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    Historie a kultura v Jižní Tyrolsko Vinná cesta

    Jižní Tyrolsko vinicemi je bohaté na kulturu a historii, které stojí za objevení.
    Distillery Fischerhof
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Distillery with prize-winning products

    Since 50 years the distillery Fischerhof produces high quality grappas from its own grape pomace and from various fruits first-rate distillates and liqeurs. At the moment there are about 40 different types of products available for tasting ans sale.


    Lakes, cascades
    Big Montiggl Lake
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The big Montiggl Lake is located in the middle of the nature reserve Montiggl with its stunning mixed forest in the community of Eppan on 492 meters above sea level. It can be reached by car or by the numerous walking paths nearby.

    The big Montiggl Lake has a shoreline of 2 kilometres and its surface is around 18 hectares wide. At its deepest spot it has a depth of 11.5 meters. In the north-east it is surrounded by rock, whereat the opposite site it changes to a swamp.

    According to analyses the lake has very good data regarding the water quality and is therefore one of South Tyroles most popular swimming lake. In the west of the lake there are hotels, restaurants and a swimming pool with a pier located.

    Forts & Castles
    Haderburg/ Castello di Salorno
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The castle of Salorno stands imposingly on the rocks above the village and is the symbol of the village. Its position makes it one of the most impressive ruins in the Alps. It was built in the Middle Age and during the time it was constantly enlarged. It was in possession of different nobel families and since the 17th century it belongs to the descendants of Earl Zenobio-Albrizzi from Venice. Thank to their help the castle was restored. Since 2003 it can be visited during summer. Nowadays there take place many cultural events during the warm season.

    There is a path called "Way of visions" which leads to the hill of the castle in 20 minutes (by foot).

    Lakes, cascades
    3D path from Entiklar to Cortina
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The middle part of the "3-Dörfer-Wegs" (three village trail), or 3D-Weg, leads from Entiklar to Margreid. Between lovely rock walls harboring wall ferns and lizards, we wander leisurely upwards to the "Margreider Leiten", steep vineyards with panoramic views of the Etsch valley. The last part follows a somehwat steep paved road into the beautiful little wine village of Margreid.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Gleif Church
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Calvary was laid out by the Order of the Capucin monks near Bozen. After this, most other brother houses of the Order did the same, and this included Eppan. At the end of this pathway the Gleif Church was built in 1716. Each station of the cross took time to erect and several figures were finished in the 19th century. Architectural style: the church was built in the middle of the 18th century as the graveyard church at the end of the pilgrimage path. The two domed towers of the Renaissance building give it an impressive appearance. With all its inside decorations, it is definitely worth a visit. Extras: the view of Eppan from here is worth the walk. Walking: the easy walk to the Gleif Church is part of nearly everyone's holiday programme, but can also be combined with the Ice Holes, Matschatsch, Kem Ravine, the Mendel or the Gantkofel.

    Forts & Castles
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Medieval winery and estate on the Kiechelberg hill which, together with the associated Church of St. Daniel, was until 1785 in the possession of the Benedictine Sonnenburg Abbey in the Puster Valley. The free-standing farm building dates back to the late Middle Ages and the Gothic style of the 15th century.

    Culture & Attractions
    The Wine Trail
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The wine trail was strategically created in the shape of an eight, with its crossing point at the PUNKT Winehouse on the village market square, and leads you past vineyards and wine estates all the way to Lake Kaltern. White limestone road markers provide information on the unique names of the vineyards - such as Puntara and Palurisch, Salt and Plantaditsch. There are four resting stops along the way, marked by bronze plated information tables.
    Forts & Castles
    The Old Post Office
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The "gemain Riglhaus" once stood on this site. In 1574 it is mentioned as a schoolhouse as well as a teacher's and organist's residence, and in 1629 as the "gemain Mesenhaus". In 1788, after the introduction of compulsory schooling, the schoolroom was extended here. In 1820, this house is listed as a parish residence, and from 1829 to 1845 it is again listed as a schoolhouse. In 1880 it became the parish and sacristan's house, and in the 20th century the post office was housed here. After the fascist takeover, the first floor became the meeting place of the "Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro". On the lower floor, the last of Montan's cobblers had his workshop for a long time, later there was the office of the tourist association, then a butcher's shop. Since the end of the 1980s, the headquarters of the "Montaner Schützenkompanie" have been located here. The panelled Gothic parlour on the first floor and the stucco ceiling on the second floor are particularly valuable.

    Places to See
    Limekiln in Andriano
    Andrian/Andriano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The limekiln in Andriano is a kind of kiln where in the past people used to produce quicklime from limestone.
    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Michael's church
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The first written documentation referring to this church appears at the end of the 14th century. From this era, the bell tower remains today, with its double-mullioned windows surmounted by triple-mullioned windows and frescoes on the façade representing the saints Anne, Catherine and Margaret, Christopher with the baby Jesus, and St. Michael, to whom the church is dedicated. In 1672, the church was restored, supplied with a barrel vault, and supplemented with a new chancel, side altar, and sacristy. Particularly rich are the decorations of the choir stalls: The scenes depicted on the parapet stem from the 17th century and represent the Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth, the Adoration of the Magi, the circumcision of Jesus, the flight from Egypt, and the Massacre of the Innocents. The busts painted on the lower part of the choir stalls represent the twelve Apostles and date back to the 18th century. The interior of the church is bare due to the theft of the furnishings and sacred images in 1969. The stolen original altarpiece was replaced by a representation of St. Michael fighting evil.


    Culture & Attractions
    Panoramic view Altenburg/Castelvecchio
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    This wonderful panoramic point is right next to the church in Altenburg/Castelvecchio and offers a stunning view towards Lake Kaltern and the homonymous village. Northwards you can see the mountain peaks of Hirzer/Punta Cervina and Ifinger/Picco Ivigna, but also the Sarner Scharte/Forcella Sarentina and the Rittner Horn/Corno del Renon. Eastwards instead you can see the peaks of Rosengarten/Catinaccio and Latemar, while southwards the view sweeps across the Etschtal/Val d’Adige.

    Other producers
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Sale of fruits and vegetables (according to the season), apple juice and bee products (all home-made) at the Farmers Market on the market square in Caldaro/Kaltern (every Tuesday from Easter to All Saints) or by telephonically agreement directly at the farm. From the end of June to the 19th of September you get the apple juice and the wine at the sale booth in Merano/Sinigo (Via Reich/Reichstraße) too.

    Places to See
    Ice caves
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The unusual phenomenon of the ice caves between the two villages of Kaltern (Oberplanitzing/Pianizza di Sopra) and Eppan/Appiano can be explained with a simple physical principle: air streams down through cracks in the porphyry stone, creating a system of windpipes that becomes cooler as it descends. This heavier, cold air mass collects in a 5 meter high pool in the depression. This climate is ideal for plants that would normally thrive in higher alpine regions. We do recommend to make this excursion during warm summer months.

    Forts & Castles
    Ruins of Festenstein Castle
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The castle ruins of "Castelforte/Festenstein" can be described as Andriano's symbol. It reigns over Andriano from the lofty, rocky outcrop of the Gola del Rio Gaido, and can only be reached via a steep mountain climb. Its location was certainly a pondered choice by the stonemason to ensure the weapons of the enemies would never reach the castle. At the same time, the spectacular location of the castle offers a 360° view across the lower Valle dell'Adige. "Festenstein" was first mentioned in written documents in the mid-13th century. We assume that the castle was built at the time or greatly expanded. Regardless, it had already been built by the time the Counts of Appiano oversaw the valley, they probably assigned one of their vassals to administer the castle.
    Managing such a castle would have been tedious work  and included collecting taxes from farms, the constant worry about providing the castle with water, food, and firewood, improvement works and endless suveillance shifts. All these tasks, considering the virtually inaccessible location of the castle, would have been pure torture. Sometime between the 13th and 14th century the castle was damaged, probably during the ongoing skirmishes of the time, because in 1383 it became property of the Lords of Villandro, who were tasked with restoring the decrepit ruins to their former glory. This shows how the castle still had a role to play at the end of the 14th century.

    In the following period, the castle changed hands various times. In the 15th century it belonged to the Sparrenberger, members of the gentry, followed by the Lords Lanser of Appiano between 1654 and 1818.

    In 2008,  Count Meinhard Khuen von Belasi purchased the castle ruins and commissioned, together with the South Tyrolean Office for Cultural Heritage, various restoration measures to secure the state of the walls and protect the castle from further deterioration.

    After years of restoration work, Castelforte is now open to visitors. On various dates, the Andriano Tourist Association enables a special opening of the castle.
    Special Opening of the Ruins Festenstein 2023:

    Sunday, 02.04.2023
    Sunday, 16.04.2023
    Friday,21.04.2023 cancelled
    Sunday, 30.04.2023
    Friday,12.05.2023 cancelled
    Monday, 29.05.2023
    Friday, 02.06.2023
    Saturday, 10.06.2023
    Sunday, 11.06.2023
    Sunday, 03.09.2023
    Sunday, 01.10.2023
    Sunday, 15.10.2023

    Opening times:  10:00 – 15:00

    Cancelled in bad weather!

    Forts & Castles
    The “Hofkeller”
    Salorno/Salurn, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The “Hofkeller” was first mentioned in documents at the beginning of the 14th century. It has a massive gable roof. It was once the seat of the feudal administration, which passed from the Lords of Salorno/Salurn to the Counts of Tyrol. On the east side of the building, on the ground floor, there is a large hall with a cross vault supported by two rows of seven slender columns made of Prun stone and by pilasters. The imposing building already impressed the first South Tyrolean chronicler Marx Sittich von Wolkenstein, as he wrote in his description of Tyrol published in 1600.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Capuchin monastery
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Capuchin monastery and its small church were built between 1617 and 1620. The church has a simple design in accordance with the style and regulations of the Capuchin Order: simple in terms of furnishings, bare walls, barrel vaults, and a side chapel on the south side. The high altar is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. The pulpit and the side altars are neo-Romanesque and date back to the 19th century. The altar of the side chapel contains a statue of the mother of God with Child from the middle of the 16th century, which is said to have miraculous powers. Between 1999 and 2003, the whole complex was carefully restored. In the little church, this also led to the renewal of the windows and the benches, which – in harmony with the surroundings – are now simple and linear. Thus, the light penetrates through seven beautiful glass panes that seem to communicate with the faithful through their symbolic meaning of colors and number.

    Boutique Distillery Ortler
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Be enchanted from the subtle perfume and the exellent taste of our distillates!

    The pleasure of tasting the distillate should wake up memories from a warm summer evening under the fruit tree, from a walk through the wineyards or from gandmothers kitchen, where the jam gets boiled. With great passion, love and ambition we make sure that this experience comes true.

    Forts & Castles
    Center of Montan/Montagna
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Montan/Montagna is located at the border of the Trudner Horn/Monte Corno Nature Park and surrounded by vineyards and orchards. Paved alleys and colorful buildings characterize the historic center of Montan. The parish church was built in the 12th century and is dedicated to Saint Bartholomew. The Schloss Enn/Castel d'Enna is located high above the village and was built in 1172 by the Lords of Enn. The small hamlets of Pinzon/Pinzano, Gschnon/Casignano, Kaltenbrunn/Fontanefredde, Glen/Gleno, and Kalditsch/Doladizza also belong to Montan. The plateau is characterized by the typical vineyards, where the best Pinot Noir wines of South Tyrol thrive. Montan is a popular starting point for numerous hikes and mountain bike tours.


    Spring Valley
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    The Spring Valley is located between lake Kaltern and lake Montiggl.    The wonderful colours are waiting for us. Discover what Mother Nature has onoffer, but remember, please don’t pick the flowers, it is prohibited. Spring Valley is easily reached by car. Just ask for information at the Tourist Office. A natural wonder!
    Forts & Castles
    Boymont castle
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    Mysterious eras of the past Food, drinks and an attraction A brief journey back in time to the High Middle Ages. Only the freshly prepared dishes create a rather delicious bridge to the future. Boymont Castle was built as the seat of a noble family in the year 1230. After a fire in 1742, the ruins came into the possession of several owners, until it was finally bought by Fritz Dellago in 1977. The two knights' halls, as well as the stone-framed arched windows, pillars and capitals are worth a visit in their own right. Special dishes: Daily ribs and roast in medieval style made in the smoker. Opening hours Ruin Boymont is open daily from 11.00 till 17.00. Day off on Mondays, except from Mid-September till October.

    Places to See
    Big stone
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    This large stone from the Bronze Age can be found along the Grauner Weg, but unfortunately, its original place of origin is not known. Its many engraved symbols are still a mystery today.

    Stone of mica schist with 53 sunken bowls. They point to ancient sacrificial and cult ceremonies. Furthermore, two ships and a
    Swastika can be seen (a sun). These type of stones ​​date back to the Bronze Age. The remaining symbols may have been engraved
    later. The exact location where it was found in Graun is unknown.
    Lakes, cascades
    Lake Kaltern
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The Lake Kaltern The Mediterranean landscape around Lake Kalterer See leads many to the correct assumption that this lake really is the warmest lake in the Alps! There are four public beaches that offer direct access to the lake, known for its especially inviting water quality and colorful splendor! Sometimes it's a tint of deep blue, other times it mirrors the green of the surrounding landscape! And Lake Kalterer See is so versatile: row boats, sailboats, pedal boats and surf boards glide across the water. Yet it's so incredibly tranquil here. For sure you'll hear the sound of children's laughter; after all, this is their little corner of paradise. Quite simply, it's beautiful in the lake, on the lake and all around the lake.

    Forts & Castles
    Gschachnes (Braitohaus)
    Auer/Ora, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Three-storey building with regular window axes and south-facing loggia in the Mitterdorf quarter. The
    origin was a tower-like core at the southwest corner dating from the late 13th-century, extended in at
    least five development phases between the 14th and 17th centuries to create the present structure.
    Further developments took place in the neo-Classicist and Historicist periods. The two lower levels of
    the three-storey loggia structure on the southern façade date back to the Renaissance; the finishing
    balustrade with its Tuscan columns is a neo-Classicist addition from around 1800.
    Lakes, cascades
    Gorge Gaider Schlucht
    Andrian/Andriano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    Over time, the stream Gaiderbach has cut deeply into the porphyry rock and formed a narrow, distinctive gorge with waterfalls. The gorge presents itself simply fascinating and breathtaking: the mossy rock faces, the power of the water, the species-rich vegetation (including ferns and various species of orchids) form an undisturbed interplay of nature.
    Places to See
    Old Railway
    Truden/Trodena, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    In 1916 the imperial and royal military administrations began building the railway. At that time it served as an important supply route for the Dolomite front. During the 2-year construction period of the 51 km long route with its characteristic viaducts, bridges and tunnels, mainly 6,000 Russian and Serbian prisoners of war were used for the work. In 1917 the first supply transports for the front were carried out and from January 1918 the train could be used for passenger transport with a journey time of 4 hours from Auer to Predazzo. In 1930 therailway, originally pulled by a steam locomotive, was electrified. This reduced the travel time to 2 hours. Due to the constantly growing mobilization and the introduction of a bus connection to the Fiemme Valley, the railway became less and less important. In 1963 the company was closed. Today the railway line is a popular route for hikers and cyclists.

    Places to See
    Freienfeld Menhir
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    When the menhir was discovered during excavations, it stood at the western corner of Freienfeld Manor in burnt black soil, surrounded by a circle of stones. Some of these stones still circle the menhir.

    The menhir is, in comparison to other menhirs, primitive, yet there is clear evidence of workmanship. The glacial erratic of quartz phyllite is 1.65 m high with a circumference of 1.95 m and is reminiscent of a cyclopic giant.

    As with other menhirs, it is likely anthropomorphous and imitates, though remotely, the stature of a person. The menhir was presumably a place for worship of gods, heros or the dead. It is probably a male menhir, with three aligned holes, and wearing a clearly visible collar.

    Lakes, cascades
    Fennberg Lake
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    A lovely winding mountain road leads you quickly up from Kurtatsch, through woods, meadows, vineyards and fruit orchards to the high plateau of Unterfennberg. The jewel of this plateau is without question little Lake Fennberg, perfect for a summer swim. Although the lake is a biotope with unusual flora and fauna (more than 35 types of orchids, freshwater crayfish and other types of plants and animals),  a small wooden pier with a ladder leads down to swim in the silky moor water while enjoying the views of the tiny St. Leonard's church and the surrounding mountain peaks. Water lilies and dragonflies build a frame for the lake, which is a popular spot for ice-skating during the cold winter months. The plateau offers many walking paths as well as the possibility of travelling up by car, hiking path or via ferrata. The plateau is also an excellent destination for bikers, be it mountain bikers, motor bikers or racing bikers.

    Places to See
    Chestnut grove at Schlosspichl
    Andrian/Andriano, The South Tyrolean Wine Road
    North of Wolfsthurn Castle, on the hiking trail from Andriano to the Bittner farm, on a flat slope called Schlosspichl you will find a magnificent chestnut grove.
    Chestnut trees of different ages stand on the green meadow and have a special aura due to their fresh, light green foliage. One large oak tree dominates the chestnut grove majestically, which thanks to its position is much warmer than the surrounding forest and radiates vitality through its radiant colours.

    A place to fall in love! A place that allows hikers to rest and that is a natural playground for children.   From the chestnut grove a short path leads to a small hill with a cross and several benches, from where you can enjoy a magnificent view of Andriano and the Adige valley.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Church "Franziskaner" Kaltern/Caldaro
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    S. Antonio da Padova: June 13 th
    Francesco d’Assisi: October 4th

    The first Franciscans came to Bolzano during the lifetime of S. Francesco, probably in 1221. In the framework of the reform guided by Bernardino of Siena a second propagation wave of the Franciscans took place. In this context the monastery foundations of Kaltern were built. Claudia de Medici, Provincial Princess of Tyrol and promoter of the Franciscan movement, donated the ruins of the Rottenburg to the Franciscans, which were destroyed at the beginning of the 15th century. Parts of the garden area for the construction of the church and monastery. At the beginning of the 18th century, the church was expanded to the present state. The image of St. Anthony of Padua on the right-hand side altar is of great importance for piety. The Antonius cycle in the cloister was painted in 1721 by Matthias Pußjäger.

    Source: Parrish office Kaltern

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of St. Lawrence and the Fourteen Holy Helpers
    Neumarkt/Egna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The southern entrance to Laag/Laghetti is characterized by the presence of the St. Lawrence's Church. Dedicated to the Fourteen Holy Helpers in 1532, the late Gothic building sports a portal, the windows of the bell tower, and the nave all in pointed arches. The ceiling is a honeycomb vault, while its ogives and external ribs are decorated with a design alternating the colors black, ochre, and white. The little church was extensively restored in 2007-2008 and the sacred furnishings, works by the sculptor Paul dë Doss-Moroder, were renovated. This is only the last of several interventions carried out in the course of the centuries.

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