Hiking tour through Rastenbach gorge with some stairs and bridges. Not difficult hiking tour, but with some upgrades. Duration of walking: about 1 ½ hour. Difference of altitude: about 160 meters.
Obujte si turistické boty a prozkoumejte krajinu podél jihotyrolské vinařské stezky. Tyto tipy na výlety vás zavedou po klikatých cestách, přes malebné vinice a půvabné vesničky až na bezstarostná panoramatická místa. Od nenáročných procházek až po náročné túry - každý si zde najde doslova to své. Dokonalá kombinace požitku z přírody a kultury při vychutnávání místních vín a vřelé pohostinnosti charakterizuje Jihotyrolskou vinařskou stezku jako turistickou oblast pro znalce.
Hiking tour through Rastenbach gorge with some stairs and bridges. Not difficult hiking tour, but with some upgrades. Duration of walking: about 1 ½ hour. Difference of altitude: about 160 meters.
Easy to moderately difficult hike along pleasant hiking trails, through brushwood and past vineyards to the Messner Mountain Museum Firmian.
From the car park you don’t take the main road, but follow the narrow street on the right down to the hamlet Montiggl. You walk across the block of houses and go straight on. On the next intersection keep right and even before the fall turn on your left to a well signed path. Follow the pathway to the forest road on the south shore of Montiggl Lake. Keep right and follow the path around the Big Montiggl Lake until it North end. Turn right again and follow the pathway to Small Montiggl Lake (signposted). Keep right on the track around the lake until you come to an asphalt street. Only 100 meters south, then turn right and on the signposted forest road back to the car park.
Greifenstein castle is enthroned high above the village of Settequerce / Siebeneich. It was first mentioned in 1159. During the war between the Counts of Tyrol and the Bishop of Trient, in 1275 / 1276, the castle was destroyed. Only in 1334, the small aristocrats, the Lords of Greifenstein decided to re-built it again. On a few years later, in 1348, it was burnt down. In later years (once more re-built in 1363), Greifenstein went into the hands of the Lords of Starkenberg. In 1420, when a part of the Tyrolean aristocracy went into war against the sovereign Duke Frederick of Austria, the sovereign had the castle besieged and starved out. Amongst the duke's enemies was also the minnesinger Oswald von Wolkenstein. He wrote a poetic song about the duke's besieger and made fun of them. The duke's army could not take Castle Greifenstein, but the fight of the aristocracy and the castle's owner, Wilhelm von Starkenberg, became meaningless and, therefore, the Lord of Starkenberg escaped probably through a crevice at the south-western part of the castle. His 18 servants gave up their resistance once they were promised free withdrawal. Today, Castle Greifenstein is merely a ruin. In common language, it is also called the Sauschloss. This name derived from a legend, which speaks about the time of the siege. During this time, the people inside the castle had to face fact that they were left with no food. There was only one well fattened big in the castle's cellar. Suddenly, one of the servants had an idea: instead of slaughtering the animal, they threw it with much laughter over the castle walls and down the rock just in front of the besiegers. When those realized what just had happened, they lost all courage as they believed that the castle's inhabitants still had lots of food available. Therefore, they withdrew ..... and Greifenstein was saved.
Easy walking path through vineyards and forest. Starting point: piazza Rottenburg/Rottenburger Platz. Final point: ice caves. Duration of walking: about 2 hours. Difference of altitude: about 130 meters.
This alpine mountain hike in Eppan is an absolute must for vertigo- free hikers. A varied ascent through a narrow channel with a 25 metre-long (82 ft), newly installed ladder and a unique view from the summit cross.
Neuhaus Castle Ruins (Maultasch) Neuhaus Castle was probably built in the early 13th century as a double castle: today only the walls remain. These were carefully restored, so that visitors can imagine what life was like there, in early times.
The promenade route was built along the tracks of the former Überetsch railway and is therefore also known as the old railway embankment path. In several places there are benches and playgrounds, which invite you to linger for a while and let off steam.
From the town hall square to the fairground, Söllerstraße, after the Hotel Winzerhof turn right into a vineyard path and follow the nature trail (11+11 A) to Lake Kaltern. Turn left at the Hotel Seeleitenhof and follow the signs for "Rastenbachklamm". This is followed by a varied hike over paths, steps, platforms, bridges and past waterfalls and a stream, through the wild and romantic gorge up to Altenburg. Also worth seeing along the way are the ruins of St. Peter, just before Altenburg. Return via Altenburg, Panoramaweg and Römerweg (11) to the Söll fire station and at Hotel Plattenhof back down the nature trail to Tramin.
Duration: 4.5 - 5 h
Difference in altitude: 350 m (circular route)
Perdonig and Gaid are the mountain hamlets belonging to the municipality of Eppan with its otherwise mediterranean influences. Hiking here offers an excellent insight into mountain farming.
The tavern Bergjosl is located 600 meters above Terlan, but already belongs to the municipality of Mölten. The turnoff to the mountain restaurant is located halfway between Terlan and Mölten. The Mair family, owners of this Buschenschank, is supervising as well the only forest cemetery for animals in South Tyrol.
For used hikers this tour can start at the center of Terlan by walking along the Kirchgasse until reaching its end. Here you can find the last farm „Klaus in der Mühle" with its old mill. On the right starts the path to the weather cross (no. 3 A). You will reach the street to Mölten in front of the subway; take the way on the left and turn emediately right, in order to not pass the subway. From here take the left path after the second bend.
An other version of this way would be along the Weiler „Montigl" – „Grunerhof" and then through the scottish pine wood along rock faces to a panoramic view point. From here you can already see the "Buschenschank Bergjosl" and you reach it on a firstly slight descending path then go right.
From the main square, we follow the initially steep Obergasse. After traveling about 100 meters - at the little square – we turn to the right. At the next junction - the fountain – we take the Maria-Hilf Gasse to the left, passing by farms and tall old poplars until it meets the road to Graun. After about 100 meters turn left on a narrow side road - marking 2 - leading to the hamlet Hofstatt (608 m). Change to the Graun road until shortly after Gasthof Halbweg where the road leads left to an asphalt road at the Himmelspfort inn – with the possibility of a detour to the village center of Penon (605 m). To return, turn right just after the restaurant at the Himmelspfort. Over a narrow path leading through vineyards, the trail climbs down and soon reaches the paved road that leads to Kurtatsch.
Appiano has a distinctive architectural potential: Medieval castles, palaces and manor houses, traditional farms and newer grand villas in gentle hilly terrain sorrounded by vineyards.
You start your hike at the church in the center of Terlan. Via the Silberleitenweg you get to Oberkreuth, where you turn right at the fountain, walk 20 m further and then take the Vorbergweg/no°4A to the left up to the Tschirglhöfe. The first path is very steep. Further up the mountain you hike past "Mugger/Zilli" and "Bergrast". You will reach the Möltner road (please pay attention to the traffic), walk downwards for approx. 150 m and turn right onto hiking trail n°4. Where the hiking trail meets the road again, you walk downwards (attention to traffic) for a short while until you turn onto the hiking trail again. After the first 20 m descent, a detour to the left to the "Wetterkreuz" is worthwhile. It is a magnificent viewpoint with the ruins of the 14th-century St.Peter miners' chapel below. The path now leads steeply down to the "Klaus in der Mühl" farm and then leads into Kirchgasse, through which you return to the starting point.
There is no rest stop on this hike.
Along the geological path you will find a lot of signs and stations that shows the geology and the connected relations. The main attraction of the trail is the "Höllenbach" catastrophe of 1986. Following the path you will arrive on a big rock of tufa and the S. Nepomuk santuary. This rock last a violent mudslud and reminds the power of nature. The next sign reminds the mudslide of 1986. Just a short look to the panorama shows the different layers of rock from Montan to Weis and Schwarzhorn. Nearby you will find another rock. That's a Voltago conglomerate who resisted a mudslide 245 millions of years ago. After it there's the possibility to take a little break on a quiet island with 5 columns and a little bench with some small different rockets from the sourroundings. On the dam of the river a sign will explane you the different layers of the rock infront of you. The last sign indicate some fossils which where found in the river bed and with a bit of luck also you could find one.
Short hike to the Festenstein castle ruins. Check the opening days. Experience a moment of freedom in the historic buildings of Festenstein walls and enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of the Adige Valley there.
Easy hiking path with some beautyful viewpoints. Starting point: Bellavista Caldaro/Kalterer Höhe. Final point: Castelvecchio/Altenburg. Duration of walking: 3 hours. Difference of altitude: about 80 meters.
Varied and easy Trail throw the vineyards till Caldaro lake. Suitable for the whole family. (only one way 5,4km)
Start off by walking up Kirchgasse to the beginning of the Margarethe Promenade. Then take the old, mostly cobble-paved Montigler Road (no. 9). After about 30 minutes on the incline you reach a cross-roads with the path coming from the Neuhaus ruins on the right and leading to Montigl. Continue on the old Montigler Road until you reach the new Montigler Road. Continue eastward on the new Montigler Road for approx. 20 minutes until you reach the "Moarhof" Farm. It is the last farm on this high plateau (not open to the public). In order to get back down to the valley, the moderately steep and little used road to Terlan can be utilized. Where it meets the road to Mölten it is preferable to cross it, go up for about 40 m and take path no. 3 to get back down to the village. After several hairpin bends your path meets the road to Mölten, coming out of a tunnel again. Follow it for approx. 50 m. Then there is an opening in the guard rail where the trail no. 3 A continues. After about 20 m we suggest you take a quick detour to the left to the "Wetterkreuz" (weather cross). This beautiful panoramic viewpoint grants a look at the ruins of the St. Peter Miner's Chapel that was built in the 14th century and on the opposite mountain slope you can still see the entrances to some galleries from the 15th century, when mining had its heyday in this region. The path then continues a little steeply down to the farmhouse "Klaus in der Mühl" and eventually feeds into the Kirchgasse which leads you back to the starting point.
Hiking tour from the center of St. Michael | Eppan to the Montiggl lakes.
TIP: Go for a swim in one of the lakes and return to the starting point with the lake & hiking bus which runs from mid-June to early September.
Beautiful hike with a lot of views. The first and the last part of this hike is dominated by beech and mixed forest. Douring the middle part you will find various ditches.
Beautiful, not difficult mountain hiking tour with some grades. Starting point: mountain station of the Mendel Cable Car. Final Point: pic Roen, 2116 meters. Duration of walking: about 3.5 hours. Different of altitude: about 750 meters.
“Good wine begins in the vineyard” – an oft-quoted maxim whose truth is unchallenged.
Why this is so and what happens in the vineyard is clearly described along the Castel Sallegg wine trail in Caldaro. Panels located in the midst of the vine rows explain all about Alto Adige’s grape varieties and their characteristics, relate the annual vegetation cycle of the vines and tell the history of winegrowing. Those wishing to learn more will find plenty of information about the local climate, geography and terroir. To round off the trail, visitors can visit the cellar and enjoy a wine-tasting session, thus completing the path from the vine via the barrel and into the bottle.
The starting point of the trail, which is some 350 metres long, is the Rottenburger Platz in the centre of Caldaro. From there it leads up through the vineyard to the inner courtyard of Castel Sallegg. Visitors can follow the trail alone or take part in an individual or a group guided tour: either way you can be sure of acquiring an informative insight into the traditional viticulture of Alto Adige.
Route: Rottenburger Platz (centre of Caldaro) to Castel Sallegg (30 minutes on foot).
Opening times: mid-March to mid-November (guided tours only during the ripening season).
Price: unaccompanied visits are free of charge: guided tours are €9.50 or €16.00 including cellar tour and wine tasting.
Guided tours: from 1 April to the end of October, followed by cellar visit (except during harvest time) and wine tasting. Guided tours followed by wine tasting can be organized for small and big groups.
Not difficult path with some grades. Due to the countless spring flowers this hiking tour is especially recommended in the period end of February - beginning of March. Start- and final point: historical centre of Caldaro/Kaltern. Duration of walking: about 3.5 hours. Different of altitude: about 170 meters.
From Andrian along the Gaider Gorge to the ruins of Festenstein Castle - the path is only recommended for experts - on to the hamlet of Gaid (Moarhof), then down the Larchsteig to the Bittnerhof and back to Andrian.
A little above the main village of St. Michael | Eppan, the little Gleif Church, which perches atop Kalvarienberg, immediately catches the eye. The view is surprisingly expansive and the church stands on one of the most beautiful glacially polished rocks in the Bozen area.
Walking time: about 2.5 hours
Starting point: Town Hall Square. Via Schneckenthaler Straße to St. Anna Nursing Home. Immediately after, turn left following the sign "Hiking Trail Kastelaz" up to the forest road. This leads first slightly uphill and then gently downhill through sparse mixed forest for 3 km to the neighboring village of Kurtatsch. In 2024, 5 new play stations for children were built. Right at the beginning of the hiking trail, children can now whizz down a rapid slide. A few steps ahead, a wooden snake invites balancing. Followed by a swing, a climbing igloo, and at the rest area "Bödala," a cable car. Right at the first houses of Kurtatsch, we reach via the less traveled panoramic road above the Wine Road via Rungg back to Tramin. (Opportunities to stop for food in Kurtatsch and at the Hofschank zur Pergola in Rungg, closed on Wednesdays).