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    Alle Geschäfte in

    Winter Hiking
    Winter Hike from the Villanderer Alm to the Rittner Horn
    Villanders/Villandro, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    This winter hike to the Rittner Horn mountain starts at the Gasserhütte mountain hut. Follow the prepared winter hiking trail first to the Mair in Plun and from there to the Gasteiger Sattel saddle. Keep following the winter trail as far as the Rittner Horn. Refreshments are available en route at the Mair in Plun hut, Oberes Horn Haus and Gasserhütte. Return is by the same route.

    Obtížnost: střední
    586 m nadmořská výška
    4h:46 min doba trvání
    Gasser Hütte- Rittner Horn
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Panoramic excursion to the "Corno di Renon"... geographical center of South Tyrol...

    Obtížnost: střední
    538 m nadmořská výška
    2h:06 min doba trvání
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Start : Lahnwiesen 1,565 m
    End : Steineben 1,455 m
    Lenght : 900 m
    Difficulty : medium
    Alpine huts : Jausenstation Steineben
    Directions : Feldthurns - Latzfons - Steineben

    Obtížnost: nízká
    0 m nadmořská výška
    0h:27 min doba trvání
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    From the center you walk over the Andreas bridge to Seebegg and Dürer stone, where Albrecht Dürer in the 14th century has made a sketch of the city ​​, which he used as background for his engraving "Nemesis- das große Glück". From here follow the first mark 5 to the village Albion, then the path number 10 until Ansitz Fonteklaus and finally the footpath no. 4 to Gufidaun. From there the trail no. 7 leads to Klausen.

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    3h:30 min doba trvání
    Barbian/Barbiano-San Maurizio/Sauders ( Villanders/Villandro)- Farm winterle- Barbian/Barbiano
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    From the village place of Barbian/Barbiano we go to the so called "Keschtnweg" in direction to Sauders/San Maurizio at Villanders/Villandro. First we have to cross a steep descent. After this first hard part of the hike we go comfortable to Sauders/San Maurizio (in this place you have also the possibility to eat and drink somewhere). On the return we have to go a little bit on the street in direction to Villanders/Villandro and then we follow the trail nr. 4 until the "Winterlehof". From that position we can go back to Barbian/Barbiano.

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    3h:00 min doba trvání
    trail "mountain pine"
    Villanders/Villandro, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Trail "mountain pine" e distillery Mountain Pine - Villanderer Alps

    Obtížnost: nízká
    203 m nadmořská výška
    1h:48 min doba trvání
    Premium panorama tour Corno del Renon
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    From the Huber Kreuz we take the forest road to the direction of "Pian" and follow the trail 3B and 3A to the "Unterhornhaus" and "Felturnerhütte". The trail n° 19 goes around the "Schwarzseespitze".

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    4h:49 min doba trvání
    Barbiano/Barbian -S. Ingenuino/Saubach -Colma-Barbiano/Barbian
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    From Barbian/Barbiano we go to Saubach/St. Ingenuino. At the Saubacherhof you can make a break and eat and drink something. We go to the Pennhof and there begins an old trail that follows us to Kollmann/Colma (way nr. 8). On the return we take the trail nr. 5 until "Heilig Kreuz". there we cross the street and on the trail nr. 5 we arrive Barbian/Barbiano.

    Obtížnost: střední
    428 m nadmořská výška
    2h:28 min doba trvání
    Barbian/Barbiano- waterfall- Dreikirchen/Trechiese
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    From the village place near the church we have to go to the end of the village, in direction to Saubach/St. Ingenuino. At the last house of the village (Haus Urban), on the right side, begins the "Wasserfallweg". We contnue this trail until we cross a street. We go on this street until the next curve and branch off to the left and there is another trail, which pass on the lower waterfall (duration ca. 1 hour).

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    3h:00 min doba trvání
    Round of the Rittner Horn
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    By car we go to the parking place "Huber Kreuz". On the trail nr. 4 we arrive at the "Obere Horn". Then we take the way nr. 1 until the "Untere Horn". For the return are two possibilities: a.) From the "Untere Horn" we take the trails 3A to the "Pennleger" and then the trail nr. 3B to "Huber Kreuz". b.) From the "Untere Horn" we take the trail nr. 15 to the mountain pine distillery and than nr. 4 to "Huber Kreuz".

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    4h:00 min doba trvání
    Loop road "Saubacher Rundweg"
    Waidbruck/Ponte Gardena, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    A beautiful hike at Saubach/S. Ingenuino is the "Saubacher Rundweg". You can park the car on the "Saubacherhof" (restaurant, where you can eat etc.). Then you take the street in direction to Barbian/Barbiano until you come on a sign, where is written "Saubacher Rundweg". Follow the trail and you pass the "Pardiller" and "Unterfaller" farm. Then you come back to Saubach/S. Ingenuino and take the "Koflweg" (way nr. 28) that begin behind the "Saubacherhof". Go on the path until it comes an intersection. You have to leave the trail nr. 28 and go on the "Saubacher Rundweg", that is also signposted. Following the trail you will arrive on the street that goes to Barbian/Barbiano. From that point you can easily return to the "Saubacherhof".

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    2h:30 min doba trvání
    Cantina Valle Isarco
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Producing mineral-rich, fruity, elegant mountain wines with their own character: the credo of the Cantina Valle Isarco is as clear as it is simple. This is the youngest of Alto Adige’s cooperative wineries and, with 135 members, also the smallest, as well as the northernmost in all of Italy. And its credo is followed without compromise.

    The grapes grow on steep terraces at elevations from 250 to 1,000 meters. The work in the vineyards is hard and in many cases done by hand. Specifically right here, it is necessary to work in harmony with nature, to take the infertile resources into consideration, and for that reason to produce as close to nature as possible. But in any case, it is actually the elevation that also has a series of advantages. For instance, the harvest period is relatively late in the year, which is why the grapes also take along a whole series of sunny and warm autumn days and cool nights with them into the approximately 950,000 bottles that are produced annually.

    “The particular climate of the Valle Isarco, its mineral-rich soils, and the late harvest are the optimal conditions for fresh, fruity, and mineral-rich white wines,” explains Stefan Donà, who has been winemaker of the Valle Isarco Winery since 2023. The calling cards of his winery are therefore the outstanding Sylvaner, Kerner, Müller Thurgau, and Grüne Veltliner, which make up no less than 98 percent of the assortment. They score a hit with their unmistakable stylistic direction and acidity structure, and they present themselves as extremely typical of the variety. As they know all too well at the Cantina Valle Isarco, quality in fact knows no compromise.
    Circular route Alp of Villanders/Villandro
    Villanders/Villandro, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Alpe di Villandro is an extended high alpine pasture above the locality of Villandro. This alpine meadow is characterised by lush green meadows, moors, lakes and grass-covered hills. Numerous refuges are spread all over, offering traditional delicacies and a great place for a rest and having a cool drink.

    Obtížnost: střední
    498 m nadmořská výška
    4h:00 min doba trvání
    Törggelen excursion Barbian/o
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Start from the village centre and take path 3, walking by Gosternhof towards Ponte Gardena. From there, continue on the bike path to Colma. You will reach the Reatlhof just before the village on path 8A. Follow trail 5 from Colma to Barbiano, where you will talke path 11A and 11B for a quick detour to the Unteraichnerhof. The excursion can be carried out in both directions form Ponte Gardena.

    Obtížnost: nízká
    502 m nadmořská výška
    2h:30 min doba trvání
    Winter hiking with snowshoes from Huber Kreuz to Unterhorn
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The hiking tour on the Alps of Barbian starts at the Huber Kreuz (1621 m). From here we go to „Merlboden“ on trail nr 4. Then it continues to go round the Oberes Horn to the Unteres Horn (2044 m). There is a stop off. After the refreshment begins the descent. It goes down to „Pennleger“ (1847 m) and on trail nr 3B to the Huber Kreuz.

    Obtížnost: střední
    640 m nadmořská výška
    4h:00 min doba trvání
    Törggele hike Klausen - Gufidaun
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Törggele hike from Klausen to Gudon with different refreshment stops.
    Obtížnost: střední
    566 m nadmořská výška
    3h:08 min doba trvání
    Leitacher Weinwanderweg wine route in Klausen
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    This easy hike leads through the sunny vineyards on the steep slopes of Leitach, north of Klausen/Chiusa. Along the way, a series of info boards illustrate the history of winemaking in South Tyrol, describing the different grape varietals and wines of Klausen.

    Obtížnost: nízká
    268 m nadmořská výška
    1h:26 min doba trvání
    Barbiano - Huber Kreuz - Corno di Sotto
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    We start from Barbian/Barbiano and take the trail nr. 3 and then 11 to Dreikirchen/Trechiese. From there we follow the way nr. 4 until the parking place "Huber Kreuz". We take the forest road to the direction of "Pian" and follow the trail 3B and 3A to the "Unterhornhaus" and "Felturnerhütte". For the return we take the tail nr. 15 to the mountain pine distillery and than along the way nr. 3, by which we pass the "Unteraichnerhof", "Nixenteich", "Tröglerhof" and "Wieserhof". We follow this way until we arrive at Barbian/Barbiano.

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    6h:30 min doba trvání
    Huber Kreuz-Corno di Renon-Corno di Sotto
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    From Barbian/Barbiano we drive by car on the street to the alps of Barbian/Barbiano. At the end of the street is the parking place "Huber Kreuz", where we leave our car. First we take the trail nr. 4 and then the trail nr. 15 to the mountain pine distillery (in german "Latschenbrennerei"). We follow the way nr. 3 and then 4 (there is also the "Platzeralm", a place where we can eat or drink something) to the "Obere Horn" ( possibility to eat and drink). At the return we go on the mark nr. 1 to the "Felturnerhütte" and "Unterhornhaus". From that point we can go on the trail nr. 3A and then 3 B to our initial point, the "Huber Kreuz".

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    4h:00 min doba trvání
    Saubach/San Ingenuino - Rampoldsteig/Sentiero Rampold - Heidrichsberg/Monte Heidrichsberg
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    From Saubach we go an the trail nr. 28 on the "Saubacher Koflweg". The trail is very steep and for this reason we need good footwear. On the first fork we turn left and go on the mark nr. 34 to the "Saubacher Schritzenholz". On the next fork we go on the right direction on the "Rampoldsteig". He follows into a forest to "Schlegeisen" and up to the "Heidrichsberg". On our return we turn right on the fork and take the trail nr. 27 to "Rastall". There we follow the alpine street to "Pian". We pass the "Lukasalm" and the "Unteraichneralm" and we go ahead to the "Nixenteich". On the next brench we turn right to "Kasserol" and there we take the trail nr. 34 until the so called "Katzenleiter" and "Katzensprung". From that point we hike back on the mark nr. 28 to our initial point Saubach/S. Ingenuino.

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    5h:30 min doba trvání
    Barbian/Barbiano - Dreikirchen/Trechiese
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    We start from the village place near the church. Then we go to the Raiffeisenkassa, in north direction. At this point it starts the hiking trail nr. 3 - 11. The first part of this trail is an asphaltic road. We go at the end of this road and there beginns an olt stone-flagged trail.
    Then we continue on an old, paved path, cross the next asphalt road and walk into the forest. About the beautifully landscaped trail with Mark. 11 we get to the sports zone and finally to a forest path. Here begin a forest road that pass on the Dreikirchen/Trechiese. For the return we choose first the trail in the forest nr. 6. After we go ahead on the trail nr. 3 ("Feistegg") until the "Wieserhof". He is located on the street (nr.6a). We go ahead on the street until a branch. Here we have to change to the "Wasserfallweg", that lead us back to the village.

    Obtížnost: nízká
    308 m nadmořská výška
    1h:06 min doba trvání
    Tour to the cascate and Dreikirchen/Trechiese
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    We start from Barbian/Barbiano and take the trail nr. 3-11 in direction to the sport place. Continue on that way and you will come to the Dreikirchen/Trechiese. For the return we take the trail nr. 6 to "Feistegg" and then the way nr. 3 until "Wieserhof". From that point we have to follow the trail nr. 6A to the saw mill. At the "Wasserfallweg" we go back to Barbian/Barbiano.

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    2h:00 min doba trvání
    Local tours
    Medieval Sightseeing Walk in Klausen/Chiusa
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The little town of Chiusa, wedged into the Eisacktal valley between the main road and the Brenner Pass motorway, is often overlooked by the cars whizzing by - but this is a mistake. The town centre boasts an astonishing wealth of medieval architectural treasures. Anyone embarking on this medieval tour should therefore allow enough time to immerse themselves in the history of the town of Chiusa. There is a lot to see: the crypt, the parish church, the old Town Hall, to name just a few. And when you're tired of walking, you'll find plenty of cafés and restaurants hidden behind the ancient façades.

    Obtížnost: nízká
    10 m nadmořská výška
    0h:21 min doba trvání
    Kofelweg Saubach/Barbian
    Waidbruck/Ponte Gardena, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    We start in Saubach/S. Ingenuino and hike on the trail nr. 28 on the "Saubacher Koflweg". Then we go right to the way nr. 3 and arrive the "Katzenleiter" and "Kasserol". On the mark nr. 3 we come back to the village Barbian and from there we retun to Saubach/S. Ingenuino.

    Obtížnost: střední
    0 m nadmořská výška
    4h:00 min doba trvání
    The Birmehl Trail
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The “Birmehl” trail begins in the village centre of Verdings and leads through the arid meadows of the southern side of the church hill down to the hamlet of Pardell and from there up to the beautifully situated Moar zu Viersch farm. An old cobblestone path takes you back to your set-off point.

    Obtížnost: střední
    191 m nadmořská výška
    1h:01 min doba trvání
    Marked Ski Paths & Slopes
    Ski slope Maders
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    No one is jostling at the lifts, the slopes are pleasantly empty, and a ski hut where hot chocolate awaits: Although they are overshadowed by the well-known large ski resorts, small ski areas and village lifts such as the Maders ski lift are undoubtedly excellent alternatives. Especially families and amateurs can comfortably combine the pleasure of skiing with the romance of the winter season.

    The red and blue slopes are served by a platter lift. This runs over alpine meadows in the lower section and through the forest in the upper section. It is the lowest platter ski lift in South Tyrol.

    One-Day ticket: adults 18,00 € - kids 13,00 €
    Half-day ticket: adults 15,00 € - kids 10,00 €
    Single ticket: adults 2,50 € - kids 1,50 €

    Obtížnost: nízká
    0 m nadmořská výška
    0h:00 min doba trvání
    Family trail on the alps of Villanders
    Villanders/Villandro, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Short walk and little difference in altitude characterize  a family hike. Fun and adventure are at the forefront. We walk trough forests.

    Obtížnost: nízká
    166 m nadmořská výška
    0h:18 min doba trvání
    Thomas Dorfmann
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    For an impressive 27 years, Thomas Dorfmann was the winemaker at the Eisacktaler Winery. A dream job in the wine sector, and yet in 2018, he turned his back on it. The reason for the decision was an even bigger dream: that of his own estate winery.

    And that dream was fulfilled on one of the warmest spots in the whole Valle Isarco, at which the former lord over the cooperative winery went independent with the Thomas Dorfmann Estate Winery in Velturno. With two hectares of grape growing areas at an elevation from 550 to 650 meters, the estate winery is small. The vineyards, up to 70 percent of which are steep, are surrounded by dry stone walls and tended only by the Dorfmann family.

    “I can bring all of my experience and live out my own wine philosophy in my estate winery,” Dorfmann waxes enthusiastically, “and thus create wines that are specific to the area and the variety: through sustainable working of the vineyards and being extremely protective of quality in the winery.”

    Because Dorfmann’s focus lies on typical Valle Isarco varieties, his product line is first and foremost white: Sylvaner, Grüner Veltliner, Gewürztraminer, and Riesling. But Dorfmann also grows and makes Pinot Noir – “a rarity in the Valle Isarco”, as he himself says. And there is another rarity at the Thomas Dorfmann Estate Winery in Velturno: the white wines are delivered with a screw-top. “For me, that is the seal of the future,” the winegrower says.
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