva Sotriffer in collaboration with the library and the Villnöß education committee for children aged 4 and more years and the whole family. No registration required.
    29 října, 2024 - 29 října, 2024
    Die Schule der magischen Tiere 3
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    DE 2024 Regie: Sven Unterwaldt mit: Emilia Maier, Loris Sichrovsky, Emilia Pieske In lingua tedesca Ida möchte mit ihrer Klasse beim jährlichen Waldtag auftreten, um sich für den Schutz des lokalen Waldes einzusetzen. Doch die Sorgen und Pläne ihrer Mitschülerinnen und Mitschülern und deren magischer Begleiter werden zu Stolpersteinen. Ticket: 5€
    04 listopadu, 2024 - 04 listopadu, 2024
    Sound of Südtirol - Vipiteno
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs
    The Image of Südtirol: mountains, farmhouses, skiers and traditional costumes. The Taste of Südtirol: apples, wine, Speck and Spaghetti. The Sound of Südtirol: ??? Discover it with the new concert program by Choriosum - music of South Tyrolean artists newly interpreted and 100% a cappella.
    08 listopadu, 2024 - 08 listopadu, 2024
    Theatre performance "Die Falle"
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal
    Theatre performance "Die Falle" in German under the direction of Karl Heinz Ranalter in the Culture House of St. Peter. Performance in four immages of Robert Thomas. The premiere is on 8th November at 8.00 pm. Reservation: every day except Sunday between 3.00 pm and 8.00 pm Tel.: +39 339 5223385
    08 listopadu, 2024 - 17 listopadu, 2024
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