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    Restaurants in Bozen

    Enoteca Gandolfi
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Since 1939 in the world of wines - Weins, distillates and gastronomic specialities.

    Home furnishings
    Eccel Decorona piumini & co.
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Eccel Decorona - from 1907 to today

    In the year 1907, under the Bolzano arcade, the skilled textile merchant Marius Eccel senior opened his first shop together with his wife Maria Eccel Schaller.

    His descendants were and still are born merchants. Each of Marius Eccel junior's sons set up his own business. Since 1954, the Eccel Decorona bed linen shop has had its headquarters in the Decorona porch house in Bolzano.

    Walter Eccel ran it until 2003. Today, his son Andreas Eccel runs the company. In 2002, a sales outlet was also opened in Brunico.

    Marius Eccel senior, the progenitor of a dynasty of traders, was originally from Borgo di Valsugana. At that time, at the turn of the century, merchants were also 'travelling salesmen'. They travelled by carriage out of the village, took orders and made deliveries to customers. The business grew; each grandson specialised in a different sector of the textile field. Eccel Decorona concentrated on sheets, bedclothes and towels.
    Cultural centres and theatre
    Teatro Comunale Bolzano/Stadttheater Bozen
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    A brand new building in the centre of town, planned by the world-known architect and designer Marco Zanuso, hosts international, Italian and German productions.

    The Communal Theatre of Bolzano has become, united to the Auditorium, one of the more important cultural places ofBolzano and of the Alto Adige.

    The two structures offer from 30 to 50 events, spacing from the theatre in German and Italian language to the ballet and to the dance, from the musical comedy to the works monthly and operette. They always come however used also more for conventions, assemblies, conferences.

    Places to See
    Monument to Peter Mayr
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Built following Georg von Hauberrisser's Project, from Munich. Mayr, head of the Schützen, a traditional unit of infantrymen, and firm believer in the rebellion against the French domain, was shot by the French on the 20th February 1810.

    Fashion, clothing
    Rubatscher, specialised linen store
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The Rubatscher Boutique is a historic address in the centre of Bolzano. It is here that one can find the finest and most form-fitting underwear, the perfect hosiery for women and men, nightwear to suit every intimacy and the newest and most sought-after beachwear from the best brands.
    Gallery Lungomare
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Lungomare, a cultural association founded in Bolzano in 2003, was created from the desire and necessity to open a space in which to share differences, experiences, opinions and desires, a space in which to make the link between cultural production and the political and social dimension. Lungomare undertakes projects that investigate and test possible relationships between design, architecture, urban planning, art and theory, the results of which are presented in different formats: public discussions, conferences, publications, exhibitions and interventions in public spaces. All these formats are characterised by the intention to interact with cultural and socio-political processes relating to the region in which Lungomare is located.

    Currently Lungomare’s activities focus on long-term residency projects, a format whereby Lungomare invites guests to engage and interact within the context of South Tyrol. Lungomare’s activities are based on three principles: specific attention to the context in which the association’s projects are undertaken, the transdisciplinary approach that distinguishes these projects, and reflection on the role of Lungomare as a cultural institution in connection with the region in which it operates.

    Fill, shoes and orthopaedic shoes
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The origins of this family of cobblers dates back to the 19th century
    in Chiusa, where they’d opened their first shoemaker’s workshop,
    Fill, in 1871. In the 20th century, one of the family’s son remained in
    Chiusa, while the other moved to Bolzano to Piazza Gries where today
    you can find Café Menz (see p. 147). The current owner’s grandfather
    – Karl Fill – built the building of today’s Fill premises in 1961,
    boasting space for a shop, show workshop, and an apartment. Since
    2022, the third Bolzano generation has been running the business,
    led by siblings Patrizia and Horst, while Werner (Karl Fill’s nephew)
    and Waltraud, the second generation, still help out.
    Stand-out traits
    We know how important it is to wear comfortable shoes. Here
    is where you can go the extra mile: the store sells special socks,
    insoles, shoelaces and shoeshine as well as comfortable shoes for
    women, men and children – and even babies! It boasts a vast range
    of regular shoes, slippers, and mountain boots all united by the fact
    they’re extremely comfortable to wear. Horst Steinhauser is the current
    owner and completed his training as an orthopaedic specialist
    and shoemaker in Austria. He then worked in Innsbruck and Munich before opening his workshop in the Gries neighbourhood 20 years
    ago where he’s been “solving problems with his feet” ever since.
    Artists' Association art gallery
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The Artists' Association has been active in the Province of Bolzano since 1922, first under the name of S.I.A.B.A. (Italian Union of Fine Arts Artists) and later as F.I.D.A. (Italian federation of artists). In 1985 the Association drew up a new statute and took its current name. The aim of the Association is to coach and bring together artists from the three language groups operating in the Province. It is a non-profit organisation and carries out its activities thanks to the commitment of its members who enable the realisation of the various activities through their voluntary work.

    It represents established artists and new talents through publishing activities, organising events and using internet as a means of information and communication.
    The Artists' Association is also involved in the formation of art enthusiasts for whom it organises image education courses, especially in oil painting, watercolour, graphics, drawing and experimental painting. The teaching staff is made up of artists almost all of whom were trained at Fine Arts Academies. During the year they also offer visits to the most important exhibitions and art fairs.
    Forts & Castles
    Runkelstein Castle, the illustrated manor
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    At the beginning of the Sarntal Valley you'll find Runkelstein Castle, on the northern outskirts of town. You can easily get there on foot walking the lush green Talfer promenade or using a bike by taking the bike path. You can also hop on number 12 bus (Sunday Nr. 14), as well as the free shuttle departing from Walther Square (for further information contact Bolzano's Tourism Office). At the foot of the castle you'll find parking space for cars and bikes. Built in 1237 on a jutting edge of rock, the castle has been worked on and enlarged many times over and it boasts a collection of beautiful frescoes, depicting life scenes from court, hunting parties, knightly tournaments and scenes from everyday life. Literary depictions are not missing, as they also illustrate the adventures of Tristan and Isolda and those of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. It is the biggest collection of profane frescoes and the best preserved one of the Middle Age. There are always some interesting cultural events going on at the castle, wich from time to time liven up the halls and court of Roncolo. A restaurant offers the chance to taste local dishes in a medieval setting.

    Optician, photography
    Gatti, photography studio
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    What to do when your employer makes you redundant? You take
    the first step (ironic, considering he worked in a shoe factory
    before) towards the right decision: in Gino Gatti’s case that meant
    making his passion for photography into his daily breadwinner.
    All this happened in 1960 – but this wasn’t Gino’s first rodeo. He’d
    nurtured his passion for taking snapshots for years and he’d already
    turned it into a money-making activity. To round off his family’s
    income, he used to photograph events during his spare time. The
    jump from side hustle to main business was immediate, and he
    soon opened his own shop. His son Stefano was also a passionate
    photographer, and so learnt the tricks and tips of being behind the
    shutter as a child. Both father and son would take pictures during
    their work breaks, when hiking in the mountains, and when out
    and about surrounded by nature. When all the other kids soaked up
    the sunshine during the summer holidays, Stefano could be found
    working in the shop and spending time in the darkroom. His regular
    apprenticeship started at the age of 16 and, in 1996, he took over the
    business when Gino retired.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Stiftskirche in Gries / Chiesa Abbaziale a Gries
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The story of the Benedictine Monastry of Muri Gries Dates back to the 13th Century, commissioned by the Counts of Morit-Greifenstein. It was first inhabitated by Augustinian Monks, then pillaged during farmer's war, destroyed during the Napolenic war and discontinuing during the Bavarian government. The curch ist dedicated to St. Augustin and houses important frescoes by Martin Knoller. Access permitted only to the inner gatter.

    Bike guides
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    PASSEPARTOUR is Bolzano's organisation of tour guides and couriers, that extend the choice available to tourists in our area by offering a wide variety of guided tours by bus, by train, by cable-car, on foot and  a vast range of guided tours by BIKE in Bolzano and in South Tyrol (with the loan of a brand bike included).

    Production facilities
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    For generations Birra FORST, with passion and expertise, has been committed to preserving the pleasure of the art of brewing, offering FORST specialties that have always maintained the highest standards of quality.

    A company strongly linked to its land, values and traditions, growing in full respect for nature and the environment.

    The desire to preserve the brewing culture and the attention to detail that can be felt throughout the company are also perceived in the many FORST premises, where the beer enthusiast can experience them in a convivial atmosphere.

    Closely linked to its places and people, Birra FORST is committed to the community with a strong sense of social responsibility, which takes shape in the support of numerous organizations and associations, throughout the country.
    ar/ge kunst art gallery
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    ar/ge kunst, Bolzano’s Kunstverein, was founded on the premises of Via Museo 29 in 1985, where it still stands today. The name ar/ge kunst is an abbreviation of the German word ‘Arbeitsgemeinschaft’ (working group), which was chosen to promote the idea of collective work on the language of contemporary art and on its relationship with disciplines such as architecture, design, performance and cinema. This objective was to be achieved with and for members and visitors alike. The institution’s mission is to produce and present regional, national and international artistic practices and to conduct critical research on the role of art and its relationship with the social and political sphere within which it operates. In recent years ar/ge kunst has turned its attention toward the idea of the exhibition as a medium. This has involved various formats including workshops, residences, lectures and performances, which all take place in parallel with the exhibitions so as to expand the scope of research and facilitate the transmission of knowledge.
    Bolzano/Bozen Municipal Museum
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    First opened in 1905, it holds one of the biggest historic-artistic collections in South Tyrol: works of arts from the Middle Ages until the 20th century, Romansque Madonna's and crosses, winged gothic altars and the famous art section of popular art with the gothic "Stuben", the original folk costumes and masks.

    Antonio Dalle Nogare Foundation
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Antonio Dalle Nogare Foundation was established to promote contemporary art as a language for interpreting changes in society, as a tool for promoting interaction between art, architecture, innovation and artistic research and as a means for encouraging a wide range of the general public to take part.

    It is possible to visit the foundation only upon appointment.

    The Foundation is open Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm (guided tour at 11 am)

    Visits can be reserved at:

    Admission is limited to a maximum of 20 people per visit.
    Duration of the visit: approximately 1 hour.

    Free admission

    Forts & Castles
    Rafenstein Castle
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    On the northern side of Bolzano face to Runkelstein Castle lies the antique ruin of Rafenstein castle. 


    Places to See
    S. Maddalena hill
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    This is one of the major wine growing regions of Bolzano, embellished by the slopes lined with grape vines. The "schiava" grape variety is cultivated here and vinified in the Santa Maddalena hills, hence the name of its famous ruby red table wine. Rows of wine farms line the hill.

    The small church of Santa Maddalena, situated in a stunning panoramic position on the hill's summit, and hosting a precious fresco cycle dating to 1300, which is still well preserved on all its interior walls, is always woth seeing. Ask at the Tourism board for opening hours. 

    The panoramic view from the Santa Maddalena hills ist astonishing. In the sunset the Catinaccio Dolomite massif takes a pink shade, due to the presence of dolomite mineral.  Its German name "Rosengarten" meaning "Rose garden" refers to the legend of King Laurin and  the glowing in the sunset remembers his Rose garden. 

     Each year on the 22nd of July a splendid festival takes place in Santa Maddalena, celebrating the saint Mary Magdalene. 

    Gallery Prisma
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Galerie Prisma is the central meeting-place for art and culture. Within the walls of the "German House" in the Weggensteinstrasse in Bozen / Bolzano – a location rich in history – one finds the 160-square-meter vaulted hall of the SKB gallery. Not only readings, symposia, and other cultural events are held here at the gallery, but about ten exhibitions also take place annually. The focus is on group and individual exhibitions of the members.

    Civic Gallery Bolzano Bozen
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Municipal Gallery is located in the former Dominican monastery and extends over two floors. The Municipal Departement of culture of Bolzano/Bozen organises regional and inter-regional exhibitions on art and cultural topics.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Franciscan Church and Convent
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Franciscan order settles in town in 1221; the present building Dates back to the rist haf of the 14th century, but the original ceiling, flat and with a choir of polygonal shape, has been replaces by a vaulted ceiling from the 15th century. The coister is a beautiful example of gothic art, which replaces the Romanesque style in which the rest of the building was built; there are different frescoes from various periods of time, including some from Giotto's School and some from the 17th and 18th century. The church still preserves an astounding wooden altar by Hans Klocker of Brixen (painted Wood - 1500) which was dedicated to the Nativity Scene. The choir of the church is embellished by the modern glass panels of Widmoser.

    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    A success that has lasted for over 30 years! Traditional ice cream, fruit sorbets, and unique flavours have made Eccetera THE go-to ice cream parlour in Bolzano's city centre. During summer pick from over 40 flavours, made every day in our workshop using only select ingredients. Absolutely delicious gelato!
    Places to See
    Via Joseph Streiter Gasse
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    This street carries the Name of the Poet, lawyer and Mayor of Bolzano/Bozen during the second half of the 19th century. The street overlaps the old northern moat of the first medieval centre and the buildings on ist southern part correspond the the northern facade of the arcades. Especially during summer, the beginning of the street becomes a suggestive Corner of Bolzano: criss-cross from an original oper-bar on the fish Banks to shop, decorations and Restaurants, which create a Special and unique atmosphere. Numerous arches look down on the street, which contribute to the medieval hue. Number 25 corresponds to the entrance to the ancient Town Hall.

    Churches & Monasteries
    S. Magdalene in Prazöll
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    This little church is located amindst the picturesque vineyards of the Santa Maddalena hills and it is dedicated to Mary Magdalene, patron saint of the wine-grower. 

    The church is worth visit for its precious frescoes. Each year on the 22nd of July a splendid festival takes place in Santa Maddalena, celebrating the saint Mary Magdalene. 


    Gallery Foto Forum
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Foto Forum gallery is a platform for photography. With exhibitions and other activities, communicative, creative and artistic positions in photography are presented and conveyed. The exhibition programme provides insights into current photography with a broad spectrum of artistic and documentary works by photographers from Tyrol and abroad. Flashbacks to highlights of the history of photography round off how the gallery provides information.

    Places to See
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The justice palace, built in 1939 on architect Paolo Rossi´s project, tower over financial buildings; the bas-relief it sports is of Hans Piffrader. At the centre of the square the Naiads Fountain of 1960.

    Bread and baked goods
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    This family-run business has had once mission since it opened in 1974, and that is "preserving the bread-making tradition". If you walk past the window of the Franziskaner's PAN-ATELIER, which opened in 2020 in Via della Roggia / Rauschertorgasse 32, you can actually observe bakers making bread in the workshop. If the tempting scent of freshly baked bread whets your appetite, pop in to one of the 8 Franziskaner bakeries and choose from over 85 types of bread and pastries.
    Cultural centres and theatre
    Theatro Comunale Gries/ Stadttheater Gries
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The auditorium can be used from cultural and sports associations, corporate bodies or private individuals for the organisation of events and other initiatives of public interest.

    Show program: https://www.fondazioneteatro.bolzano.it/venue/teatro-comunale-di-gries/

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