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Vybrané filtry

    Divadelní a dramatická představení

    Poznejte kouzlo divadla a dramatu v Jižním Tyrolsku. Navštivte představení, kde na jevišti ožívají emoce a příběhy. Najděte si vybrané akce pro svou dovolenou:

    Theatre: Vicini di casa (in italian language)
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    From the play Sentimental by Cesc Gay translation and adaptation Pino Tierno with Amanda Sandrelli, Gigio Alberti, Alessandra Acciai, Alberto Giusta directed by Antonio Zavatteri sets Roberto Crea costumes Francesca Marsella lights Aldo Mantovani production CMC/Nidodiragno, Cardellino srl, Teatro Stabile di Verona in collaboration with Festival Teatrale i Borgio Verezzi duration: 70 minutes
    07 března, 2025 - 07 března, 2025
    Eva Eiselt (D): “Wenn Schubladen denken könnten“
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Eva Eiselt (D): "Wenn Schubladen denken könnten" Deutscher Kleinkunstpreis 2023 Goldener Stuttgarter Besen 2023 St. Ingberter Pfanne 2020 As a rule, we make ourselves quite comfortable in life. Everything has to be in its place: Keys? On the shelf! Charging cable? Somewhere. Reading glasses? Never seen them. Car? Probably in the garage. Or got rid of it. Partner? Definitely in the garage. Or abolished. Life is a huge wall of cupboards and let's be honest: if you think in drawers, you'll soon have a board in front of your head. And why not? When everyone is always staring at their smartphones everywhere, wood is at least a haptic expansion of the horizon. Eva Eiselt thinks so: It's time for Open Drawer Day and simply turn our standard shop inside out. Muck out, air out and set the things of life free. A genius masters chaos and if that's only a little bit true, Eva is truly a universal genius. Eva and her wild mix of cabaret, theatre and creative madness are in a class of their own. An evening with Eva Eiselt is like a short holiday and has a 98% recommendation rate on holidaycheck. Her themes are centrally located, her equipment high quality, absolutely recommendable. ‘On a scale of 1 to 10, Eva is a straight 11!’ (Martin Zingsheim) Performance dates: Fri 07th and Sat 08th March 2025 at 20:00 in the Bolzano Carambolage. www.evaeiselt.de
    07 března, 2025 - 08 března, 2025
    Stable Theatre Bolzano 2024/2025
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    ‘Social intimacy’: the TSB's 2024/2025 season affirms the vital importance of theatre as a community reference point. The new programming has literally won over the Bolzano audience. The playbill designed for the Bolzano Municipal Theatre consists of 13 appointments with theatre excellence that are the result of the encounter between texts and artists of the highest calibre.
    07 března, 2025 - 13 dubna, 2025
    Conference/performance of “You call them if you want emotions”
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    TeatroBlu wants to bring attention to women and their relationship with nourishment: physical and emotional. Nourishing the body has a broader meaning than just physical nourishment; it is closely related to emotional and personal well-being, and influenced by the social conditions of each era. Admission is free; reservations are recommended, but not required, at info@teatroblu.net.
    08 března, 2025 - 08 března, 2025
    Conference/performance of “You call them if you want emotions”
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    TeatroBlu wants to bring attention to women and their relationship with nourishment: physical and emotional. Nourishing the body has a broader meaning than just physical nourishment; it is closely related to emotional and personal well-being, and influenced by the social conditions of each era. Admission is free; reservations are recommended, but not required, at info@teatroblu.net.
    08 března, 2025 - 08 března, 2025
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The C. MONTEVERDI Conservatory invites you to its free concert series ‘Monteverdi in concert’ from 29th January 2025!
    08 března, 2025 - 01 července, 2025
    "Globetrotter" multivision country evening: NEW ZEALAND - Half a year with the K
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The team from MEIN REISEBÜRO Lufthansa City Center in cooperation with BRIXEN TOURISMUS once again invites you to a globetrotter's adventure evening at the FORUM in Brixen. ‘Kia ora’, a “warm welcome” in the Maori language, is how New Zealand seemed to greet the renowned photojournalist Heiko Beyer on his arrival in Auckland! In this country, Heiko Beyer experienced six months of freedom, a freedom that is only possible in New Zealand, these two islands at the most beautiful end of the world! Heiko let himself drift through the overwhelming nature of the country. He managed to capture the magical moments close to the icy glaciers and smoking volcanoes in his photographs and video sequences. Long hiking tours with rucksack and tent took him to places off the beaten track, rewarding him with lonely beaches, lush green rainforests and dramatic coastal scenery! And how unique, the encounters with the Kiwis, the uncomplicated and sometimes quirky inhabitants of these two islands. Heiko Beyer's new multivision is a convincing declaration of love for New Zealand, which he skilfully and lavishly stages with brilliant photography, video sequences, time-lapse shots, drone flights and gripping live commentary. In german language! Information & booking: Lufthansa City Center MEIN REISEBÜRO d. Marius Gebhard Plosestrasse 40c 39042 Bressanone travel@meinreisebuero.it Contribution towards expenses: Adults (18-99 years): 18 Euro Young people up to 18 years: 12 Euro Ticket sales: Tickets available in advance from Brixen Tourismus Tel. 0472 275252 or MEIN Reisebüro Tel. 0472 200051 Tickets also available at the evening More information: lcc-meinreisebuero.com
    09 března, 2025 - 09 března, 2025
    Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen: Pop-up-Podium III
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Who CAREs? Was Frauen leisten Care work is the backbone of the economy. Even today, women do more and more unpaid care work, such as housework, childcare and caring for elderly relatives. But care work affects ALL. How can we move towards fair care work? How can we break the spiral of inequality? What is the economic importance of care work? And what does it have to do with self-care? Political scientist, researcher - Katharina Crepaz Economist, researcher, activist - Elisabeth Klatzer Dramaturgy - Elisabeth Thaler
    10 března, 2025 - 10 března, 2025
    Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen: Pop-up-Podium III
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Who CAREs? Was Frauen leisten Care work is the backbone of the economy. Even today, women do more and more unpaid care work, such as housework, childcare and caring for elderly relatives. But care work affects ALL. How can we move towards fair care work? How can we break the spiral of inequality? What is the economic importance of care work? And what does it have to do with self-care? Political scientist, researcher - Katharina Crepaz Economist, researcher, activist - Elisabeth Klatzer Dramaturgy - Elisabeth Thaler
    10 března, 2025 - 10 března, 2025
    Vereinigte Bühnen Bozen: Pop-up-Podium III
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Who CAREs? Was Frauen leisten Care work is the backbone of the economy. Even today, women do more and more unpaid care work, such as housework, childcare and caring for elderly relatives. But care work affects ALL. How can we move towards fair care work? How can we break the spiral of inequality? What is the economic importance of care work? And what does it have to do with self-care? Political scientist, researcher - Katharina Crepaz Economist, researcher, activist - Elisabeth Klatzer Dramaturgy - Elisabeth Thaler
    10 března, 2025 - 10 března, 2025
    Theatre in Italian language: Vicini di casa
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In Italian. Production CMC/Nidodiragno, Cardellino srl, Teatro Stabile di Verona in collaboration with Festival Teatrale i Borgio Verezzi. A comedy, free and provocative, that investigates with amused lightness the inhibitions and hypocrisies of our time. Amanda Sandrelli and Gigio Alberti, two of the most versatile and sensitive performers on the Italian scene, are the protagonists of Vicini di casa, an adaptation of the play Los vecinos de arriba by Cesc Gay. Accompanying them on stage are two very talented actors, Alessandra Acciai and Alberto Giusta. A close-knit and irresistible quartet that invites the spectator to reflect on prejudices and taboos. Anna and Giulio have been together for many years. They have a job, a child, some interests and many frustrations. He would have liked to be a musician but had to settle for teaching. She would have liked another child but has had to accept his resistance and seeks comfort in self-help manuals. A couple like many others, on the borderline between love and habit, precariously balanced. But still in balance. Unhinging this apparent stability are Laura and Toni, their neighbours, who burst into their flat and their lives. Anna and Giulio know little about them: they have been polite during the renovation work, they politely open the lift door to let them through and... they make love all the time, noisily! Giulio considers them uncivilised, Anna has the courage to admit that, deep down, she envies their lively erotic life. So, between a glass of wine and a slice of Pata Negra, the two couples confront each other, less and less shyly, on the slippery terrain of sexuality. Laura and Toni turn out to be much more reckless than expected; Anna and Giulio end up confessing fantasies, vices and secrets they had never had the courage to share.
    11 března, 2025 - 11 března, 2025
    Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In six bitterly wicked scenes, author Esteve Soler examines the ideal of social progress in a grotesquely comic manner. Soler's vision of human behaviour and its abysses appears dark and absurd. Western, enlightened society must ask itself whether it is really as progressive as it likes to claim.
    11 března, 2025 - 28 března, 2025
    Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In six bitterly wicked scenes, author Esteve Soler examines the ideal of social progress in a grotesquely comic manner. Soler's vision of human behaviour and its abysses appears dark and absurd. Western, enlightened society must ask itself whether it is really as progressive as it likes to claim.
    11 března, 2025 - 28 března, 2025
    Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In six bitterly wicked scenes, author Esteve Soler examines the ideal of social progress in a grotesquely comic manner. Soler's vision of human behaviour and its abysses appears dark and absurd. Western, enlightened society must ask itself whether it is really as progressive as it likes to claim.
    11 března, 2025 - 28 března, 2025
    Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In six bitterly wicked scenes, author Esteve Soler examines the ideal of social progress in a grotesquely comic manner. Soler's vision of human behaviour and its abysses appears dark and absurd. Western, enlightened society must ask itself whether it is really as progressive as it likes to claim.
    11 března, 2025 - 28 března, 2025
    Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In six bitterly wicked scenes, author Esteve Soler examines the ideal of social progress in a grotesquely comic manner. Soler's vision of human behaviour and its abysses appears dark and absurd. Western, enlightened society must ask itself whether it is really as progressive as it likes to claim.
    11 března, 2025 - 28 března, 2025
    Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In six bitterly wicked scenes, author Esteve Soler examines the ideal of social progress in a grotesquely comic manner. Soler's vision of human behaviour and its abysses appears dark and absurd. Western, enlightened society must ask itself whether it is really as progressive as it likes to claim.
    11 března, 2025 - 28 března, 2025
    Theatre in German: Gegen den Fortschritt
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In six bitterly wicked scenes, author Esteve Soler examines the ideal of social progress in a grotesquely comic manner. Soler's vision of human behaviour and its abysses appears dark and absurd. Western, enlightened society must ask itself whether it is really as progressive as it likes to claim.
    11 března, 2025 - 28 března, 2025
    Carezza Snow Night Pra di Tori Piste
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The Carezza Snow Night on the Pra di Tori slope enchants visitors with an impressive show: King Laurin and the seven dwarfs come to life, a torch descent lights up the slope with a magical glow, and breathtaking freestyle and telemark performances captivate the audience. The Carezza Ski School amazes with stunts, while powerful snow groomers command the piste. An unforgettable experience for the whole family!
    12 března, 2025 - 12 března, 2025
    Movie in German language: Besuch im Bubenland
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In ‘Besuch im Bubenland’, filmmaker Katrin Schlösser wants to find out how people think and act, what drives them and also how she herself approaches men and what expectations she places on them. In the form of film research in the field, she collects encounters and conversations, learns about individual lives, everyday life and its burdens, and dreams. In the end, the men share their thoughts and feelings candidly and laconically - always in response to the curiosity, openness and insistence of the interviewer, who sits in front of them with a mobile phone camera and seeks an eye-level dialogue. As part of the documentary series Docu.emme.
    12 března, 2025 - 12 března, 2025
    Movie in German language: Besuch im Bubenland
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In ‘Besuch im Bubenland’, filmmaker Katrin Schlösser wants to find out how people think and act, what drives them and also how she herself approaches men and what expectations she places on them. In the form of film research in the field, she collects encounters and conversations, learns about individual lives, everyday life and its burdens, and dreams. In the end, the men share their thoughts and feelings candidly and laconically - always in response to the curiosity, openness and insistence of the interviewer, who sits in front of them with a mobile phone camera and seeks an eye-level dialogue. As part of the documentary series Docu.emme.
    12 března, 2025 - 12 března, 2025
    Movie in German language: Besuch im Bubenland
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In ‘Besuch im Bubenland’, filmmaker Katrin Schlösser wants to find out how people think and act, what drives them and also how she herself approaches men and what expectations she places on them. In the form of film research in the field, she collects encounters and conversations, learns about individual lives, everyday life and its burdens, and dreams. In the end, the men share their thoughts and feelings candidly and laconically - always in response to the curiosity, openness and insistence of the interviewer, who sits in front of them with a mobile phone camera and seeks an eye-level dialogue. As part of the documentary series Docu.emme.
    12 března, 2025 - 12 března, 2025
    Johann Nestroy: „Der Talisman“
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Nestroy's ‘Talisman’ is a highly comical and bitterly wicked social comedy about the poison of prejudice. Titus Feuerfuchs, a red-haired vagabond, is looking for work. At first in vain, because prejudice outweighs compassion for someone who is at the bottom. Titus' fiery red mop of hair arouses considerable antipathy among his fellow men. The tide turns when he saves the hairdresser Monsieur Marquis from an accident. In return, he is given a jet-black wig as a talisman. Within a very short space of time, Titus uses his sharp wit and fluid identities to masterfully cheat his way to the top of society through the most absurd mix-ups.
    12 března, 2025 - 13 března, 2025
    Film journey "Stelvio National Park" - Documentary evening
    Stilfs/Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    Spectacular aerial photographs provide an overview of the rugged habitat of the Stelvio National Park. This documentary film portrays the Alpine animals and plants in their natural environment. Film in German language 5:00 p.m. / Film in Italian language 4:00 p.m. Film made of Marco Polo e Thomas Vonmetz copyright:PR Video / Rai Südtirol /Prov. Autonoma Bolzano Südtirol Dip. 28
    12 března, 2025 - 29 října, 2025
    AltaBadia - Culture and tradition
    Stories from the mountains with Hervé Barmasse
    Corvara, Dolomites Region Alta Badia
    The Italian mountaineer Hervé shares his experiences, adventures, and deep passion for the mountains. Through his captivating storytelling, he takes you on a journey into the fascinating world of mountaineering. The presentation will be in Italian. Admission is free until capacity is reached. Hervé Barmasse grew up at the foot of the Matterhorn in a family with a long tradition of mountain guiding. Over the course of his career, he has established new routes in the Alps, notably on Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, and the Matterhorn. In 2011, he ascended Shisha Pangma (8,027 m) in alpine style, achieving a record-breaking time of 13 hours. More recently, he has focused on remarkable winter expeditions, including challenges on Nanga Parbat and Dhaulagiri.
    13 března, 2025 - 13 března, 2025
    Meraner Kabarett Tage Meran 2025: Eva Maria Marold & Band (A)
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    In german language. The title says it all: inconsistent, because Eva Maria Marold takes us on a journey through all eras and genres of the music world with Andi Pilhar (keyboard) and Goran Mikulec (guitar) and radical, because she doesn't whistle anything. Born in Burgenland, she is a born singer, so she takes the audience into the world in which she feels at home, the world of music, and delights them with her very own interpretations of well-known songs from A for ABBA to Z for ZAPPA. ‘If you sing, you don't have to talk much,’ is Marold's motto, which of course she doesn't stick to. Radically inconsistent, in other words. When she takes part in the matchmaking programme Herzblatt, she plays all three contestants at the same time. And when she reads from Fifty Shades of Gray, she can't sing either. Especially if you want it to sound sexy and submissive. So everything remains... radically inconsistent.
    13 března, 2025 - 13 března, 2025
    "Pumuckl zieht das große Los" - Puppet theater
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Pumuckl convinces master Eder to enter a race, and Eder wins the boat trip. But it is a trap: the big blue Klabauter (the spirit protector of ships), and his little helpers want to take Pumuckl back to sea. On the deck of the vacation steamer, Pumuckl befriends one of the little crew members. But he wants to stay at sea only if Master Eder comes with him. Puppet theater and drama based on a play by Ellis Kaut.
    13 března, 2025 - 22 března, 2025
    Film presentation "The Nature Park Schlern-Rosengarten" (only Italian)
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    Film presentation: „The Schlern-Rosengarten Nature Park. Living heritage of the Dolomites” A documentary film was made last fall for the 50th anniversary of the Schlern-Rosengarten Nature Park. The 30-minute film not only captivates with breathtaking landscape shots, it also tells about the mountain refuges, the agriculture, geology and the people who live and work in the nature park. (only German and Italian)
    14 března, 2025 - 14 března, 2025
    Film presentation "The Nature Park Schlern-Rosengarten" (only German)
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    Film presentation: „The Schlern-Rosengarten Nature Park. Living heritage of the Dolomites” A documentary film was made last fall for the 50th anniversary of the Schlern-Rosengarten Nature Park. The 30-minute film not only captivates with breathtaking landscape shots, it also tells about the mountain refuges, the agriculture, geology and the people who live and work in the nature park. (only German and Italian)
    14 března, 2025 - 14 března, 2025
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