Balancování na dřevěných mostech, překonávání kořenových pasáží, zdolávání tekoucích stezek s hloubkou více než 1000 metrů... Četné bikeparky a tréninkové plochy jsou pro bikery nejen technickou výzvou, ale přinášejí jim také nezapomenutelné dojmy z našeho rozmanitého horského světa. Jak začátečníci, tak profesionálové zde najdou tu správnou túru - a správný kurz techniky jízdy.
The 3-country Enduro Trails combine a globally unique scenic experience with imposing views, cosy alpine pastures, beautiful lakes, history and culture - interwoven through mountain bike trails. Since mountain biking was discovered and promoted by locals more than 25 years ago, there is a lively mountain bike culture in the villages around the Reschen Pass and you can literally feel you are welcome as a mountain biker.
Moreover, even in midsummer, temperatures in the Reschen Pass are usually pleasant. In addition to jumping into the Reschen lake, further natural lakes in the forests around the Reschen Pass also provide cooling.
Trail descents of the finest quality from almost 2,500 metres above sea level make "runs" with more than 1,000 metres in decent at a time is possible! From flowing to technically demanding, but mostly natural, the trails offer everything an enduro heart desires. On a trail day in the border triangle, you will also pass by important landmarks, such as the 3-country border stone, Nauders mountain castle or the Reschen lake with its striking sunken church tower. Due to the vast size of the area, all types of mountain bikers are spread out inconspicuously throughout the terrain. By the end of the trail, all trails are guaranteed to lead you directly back to your starting point.
Opening times: 15.06.2023-01.10.2023 (Family Line, Jump Line, Paravis, Cir Tiera, Cir Giara, Freeride Trail)
Opening times: 15.06.2023-08.10.2023 (Cir Tiera, Cir Giara, Freeride Trail)
The Kronplatz Bike Park is anything but ordinary. Instead of sketching trails on a drawing board, we went right into the forest and used whatever we found: Steep slope? Steep trail. Plenty of space? Perfect for jumps. Roots all over the place? Well, we’re in a forest, so there will be roots. In places where dredging was allowed, we put our excavators to work. And wherever it wasn’t, well, we didn’t. The result: At Kronplatz, there’s no copy-paste – each trail tells its own story.
And the trail names are quite unique, too: Franz and Hans are already legendary. They’ve been a household name in the community for years. But their successors are by no means inferior to them and have long been among the favourites of countless TrailTrophy and Alpine Enduro Series participants.
18 trails await you: 1 easy-moderate, 3 moderate, 10 moderate-difficult and 2 difficult.
With a total of 5 lifts and cable-cars (Kronplatz 2000 lift, Olang 1+2 lift, Ried lift, Ruis lift and Piz de Plaies lift) up and running all summer, our mountain bikers are spoilt for choice – that’s more than most places in the Alps can say for themselves. And with the exception of the Piz de Plaies lift, they all lead right to the peak at 2,272 m above sea-level, complete with jaw-dropping 360° views.