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    Památky v Jižním Tyrolsku

    Jižní Tyrolsko je obzvláště bohaté na příběhy, které se vinou kolem tajných míst a neobvyklých přírodních útvarů. Památky, jako jsou čarodějnické lavice na Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm, vyprávějí příběhy o čarodějnicích a králích, zatímco místa síly, jako je "Stoanerne Mandln" s více než stovkou cairnů nebo starobylé zříceniny na kopci Castelfeder, vybízejí návštěvníky k odpočinku a hlubokému nádechu. Jedinečné přírodní útvary, jako jsou zemní pyramidy, jsou místa, která stojí za procházku a prozkoumání.

    Places to See
    Margreider Leitenweg
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Walking along the Margreider Leitenweg to Entiklar, where you can vistit the vinary Turmhof Tiefenbrunner. 

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Kathrein church
    Hafling/Avelengo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The romanesque church called St. Kathrein has a gothic apse and dates from the thirteenth century. It has well-preserved frescoes from the fourteenth century and a winged altar in the late-Gothic Tyrolean style (which can only be see through an opening in the portal).

    The story

    Like many other churches in the region, the St. Kathrein church in Hafling was built on a site that was originally a pagan place of worship. Presumably there was already a small church standing here in the twelfth century, which was destroyed by fire in 1202. The only parts of the church that survived from the period before the church fire are the regularly stratified walls of the flat-roofed nave.

    Fifty years later, a Romanesque church had already come into being, which was newly consecrated in 1251. In the late Gothic period, the church was rebuilt again. Two hundred years later, in 1452, it was once again rebuilt and rededicated.

    The late-Gothic winged altar is a valuable decorative element of the church. The central part of the altar cabinet contains three wooden figures: the patron saint, St. Catherine, flanked by John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene.

    The Legend

    According to legend, the local people wanted to build a Christian church on this site. They charged two giants to procure stones. The giants, however, had promised to build at church in Lafenn at the exact same time. Having only one hammer between them, the two giants had to share. Eventually, a conflict arose between the pair over the hammer, so the Lafenn giant picked up an enormous boulder and threw it at the St. Catherine giant. The boulder missed its target, but can still be seen in the meadow near Sulfner, just below the church.

    Dates church tours 2022:
    30.05. | 13.06. | 27.06. | 04.07. | 11.07. | 18.07. | 25.07. | 08.08. | 16.08.* | 22.08. | 29.08. | 05.09. | 19.09. | 03.10. | 24.10. | 31.10.2022

    Places to See
    Military stone of the romans
    Olang/Valdaora, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The roman miliary stone (201 a.C.) was found in 1958 by the Prugger brother while building the power station in Oberolang. The miliary stone stil reported the original incisions made by the roman Emperor Settimo Severo (193-211 a.C.) and his sonsCaracalla and Geta. Now the roman miliary stone is positioned near the Hotel Alte Goste in Oberolang/ Valdaora di Sopra.

    Places to See
    Peace stele
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    On the ridge between the "Weißwand" and the "Laaserspitze" stands the peace stele by Jürgen Prigl made of marble di Lasa.
    Lakes, cascades
    Waterfall Hartungen
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The waterfall Hartungen is located in S. Nicolò/St. Nikolaus directly at the Ultner Höfeweg, a few minutes walk from the Ultner Urlärchen. Especially from May to October, the waterfall is worth a visit.

    Lakes, cascades
    The Texelgruppe Nature Park in Schnalstal Valley
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    The Texelgruppe Nature Park in Schnalstal ValleyThe largest nature reserve in South TyrolThe Texelgruppe Nature Park is set in an area of about 30,000 hectares, extending between Schnalstal Valley in the west and Passeiertal Valley to the east, and from the Etschtal Valley in the south to the Oetztal Alps in the north.
    The Nature Park comprises the extensive high mountain region of the entire Texelgruppe mountain range.

    The Texelgruppe Nature Park around the Schnalstal Valley is a popular destination for hiking, with dry semi-forested slopes, clear mountain lakes above the timber line and dense forests below. The Val di Fosse/Pfossental side valley occupies the heart of the nature reserve, a pristine area with varied wildlife. During special wildlife hikes in the Pfossental Valley, hikers may spot chamois’ and ibexes, marmots, and eagles. The Pfossental is home to probably more chamois and ibexes than people living in the Schnalstal Valley.

    Nature Walk "Life on the Mountain Farms of the Val di Fosse"
    A delightful, well-marked, informative walk starting at the Maso Vorderkaser and leading from one mountain farmstead to the next - a chance to learn a little more about the typical flora, fauna and geological aspects of the surrounding countryside and high Alpine pastures with special attention given to local bee-keepers and their work.
    Lakes, cascades
    Waterfall and "Katzenleiter"
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road


    A rustic circular hiking trail along the Schwarzenbach/Rio Nero torrent to the waterfall offers a breathtaking natural spectacle offer. The "Katzenleiter" is a stone staircase consisting of 540 steps carved into the rock. The waterfall plunges into a 120-meter-deep gorge and offers a magnificent view of the entire south of South Tyrol all the way to Lake Kaltern. If you continue climbing the steps, you will reach the Brückenwirt inn in Montan/Montagna after a two-hour hike.

    Places to See
    Mansio Endidae
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    During some excavations in the "Kahn" area in 1983, remains of an ancient Roman edifice were found. Those remains almost certainly belong to the "Endidae Mansio," which appears in the "Itinerarium Antonini." The large edifice with ground area of 737 m² featured a rectangular shape with a huge arcade and a central, partly roofed court. Several rooms were built around the court, which were probably relaxation rooms (cubicula) and a kitchen.


    Places to See
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    A dozen mighty sequoias, up to 40 metres high, which were planted in 1898 at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the crowning of the Austrian Emperor Franz-Josef, decorate the small high plateau of Fennhals.

    Places to See
    Biotope Ilstern/Ilistra
    Kiens/Chienes, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The Ilsterner Au biotope extends along a 1.3-kilometer stretch of the River Rienz/Rienza  and is located in the municipalities of Kiens/Chienes and Vintl/Vandoies. It consists of four hectares of water area and eight hectares of biotope area.
    Floodplain forests are rich in water and plant nutrients, which provide an ideal setting for a colorful range of vegetation. While grey alders are the most common trees to be found in the Ilsterner Au floodplain forest, parts of it are also densely populated by spruces and pine trees. 
    Ash trees are the predominant plants in the eastern part of this biotope, which is a bustling home to many different animals. Countless fascinating insects and birds live here all year round, and many migratory birds can be observed on their way north or south.
    The ecological function of a floodplain forest, however, is not limited to merely protecting its native wildlife; biotopes also play a key role in maintaining the hydrological balance of their surroundings, since they act as a large water reservoir.  Moreover, in terms of landscape, it is an enriching counterpart to the intensively used landscape areas.
    In the course of the sustainable revitalization project, large parts of the terrain were lowered, the river bed widened, and several groundwater ponds were created. The upper area with the theme board is also considered a nature-oriented recreation zone for the local population in general and families and schools in particular.

    Places to See
    The church of St. John of Nepomuk in Ranui
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The tiny church founded in 1744 by the mine owner, Michael von Jenner, is nestled in extraordinary countryside. The altar paintings by Franz Sebald Unterberger from the Fleim Valley are particullary noteworthy. The church is privately owned and the access is subject to a fee.
    However, the church remains closed. 

    Please do not enter the meadows surrounded by fence.

    Lakes, cascades
    Entrance Alta Via di Merano at Monte S. Caterina/Katharinaberg
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    From Katharinaberg/Monte S. Caterina to Mountain pasture EishofRoute description

    The Merano High Mountain Trail climbs upwards along a forest slope overlooking the mountain village of Monte S. Caterina/Katharinaberg and is accessible by car and bus. The bus stop is in the village itself and there is also an unattended car park that is free of charge. From there, follow the trail signposts until you reach the Merano High Mountain Trail. Continue upwards along the road as far as Montferthof farm (1,471 m a.s.l). Just after the farm, staying on the trail, cross the steep arid slopes with their unassuming flora. Passing through meadows, meandering up and down along the trail, you soon reach the distinctive turn into Pfossental valley. The trail drops slightly along an extended forest slope. Care should be taken in the tunnel valley due to falling rocks - even without rain or the like! After passing Infanglhof farm you will reach the road, stay to the right of it and the trail continues upwards to the next inn. Gasthof Inn Jägerrast (1,693 m a.s.l), at the end of the public road, is a very popular spot with hikers. A wide trail continues on through a sparse forest into Pfossental valley. If you are watching closely, you might spot the chamois on the opposite side of the valley or a golden eagle that is casually flying through the canyon, as their nests are in the valley cliffs. Having passed a wayside shrine, after a distinctive right turn in the trail, you will see the Mountain pasture Mitterkas (1954 m a.s.l) and further along the Mountain pasture Rableid (2,004 m a.s.l). After these two possible stops, the trail continues through a Larch forest. Further on, you come to the Mountain pasture Eishof (2,071 m a.s.l). Rising up from here, you will see the striking Hohe Weiße (3,278 m a.s.l), its name taken from the bright limestone, and to the left of the valley, the Hohe Wilde (3,480 m a.s.l) with its dark rock.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church "Santa Maria in Colle"
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    In 1992 in the church "Unsere liebe Frau auf dem Bichl" the in Laces standing stone (3.300-2.200 B.C.) was found during restoration work by the State Monument Authorities. The stele, which is made from the finest Vinschgau marble, formed the supporting surface of the altar table. The top and bottom parts as well parts of the left upper side of the 107 cm high, 77 cm wide and 12 cm thick stone are missing. It was probably originally located around where the current church stands on the hill and would thus have been visible from afar. As well as the iconic features common to all the male engraved stones from the Etsch valley group, such as scalloped belts, axes, daggers, clubs, bows, various decorative elements and fringed capes, elements are present that belong to the Lombardy group from Val Camonica and Valtellina, such as suns, deer and stylised male figure. Thus the in Laces standing stone is great proof of the ancient connection of the Vinschgau and the Etsch valley and the valleys of north-eastern Lombardy.

    Places to See
    Old dam wall
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The old dam wall in Val Martello is a very special place of power, the many people who have built this wall hundreds of years ago with their hands and the simplest tools, reflect the power of the in the middle of the untouched natural landscape.

    Places to See
    Andreas Hofer Memorial
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs

    This bronze statue dedicated to South Tyrol’s most important freedom fighter is located in a small park in front of the train station. It was erected in 1914 to commemorate the centennial of Tyrol’s return to Austria after years of Napoleonic rule.

    Places to See
    Water installation
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    Water as a metaphor for music: An installation by artist Ulrich Egger outside the Gustav Mahler music hall in the Cultural Center Gustav Mahler.

    Further information to the water treasures of Dobbiaco: http://www.drei-zinnen.info/en/dobbiaco/dobbiaco/experiencing-dobbiaco/lago-di-dobbiaco-lago-di-landro-and-dobbiaco-water-treasures.html?_ga=1.243384837.1489106145.1483110301

    Places to See
    The milestone of Ehrenburg/Casteldarne
    Kiens/Chienes, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The milestone of the roman emperors Septimus Severus, Caracalla end Geta was found in 1928 to the west of the village of Casteldane- Italy in the vicinity of the “Hinterbühel” and was inserted in a country wall. The measurements of the stone (local quartziferous porphyry) are as follows: Over-all height: 1.95 m Top circumference: 1.54 m Central circumference: 1.71 m Bottom circumference: 1.89 m The engraved surface measures 82 cm in height and 74 cm in width: the average height of the letters is 4 cm. The milestone dates back to 201 AD and indicates the distance from Aguntum, a roman town close to the modern city of Lienz-Austria. Starting point: Kiens (782 m) at the tourist office; parking facilities nearby, bus stop. Cross the main road (state road SS 49), and between the Gasthof Gatterer (inn) and the Sparkasse bank building head south down to the bridge across the River Rienz. Walk over the bridge and through the railway underpass and now always follow the No. 5 blue-and-white trail markers: first walk east for about 300 m, then turn south and proceed on that path until you reach the first houses of Ehrenburg. From there continue on the tarmac road for about 100 m as far as the turn-off for the “Straße am Römerstein” (road). Now proceed in a westerly direction, always following the No. 5 blue-and-white markers to the milestone. From there initially keep heading west and subsequently take the track which runs north until you reach the road which runs parallel to the railway lines. From there walk east back to the Rienz bridge and to the starting point. Total walking time: about 1 ½ hours Standard: easy Summary: This walk is especially interesting from a botanical point of view since the vegetation is rich and varied.

    Lakes, cascades
    Lake Mezzo
    Ritten/Renon, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    From de Costalovara lake you walk on route 12 to Lago di Mezzo. The water-poor Renon still has some lakes, ponds and moors. These protected wetlands are home to a variety of plants and animals. For nature lovers these picturesque and quiet biotopes are popular excursion destinations. The Lago di Mezzo is embedded in a warm pine forest with a view of the Dolomites. Only the fluttering of dragonflies & Co can be heard.

    Lakes, cascades
    Lake Coldrano
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Relaxing at the idyllic lake Coldrano. The children can rehearse fishing in the lake and the adults can relax on the lawn around the lake or taste a delicious coffee on the terrace of the restaurant.

    Lakes, cascades
    Waterfall Schwarzbach
    Ahrntal/Valle Aurina, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    Marvel the impressive spectacle of the Schwarzbach waterfall above Luttach/Lutago wich, in the midst of a narrow crevice, falls 15 meters into a blue lagoon. Feel the cooling freshness on your skin, breathe in the pleasant fresh air and admire the colorful light reflections when the sun shines. The track is lined with wooden sculptures made during the annual sculptors-symposium by internationally renowned artists.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Nikolaus church Laces
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    St. Nicholas’s Church in Laces is a Romanesque church from the 14th century. Formerly it belonged to the monastery of Laces, now it belongs to the municipality of Laces. The remains of the frescoes by the southern front of the church, which portray the crucifixion of St. Nicholas and St. Christopher, are well worth a look.

    Since 2017 it is exibition place of the menhir: the top and bottom parts as well parts of the left upper side of the 107 cm high, 77 cm wide and 12 cm thick stone are missing. It was probably originally located around where the current church stands on the hill and would thus have been visible from afar. As well as the iconic features common to all the male engraved stones from the Etsch valley group, such as scalloped belts, axes, daggers, clubs, bows, various decorative elements and fringed capes, elements are present that belong to the Lombardy group from Val Camonica and Valtellina, such as suns, deer and stylised male figure. Thus the Laces standing stone is great proof of the ancient connection of the Vinschgau and the Etsch valley and the valleys of north-eastern Lombardy.

    The church is open daily from 09 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    Places to See
    Devils stone in Terenten
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The "Devils' Stone" along the ancient pasture path to the Pertingeralm Hut. The farmers from the village of Molini di Tures enraged the devil so much, that he wanted to inflict evil upon them. He carried a stone over from the village of Luson and wanted to let it roll down to the village of Molini di Tures from Mutenock Peak. The devil chose the shortest route of course. However, the stone was so heavy that the devil had to take a break and put down his back basket containing the stone. Because of his anger he did however not notice that it started to get bright already, and the sacristan of Terento started to ring the prayer bells, as he always did in the mornings. Hence, the devil had to leave the stone where it was and return to the underworld. The "Devils' Stone" still lies amidst the forest at 1,700 m above sea level just above the Nunewieser farm. The population also regards this stone as a large and imposing example of a non-local glacier boulder.
    Places to See
    Montelbon Roman Votive Stone
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Montelbon manor house with its façade fresco (Maria Hilf) and round-arched passage is situated in the centre of the village of Partschins.
    Uphill from it a medieval curtain wall still exists today with an arched gateway. The building is a protected monument.

    Some time ago, during work to repair windows on the first floor of the manor, the top part of an inscription stone made of white marble was found. For a long time nobody could explain its meaning, and therefore the stone was left lying in the house unnoticed. In 1954 a second stone was found in the dairy opposite. This proved to be the second part of the inscription stone, which fitted exactly below the top section. 

    The inscription on the Roman era votive stone is difficult to read and incompletely preserved. For this reason, its exact meaning is a matter of interpretation. For example, it might be that the words on the so-called “beneficarius stone” refer to a private working for a financial or customs procurator. Equally, it might be about an assistant beneficarius. In the Roman Empire, beneficarii exercised a role resembling that of a police officer. The beneficarius, who was answerable to the governor of the Province of Raetia, could have been stationed in Partschins and responsible for checking the traffic, as well as for maintaining the Via Claudia Augusta. This might be proof of the possibility that the Rhaetian-Italic border ran to the south/east of Partschins. However these interpretations remain open to question. (Cf. Kaufmann, 2018, p. 50).

    The Montelbon Votive Stone is on display in Merano Municipal Museum. The building is privately owned and the inside is not open to visitors.

    Lakes, cascades
    Tiefrastensee lake in Terenten
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Lago di Pausa Lake is a deeply blue alpine lake. According to a legend instead of Lago di Pausa Lake there was a stony area with many huts built on top of it. Dwarfs were the owners of the huts, and they worked in the mine of the Dwarf King named Mute. They searched for crystals in the mine and got good money for their hard work. However, after some time the dwarfs became more and more dissatisfied. One day, the dwarfs found a giant gemstone, which they wanted to keep and sell themselves. Mute found out about the dwarfs' intention and brought about a giant storm. Water flew down the mountains and the dwarfs could not be saved. Lago di Pausa Lake, and Mutenock Peak are still there today.
    Places to See
    Roman milestone
    St.Lorenzen/San Lorenzo di Sebato, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Roman Milestone of the Emperor M. Opellius Severus Macrinus and his son Diaduminanus (located on the main road, branching off towards Sonnenburg). The Roman milestone was found in Sonnenburg in 1857. Today the milestone is located at the entrance of the Museum Mansio Sebatum.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Saint Apollonia Church
    Nals/Nalles, Meran/Merano and environs

    High on a porphyry hill in Obersirmian stands the Saint Apollonia church. The little church, which was originally consecrated to Saint Pelagius, was built during the 12th and 13th Centuries on the grounds of an ancient settlement. It shows a stone-framed portal made around 1500. The Saint Apollonia church stands of a forested hill, which can be reached by car in only a few minutes via the Sirmianerstrasse. The location suggests that the little church was built in early times. The finding of a bronze bracelet refers to an early-historic settlement. The original Roman building was built around 1300 and contains a round apse with struts. The portal is stone-framed with an ogee arch, as well as a round bar. It should date back to the beginning of the 16th Century. The barrel in the longhouse and the groin vault in the choir stalls, reach back to the 17th Century. The niche in the wall with its small iron door was used as a sacrament corner. Saint Apollonia helps when you have toothache and for this reason, is presented with a pair of pliers. She is a symbol of martyrdom, as she went through the ordeal of having her teeth pulled out in a cruel way. The church keys are available at the Restaurant Apollonia, which is situated right below the hill.

    Places to See
    Roman milestone of the Via Claudia Augusta
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    The discovery of an ancient Roman Milestone proves that the old Roman road, the via Claudia Augusta, which led up and over the Alps, ran through Töll/Tel and Rabland/Rablà.
    This particular milestone is now housed in the Bolzano Civic Museum while a copy can be seen at the Hanswirt, the old coaching inn at Rabland.

    Places to See
    "The measure of the void"
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs

    This sculpture, created by contemporary South Tyrolean artist Ulrich Egger, is made from stainless steel and cement; it measures 4 metres in height and 8 metres in length. It is set in the centre of a traffic circle on Viale Europa, near the train station. The sculpture expresses the dream of visual vertigo, and the flow of daily life, time, and collective memory in the circularity of the gaze.

    Places to See
    The Fischleintal/ Val Fiscalina
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    The Carnic mountain ridge appears almost insignificant compared to the stately Dolomite rock towers on the opposite side of the Sesto valley. But this impression is deceiving! From Sesto, you can not only reach the Tre Cime Dolomiti, a popular and panoramic hiking and skiing area, but also the western foothills of a mountain range that stretches for over 100 km, almost to Villach in Carinthia. Interesting detail: The Carnic Alps were formed long before the Dolomites. Numerous fossil finds indicate a turbulent, geological past. However, the mountain range also has great historical importance, as it forms part of the Italian-Austrian border. Those who want to experience a border passing on high tracks can walk from the Monte Elmo peak (2,434 m) past the Helmhaus and along the ridge - with their left foot in Austria and the right one in Italy. This is also the starting point of the popular Carnic high route, also called the "peace route", which leads in eight to eleven days of walking to Arnoldstein in Carinthia.


    Lakes, cascades
    Waterfall Salorno
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The Titschenbach stream ends in a 68 high thunderous waterfall, which makes the village so unique. This is where the prehistoric inhabitants used to fetch water from the stream and channel it into canals for a variety of everyday uses. This place, the oldest in the history of the village, was mentioned in documents as "Tütsche" (Tyrolean Urbar from 1288). This name could have been derived in the course of a millennium from the Latin term "ductia", which, like the ancient "sala", referred to a water pipe. Salurn, the "village on the Tütsche", was created thanks to such watercourses. This dependence is symbolized, among other things, in the coat of  arms and name of one of the oldest families of the village, the family "An der Lahn". It is interesting to note that until the end of the 15th century, the stream crossed the Gries district in the south of the village and was only later diverted to the north on the mountain side of the settlement. The wooden bridge was first built around 1500.
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