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Vybrané filtry

    Konference a přednášky v Jižním Tyrolsku

    Obohaťte svou mysl na prestižních konferencích a poučných přednáškách v Jižním Tyrolsku. Prozkoumejte různá témata a rozšiřte si intelektuální obzory.

    History Conference at the Pragser Wildsee lake
    Prags/Braies, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen
    Two days dedicated to history, the association that promotes the contemporary history archive of Lake Braies has always animated the exchange between historians, cultural operators and the interested public. The ninth edition will be dedicated to the biographies of SS prisoners. This is where the Hotel Lago di Braies comes into play, as it was here that they were housed for ten days and it was the hotelier Emma Heiss Hellensteiner who took care of their needs. Free admission. Registrations under: https://www.lagodibraies.com/de/hotel-pragser-wildsee/125-jahre-hotel-pragser-wildsee-p203.html
    18 října, 2024 - 18 října, 2024
    Wine Tasting with the "Cantina di Merano"
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Kellerei Meran invites you to an exclusive wine tasting at the house of culture Thalguter in Algund on October 18th from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. An experienced sommelier from the "Kellerei Meran" will present the finest wines and guide you through the tasting. The Kellerei Meran is deeply rooted in our region. Tradition, landscape, and viticulture have always been closely intertwined in the Merano area. The foundation of the "Kellerei Meran" was laid back in 1901 by a few dedicated vintners. Today, following the merger of the "Burggräfler Kellerei" and the "Weinkellerei Meran" in 2010, the cooperative boasts 360 members. In the glass, the origin and provenance of the grapes must be perceptible. The wine should stay true to its "roots" and represent transparency, character, and authenticity. Each bottle thus becomes a special experience. Many of the Algund vintners are members of the "Kellerei Meran" and make a significant contribution to these aromatic wines. If you have admired the beautiful vineyards in Algund, you can now savor them in a fine wine. Come by, raise a toast, and experience the Merano-Algund harmony in wine.
    18 října, 2024 - 18 října, 2024
    Gardening in South Tyrol. How can we prepare for the future? (in German)
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Public green spaces and private gardens, plant production companies and landscape gardeners are the topics of the Horticulture Department at the Laimburg Research Centre. Its task is to network, advise and apply research results in these areas in South Tyrol. The functions of green spaces (ecological, social, aesthetic, urban and cultural) are to be improved and safeguarded. The department's experts advise private and public institutions, particularly in the areas of plant utilisation, greening of buildings and extensification of green spaces. The lecture ‘Horticulture in South Tyrol. How can we prepare for the future?’ will take place. The speaker will be Helga Salchegger, landscape architect and head of the aforementioned department. Admission is free. Registration on the museum's website at https://app.no-q.info/naturmuseum-sudtirol/calendar/event/504658 is recommended. The lecture can also be viewed online on the museum's YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/live/G-Wbv-LdaKo.
    18 října, 2024 - 18 října, 2024
    Event Delights Market "Via Claudia Augusta" Algund
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs
    🎉 Algund Gourmet Market "Via Claudia Augusta" From October 18 to 20, the church square in Algund transforms into a true paradise for food lovers! 🌟 Three days filled with delights for all the senses await you, every day from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 🍇 Look forward to exquisite wines, fine spirits, homemade syrups, jams, honey, and delicious cheese and sausage specialties. Plus, enjoy artisanal products and mouthwatering dishes at the gastronomy stand that complete the experience! 🍽️ 🎶 Daily live music from 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM will set the perfect mood, while the traditional beverage stand adds a unique touch to the event. 🥂 ✨ Exclusive tastings make this market a truly special experience: 🍇 Wine Tasting by the Merano Winery 📅 October 18, 2024 – 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM In the foyer of the Thalguterhaus, enjoy an exclusive tasting of fine wines from the renowned Merano Winery. Experience premium selections in an elegant setting! 🍷 🧀 Tasting of South Tyrolean Quality Products 📅 October 19, 2024 – 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM On the second day at the Thalguterhaus: Dive into the world of South Tyrolean specialties, guided by a certified ambassador of taste! Discover what makes our products so unique. Quality you can see, smell, and taste! 😍🍇🧀 Join us and experience the Gourmet Market in Algund – a true celebration of the senses! 🎉💫
    18 října, 2024 - 20 října, 2024
    12. Südtioler Honigbewertung und 70-jähriges Jubiläum Imkerverein Prad-Stilfs
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    Eröffnung am Freitag 18. Oktober 2024 um 18.00 Uhr im Aquaprad ➢ 18.00 Uhr Ausstellung: „Wunderwelt der Bienen“ ➢ 19.00 Uhr Vortrag von Dr. Christian Thuile zum Thema: „Bienenprodukte für unsere Gesundheit“ mit Verkostung von lokalen Spezialitäten: (10,00€ / Person) -gebeizter Saibling mit Dill-Honig-Senfsauce auf Baguette -Prader Ziegenfrischkäse auf Waalnussbaguette mit Wald- und Blütenhonig -Almkäsedreieck mit Alpenrosenhonig -Ricotta-Jogurt-Creme mit Pollen, Honig Eis und Bienenstich Samstag 19. Oktober 2024 ➢ 14.00 – 17.00 Uhr Ausstellung: „Wunderwelt der Bienen“ mit Spiele für Kinder, Bauen von Insektenhotels und Kerzenherstellung. ➢ 18.00 Uhr Konzert mit dem Chor Artemisia aus Leifers ➢ 19.00 Uhr Honigverkostung mit Honigen aus ganz Südtirol - Metweinverkostung der besonderen Art ➢ 20.00 Uhr Vortrag von Herrn IM WL Martin Ennemoser zum Thema: „Ist die Honigbiene überhaupt wichtig für Mensch und Natur“ für Imker und Naturinteressierte Sonntag 20. Oktober 2024 ➢ 08.30 Uhr Gemeinsamer Gottesdienst in der Pfarrkirche von Prad mit anschließendem feierlichem Einzug begleitet von der Musikkapelle Prad in den Raiffeisensaal „Aquaprad“ ➢ 10.00 Uhr Eröffnungsfeier 70 Jahre Imkerverein Prad - Stilfs ➢ Begrüßung durch den Bezirksobmann Othmar Patscheider ➢ Begrüßung durch den Vereinsobmann Stillebacher Hubert mit kurzem Rückblick auf 70 Jahre Vereinsgeschichte ➢ 11.00 Uhr Eröffnungsfeier der 12. Südtiroler Honigbewertung ➢ Begrüßung durch den Bundesobmann Christian Trafoier ➢ Erläuterung der Honig-Jury zur Honigqualität ➢ Prämierung und Preisvergabe der 12. Südtiroler Honigbewertung ➢ Ansprache der Ehrengäste 12.30 Uhr Gemeinsames Mittagessen Nebenprogramm: Besuch der Dauer- und Wanderausstellung im „Aquaprad“
    18 října, 2024 - 20 října, 2024
    Free medical consultancy on phone with Dr. Di Spazio
    Prettau/Predoi, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina
    Respiratory problems? Pollen allergies? Asthma? Long-Covid?

    Dr. Di Spazio will inform you how the Climate Gallery Prettau can bring you relief.

    Free medical consultancy on phone with Dr. di Spazio, expert on speleotherapy, from Monday to Saturday, between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. on the following mobile number: +39 347 9440182.

    During the months of May and June, Dr. Di Spazio is in Ahrntal valley / Prettau every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. and offers personal consultancy by appointment.

    Cave therapy, known by the technical term of “speleotherapy”, helps relieve chronic and recurring respiratory ailments and is a feature of complementary medicine. As in damp caves, the relative humidity in the climate gallery is close to saturation. Suspended particles and allergens in the air are thus bound together and deposited on the wet rock walls. The gallery therefore contains very pure air. When this cold air (8-10°C) is inhaled it is warmed to the body’s temperature of 37°C. The warmer the air, the more water vapour it can absorb. The gallery air can thus extract water from the mucous membranes on its path through the respiratory system, reducing swelling of the breathing structure and allowing those with respiratory problems to breathe more freely. Visits to the climate gallery are entirely free of side effects.

    Information on tickets of the climate gallery is available on: +39 0474 654298

    18 října, 2024 - 30 listopadu, 2024
    Tasting of South Tyrols Quality products
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Tourist Association, in collaboration with the IDM South Tyrol Quality Seal department, warmly invites you to discover and taste a variety of South Tyrolean quality products on October 19th from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, as part of the Gourmet Market in Algund. In an exclusive setting, a certified culinary expert will guide you through the world of South Tyrolean specialties. You’ll have the chance to talk directly with producers, ask questions, and get valuable tips on how to use and prepare these delicious products. Quality is evident even before the first taste – marked by the South Tyrol Quality Seal. This label not only guarantees the origin of the products but also ensures that their quality exceeds legal standards. Craftsmanship, care, and dedication: these products are made with love and offer an experience you can see, smell, and taste. Discover the artisan food skills that require time and passion, and indulge in the unique quality of South Tyrol. Come by, enjoy the variety, and treat yourself to these flavors! Free entry.
    19 října, 2024 - 19 října, 2024
    Adventure PLANETARIUM
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    In the Planetarium South Tyrol, visitors can experience the current and unique starry sky over South Tyrol, regardless of the weather and time of day. In the planetarium's starry theatre it is possible to set off on exciting voyages of discovery around our earth and to distant worlds on comfortable armchairs and as if in a spaceship. Many light years away from Earth, the planetarium penetrates galaxies that no human being has ever seen before. Alternating shows, some of which are moderated, are offered for adults and also for children. You can find the exact programme on the homepage. PRICES: Adults from 16 years 7,00 € Children from 6 - 15 years 4,00 € Student with valid student card 4,00 € Mini - Family one adult and one child up to 15 years 7,00 € Family ticket two adults and two children up to 15 years 14,00 €
    20 října, 2024 - 10 listopadu, 2024
    Sharks of the Mediterranean
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    51 species of sharks have been recorded in the Mediterranean Sea. The speaker will illustrate the main morphological, biological and ethological characteristics of each one, and then talk about the problems related to the conservation of these animals in the area under consideration. Shark expert Alessandro De Maddalena is a researcher, former Professor of Vertebrate Zoology, lecturer, writer, illustrator and photographer.
    21 října, 2024 - 21 října, 2024
    Guest welcome with holiday tips and cultural village tour
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs
    We start the tour with a cultural village excursion. During this cultural tour, participants receive informative tips about Algund and its surroundings, interesting facts about St. Joseph's church, the Maria Steinach monastery and the history of Algund. Afterwards, our guide tells you the most interesting things about Algund and gives you exciting tips for your holiday, as well as information about events, excursions and the South Tyrol GuestPass Algund. Cultural hiking tour through Algund with our guide Norbert (in German and Italian Language only)
    21 října, 2024 - 28 října, 2024
    Bully free - Zone
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen
    22 října, 2024 - 22 října, 2024
    Prevention and support: eating disorders
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Dr Markus Markart, former head of the childrens ward at Brixen Hospital, talks about the key to overcoming eating disorders. On 24 October at 19:30 in the library in Feldthurns. ONLY IN GERMAN
    24 října, 2024 - 24 října, 2024
    Film presentation "Flurnamen rund um den Schlern" - in German
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    Film presentation of "Flurnamen rund um den Schlern". Afterwards, a discussion with local historian and field name expert Johannes Ortner, as well as Marianne Prieth and Nikolaus Malfertheiner. Finally, a small reception. The event is held in German.
    24 října, 2024 - 24 října, 2024
    Ciarun les stëres - Stargazing
    Al Plan/San Vigilio, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones
    The night sky has fascinated humans since ancient times. With an expert eye you can discover many things about stars, planets and constellations. Julian, an astronomy enthusiast, takes us with him during this night observation taking advantage of the total darkness to admire the beauty of the universe.

    Free participation for guests of accommodations participating in the "Spring Special" offer in the period 18.5.-23.06.24 or "Autumn Special" offer in the period 07.09.-03.11.24. Participating establishments will provide guests with a "promocode", which, if entered in the appropriate box during online booking, will enable them to take part in the guided excursion/event free of charge.

    24 října, 2024 - 31 října, 2024
    Etruscan Exhibition
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Bolzano. The Centro Trevi-Trevilab offers a truly extraordinary opportunity to get closer to the fascinating, and in some ways still mysterious, Etruscan culture. It does so with the exhibition 'Etruscans. Artists and Craftsmen', promoted by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Italian Culture, thanks to the collaboration of the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia, directed by Luana Toniolo, a museum that preserves the most important collection of Etruscan finds in the world. The exhibition, curated by Valentina Belfiore and Maria Paola Guidobaldi of the museum's curatorial team, is part of the second stage of the 'Stories of Art with Great Museums' event, a multi-year journey aimed at discovering the great ancient and modern civilisations, 'another fundamental step towards learning about our past with the aim of keeping interest in culture and the rich artistic heritage preserved in Italy's great museums alive,' emphasised Marco Galateo, Vice President of the Province and Councillor for Italian Culture. The title 'Etruscans. Artists and Craftsmen' already introduces the particular slant of the Bolzano exhibition: it is not a generic exhibition on the Etruscans, but focuses on a specific aspect of their great civilisation, that of artistic and craft production.
    24 října, 2024 - 01 února, 2025
    Anteprima Merano WineFestival
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs
    Look forward to over 200 different wines from Italy selected by the WineHunter Helmuth Köcher. Taste sparkling wines, white, rosé, red, and sweet wines, served by the students of the Provincial School for Tourism SAVOY in Merano. In addition to exquisite wines, the Anteprima Merano WineFestival in Algund also offers a rich culinary experience. Enjoy local delicacies that pair perfectly with the wines. The festival also provides the opportunity to discover the sustainable PIWI (fungus-resistant grape varieties) wines from Algund. Whether you're an experienced wine connoisseur or a curious beginner, the Anteprima Merano WineFestival in Algund promises an unforgettable experience for all the senses. Here's what's included in your ticket: • 200 different wines from Italy • Culinary delights from Algund and Italy • Guide to all the wines with ratings from Helmuth Köcher – The WineHunter and detailed descriptions • Tasting of Algund's Piwi and organic wines: get to know the new sustainable grape varieties and taste local wines • Tasting at the Meran winery
    25 října, 2024 - 25 října, 2024
    Charity Gala - a dinner to brighten the end of the day
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Charity dinner organised in favour of the Association Il Papavero - Der Mohn in support of Palliative Care With the participation of the students of the Provincial Hotel and Catering School
    26 října, 2024 - 26 října, 2024
    Giuded apple tours at the Grieserhof in Nals/Nalles
    Nals/Nalles, Meran/Merano and environs
    Our farmer will guide you through their fields, explains you about the healthy ingredients, the production area and about all sorts and brands of the South Tyrolean apple. Gain insight into the secrets of the apple farmers - from the latest technology of today and the gnarled giants of the past. Afterwards, you can taste for yourself. Costs: € 2 per person, free for guests from the member companies of Nals/Nalles Registration within 12 noon of the previous day, min. 4 persons
    29 října, 2024 - 29 října, 2024
    Day of contemporary history
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Regional cultures of remembrance. Life, work and impact of Claus Gatterer (1924 - 1984).
    07 listopadu, 2024 - 07 listopadu, 2024
    33nd Merano WineFestival
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    It is the first event in Europe to taste exceptionally exquisite products with a single glass of wine. The event, which combines the exquisite world of wine and culinary, offers the ideal atmosphere for producers, specialists and enthusiasts. Tickets available online on https://meranowinefestival.com/en/
    08 listopadu, 2024 - 12 listopadu, 2024
    Live-presentation "In den Bergen ist Freiheit" with Thomas Huber
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    This year, AVS Mals is once again organising an interesting presentation in the Culture Hall in Mals! On 9 November 2024, Thomas Huber will give a live lecture entitled ‘In den Bergen ist Freiheit’ in German language. The lecture starts at 8 pm. Admission costs € 15 - reservations are not possible! The AVS Mals is looking forward to seeing you there!
    09 listopadu, 2024 - 09 listopadu, 2024
    Conference about Jin Shin Jutsu & Mudras
    Bruneck/Brunico, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones
    The mudras are special positions of the hands and fingers through which we channel energy into certain parts of the body. The mudras act on physical, mental and spiritual level and regenerate the entire organism. During this weekend you will learn exercises as well as special mudras for healing chronic illnesses, allergies and intolerances. PROGRAMME: - Friday, 09/11; 7.30 pm. - Introductory lecture on Jin Shin Jutse and Mudras - Saturday, 10/11; 9.00 am.-5.00 pm. - Practising the 8 most important mudras and daily use - Sunday, 11/11; 9.00 am.-5.00 pm. - Mudras for the immune system, allergies, intolerances and stress Registration on: +39 335 1802679 or heikemoerdemann@yahoo.de
    09 listopadu, 2024 - 11 listopadu, 2024
    CLS - Cinquant'anni di formazione e apprendimento
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Art, and in particular visual art, is one of the most effective languages in communication; it manages to convey ideas and feelings, often without the need for ‘linguistic’ translations. CLS has always believed that stimulating the approach to art is a means of encouraging encounters and overcoming barriers. Observing, admiring, studying works of art is fascinating, but then why not ‘talk’ about them with those who create them? Five well-known artists, differing in their technical and stylistic approaches, age and genre, will take part in the dialogue and present some of their works. In Italian only
    13 listopadu, 2024 - 03 prosince, 2024
    Queer Movies at Filmclub
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    Queer Movies’, the review of Lgbtqia+ themed films organised by Alto Adige Pride Südtirol in collaboration with Filmclub and Centaurus Arcigay Alto Adige Südtirol, is about to start. Four monthly appointments proposed within the ‘Road to Pride’, the series of events that will accompany the city of Bolzano and Alto Adige towards the big parade on 28 June 2025. Each film will be an opportunity to talk about gender identity, sexual orientation, families, intersectionality and feminism through the stories, lives and voices of those who live these dimensions of being and loving.
    14 listopadu, 2024 - 19 prosince, 2024
    Vom Geben und Nehmen
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    With Tiziana Turci, Heidi Dubis, Ivo F. Egger; music by Hannah Nocker.
    29 listopadu, 2024 - 29 listopadu, 2024
    Formel 1 von innen
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs
    Eberhard Daum in conversation with the Merano-based Formula 1 manager Günther Steiner.
    20 prosince, 2024 - 20 prosince, 2024
    CERME 14
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    It is with great pleasure and excitement that we can invite you again to attend the 14th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME14), hosted by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. It will take place in Bozen-Bolzano (Italy), from the 4th to 8th of February, 2025. CERME14 will be preceded by a YERME day for young researchers.
    04 února, 2025 - 08 února, 2025
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