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    Lanové centrum v Jižním Tyrolsku

    Chcete se houpat v lese jako Tarzan, létat nad korunami stromů s pocitem absolutního bezpečí? Jste zvědaví, chcete vyzkoušet něco nového nebo posunout své osobní hranice? Přesně takovou výzvu nabízejí různé horolezecké kurzy v Jižním Tyrolsku pro celou rodinu. Vysokohorská dobrodružství zahrnují vše od jednoduchých lezeckých atrakcí až po rozsáhlé lezecké kurzy s malými lanovými dráhami a zajištěnými volnými pády. Lezecké kurzy jsou často kombinovány s doplňkovými aktivitami, jako je například "plavba po řece" nebo kurzy 3D lukostřelby.
    Climbing "Priel"
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The climbing garden above the sports area Silandro/Schlanders

    - 36 routes
    - Altitude: 770 m
    - Walking time: approx. 10-35 min.
    - Rock: gneiss
    - Difficulty level: 5a - 8a

    Access: Sportzone Silandro
    Follow the road in the valley, turn left on a forest road and a few hundred meters after the fishpond turn left to the electricity plant - or the hiking trail no. 7 towards Schlandersburg castle - or follow the hiking trail 14 above the sports zone.
    The climbing "Priel" is maintained by AVS Schlanders.

    Detailed Info: Sportclimbing Guides 1 Passeier Vinschgau

    Via ferrata Poppele-Knott
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Easy via ferrata on the Monte Sole in Laces

    The Poppele-Knott via ferrata is a short via ferrata where the safety distances are partly far apart. At the beginning of the climb, the climb becomes more difficult with increasing height. At the end you reach a smooth wall with small steps.
    You find the entrance to the Poppele-Knott via ferrata at the irrigation channel path Latschander next to the eponym "Poppele Knott" a big stone to your left where the irrigation channel path begins on the right. Follow this, the turn left a little steeply - and the climbing fun can begin.
    The via ferrata is also possible for children over 1.20m - but always accompanied by an adult.


    Sports and leisure
    Climbing crag Scheweg/Franchi
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    One of the crags with a rather high number of harder routes. The big overhangs offer shelter from rain and hence it is possible to climb also during rainy days.

    Approach time: 3 min.

    Guides, schools
    Via ferrata "Heini Holzer" - Ivigna
    Hafling/Avelengo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The 500 m long climb is perfectly secured with 1.000 m of steel cable and it is rated at medium difficulty (A – B – in some places B/C). Nevertheless, the last part of the via ferrata, the so-called Angel’s edge, presents a very impressive rock passage.

    Due to the nature of the new via ferrata, the climb can be a bit of an adventure for less experienced mountaineers as well as mountaineering families with children who like walking and climbing. The minimum recommended height is 1.50 m.

    Climbing Park near the Adolf Munkel Trail
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The climbing crag by the Adolf Munkel trail is situated beneath the north face of the Furchetta Mountain and it offers climbing routes for almost every difficulty level. The area around the climbing crag is child-friendly and the view of the Odle/Geisler Mountains is breathtaking. • Starting point: Zannes/Zans; hiking time: 40 min to the climbing crag; difficulty of the routes: 3 to 8a; rock: dolostone

    Sport Climbing
    Climbing Park Juval
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Climbing Park Juval Juval Climbing Park (Klettergarten Juval) is located at the entrance to Val Senales/Schnalstal, a tributary valley of the Val Venosta/Vinschgau

    Climbing garden "Zoll" in the Passeiertal Valley
    St.Leonhard in Passeier/San Leonardo in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Fascination, movement as well as emotion for good work, this is sport climbing. Climbing is a sport that covers a wide range of activities, which is why the Passeiertal Valley offers a wide range of climbing gardens and walls.

    Climbing garden "Zoll": coming from St. Leonhard/S. Leonard in direction of Moos/Moso, ca. one kilometer after the locality Gomion there is on the right side of the road one single house.

    Degree of difficulty: 5a-8a · Climbing routes: 16

    Via Ferrata Knott
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Via Ferrata “Knott” Unterstell
    La ferrata “KNOTT” (rupe) si trova sulla roccia
    su cui è ancorata una piattaforma panoramica. Dalla stessa si può godere
    di una grandiosa vista in profondità sulle singole vie e sugli scalatori che le
    percorrono. In totale sulla “KNOTT” si sviluppano Quattro vie ferrate, una
    corta via di collegamento, un ponte sospeso lungo 20 m e due ripide scalette
    metalliche. Qui ci si può arrampicare e allenarsi a piacere. Semplici
    percorsi, passaggi difficili, tratti esposti e tecnici. Ad ogni ora del giorno,
    dato che i tratti di accesso e di discesa sono brevi.

    Climging parc Obereggen -Vipernstein
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The "Vipernstein" is located on the Eggentaler Almen, an impressive mountain backdrop nestled between Latemar and Zanggenberg.
    Rock: Latemar Iimestone
    Approach and access: form Obereggen (upper car park) in the direction of the Eggentaler Almen, past the Epircher-Laner-Alm and from there about 1 km further to the car park. Then follow the road on foot to Weigler Schupf, then about 100 m down the meadow to the right. It takes about 15 min from the car park to the climbing rock.

    The road to the Eggentaler Almen is closed daily from 09.00 am - 5.00 pm. Therefore ascent with the cable car Ochseinweide, from there further along the road to Weigler Schupf, then approx. 100 m down the meadow to the right. It takes about 1 hour from the Ochsenweide mountain station to the climbing rock.
    Sports and leisure
    Climbing area Marderwand
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    A Climbing garden in Graun/Kurtatsch with 80m² of climbing surface and 36 routes between 9m and 21m long. 

    Sports and leisure
    "Huafwond" Panorama Climbing Area
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    "Huafwond" Panorama Climbing Area

    An absolute highlight for experienced climbers, a beautifully laid-out climbing area on Sonnenberg mountain in Partschins/Parcines with more than 100 sq. mt. of panorama terraces, grill facilities, benches and tables and fantastic views of the Dolomite peaks and the Meran area.
    More than 30 climbing routes, from grade II to IX in difficulty, and a number of rope-ways – some over 30 mt. long.

    How to get to the climbing area:
    Simply take the Texelbahn cable car in Partschins up to the mountain station then walk 7 min. along the “Dursterhof” path to the rock-face turning off after a 5 min. walk to the right in a westerly direction.
    By car to the „Dursterhof“ farm, then a 30 min. walk to the rock face, following the Giggelberg path then turning uphill after 25 min. towards the west.

    Climbing in Alliz
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The climbing area on Monte Sole mountain of Lasa

    - 23 routes
    - Altitude: 1080 m
    - Walking time: approx. 4 min.
    - Rock: gneiss
    - Difficulty level: 4 - 6c+

    Access: turn left at the bridge to the entrance to Alliz

    Sports and leisure
    Climbing crag Valle della Rienza/Rienztal valley
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    This crag is one of the oldest in the area. It is very popular regardless of the long approach, due to the wonderful view of the Three Peaks on the way, the strain of the approach is easily forgotten.

    Approach time: 40 min.               

    Sports and leisure
    Climbing crag Military "Alpini"
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    This climbing crag is easy. It has a very exemplary protection. Multipitch routes also possible.

    Approach time: 7 min.

    Flying Fox
    Stilfs/Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    Soar above “Trafoi Canyon”   Since summer 2019, visitors have had the chance to strap themselves in for a thrilling flight straight from Trafoi car park to the opposite side of “Trafoi Canyon”. This stunning slide offers wonderful views of the Trafoi mountain stream, with the landing spot featuring direct access to the new climbing park.   Note: Flying Fox may only be used under the supervision of trained staff.
      Technical details:
    Flying Fox height: 40 m
    Flying Fox length: 175 m
    Minimum weight for children: 25 kg
    Price: 25 euros
    Sports and leisure
    Ferrata Hoachwool
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    “Hoachwool” – via ferrata di prima categoria
    All’imbocco della Val Senales e di fronte a Castel Juval di Reinhold Messner,
    si trova una delle più affascinanti vie ferrate dell’Alto Adige. Con una
    lunghezza di corda di 1400 m e un dislivello di 630 metri, un ponte tibetano
    posto a 32 metri di altezza sul rio Senales, la via ferrata “Hoachwool” è
    impegnativa ma accessibile a tutti. 200 anni fa il beneficiato di Parcines
    raccomandava il “sentiero proibito “, che rappresenta una parte della nuova
    via ferrata, soltanto a coloro che “avevano i piedi ben saldi, i cui occhi non
    soffrivano di vertigini e le cui ginocchia non tremavano.” Oggi la via ferrata
    si snoda lungo l’antica canalizzazione d’acqua della Val Senales/Naturno,
    una roggia lunga 10 km chiamata in passato dagli abitanti di Naturno anche
    “Hoachwool“. Oltrepassando le imponenti rocce, godendo di panorami
    mozzafiato, strutture di gran risalto, come l‘Elferplått (una roccia come meridiana)
    e la “Stegerfrau”, rendono la via ferrata “Hoachwool” unica e speciale.
    Il Monte Sole con il “Hoachwool” è sempre stato un luogo fiabesco. E
    risulterà magico anche per tutti coloro che lo vivranno come via ferrata.

    Sport Climbing
    Climbing wall Montiggl
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The climbing wall "Col dell'uomo" is located in the wood of Montiggl, nearby the Wilder Mann Bühel.

    Directions: Drive from St. Michael in the direction of Montiggl. Park at the sport center Rungg. Turn right from there and follow the path along the sports field. Going on from there the way is indicated by signs and you reach in ca. 20 minutes the climbing wall.

    On the climbing wall are at the moment 10 routes from the difficulty levels II to VII and the length from 6 up to 20 meters.

    Further informations on the Web-Site: climbing wall Montiggl

    Sports and leisure
    Climbing Spelonca - Spiluck
    Vahrn/Varna, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    If you are looking for untouched nature and peace and quiet, Spiluck, above Vahrn, is the right place. The climbing park offers easy routes for children and families, but also challenging routes with vertical and overhanging parts. The rocks at the entrance of the climbing park are ideal for bouldering.

    Sports and leisure
    Climbing Area Hintersegg
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    A Climbing garden in Graun/Kurtatsch with 20 routes. Routes from 4 to 6b


    Sports and leisure
    Climbing crag Geierwand
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen
    The somewhat strenuous access to the sports climbing crag of the Geierwand is worthwhile thanks to the high rock face in yellow dolomite rock with interesting routes up to 35 meters. This climbing crag is recommended especially in the transition months because of the southern orientation and therefore it can get quite hot in the summer months.
    Sports and leisure
    Climbing crag Landro
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    This climbing crag with its three sectors is the most popular in Val di Landro/Höhlensteintal because of the short approach. Beginners and amitious climbers will be rewarded.

    Approach time: 1 min.

    Sports and leisure
    Climbing area Unterlegstein
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    A Climbing garden Unterlegstein in Fennberg/Kurtatsch is oane of the southernmost adventure park of South Tyrol. 

    Sports and leisure
    Crag Garbe
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The climbing wall Garbe is the southernmost adventure park of South Tyrol. It's direction and the surrounding trees with their huge shadows allow the kids to climb also durning hot summer days.

    Sport Climbing
    Climbing Garden "Tisner Auen"
    Tisens/Tesimo, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Tisner Auen climbing garden has its wall facing east and offers climbing in various degrees of difficulty and is therefore also suitable for families with children. Climbing is mainly on inclined technically challenging slabs on porphyry rock. Climbing is possible all year round, with the exception of a few weeks.

    Difficulty: 4a-8a
    Climbing garden Bergkristall in Pfelders/Plan
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Fascination, movement as well as emotion for good work, this is sport climbing. Climbing is a sport that covers a wide range of activities, which is why the Passeiertal Valley offers a wide range of climbing gardens and walls.

    Climbing Garden Bergkristall in Pfelders/Plan: just before Pfelders/Plan accross from the inn Bergkristall.

    Degree of difficulty: 3-7c

    Climbing routes: 55

    Sports and leisure
    Climbing crag Landro holes
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    Two cavernous holes characterize this climbing crag. The magnificent view stretches from the Monte Cristallto to the Lake of Landro.

    Approach time: 30 min.                         

    Sport Climbing
    Climbing garden "St. Hippolyt"
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs
    The versatile climbing wall at St. Hippolyt above Lana offers climbing fun in the lower to medium difficulty levels. In addition to some slab passages, you will find mostly heavily layered rock with ledges, handles and also lower holds. The porphyry is rough and allows for a good grip. The end of the rock is formed by a small rock roof, which can also be climbed as an extension of the routes with a 2nd pitch. The climbing garden is well secured.
    Sports and leisure
    Ötzi Rope-Park
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    Sfidarci divertimento per tutte le età promette il parco avventura in Val Senales. In uno splendido luogo naturale, con una gola impossante, c’è un parco avventura, con 11 percorsi e ca. 150 piattaforme, da 2m fino a 30m di altezza.
    Caratteristiche speciali: Altalena Gigante „Giant Swing“, tante carrucole e percorsi per bambini.
    Periodo d’apertura: 01/05 – 04/11/2018 Durata di un giro su tutti i percorsi: ca. 3 ore Luogo: si trova alla fine del Lago di Vernago, a 1780 metri sul livello del mare. Fermata dell’autobus e parcheggio disponibile.

    Climbing "Nesselwand"
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The climbing area in Lasa valley.

    - 65 routes
    - Altitude: 1.800 m
    - Walking time: approx. 1 h
    - Rock: marble
    - Difficulty: 4 - 8a

    Access: Lasa Valley
    From the village, take the trail no. 5, or take the car up to the Bremsberg and from here just below the trail no. 5A - no. 5 into the Lasa valley, continue on a forest road to a right turn. By a wire rope, which leads over the brook, one can look for a place to cross the brook. To the right, follow a path leading up to a forest slab from the wire rope.

    Detailed Info: Sportclimbing Guides 1 Passeier Vinschgau

    Ferrata Stuller Wasserfall
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    The via ferrata „Stuller Wasserfall“ is a medium-difficulty-level climb with a very difficult variation in the middle part, which can be bypassed. This steep and exposed climb proceeds through a breathtaking setting in the immediate vicinity of the roaring waterfall.

    The Stuller waterfall is a mighty height of 342 meters consisting of two cascades, and is the third highest in Europe.

    About two thirds of the way through the climb there is the possibility to discontinue the ascent and take a footpath to Stuls or descend to Moos. The final section of the via ferrata can also be undertaken as a short journey from Stuls with access via said footpath.

    From the large parking lot in Moos, head briefly toward the bus stop and follow the path to the parish church. A few meters after the parish church, turn left onto the trail “Passerschluchtenweg” and walk about 20 minutes in the direction of St. Leonhard.

    At the bridge over the Passer, continue straight ahead. Hike uphill to the main road and the rockslide tunnel, which will subsequently be scaled. Once on top, there is a short tunnel that leads to the via ferrata access trail. The entire access trail to the via ferrata is signposted from the bus stop in Moos.

    From the exit of the via ferrata, path No. 10a leads back to Moos/Moso. Another possibility: return by bus.

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      Dabei reicht das Angebot von einfachen Kletterattraktionen bis hin zu weitläufigen Hochseilgärten mit kleinen Seilbahnen und Fallstrecken. Oftmals ist das Angebot in den Hochseilgärten noch mit weiteren Aktivitäten gepaart, wie zum Beispiel „River Boating“ oder 3D Bogenparcours.