The trail from S. Martino to Örl is groomed with natural snow. The trail ends at the hamlet Örl.
Gsiesertal/Val Casies je skutečným rájem běžeckého lyžování. Celá síť běžeckých tratí nabízí zábavné trasy pro celou rodinu, odlehlé pasáže, vysokohorské trasy s nádhernými výhledy a osvětlené trasy pro všechny stupně obtížnosti.
The trail from S. Martino to Örl is groomed with natural snow. The trail ends at the hamlet Örl.
The 50 km long cross-country ski track leads from Monguelfo over snow-covered fields, through romantic snow-covered forests, past picturesque farmhouses and inns to the head of the valley in Santa Maddalena – Val Casies Valley and back to Tesido and Monguelfo. Different starting points along the cross country ski track.
The trail is open from Monguelfo - Steinegge - S. Martino - S. Maddalena (sunny side).
Connection Preindl-sports area in the Val Casies Valley – S. Martino to the cross Country Track Val Casies Valley.
S.Maddalena - Ackerle (possibility for a short circular route) - Mühlweg (connection to S.Martino or circular route back to S.Maddalena)
Nordic Hero Champ - for athletes
90 km in 2 days
1) Sesto, S. Vito - end of the Fiscalina Valley - Dobbiaco - right to Lake Dürrensee, on the way back left - Nordic Arena
2) Nordic Arena - Villabassa - Braies, Ferrara - Monguelfo - valley head Val Casies Valley.
One route per day; both routes within 7 days. In total: 90 cross-country skiing kilometers must be completed.
The route and time must be recorded by the runner via a GPX app or GPX watch.
Within the same day the link and screenshot must be sent by mail to
Note: In Monguelfo the connecting route to theVal Casies Valley can only be reached on foot through the village. The timekeeping will be stopped in Monguelfo/exit center in the meantime and will be activated again in Monguelfo/start Val Casies Cross Country track.
The trail is open from the hamlet Steinegge till teh sports ground in S. Martino.
The trail is groomed from the bridge in Tesido (Brückenwirt) to the farm Untersinner, to the Binta Pub and to the underpass at the main road in Val Casies Valley/Colle.
Val Casies/Colle: The track is groomed from the farm Untersinnerhof - Binta Pub to the main road underpass.
Connection from Monguelfo to the Val Casies Valley track. From the crossing point there is the possibility to sci to Santa Maddalena or to Monguelfo and near the train station further to the 3 Zinnen Dolomites area.
Nordic Hero Champ - for athletes
90 km in 2 days
1) Sesto, S. Vito - end of the Fiscalina Valley - Dobbiaco - right to Lake Dürrensee, on the way back left - Nordic Arena
2) Nordic Arena - Villabassa - Braies, Ferrara - Monguelfo - valley head Val Casies Valley.
One route per day; both routes within 7 days. In total: 90 cross-country skiing kilometers must be completed.
The route and time must be recorded by the runner via a GPX app or GPX watch.
Within the same day the link and screenshot must be sent by mail to
Note: In Monguelfo the connecting route to the Val Casies Valley can only be reached on foot through the village. The timekeeping will be stopped in Monguelfo/exit center in the meantime and will be activated again in Monguelfo/start Val Casies Cross Country track.
The cross-country ski trail in Val Casies Valley – S. Maddalena, from Weider Bridge to the valley end in S. Maddalena, is groomed.
The cross-country trail is groomed from the Hotel Tyrol to the restauratant Durnwald.
Near the train station in Monguelfo (10 minutes walk) starts the track in direction southwest. Connection to the region 3 Zinnen Dolomites: Valle di Braies Valley, Villabassa, Dobbiaco and S. Candido.
Connection from Tesido to the Val Casies Valley track. From the crossing point there is the possibility to sci to Santa Maddalena or to Monguelfo and near the train station further to the 3 Zinnen Dolomites area.
The cross-country trail is groomed from Durnwald to Brückenwirt. It winds through peaceful scenery.
The cross-country ski trail in the Val Casies/Gsiesertal Valley – S. Maddalena (shady side) is groomed with natural snow.
Connection from Oberplanken via Preindl to S. Martino to the Cross Country Track Val Casies Valley.
Val Casies Valley – Colle: The track is groomed from the Brückenwirt to the farm Untersinnerhof.
Val Casies Valley – Colle: The track is groomed from the farm Untersinnerhof to the Binta Pub.