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Přehled sportu a volného času

Chcete něco zažít? Pěšky, na kole, v létě i v zimě. Při pěší turistice, jízdě na kole nebo paraglidingu. Jižní Tyrolsko je hřištěm pro každého, kdo má rád aktivní pobyt v přírodě.
Themed Hikes
Pilgerweg von Aldein — Gampen nach Weißenstein
Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Alto Adige Wine Road

The road starts from the centre of Aldein next to the Church. We follow the instructions of the road nr. 10 and after 1 1/2 we reach the main street, which has to be crossed. The instructions show the way to farms and meadows. Soon we reach the first station of the cross, this one as well as the others are made by the Schützenkompanie Aldein. At the "Bacherhof" farm starts the "Long way", called by the inhabitants of Aldein, which goes into the woods with a slight raising. Walking from one station of the cross to the next we reach the "Woller"-shed in the middle of alp meadows with beautiful flowers. The forest road (Nr. 2-8-10) leads us to the largest place of pilgrimage of South Tyrol: Maria Weißenstein. Behind the Curch we find the restaurant and the bus parking place, where a bus drives to the Centre of Aldein too.

Obtížnost: nízká
449 m nadmořská výška
2h:02 min doba trvání
Themed Hikes
Nature & Adventure path in Marling
Marling/Marlengo, Meran/Merano and environs

The Eichhörnchenweg trail trail in Marling/Marlengo functions as an educational nature trail and is identified with the emblem of a squirrel. The one km family-friendly circuit has 23 interactive stations which allow visitors to learn about the local environment while also experiencing adventures for themselves. The circuit is designed as an educational nature trail comprised of games, sports and relaxation, and to help hikers learn about forest life and wood in the process. A high rope facility within the Natur- & Erlebnisweg trail and a natural laboratory is fun for all age groups, encouraging visitors to play and experiment with wood.

Obtížnost: nízká
92 m nadmořská výška
0h:30 min doba trvání
Circular Hike on Marlinger Berg Mountain
Marling/Marlengo, Meran/Merano and environs

Circular Hike on Marlinger Berg Mountain along the irrigation channel and the Höhenweg of Marlengo.

Obtížnost: střední
818 m nadmořská výška
4h:00 min doba trvání
The Messnerhütte hut in Val Casies Valley 1660 m
Gsies/Valle di Casies

Starting point: Val Casies Valley – S.Maddalena, Head of the Valley 1465 m
Duration: 1 hour
Difference in altitude: 199 m
Length of the tour: 3.1km 
Descent: via the ascent route or along the squirrel path (no. 49a).
Difficulty: easy

Obtížnost: nízká
199 m nadmořská výška
1h:00 min doba trvání
Farmstead Hike on Marlinger Berg Mountain
Tscherms/Cermes, Meran/Merano and environs

Farmstead Hike on Marlinger Berg Mountain with start in the car park below Lebenberg Castle.

Obtížnost: střední
543 m nadmořská výška
2h:22 min doba trvání
Snowshoe Hikes
Snowhike: Staller Saddle
Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

Lake Antholz > on the main road (closed during the winter) to the Staller Saddle

Obtížnost: nízká
411 m nadmořská výška
2h:00 min doba trvání
Themed Hikes
Kuenser Waalweg Trail
Kuens/Caines, Meran/Merano and environs

Waalwege are paths along the ancient irrigation channels. From the Ungericht Hof farm (Neolithic engraved stone), follow the road for approx. 10 minutes up to the Mutlechnerhof farm (837m) from where the markers lead in a further 15 minutes to the 600-year-old Caines canal along a more or less flat trail. Follow this to its origin, the irrigation canal frame at the Finelebach stream (1,020m). This will take about 90 minutes. On the other side of the bridge, hike to the right of the canal some 100 m down into the valley, then turn sharply to the left onto the lower canal trail that takes you through shady woods back to the Ungericht Hof.

The path is not suitable for pushchairs.

Obtížnost: střední
290 m nadmořská výška
2h:45 min doba trvání
The Oberbergalm in Val Casies Valley 1975 m
Gsies/Valle di Casies

Starting point:Val Casies Valley – S.Maddalena, Head of the Valley 1465 m
Duration: 2 hours
Difference in altitude: 506 m
Length of the tour: 5 km 
Descent: via the ascent route
Difficulty: medium

Obtížnost: střední
498 m nadmořská výška
1h:51 min doba trvání
Themed Hikes
The Oswald Promenade: Mediterranean flair on the edge of the city
Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

Gentle, buggy-friendly promenade walk on the southern slopes of Bolzano

The walk near the city provides visitors with countless breath-taking views and can be recommended at all times of the year. Even in deepest winter there are plenty of opportunities for observing nature, as the local microclimate ensures that it is exceptionally mild here throughout the year. We’re always surrounded by a thriving natural environment and, although the promenade is artificially laid out and has been landscaped in many places, this is nevertheless a retreat where unspoilt nature can be enjoyed.

Long-Distance Hiking Paths
Tru di pra certified path
La Val, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

This trail has been certified by 'Europäisches Wandergütesiegel' (European Certification for hiking trails).

Once you have left the village centre, you will understand why La Val is called the village of Alpine meadows: green, well-kept meadows will constantly surround you during this hike. The man-made landscape between 1300 and 2000 metres above sea level developed through the hard work of our farming ancestors, which today is facilitated by the use of agricultural machinery. 

As the altitude increases, so does the consistency of the meadows: from meagre meadows to the larch meadows of Armentara. Along the route you will find wonderful viewpoints, a sulphurous water spring at Al Bagn and several refreshment points where you can refresh yourself with some of the delicious Ladin specialities that can satisfy every palate: try the typical bales (dumplings) or snack on a well-earned slice of strudel.

Every year, the non-competitive half-marathon 'Tru di pra' takes place on this route.

Obtížnost: vysoká
1713 m nadmořská výška
8h:37 min doba trvání
The Kradorfer Alm in Val Casies Valley 1704 m
Gsies/Valle di Casies

Starting point:Val Casies Valley – S. Maddalena, Head of the Valley 1465 m
Duration: 1 hour 10 min.
Difference in altitude: 238 m
Length of the tour: 3,3 km  
Descent: via the ascent route or along the squirrel path (No. 49a)
Difficulty: easy

Obtížnost: nízká
240 m nadmořská výška
1h:10 min doba trvání
Rotwand and Burgtallegg
From Auer / Ora to the viewpoints Rotwand and Burgstallegg. An unforgettable tour with many highlights, two ruins, great viewpoints, a biotope and a natural swimming lake.
Obtížnost: vysoká
884 m nadmořská výška
5h:25 min doba trvání
Themed Hikes
Trodena Trail

When you take the so-called Solder Hiking Trail, you will start in the village center of Truden to the "Leger" outlook platform. You will pass by the Jäger Cross, and then proceed along the staircase. Suddenly, you will find yourself amidst spectacular alpine scenery where dwarf pines, alpine rhododendrons, the dryas, and other plant species dominate the landscape. From the "Hochwand," you can admire a vast and beautiful panorama. Continue on your way until you come to the Cisloner Alm (managed). From there, you proceed along the trail – similar to a balcony ("Solder" is Tyrolean for "balcony"). You will pass by several great outlook points as you return to the village center.

Obtížnost: střední
344 m nadmořská výška
2h:28 min doba trvání