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    Naučte se lyžovat ve Vinschgau

    Lyžařské školy ve Vinschgau vám pomohou zlepšit vaše dovednosti na svazích.
    Ski schools
    Ski school Watles
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The Watles ski school is considered one of the best ski schools in the region and possesses the certification of "gold" as an acknowledgement as among the best children’s ski schools in South Tyrol, thanks to the varied and pedagogically experienced program on offer. 15 skilled educators and experienced ski teachers are on hand to instruct both youngsters and adult beginners.

    Here children and beginners of all ages can learn the techniques of skiing, carving and snowboarding. In addition, advanced skiers will find good opportunities to improve their skiing skills or approach new techniques.

    Ski schools
    Ski school Solda
    Stilfs/Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Students at the Ski School Solda can profit from the knowledge and experience of former ski professionals and ski trainers: The ski school draws on almost 75 years’ experience in technique, safety on the skis, hospitality and professional teaching. Be accompanied on the best descents or learn to ski using the Primaristic system. Small children are also provided for. As a member of the “specialist children’s ski schools” of South Tyrol, ​Solda’s Yeti Club was awarded the gold seal of quality of South Tyrolean ski schools.

    Ski schools
    Ski School Reschenpass
    Graun im Vinschgau/Curon Venosta, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The perfect place for carefree fun in the snow! At the Ski School Reschenpass you will find everything you are looking for: qualified skiing instructors will help you to learn to ski, to improve your style or to hone your racing technique. Skiing, carving, cross-country skiing, skating, snowboarding, newschool and Telemark skiing, we will teach you any winter sport in an enjoyable and safe way.

    Ski schools
    ski and snowboard school San Valentino
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The teachers of the Ski School of San Valentino are more than happy to make your holidays at the ski paradise of Reschenpass an unforgettable experience.
    Our main goal is to make your children enjoy the „YETI KINDERLAND“ program, with different events organized every day and every week.

    Cross-country ski school
    Cross country & biathlon school
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    Cross-country skiing is a healthy way to get through the winter! Whether classic style or skating, the state-certified cross-country ski instructors of the cross-country and biathlon school in Val Martello will teach you on the biathlon course or on the panoramic St. Maria cross-country trail.
    More fun through better technique is guaranteed.