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    Přehled muzeí v Jižním Tyrolsku

    Objevte širokou nabídku muzeí v Jižním Tyrolsku: Od historických po současné, od Ötziho po Andrease Hofera. Navštivte Messnerovo Bergmuseum nebo muzeum Ladinského kraje. Každý si zde najde něco pro sebe. Jihotyrolská muzejní scéna je rozmanitá a stojí za to.
    Virtual reality corner
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The star experience in the First European Star Village now begins directly at the Steinegg tourist office.
    In the newly installed virtual reality corner, visitors can experience a rocket flight, walk around the International Space Station (ISS), visit distant planets and much more.
    With the interactive Roto VR gaming chair and 3D glasses from Oculus Quest, you'll be right in the middle of the action or space adventure. Via 5 apps you can enter 5 different worlds of experience:

    Space Explorers is the biggest production ever filmed in space. Join eight astronauts on different missions on the International Space Station (ISS) and get an insight into the joys, wonders and dangers of life in orbit.

    Experience life aboard the International Space Station and learn how to navigate weightlessness. Dock onto a space capsule, take a spacewalk and be guided through archive videos on the ISS by real NASA astronauts.

    APOLLO 11
    Experience this historic event through the eyes of those who witnessed it with a mix of original audio and video footage from the archives, as well as faithful recreations of the spacecraft and locations.

    Shuttle Commander is a flight simulator where you control the space shuttle and land it at various real landing sites. You can also experience the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope from the cockpit of Discovery. You can also view some amazing images of the Hubble Space Telescope.

    Explore our solar system in this beautiful and accurate real-time simulation. Float through space and observe planets where no man has gone before. View the constellations of our night sky as arrangements in space and time.

    This virtual reality corner was realised through the Interreg project SKYSCAPE in cooperation with the municipality of Karneid|Cornedo and the Steinegg Tourism Association.
    Forts & Castles
    Schluderns/Sluderno, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Ganglegg is the best-researched fortified Bronze-Age/Iron-Age Alpine settlement in the entire Alpine region.

    Artists' Association art gallery
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The Artists' Association has been active in the Province of Bolzano since 1922, first under the name of S.I.A.B.A. (Italian Union of Fine Arts Artists) and later as F.I.D.A. (Italian federation of artists). In 1985 the Association drew up a new statute and took its current name. The aim of the Association is to coach and bring together artists from the three language groups operating in the Province. It is a non-profit organisation and carries out its activities thanks to the commitment of its members who enable the realisation of the various activities through their voluntary work.

    It represents established artists and new talents through publishing activities, organising events and using internet as a means of information and communication.
    The Artists' Association is also involved in the formation of art enthusiasts for whom it organises image education courses, especially in oil painting, watercolour, graphics, drawing and experimental painting. The teaching staff is made up of artists almost all of whom were trained at Fine Arts Academies. During the year they also offer visits to the most important exhibitions and art fairs.
    Other producers
    Visiting the biomass - educational trail in the district heating plant of Dobbiaco
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    See it, hear it, feel it, understand it ... The visitors' area in the new building of the Dobbiaco - San Candido district heating plant offers visitors an insight into the process of generating electrical and thermal energy using biomass.

    Opened on June 25th 2005, the visitors’ area is the first of its kind in Europe. Come by and learn more about how the forest stores energy, about wood chips, combustion, the ORC module, filter technology, district heating and about the story of how the heating plant was developed. The visitors' area is particularly suitable for school classes.

    guided tours: December - March & June - September: Wednesday at 4 p.m.

    Gallery Foto Forum
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Foto Forum gallery is a platform for photography. With exhibitions and other activities, communicative, creative and artistic positions in photography are presented and conveyed. The exhibition programme provides insights into current photography with a broad spectrum of artistic and documentary works by photographers from Tyrol and abroad. Flashbacks to highlights of the history of photography round off how the gallery provides information.

    Paul Flora Museum
    Glurns/Glorenza, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Paul Flora, graphic artist and illustrator from Glurns, drew cartoons for Die Zeit for about 25 years. His life centred around Innsbruck, but Glurns always remained a point of reference for him. Thus it was his wish to be buried here in 2009. There is a permanent Paul Flora exhibition in the church gate tower.

    The Moosmair Mooseum
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    The history of tourism in Acereto is still young, as there was no access road to the village until 1967. However, already at the beginning of the 1960s, the Moosmair inn regularly welcomed visitors in the summer who did not mind the strenuous walk up the mountain. Luggage was delivered by a freight elevator to the nearby sawmill.

    But the roots go much further back. Individual 'outsiders' may have walked up the steep mountain village as far back as 1800.

    These and other interesting documents on mountain farming and tourism can be found in the private Moos-eum.

    Nature Park House Kasern/Casere
    Prettau/Predoi, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    The information center for the nature park Rieserferner-Ahrn/Vedrette di Ries-Aurina is located at the public parking lot in Kasern/Casere at the the end of the Ahrntal valley in a simple but modern wooden building.

    On the ground floor there is an exhibit concerning the crafts and agriculture of the farther reaches of the Ahrntal valley. You will also find here information concerning the nature parks of South Tyrol. A relief provides an overview of the landscape and the view of the valley’s far end will surely make you want to hike there. The exhibition in the center’s basement provides exciting interactive insight into the fascinating world of the farthest reaches of the Ahrntal valleyl.

    A documentary titled "Prettauer Leben-Vivere a Predoi-Life in Prettau/Predoi" features village residents talking about their lives. Four cross-border paths, which form the heart of the exhibit, provide information concerning the diversity of nature in the region and the region’s history. In the projection room, visitors can view an impressive short film about nature park Rieserferner-Ahrn/Vedrette di Ries-Aurina.

    Firefighting Helmet Museum
    Gais, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The fire helmet collection at the helmet museum in Gais is unique worldwide: over 700 splendid fire helmets from all over the world are on show in a museum covering 200 sq. m. The exhibits include, among other things, collector's items made from leather, steel and brass, helmets from Egypt, Thailand, Guatemala, New York and a multitude of other helmets from many different countries. The French helmets, which are made of metal, are especially elaborate, often being decorated with feathers.

    Visits only on request by phone!

    The "Culten" Documentation Centre
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The "Culten" documentation centre on the church hill of S. Valburga/St. Walburg in the Ultental Valley is set to open its doors in Spring 2018. Divided into three sections,

    • the first will house the proper documentation center illustrating ancient human activity in this habitat. Spanning the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages, the Center will house a replica of a sacrificial altar. From the 6th Century BC onwards, the immediate area around the sacrificial site was found to be one of the most significant and largest repositories of human remains in the region.
    • Built with logs in characteristic 15th Century style, the second section is centered around the old F'Hochhaus farmhouse. The building was inhabited well into the 20th Century at its original location before being carefully moved about 50 m and rebuilt in the new CULTEN Documentation Center. During the removal of the old farm building, historical objects such as coins, remnants of leather, dice and hairpins dating from its original construction were discovered in the layers of insulation. Of particular interest was a pack of 15th Century playing cards, thought to be the oldest know South Tyrolean examples of the traditional Wattkarten cards. The old farmhouse will also house temporary exhibitions.
    • The third section is represented by the outdoor area, which has been cultivated with traditional crops of this region. The outdoor area invites you to linger and relax, as at the same time it forms the framework for smaller cultural events.
    Ciné Museum
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Museum informs about movie- and tvtecnology of the local cinema’s history. It presents projection machines of the past, video cameras, editing machines, flatbed editors, projectors, films etc. as well as historic documents, posters and documentary films. It proposes also film festivals, conferences and didactic activities, castings.

    Gallery Prisma
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Galerie Prisma is the central meeting-place for art and culture. Within the walls of the "German House" in the Weggensteinstrasse in Bozen / Bolzano – a location rich in history – one finds the 160-square-meter vaulted hall of the SKB gallery. Not only readings, symposia, and other cultural events are held here at the gallery, but about ten exhibitions also take place annually. The focus is on group and individual exhibitions of the members.

    Forts & Castles
    Brunnenburg Castle
    Tirol/Tirolo, Meran/Merano and environs

    Brunnenburg Castle stands on a glacial debris cone between Dorf Tirol/Tirolo and Tyrol Castle. This truly unique-looking castle complex is said to be named after a nearby spring. The fortifications date from between 1241 and 1253. The remains of these fortifications also formed the basis of the restoration of the building. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Brunnenburg was restored in a very unusual manner. Today it is a cultural center and home of the South Tyrolean Agricultural museum.

    Galerie Hofburg
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Galerie Hofburg is a meeting point for the lovers of art in all its facets. Particularly, we pay much attention to the figurines for Christmas cribs. The collection, gathered by Jacob Kompatscher, includes figurines for Christmas cribs, complete Nativity scenes, wooden sculptures, sculptures and paintings of famous local and international artists, such as Angela Tripi, Adriano Colombo and Leo Demetez.

    For over twenty years, Jakob Kompatscher has been passionately devoting himself to art in all its facets. Native of Brixen, Jakob is a son of Master bookbinder Walter Kompatscher (*1934) and a great-grandson of homonymous Jakob Kompatscher who founded one of the most ancient bookbinderies in Brixen.

    Forts & Castles
    The Rochelehof
    Marling/Marlengo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Rochelehof is situated in the center of Marling. The proprietor, Walter Mairhofer, is a passionate collector of historic equipment and tools from days gone by. His collection specializes in grape and fruit growing. He is delighted to tell visitors about folk sayings, old rights and obligations and the storing of wine in cellars. Visits by telephone appointment: Tel. 366 11 45753

    MuseumHinterPasseier - Bunker Mooseum in Moos/Moso
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    In Moos/Moso you will find a museum experience with a particular character. In combination with an Information Centre of the Natural Park Texel group exhibition areas to settlement history of the background Passeier, snow mountain, natural history and geology offered. History and experience bunker as well as a Capricorn-enclosure complete the offer.

    Museum in the Bunker
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    Deeply underground you will find on 200 m2 - in a shell of 3.600 m3 of concrete and steel - an adventurous historical parcour between past and present.

    summer 2024
    17.06. - 28.09.2024
    Monday - Saturday: 1.30 - 6.00 pm

    all the year: groups on request (min. 8 people)

    All the information and prices at our homepage!

    Farmer's museum Völlan
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Völlan Farming Museum is located in a beautiful annex of the vicarage that once housed fire wood, the laundry, a pigsty and the baking oven and nowadays impressively illustrates pre-industrial farm life to visitors.

    In front of the entrance you can already see various sandstone vessels, baskets for piglets and other farming tools. The two-floor museum consists of four rooms. The first one presents an original living room and through clothes and everyday objects gives insights into a farmer's life in the 18th century.

    Many utensils like a butter churn, a Keschtnriggl (a traditional chestnut basket), sausage presses and pasta machines are on display in the adjacent kitchen, whereas the next room presents tools of all kinds that mainly were hand-made by the farmers of the pre-industrial era.

    Nothing is better than to learn from history by living it. That is the reason why the Farmer's Museum in Völlan not only is meant for grown-up visitors but for students and children too, because ultimately it gives us insights into the hard everyday life of times long past.

    Here you get an impression of the huge diversity of tools a farmer would need and use back then. The upper floor houses tools and equipment for spinning and weaving like a loom, a reel, etc. The mill in the last room, however, originates from Oberinn on the river Ritten near the capital of Bolzano/Bozen.

    Places to See
    Monte Piana Open Air Museum
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    The museum of the 1st World War is situated on the top of the mountain of the Monte Piano. From the top there is a beatiful view of the surrounding mountains, with the Three Peaks.

    Since the border between Italy and the Habsburg monarchy Austria-Hungary ran through the middle of Monte Piana, both sides wanted to hold this strategically important mountain. What followed was a bloody war of position that lasted two years and ultimately failed to bring about a decisive turning point.                 

    Gallery Lungomare
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Lungomare, a cultural association founded in Bolzano in 2003, was created from the desire and necessity to open a space in which to share differences, experiences, opinions and desires, a space in which to make the link between cultural production and the political and social dimension. Lungomare undertakes projects that investigate and test possible relationships between design, architecture, urban planning, art and theory, the results of which are presented in different formats: public discussions, conferences, publications, exhibitions and interventions in public spaces. All these formats are characterised by the intention to interact with cultural and socio-political processes relating to the region in which Lungomare is located.

    Currently Lungomare’s activities focus on long-term residency projects, a format whereby Lungomare invites guests to engage and interact within the context of South Tyrol. Lungomare’s activities are based on three principles: specific attention to the context in which the association’s projects are undertaken, the transdisciplinary approach that distinguishes these projects, and reflection on the role of Lungomare as a cultural institution in connection with the region in which it operates.

    MuseumHinterPasseier – Stiëber Mooseum in Moos/Moso
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    A museum structure at the old hydroelectric power station situated at the foot of the Stieber Waterfall at Moos. The topics: hydropower, the history of technic and electricity of the Hinterpasseier.

    Free admission

    Bad Egart Royal and Imperial Museum
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs
    A real paradise for fans of the Habsburg Monarchy with a fantastic collection of antiques and other interesting items! Bad Egart is South Tyrol’s oldest spa watering place. The health-giving waters here were first mentioned in 1430 but it is believed that water cures have been popular here since Roman times. Visitors today can see some of the medicinal springs, various wood-panelled rooms which house the rich Habsburg collection, a complete Biedermeier-style kitchen and various other folklore items and antiques.

    Special Exhibition Sisi & Franz:
    The special exhibition is dedicated to Empress Elisabeth and Emperor Franz Joseph I. Franz Joseph, who ruled the Habsburg monarchy for over 68 years, and his wife Elisabeth, known as Sisi, were popular figures of their time. The couple embodied the Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918. Sisi, marked by contradictions and a life away from the strict court ceremonial, became a cult figure. The exhibition sheds light on their lives through over 4,000 exhibits and invites you to discover the myth of this imperial couple.

    PRICES 2024
    • adults € 12,50
    • family ticket (2 adults with children up to 18 years) € 29,50
    • reduced admission (restaurant guests, groups of 15 or more, disabled persons, seniors (aged 65+)) € 11,50
    • scolars € 6,50

    The visit of the chapel is free.

    DoloMythos - The UNESCO World Heritage Museum
    Innichen/San Candido, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    The Dolomites are renowned all around the world for their unique -beauty. No other place can boast such contrasts between steep rocks and grassy pastures. Michael Wachtler presents the evolving of the Dolomites and their unique genesis in the historical Villa Wachtler. THE BIGGEST MUSEUM ABOUT THE DOLOMITES It will take you from the mysterious world of myths and legends to the bottom of our existence. “Megachirella wachtleri”, the ancient ancestor of today‘s snakes and lizards. The mysterious evolution of plants. Cavern bears in the Dolomites. NEW! DINOSAUR WORLD New researches yielded that in the Dolomites originated the ancestors of the dinosaurs. Beautiful dioramas and original skeletons show you their sensational ascension. NEW! THE LEGENDS OF DOLOMITES From Aurona, the land of gold and the lights to the Snow Queen Samblana. From the legend about the "Pale Mountains" to the Croderes, the people of stone. NEW! TREASURE DIGGING ALL THE YEAR Become an adventurous gold miner and crystal hunter yourself. You might just find a dinosaur, fossils, gold or a crystal of your own.

    Archeoparc Villandro/Villanders
    Villanders/Villandro, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The Plunacker Archeoparc is one of the most important archaeological sites in the Alps. The settlement remains span from the Mesolithic period to the Neolithic period, from the bronze age to the Roman period. That is a time span of about 7,000 years! The main attractions are certainly the extensive Roman and mediaeval remains of buildings.

    It was discovered by chance in 1976 during excavation work, and during the 80s various buildings were gradually uncovered. The Villanders Archeoparc now covers an area of approx. 1,600 m². There is a permanent exhibit next to it with amphoras and many other discoveries.

    Guided tours are also possible outside the opening hours.
    Further information: Tel. +39 3355474663 or e-mail: mari.erlacher@gmail.com.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Augustinian Monastery of Novacella
    Vahrn/Varna, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Monastery of Novacella was founded by the blessed bishop Hartmann in 1142 as an Augustinian monastery. Thanks to its monastery school it became one of the most important centre of education and art. In 1742 the monastery was the largest in Tyrol, the Romanesque abbey church of Abbazia di Novacella was redesigned in Baroque style. Unique at  the monastery of Novacella is the round building of Castello dell'Angelo, former hostel and defence facility. The Gothic cloister benefits from valuable frescoes, while the well in the courtyard depicts the wonders of the world. The 8th wonder is said to be Novacella. The Rococo library of the monastery  of Novacella is uniquely beautiful, the Pinacoteca houses medieval paintings by outstanding masters Michael and Friedrich Pacher and Marx Reichlich. The Turkish wall dates back to turbulent times. The mill, water buildings and wine cellar point to the economic importance of the monastery. The area around the monastery is the northernmost winegrowing region of Italy with the well-known white wines Sylvaner, Müller-Thurgau and Kerner.

    Other information about the monastery of Novacella

    Visit without guide from Monday to Saturday from 10:00am to 5:00pm

    The historical garden: The historical garden is situated at the entrance to the monastery complex. It reopened in summer 2004 following extensive restoration work. The monastery garden can be visited indipendently from Thuersday to Saturday from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm

    The monastery of Novacella is closed on Sundays and Catholic Holidays. 

    Antonella Cattani Contemporary Art Gallery
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    The Alessandro Casciaro Art Gallery is an international art gallery presenting modern and contemporary masterpieces by some of the most significant Italian as well as central European artists, selected for the quality of their quest and the uniqueness of their pictorial language, alongside works by emerging young artists, promoting them and developing their international profile. Founded in Bolzano in 2015 by Alessandro Casciaro as a successor to the Goethe Gallery, the first art gallery in South Tyrol (founded in 1964 by Ennio Casciaro), the Alessandro Casciaro Art Gallery can now look back on more than fifty years of important exhibitions, independently curated catalogues, collaborations and arts fairs, with the aim of providing varied and intense stimuli and objectives for the future of contemporary art in both Italy and Europe.
    Places to See
    Open-air exhibition at Pstosser Bühel
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    Short hike or pleasant walk around the Pstosser Bühel in the immediate vicinity of the centre of Collepietra/Steinegg.

    An open-air exhibition with 10 picture panels on astronomical topics was installed along the path around the Pstosser Bühl [2B].
    With the current exhibition (since May 2022), the visitor dives into the depths of the universe. "Fly to the universe" shows deep-sky photography starting from the Max Valier Observatory to the distant corners of the universe. The photographers of this exhibition are Stephanie Wolters, Brigitte Lintner and Dieter Seiwald from the amateur astronomers "Max Valier".

    An additional highlight on this short walk is a mountain cinema with the most beautiful views on the Renon/Ritten, the Valle d'Isarco/Eisack Valley, the Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm, the Sciliar/Schlern and the Catinaccio/Rosengarten.
    Forts & Castles
    Heinfels Castle
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    History and stories from the castle and the region, an unforgettable experience for the whole family.



    Niederhof Farm Museum
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    The old Niederhof farm, which can still be seen today from the new house and farmstead, was built around 1555, housed two families and was also used as a primary school for the Waldberg district until 1955. 

    If you find stories about life on mountain farms in the past and old traditions exciting, the Niederhof farm tour is the right place for you. 

    Find out more about the history of the Niederhof and about life as a mountain farmer in the past and today. The farm tour focuses on mountain farming and life as a mountain farmer, while the farm museum takes you back to a time when the farmhouse parlour was the centre of life and gives you an insight into the way farming used to be done. Afterwards there is a joint tasting of the farm produce. Duration: approx. 2-2.5 hours 

    Make an appointment with senior farmer Sepp on +39 335 5295 016
    Silver Mine Villanders
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The mountain mine in Villanders was one of the most important mining areas in Tyrol during the Middle Ages and is now one of the few mines in South Tyrol that is open to the public as a visitors ‘attraction. Explore the labyrinth of tunnels and immerse yourself in the fascinating mining history of Villanders, which goes back centuries.
    The Villanders mine had a total of 16 tunnels covering an area of about 20 km, two-thirds of which were dug by hand and one-third with the use of explosives (black powder).
    The extracted materials were: silver, lead (galena), copper and blende. The advancement of a miner, between 8 and 12 m per year, was performed mainly on his knees or supine. At the discovery of a mineral deposit of greater size it was necessary to enlarge the tunnel for the transport of minerals and waste rock. The average life of a miner was between 35 and 40 years.

    Opening hours:

    Guided tour
    - Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
    - Sunday at 10:30
    - Meeting point at the tunnel Elisabeth
    - Duration: approx. 1,5 h

    Guided tours
    - in July & August on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.
    - Meeting point at the tunnel Elisabeth
    - Duration: approx. 2,5 h
    - In the months of July and August there is also a guidance on Wednesday at 10:30.

    More information about the Silver Mine: https://bergwerk.it/

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