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    Památky v Jižním Tyrolsku

    Jižní Tyrolsko je obzvláště bohaté na příběhy, které se vinou kolem tajných míst a neobvyklých přírodních útvarů. Památky, jako jsou čarodějnické lavice na Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm, vyprávějí příběhy o čarodějnicích a králích, zatímco místa síly, jako je "Stoanerne Mandln" s více než stovkou cairnů nebo starobylé zříceniny na kopci Castelfeder, vybízejí návštěvníky k odpočinku a hlubokému nádechu. Jedinečné přírodní útvary, jako jsou zemní pyramidy, jsou místa, která stojí za procházku a prozkoumání.

    Places to See
    Place of Spiritual Energy St. Hippolyt in Naraun/Narano
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs
    The hill of St. Hippolyt in Naraun, a fraction of the municipality of Tisens/Tesimo, forms the highest point of the plateau. Due to its striking appearance and its breathtaking panoramic view, it is not only a popular destination for excursions, but has also radiated a special atmosphere on people since time immemorial. 

    The first traces of settlement date back to the Neolithic Age, i.e. the 4th millennium BC. Since that time, the hill has been continuously settled or at least visited. In addition to small finds such as arrowheads, knives, garment clasps and various tools, numerous house foundations and an Iron Age fire sacrifice site from the 4th-2nd century BC have been found, giving us insight into the life and cults of the former inhabitants.

    The numerous circular shells cut into the rock, so-called shell stones, still pose a mystery to us, and their function has not yet been clarified. Also puzzling is the scoring of a beautiful spiral that is hardly visible today. It is located on a rock slab ground smooth by the glacier near the pond at the foot of the hill (Narauner Weiher), directly on the path to the hill of St. Hippolyt. 

    Today, the little church of St. Hippolyt, first mentioned in 1288 but certainly older, dominates the hilltop. It shows how much this place retained its mystical attraction for people even in Christian times, although other rituals took hold. 
    One of these important rituals was certainly the weather ringing, the task of which the sacristan of St. Hippolyt had to fulfil. During heavy summer thunderstorms, however, the exposed nature of the hill repeatedly led to accidents, which is why the church of St. Hippolyt was nicknamed "Zum bösen Segen" ("To the evil blessing"). As late as 1925, a sacristan couple was killed by lightning, which is commemorated by a memorial plaque inside the church. 

    Whether due to the lonely location of the sparsely overgrown hill, its long history or the vastness that can be seen here, there is no doubt that the hill of St. Hippolyt in Naraun with its church possesses a special aura that invites people to inner contemplation and makes it a place of spiritual energy. 
    It is also for this reason that the path of reflection to the Luminous Rosary and in memory of Pope John Paul II was built in 2010, leading from the car park at the foot of the hill to the church.
    Places to See
    Braies lake
    Prags/Braies, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen
    In the summer the lake of Braies reflects every colour. In the winter it is covers of ice and snow. Both as in the summer and winther it is the trail head of hikes, skitouren, snowshoe hikes and walks. Also nordic-walker are going to have walks in this territories. And everyone who likes to go to the limits of one's capacity can go to one of the three climbing crag.
    Places to See
    History stones
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    You can find the history stones at the road of meditation. The "Schalensteine" - history stones discovered the priest Küer. They are one of the most ancient sings of habitation at Sesto / Sexten.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Stumbling stones in Auer/Ora
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The "Stolpersteine" (stumbling stones) are a project by the Berlin artist Gunter Demnig that began in 1992. Small memorial plaques laid in the ground, these "Stolpersteine", are intended to commemorate the fate of people who were persecuted, murdered, deported, expelled or driven to suicide during the National Socialist era.
    Places to See
    Valle Ciamin/Tschamintal
    Tiers am Rosengarten/Tires al Catinaccio, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    The Ciamin Valley is considered as one of the most beautiful and romantic valleys in the Dolomite area. Hiking through the Ciamin Valley is an easy tour with two alternatives: hiking through the wood or near the beck. The whole tour takes you about 3 1/2 hours and gives you a beautiful view over alpine meadows, a small beck and breathtaking Catinaccio mountain chain.

    Places to See
    spherical equatorial sundial
    S.Crestina Gherdëina/Santa Cristina Val Gardana, Dolomites Region Val Gardena

    A spherical equatorial sundial with a diameter of 2 metres is positioned at Monte Pana. Made of iron, brass and gold, ist is positioned on to of a 10-ton porphyry plinth. It indicates the true solar time for S. Cristina and 60 more cities around the world. It also shows the Central European Time, the current sign of the zodiac, equinoxes, solstices and seasons.

    Places to See
    Nature Park Visitor Center
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The Nature Park Visitor Center of Villnöss brings visitors closer to nature and is the perfect place to dwell on. A walkable aerial photo gives visitors a bird‘s eye perspective of the Puez-Geisler Nature Park. The exhibition area “Touch the mountains” focuses on the key topic - the geology of the Dolomites. The Puez-Geisler Nature Park has been designated the “Dolomites site office” because it is home to all of the rock types, deposits and weathering that are typically found in the Dolomites. The Puez-Geisler Nature Park in the Dolomites is estendet on a area of the 3 valleys: Gadertal valley, Gröden valley and Villnöss valley.  The “Nature’s treasure trove” on the second floor contains plenty to discover: animal fur, bird’s eggs, feathers, footprints, droppings, teeth, antlers, medicinal herbs … all of which - and much more - is on display and can be touched! The “Conquering Mountains” room is primarily dedicated to alpinism. The world’s probably most famous alpinist, Reinhold Messner, comes from Villnöss. He talks about his experiences in the mountains in a short film. The “Puez-Geisler Nature Park film” is also shown daily in the mountain cinema. Leave your stress at home, discover the world of the mountains, and feel like a hunter in the woods.

    Places to See
    Energy Source Labyrinth
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    In the woods near the Ristorante Genziana restaurant you find a labyrinth of river stones with a drinking water well as a source of energy in its centre.

    Further information to the water treasures of Dobbiaco: http://www.drei-zinnen.info/en/dobbiaco/dobbiaco/experiencing-dobbiaco/lago-di-dobbiaco-lago-di-landro-and-dobbiaco-water-treasures.html?_ga=1.243384837.1489106145.1483110301

    Places to See
    Fort of Mühlbach
    Mühlbach/Rio di Pusteria, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The Rio Pusteria Fortress can be found at the entrance to the Val Pusteria, between the villages of Rio Pusteria and Vandoies. The fortress is directly located along the main road, also the Pusterbike Cycle Route runs past this impressive place of interest. Exactly in this place, the borderline between the countships of Goerz and Tyrol ran in 1271. For this reason Meinhard, Duke of Carinthia, had a dam built, that is to say the castle-like Rio Pusteria Fortress.

    Actually the original building was located 600 m in the west of the present-day location and consisted of a long-drawn-out barrage as well as two turrets. The ancient fortress was built according to the model of Mediaeval dam. The construction material consisted of natural and homogeneously-sized river stones, which were hardly modified. The last documents regarding this building are dated 1340.

    The newly-built construction, that is by the way preserved still today, bears the hallmarks of Sigismund, Archduke of Austria. The fortress is decorated by round turrets, while a dam stretches up the forested slope. In fact, the Rio Pusteria Fortress not only used to be a toll station, but was also residential building and dam. The building can be visited in a guided tour in summer months.

    Places to See
    War Cemetery
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    On 23rd May 1915, the Kingdom of Italy declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Italian army occupied Cortina, and the troops of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy withdrew to the Monte Lagazuoi to defend the Val Badia/Gadertal and Val Pusteria/Pustertal valleys. Both armies dug themselves in defensive trenches along the ridges of the Monte Lagazuoi and many other Dolomite mountains. The mountains were to become the scene of an incredible high-altitude war.

    The War Cemetery is the last home of non-Germanspeaking Austro-Hungarian soilders.

    Places to See
    Historic thermal baths
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs

    In 1907 the first thermal baths were built in via Otto-Huber, to help make Merano the most famous spa town in Central Europe. The Historic thermal baths were designed by a member of the so-called “Münchner Gruppe”, the Bavarian architect Max Langheinrich. The three-story building ends in a mighty dome. An elegant, semi-circular entrance hall with columns decorates the facade of today’s Sala Civica (civic hall). Inside, a wide and richly decorated marble staircase leads to the upper floor. There an impressive lampshade hangs from the ceiling; it is adorned with several statues, dressed in Tyrolean costumes.

    Places to See
    The Chestnut Trees of Köstental Valley in Aicha
    Natz-Schabs/Naz-Sciaves, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    East of Aicha at an altitude of 700 m, lies the Köstental chestnut orchard in a conservation zone. During the Medieval Period, the chestnut (also known as the poor man’s bread) was a staple food of the population, but nowadays it is a soughtafter delicacy forming part of the classical South Tyrolean cuisine. Today, the traditional fruit is a rarity in the South Tyrolean cuisine and the highlight of the traditional Törggelen in the Eisacktal Valley.

    Places to See
    War cemetery "Burg"
    Innichen/San Candido, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    Because of the proximity to the Dolomites front several military hospitals were opened in San Candido in 1914-1989 during the First World War. So many wounded and sick soldiers died there that they could no longer be buried in the cemetery of the collegiate church. Mayor Josef Baumgartner therefore asked the Imperial and Royal Borders Commando No. 10 to create an own inter-faith military cemetery. In the summer of 1915 the work was started and at the end of July the first soldiers were laid to rest in the cemetery. On 12 March 1916 the cemetery and the chapel were consecrated by divisional priest Anton Pircher and formally opened by Major General Karl Englert. By November 1918 over 700 known soldiers were buried there in individual graves, among them members of the Imperial and Royal Army, Italian, Russian, Romanian and Serbian prisoners of war and Bosniacs, as well as many unknown soldiers interred in a mass grave. When in 1916 San Candido was bombarded with grenades and Services in the collegiate church and in the Franciscan monastery church became too risky, Holy Mass and other Worship was moved to the chapel of the military cemetery. Between the wars the parish and the Italian War Graves Commission (C.O.S.C.G.) looked after the cemetery, and in 1927 a special Cemetery Commission was set up for this purpose. In October 1934 the State ordered for the Italian prisoners of war to be exhumed and to be interred in the ossuary Pocol near Cortina. Following the options agreement between Germany and Italy and after the cemetery was already officially decommissioned by the Italian War Graves Commission in 1941, 181 victims of war were exhumed and re-interred in the war cemeteries in Varna/Bressanone (92), Croda Bagnata (68), San Giacomo/Bolzano (11), Merano (8), Passo Pordoi (2). The remaining crosses and the chapel disappeared over a period of time and vegetation covered the levelled field of graves. Thanks to the efforts of the Franciscan Father Brother Siegfried Volgger, and with the help of the renowned Regiment "Schützen Hofmark Innichen”, the war cemetery Burg was restored during 2002/04 and the chapel rebuilt. On 28 August 2004 the restored cemetery was formally consecrated by Suffragan Bishop Dr. Franz Lackner OFM of Graz. The hallmarks of the war cemetery “Burg” in San Candido and its charm are its simplicity and cared for appearance.

    Lakes, cascades
    Boat trip with the MS Hubertus Interregio
    Graun im Vinschgau/Curon Venosta, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    From July to October there is on the biggest lake in South Tyrol, the lago Resia, "Ship Ahoy" with the "MS Hubertus"
    While the ship that passeth away, idyllically situated on the turquoise blue lago Resia, passengers have views of the impressive mountain panorama.
    Captain Winkler informed about the natural beauty around the 6 km long reservoir and are legends and stories about the sunken villages for the best.

    Places to See
    Prato Piazza
    Prags/Braies, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    Located at 2,000 metres above sea level, visitors find true serenity and pure nature in the area of Prato Piazza. Thanks to its integration into the Fanes-Senes-Braies Nature Park, the beautiful Prato Piazza area surrounded by imposing peaks, has been able to maintain its naturalness and originality. Far from car traffic and any noise, the alpine plateau fascinates with a splendid view of the surrounding mountains like Picco di Vallandro and Croda Rossa, and in the distance you can admire the Monte Cristallo and Tofane Mountains. Hobby photographers find the best of motives in summer and winter. You can sit down, take a deep breath, and enjoy the variety of nature, or actively discover the surrounding nature. Walking, Nordic walking, hiking, climbing or by bicycle.

    Places to See
    Two Waters well
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    Dobbiaco receives its drinking water from two different high quality sources: from the Dolomite limestones and the ferrous primary rocks from the Central Alps.
    A drinking water well with an idyllic viewpoint at the edge of the town invites you to taste the two waters of Dobbiaco.

    Further information to the water treasures of Dobbiaco: http://www.drei-zinnen.info/en/dobbiaco/dobbiaco/experiencing-dobbiaco/lago-di-dobbiaco-lago-di-landro-and-dobbiaco-water-treasures.html?_ga=1.243384837.1489106145.1483110301

    Places to See
    Schlern Mountain
    Marling/Marlengo, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    Due to its characteristic shape, the 2563m high Schlern is considered the landmark of South Tyrol.

    It is also the eponym of the Sciliar mountain group. The Schlern towers above the Seis am Schlern, the largest high pasture in Europe, as well as Kastelruth and Völs am Schlern. The highest point of the Schlern is the Petz with 2563m. In 1974 the Schlern was placed under protection in a nature park and in 2003 it was extended to the Schlern-Rosengarten nature park. In South Tyrol's world of legends the Schlern is considered the home of the Schlern witches.
    Forts & Castles
    Castelbello Castle
    Kastelbell-Tschars/Castelbello-Ciardes, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    The picturesque Castelbello Castle, first mentioned in 1238, was built by the Lords of Montalban. Majestically, it is situated on a cliff on the left bank of the Adige River. Because of its exposed position, the castle had to be protected by strong fortifications, which needed to be remodernized over the years. In 1813 and 1824, the castle was largely destroyed by fire. The Counts of Hendl rebuilt only a small part for residential purposes. At the end of a protracted court process held over decades between Count Siegmund von Hendl and the Republic of Italy for the possession of the castle, eventually a settlement was reached. This allowed the State to acquire the castle. The Castelbello Castle is the cultural center of the village. In addition to permanent exhibitions in Spring and Autumn, alternating art exhibitions take place here.
    The building of the chapel followed in the late 13th or early 14th cent. The walls contain a frieze with the Twelve Apostles as well as texts from the Confession of Faith. Because the apostles are turned towards one another in pairs, the quotations are alternately written in plain and inverted script.
    Lakes, cascades
    Langsee Lake
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The end of the Ultental Valley is without a doubt a true power spot. The mystic Langsee lake lies in a hollow fed by numerous block glacier springs. Formed by the retreat of the glaciers of the Ice Age, this mountain lake presents itself as a true work of art of nature. Many legends entwine around this wonderful place of power, which was already visited in the Stone Age as a resting place for hunters.

    Place of power below Kreuzstein
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Our hiking tip: Outside the Kreuzstein Inn You follow the path a few minutes down to this special place of energy. (Time: approx. 15 minutes)
    Places to See
    Fortification Alps Wall in Plamort
    Graun im Vinschgau/Curon Venosta, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The defense Plamort (plan mort = dead ground) covers an area of ​​about 1 square kilometer at an altitude of about 2050 m. A special feature is the tank barrier with a length of about 250 m and their so-called dragon teeth. Categories: culture,

    Forts & Castles
    Sawmill Lipper
    Olang/Valdaora, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The old Lippa sawmill from the 19th century is located in Oberolang, in an easily accessible location in the immediate vicinity of the Val Pusteria cycle path and the Olang nature and culture trail. It is the last remaining Venetian sawmill, which was restored and put back into operation in 2011 after it was last used in 1958. It is a unique testimony to the history of the Val Pusteria timber industry.

    Guided tours are only possible in SUMMER! For more information, please contact the Valdaora/Olang tourist office.

    Places to See
    Tschon Stoan
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    Tschon Stoan One day, long ago, the wizard Hans Kachler was very angry and threw an immense stone, the Tschon Stoan, from the highest peak of the Sciliar/Schlern mountain on the Seiser Alm. That’s how the legend goes. Starting point: Seis am Schlern

    Places to See
    Military cemetery
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The military cemetery in Auer/Ora was originally established in 1916 as a burial ground for the chiefly Russian and Serbian war prisoners who had died while working on the old Val di Fiemme railroad. Additionally, a military hospital was established in Auer during WWI. A burial ground was set up at the site of today's military cemetery for fallen soldiers and for the workers who died during the construction of the railroad.

    During WWII, the burial ground was likewise used as a cemetery for the war dead. The bodies of Austro-Hungarian soldiers who had fallen on the Dolomite Front were exhumed and transferred to their respective national cemeteries. Until 2003, the association for victims of war and combatants of South Tyrol took care of the military cemetery. From 2003 on, the "Schützenkompanie" Auer took over the cemetery's administration.

    Places to See
    Speikboden: Viewing tower at 2400m
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    Viewing tower at 2,400 m Pure fascination: 360° panorama with 150 peaks and more than 80 three-thousanders. Enjoy the wonderful view on the Dolomites with the Tre Cime di Lavaredo/Drei Zinnen, on the Zillertaler Alps, on the Durreck-group – and all this from the top station of the chairlift Sonnklar. Thanks to the clear labeling you will find it easy to locate and marvel at our beautiful mountains. With photo point. Just flying can beat this experience!

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