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    Historie a kultura v Jižní Tyrolsko Vinná cesta

    Jižní Tyrolsko vinicemi je bohaté na kulturu a historii, které stojí za objevení.
    Forts & Castles
    Englar Castle
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The castle's castle consists of an older Gothic castle dating from around 1450 and a western annex from the Renaissance around 1530, in which today's hotel is housed.In the core of the house are remains of a late medieval fortification tower.

    The romantic courtyard with fountains and old cedars is framed by 17th and 18th century buildings.

    Englar is considered the best preserved gothic castle in South Tyrol The castle was not designed as a defensive castle, but as a noble nobility, it was intended to underline the social position of the then-builders of the Counts of Firmian.

    The square building is completed by an imposingly steep Gothic roof and was at that time a revolutionary technical achievement.

    Today, our house opens its hospitable gates for travelers and recreation seekers who are sensitive to the generous and stylish ambience of a historic building and appreciate a special and comfortable atmosphere.

    The ensemble with ancient trees is rounded off by the Gothic church church of St. Sebastian near the house as well as the adjoining estate with fruit and wine cultures, a small duck pond, an extensive chicken farm and animals lovingly farmed by our

    Places to See
    Military cemetery
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The military cemetery in Auer/Ora was originally established in 1916 as a burial ground for the chiefly Russian and Serbian war prisoners who had died while working on the old Val di Fiemme railroad. Additionally, a military hospital was established in Auer during WWI. A burial ground was set up at the site of today's military cemetery for fallen soldiers and for the workers who died during the construction of the railroad.

    During WWII, the burial ground was likewise used as a cemetery for the war dead. The bodies of Austro-Hungarian soldiers who had fallen on the Dolomite Front were exhumed and transferred to their respective national cemeteries. Until 2003, the association for victims of war and combatants of South Tyrol took care of the military cemetery. From 2003 on, the "Schützenkompanie" Auer took over the cemetery's administration.

    Forts & Castles
    Castle Enna
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The stately castle of Enn is located above Montan/Montagna. It was built around the year 1300 at the request of the noble Lords of Enn, who at that time also owned the fortress of Castelfeder. In the course of a dispute, the von Enn family was expelled. The castle was subsequently inhabited by several noble families and repeatedly rebuilt. Since the 17th century, Enn Castle has been privately owned by the Albrizzi family and is not open to visitors. An exception is the traditional "Schlosskonzert," which takes place annually in mid-August. This is a good opportunity to see the castle courtyard and experience a traditional concert by the Montan Music Band.

    Museum of People through Time
    Lana, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Museum of People through Time documents the impressive life of humankind over different periods. With more than 5,000 exhibits you can discover, step by step, the development from prehistoric man, who lived from hunting and collecting edibles, up to modern civilization. Admission ticket: €5.50 adults €4.00 groups (10 or more) €2.50 children (7-14 years, in classes) €11.00 families

    Kurmark - Unifrut
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Our modern packaging company cultivates 750 ha of arable land and has circa 500 members. The amount of apples we process every year totals an average of 4,800 wagons of eating apples. The strengths of our company lie in the sunny apple orchards which are located in the southern South Tyrol, the cultivation in accordance with the AGRIOS and GLOBALGAP guidelines, the availability of fresh fruit the whole year long as well as every kind of package and an immediate delivery.

    Cultural centres and theatre
    Cortaccia Hall
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Event venue of Kurtatsch/Cortaccia with stage and seating for 200 people

    Museum Haderburg
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The museum "Avventura Haderburg" shows the historical background of the medieval castle and his residents. There is illustrated the development of the castle, the weir system, the habitation and also the decline of the castle. Over 100 artefacts explain the importance of the castle.

    Forts & Castles
    Old Railway Line
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    As early as 1891, there were plans to construct a railway between Ora and the Val di Fiemme Valley in order to improve accessibility and stimulate the economy. The Val di Fiemme railway line was built during World War I. Between 1918 and 1936, it was used mainly for transporting goods. It connected Auer/Ora with Predazzo. The segment between Auer and San Lugano is still in good condition. Nowadays, it is a very nice hike and cycle path which leads through the beautiful mountain landscape of the Trudner Horn Nature Park and is especially worthwhile due to the views of the South Tyrolean Unterland region.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Former Parish Church of St. Peter
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    North tower with 13th

    -century bell-tower, set deep in the ground owing to flooding by the Schwarzenbach stream, dating back to
    a Romanesque predecessor that itself replaced a medieval building. Work on the present-day nave began with the late-Gothic
    choir polygon in 1475: the master builder was Peter von Ursel from Tramin. The nave was completed in 1526 under Hans Lutz of

    Schussenried. The presbytery façade features sandstone corner blocks, triangular pilaster strips and decorated joints. The three-
    bay nave is also divided by triangular pilaster strips. There is a monumental fresco of St. Christopher dating from 1516 on the

    western façade. The porch, in Renaissance style, dates back to Pastor Josef a Porta from the year 1604.
    Inside the church is an early-Baroque high altar from 1621 with an altarpiece by Theophil Polack. The side altar holds a high
    altarpiece by Franz Sebald Unterberger that was once in the former Chapel of St. Barbara at Castelfeder. Of rarity value are the
    iron tabernacle from 1609 and the Schwarzenbach organ from 1599, the oldest in South Tyrol.
    Messner Mountain Museum Firmian
    Bolzano/Bozen, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    To the south of Bolzano, on porphyry rock, a vast castle arrangement, by the way, one oldest is in South Tirol. On account of her impressive situation, it is - as it is due to her beauty - also far away obviously. History: Castle Sigmundskron was called in the first historical mentions about 945 "Formicaria". In 1027 the German emperor gave the dukedom of Trento as well as the county to Bolzano to the bishop of Trento. In this manner the building went over in his possession and was used from now on as a seat of the Amtsmänner responsible for this territory and, moreover, still for high court meetings. An enlargement of the castle in 12. and 13. Therefore, Jhd. became necessary. Very pleasantly for the rulers of the area was the control of the navigation on Eisack and Etsch. The only entrance of Bolzano to Eppan could be closed up to the construction of the first bridge about 1200 easily. About 1473 the castle went over in the possession of Sigmund to the coin empires, princes of Tyrol. The lover of nice castles allowed to develop the arrangement immediately. As his most splendid construction the duke called this "castle Sigmundskron". However, soon afterwards Sigmund gets in financial difficulties. He must pledge his work, the castle slowly goes to ruin, because it is also not inhabited any more constantly. 1957: The next important event which takes place within these walls is the national rally against "Verwelschungsbestrebungen" (lot of Trento), i.e. against the disregard of the "Paris contract" about 1957. In 1976 an innkeeper's family raised for the first time the courage to renovate partially the castle to open the guest company in these romantic surroundings of course also at the same time. In 2006 The „sacristan Mountain of museum of Firmian“ in the castle Sigmundskron/Firmian is opened. Architectural style: The castle is built mainly in the highly medieval style. The slender donjon in the untercastle shows Late-Gothic rebuildings. From the 13th century is the residential tower with round arch door as well as round arch windows. One recognises two gun turrets by the up to 5-m-thick curtain wall in the upper precastle, among the rest, moreover, you find a living - and economic building in the court (the place of the today's restaurant). Specific features: Highly - and untercastle are unambiguously separated by a rock formation, a natural barrier which one often does not find thus. Duke Sigmund made the castle by stonecutters decorate, it had to go nicest in his collection. The different dimensions of the loopholes also do not correspond to the norm of that time.

    Sculpture garden
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    According the slogan "freedom and harmony between art and nature" the South Tyrolean artist Sieglinde Tatz-Borgogno has created 200 sculptures of bronze, marble and clay at the small village Pochinear Salorno. People with their forces, desires and fears are at the focus of the artist's creativity. The sculpture-garden is reachable in a few minutes from the center of Pochi and is freely accessible.

    Forts & Castles
    Auer Castle
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    At the church square, a medieval village castle rises majestically. This castle received its present form around 1600. Auer Castle is said to have been the ancestral seat of the Lords of Auer/Ora, who were first mentioned in 1190 as "Conradinus de Aura de masnada filiorum Enrici de Egna." In documents, the castle was also called the "Gesäss," as it housed, among other things, the official residence of the sovereigns. In the 19th century, the von Fioreschy family took over the property and gave it its present name: Von Fioreschy estate. In 2014, the estate underwent extensive renovations.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church in St. Anton/S. Antonio
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Patronal feast: January 17th The oldest parts of the church are in the tower (13th century) and in the nave walls. Around 1430, the Gothic Polygon Choir was added. The uniformly re-creation of the choir from 1472 have been carried out by the two painters Bernhard and Jakob, who worked in Bolzano. The great Christophorus on the southern façade is also a work of this painting group.

    The church is accessible only during the holy masses (Monday 8 am).

    Source: Parrish office Kaltern

    Forts & Castles
    Hotel Korb Castle
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Castle basket ( Italian Castel Corba ) is a castle west of Bolzano in Appiano district Missian in South Tyrol. It is located below the castle ruins Boymont . The square tower house was from 1230 to 1235 , built by the Lords of basket, ministry officials of the Counts of Appiano . From the 14th century it was a fief in the hands of various Tyrolean noble families (including the fox Fuchsberg and Fieger , 1637 ) . The merchant Johann cleaner Reibegg of 1834 prompted a castle-like , romanticized conversion to a winning with decorative pinnacles housing and the construction of the chapel. [1 ] The crenellated tower house is now covered with a pyramidal roof . Are coupled Romanesque double windows on the sides. In 1877, the native of Greifswald Teßmann family acquired the property . Their son Friedrich Tessman was born at Castle basket and was a noted jurist and historian Tyrol. According to him, the State Library was named in Bolzano.

    Other producers
    Landhaus Ruedl
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    It is the love for nature and everything beautiful it brings along, that have turned us into what we are today: a small family-run business producing a great variety of products according to strict organic and environmental friendly criteria. Herbs, vegetables and flowers used for the production as well as the realization of our herbal teas, herb mixes and herb salts have been carefully cultivated according to ancient farm traditions. About 1 hectare ground has been destined to the cultivation of different types of fruit which will afterwards be manually processed and turned into excellent juices, syrups, jams, mustards and dry fruit.

    Direct selling: each Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 4 pm to 6 pm or by arrangement. Each Tuesday (from Easter to All saints) you can also find us at the farmer’s market.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Stumbling stones in Auer/Ora
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The "Stolpersteine" (stumbling stones) are a project by the Berlin artist Gunter Demnig that began in 1992. Small memorial plaques laid in the ground, these "Stolpersteine", are intended to commemorate the fate of people who were persecuted, murdered, deported, expelled or driven to suicide during the National Socialist era.
    Forts & Castles
    Castle Freudenstein
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The location of Castel Freudenstein makes you enjoy a great view on Bolzano and the mountain ranges of the surroundings. Catinaccio, Sciliar and large parts of the Val d’Adige, this is what you can admire from Castel Freudenstein. This mighty mansion was constructed in the High Middle Ages, in the 13th century.

    Place of power below Kreuzstein
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Our hiking tip: Outside the Kreuzstein Inn You follow the path a few minutes down to this special place of energy. (Time: approx. 15 minutes)
    Museum of Popular Culture
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Museum of Popular Culture is situated in a historical building under the arcades of Neumarkt/Egna. You can visit the living space of a middle-class family of the 19th an 20th century.

    With an extensive collection of furniture and utensils used in everyday life, the museum gives insight into a long-gone way of life. Thus, in the museum you can find a playroom, sewing room, a kitchen with pantry, as well as a salon and a bedroom.

    Forts & Castles
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    It was most probably built at the same time (the end of the 12th century or the beginning of the 13th century) and probably used for fires that were used as signals. Kreideturm: the tower is situated just 50 m below Burg Hocheppan. Architectural style: a wall, which has now fallen down, surrounded the tower. There are still a few metres visible on the south side. On the other side there is a lower lying entrance that was probably used to light the fires. The inside of the tower is a narrow dark shaft. Walking: all walks to Hocheppan go past this tower.

    Forts & Castles
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    There used to be two large residential units here: in the front part was the house of the tailor Ulrich Leb, mentioned in 1523, called am "Prunnen", named after the village fountain which stood in front of this house until the first decade of the 21st century; and in the rear part of the house was the "Haus an der Stiegen", first mentioned in 1526 with Conz Puphtaler. Inhabitants of these houses include cobblers, coopers, bailiffs and schoolmasters. Even a baking oven is mentioned: in the 17th century, when Montan had no baker of its own, the "Brothieter" also served bread here from time to time.

    Peter, Elisabeth and Anna Terleth were the last private owners from 1875. With a foundation, they laid the foundation stone for the old people's home that has stood here since 2010.

    The farm gate to the east and the farmhouse parlour to the south have been preserved from the old days and have both been well integrated into the new building.

    Lakes, cascades
    Waterfall and "Katzenleiter"
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road


    A rustic circular hiking trail along the Schwarzenbach/Rio Nero torrent to the waterfall offers a breathtaking natural spectacle offer. The "Katzenleiter" is a stone staircase consisting of 540 steps carved into the rock. The waterfall plunges into a 120-meter-deep gorge and offers a magnificent view of the entire south of South Tyrol all the way to Lake Kaltern. If you continue climbing the steps, you will reach the Brückenwirt inn in Montan/Montagna after a two-hour hike.

    Forts & Castles
    Baumgarten Castle
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Another point of interest is the Baumgarten Castle in the historical center of Auer/Ora. During the 12th century, it was used as a fortification. Afterwards, many modifications were made and additions built. Nowadays, it is part of the agricultural high school.

    Forts & Castles
    Castle Gandegg
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Castle Gandegg in Appiano area Piganò is a massive phenomenon. The most striking feature are likely to be the 4 round towers, each stands at a corner of the rectangular main building. A 1443 first mentioned in late medieval tower house was structurally integrated on the south side of Castle Gandegg. Schlos Gandegg is a unitary construction from the mid-16th century, commissioned by the lords Khuen-Belasi who had taken possession by the original builders of the residential tower, the Annabergern. The basic concept of the building corresponds to the northern Italian style of fortifications of that time.

    The rooms are grand, spacious rooms with coffered ceilings and tiled stoves from the 16th and 17th centuries. The main building is surrounded by a large Park, protected by a high wall, on the southwest flank the property is bordered by farm buildings with late Gothic elements.

    Forts & Castles
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Complex of residential and farm buildings on the Wasserfallstrasse and the St. Kolumbangasse, arranged at an acute angle and grouped around a courtyard. Its core is located at the intersection of the two roads; it was expanded in the early 17th century, during the Renaissance, as indicated by the stone-framed courtyard gate with the monogram “Hans Pock” and the date 1626: the year 1620 could once be read on a double-arched window.

    Culture & Attractions
    Crossing cycling trail Neumarkt/Egna
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The village was already a flourishing trade center in the Middle Ages due to its geographically favorable location and today is the cultural and economic center of the South Tyrolean lowlands. Neumarkt/Egna includes the idyllic hamlets of Mazon/Mazzon, Vill/Villa, and Laag/Laghetti. It is not without reason that the picturesque village is considered one of the most beautiful places "Borghi piú belli d'Italia" in Italy. Worth seeing is the old village center with its 500-meter-long arcades, stately residences, and magnificent courtyards.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church in S. Nicolò/St. Nikolaus
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Patronal feast: 6th of December

    The core building dates back to the 13th century (late Romanesque brickwork on the tower floor and on the west wall). Around 1520, a new building was built by construction workers from Como. Vault paintings have been made by Bartlmä Dill Riemenschneider, son of Tilman Riemenschneider. Since 1733 pilgrimage place.

    Source: Parrish office Kaltern

    Forts & Castles
    Museum Castle Moos-Schulthaus
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    In Eppan | Piganò, above Castel Gandegg, you find near Castel Englar the residence Moos Schulthaus. A little bit hidden, how it is usual for an insider tip, you can find a nice little museum for Middle Aged living.

    Around the middle of the 13th century the dynasty of the Rottenburger built a Romanesque residential tower above the location Pigenò. Around the 14th century it was transformed and extended into a gothic residence for hunting. After the extinction of the Rottenburg in 1410, the complex ended up in the hands of the princes and later on to the Lords of Firmian and around 1500 to the Earl Spaur who expanded it even more. Until the middle of the 19th century it remained in the hands of the aristocrats of Schulthaus. With this intense change of property and the related architectural procedures caused a special fusion of connected elements, interlaced and on different levels situated premises and last but not least style characteristics of different époques. In 1958 Walther Amonn, merchant of Bozen and patron, bought the complex and had it costly restored and opened it for the public in 1985.

    Well worth seeing are especially the frescos of the premises, which are a unique example of gothic mural art and give an insight in the life and philosophy of that time.

    For the exploration of this historical valuable area around Castel Moss-Schulthaus, with the castles Englar and Gandegg together with the residences of Pigenò, we suggest the marked hiking and biking trails.

    Forts & Castles
    Ruin St. Peter/S. Pietro in Altenburg/Castelvecchio
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Patronal feast: June 29th.

    The church ruins date back to the 5th century AD. The building reminds of church buildings in Aquileia and Milan. During excavations, the old position of the altar as well as the relic chamber could be determined. The S. Peter ruin in Altenburg is probably the oldest Tyrolean church ruin. Its decay began with the closure of the church in 1782.

    Source: Parish office Kaltern

    Lakes, cascades
    Waterfall Salorno
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The Titschenbach stream ends in a 68 high thunderous waterfall, which makes the village so unique. This is where the prehistoric inhabitants used to fetch water from the stream and channel it into canals for a variety of everyday uses. This place, the oldest in the history of the village, was mentioned in documents as "Tütsche" (Tyrolean Urbar from 1288). This name could have been derived in the course of a millennium from the Latin term "ductia", which, like the ancient "sala", referred to a water pipe. Salurn, the "village on the Tütsche", was created thanks to such watercourses. This dependence is symbolized, among other things, in the coat of  arms and name of one of the oldest families of the village, the family "An der Lahn". It is interesting to note that until the end of the 15th century, the stream crossed the Gries district in the south of the village and was only later diverted to the north on the mountain side of the settlement. The wooden bridge was first built around 1500.
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