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    Restaurace a hostince s jihotyrolskou značkou udržitelnosti stupně 3

    Tato gastronomická zařízení představují nejvyšší úroveň udržitelnosti a plně integrují ekologické, ekonomické a sociální principy do své podnikové filozofie. Od používání místních surovin až po oceňování kulinářských tradic regionu – jejich myšlení a jednání jsou zaměřeny na blaho životního prostředí a komunity. Důraz je také kladen na uvědomělé hospodaření se zdroji, ochranu biodiverzity a spolupráci s místními producenty a řemeslníky. Tito hostitelé dodržují vysoké, mezinárodně uznávané standardy a zasazují se o autentický a udržitelný gastronomický zážitek.

    Hotel Tyrol Dolomites Slow Living
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal
    A feast for the palate and the eye…. Our chefs know how to combine traditional South Tyrolean specialities with Italian flair. Schlutzkrapfen with parmesan and butter, parmigiana di melanzane or a simple mountenflower soup, we care about tradition and creativity and use local products. You can enjoy the delicacies in our dining room or the Stube and our wine list with white, red and rosé wines offers a selective choice of local wines to accompany the dishes.
    Locanda Al Cervo
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Whether delicate, traditional or a quick snack: Our kitchen has something for everyone. Naturalness and freshness takes top priority at the stove. The products and ingridients don't have a long path and follow the course of the seasons.
    Hotel Steineggerhof
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The Chef Kurt is well-known for his light and varied dishes, which is cointed/ shaped by South Tyrolean and Italian cuisine. Further specialities in the Steineggerhof cuisine are full grain dishes and delicious desserts. The Chef value particular importance to fresh and native products. Herbs are pulled in the own garden.
    Restaurant Fink
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    In the centre of the diocesan city of Brixen, under the arches, stands the townhouse of the Hotel Fink, due to be refurbished in the coming months. Uncovering the historic structure and respectfully renovating the old oriels and frescoes will create space in order to revive the building’s original character. The nine suites, restaurant and spa, all lovingly furnished in a clear and purist style, underline the townhouse’s cloistered atmosphere. The fink restaurant and suites will be ready to welcome you from June 2023