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    Kultura a památky v jižním Tyrolsku

    Jižní Tyrolsko nabízí bohatství kulturních památek a zajímavostí. Objevte historické budovy, malebná náměstí a fascinující muzea, která vám přiblíží historii a kulturu tohoto regionu. Nechte se okouzlit jeho kulturní rozmanitostí a prožijte nezapomenutelné chvíle.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Valentin (14th century)
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The church St. Valentine dates back to 1303 and the nave as well as the bell tower are built in Romanesque style. Probably there was already a previous church at this position around 1090. While the majority of the frescoes inside the church date back to the 15th century, the oldest ones were painted in the 14th century. Exceptional is the Gothic winged altarpiece, an oeuvre by Hans Klocker from 1500.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of St. Ottilia, Cengles
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The Church of St. Ottilia was built in 1681 at the behest of Casper Perlinger. The Madonna and Baby Jesus can be seen on the large votive table together with Perlinger and his entire family. The church is of simple construction with an octagonal-shaped choir enclosure and barrel vault.

    Churches & Monasteries
    The Parish Church of St. Zeno
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    St. Zeno Parish Church in Naturns A Romanesque chancel chapel is known to have stood on the site of the present-day parish church which dates from 1200. The older pre- Carolingian building was later incorporated to become the apse of the present-day Late Gothic church which is dedicate to St. Zeno, patron saint who protects against flooding and erstwhile Bishop of Verona. It was built between 1474 and 1475. The choir was re-built in Baroque style in 1760.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. John the Baptist church in Flains
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    This Church was cited as early as 1298; today's building, however was built at the beginning of the XVI century. The rich and original reticular vault ceiling is particularly worthy of note. The Church was restored in 1938 following a fire.

    Culture & Attractions
    Hotel of Paradiso ruin
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    At 2,160m above sea level, in the middle of the national park, behind the reservoir at the end of the beautiful Val Martello, lies the fascinating red ruin of the former luxury hotel Paradiso.
    (can only be viewed from outside).

    The fomer luxury hotel Paradiso experienced only a short period of prosperity between its realization in 1936 and the outbreak of war in 1940, which ended the civilian hotel business. After the outbreak of the second world war the guest business came to a complete standstill.

    Built 1933-1935 by the Italian star architect Gio Ponti. Temporarly occupied by the nazis as their own holiday hotel. Went bankrupt in 1946 and has been abandoned since 1955.

    Since then, the hotel ruin have had a mystical attraction. In the middle of the national park the abandoned red building defies and offers a fascinating contrast to the beautiful natural landscape, the mountain waves and the Plima gorge. 

    Culture & Attractions
    Titschenwarte lookout point
    Laives/Leifers, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    A place of energy with views of Sciliar, Catinaccio and Latemar.

    Titschenwarte is an absolute insider’s tip and a pure place of energy: After a short hike you reach this unique viewpoint with breathtaking views of the Dolomites - Sciliar, Catinaccio and Latemar. The place invites you to linger and to reflect. As a special treat you will be offered a delicious glass of wine. Thanks to a generous benefactor!

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of Saint Magdalena
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Magdalena church was built from scratch in 1705, because in 1629 was already built a chapel dedicated to St. Magdalena. The altar dates back to the Renaissance and was probably already in the first chapel.

    Forts & Castles
    Castle Annenberg
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Dating from the 13th century, with gothic chapel from the 15th century. Was the property of the Lords of Mazia (choir chair and altar are located in the regional museum in Innsbruck). Later the castle became the property of the Counts of Annenberg.
    Cannot be viewed interior - private property.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of St. Oswald, Mauls / Mules
    Freienfeld/Campo di Trens, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Consecrated to St. Oswald, this church is of particular artistic significance and was constructed in 1329. A variety of artists is responsible for the frescoes which were all painted during the 18th and 19th century. The key to the church is available by the vicarage.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of Avigna
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The gothic church of Avigna/Afing was approximately built in the 15th century, its patron saint is Saint Nicolò. 

    Forts & Castles
    Ruins St. Laurentius Naturns
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    A short distance from the town centre on the road to Cirlano, you will find the ruins of the St. Laurentius church. Waggoners and wanderers of days gone by would often seek refuge here and were on occasion stripped of their possession by bands of unscrupulous thieves.The ruins were carefully restored by the Association for the Preservation of Local Heritage, and is lovingly cared for and maintained by its members. Equally so the cornfields right next to the church, which have been revived and are farmed using traditional methods of agriculture to preserve the cultural landscape of bygone days.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Chapel "Bade" - Antholz Niedertal
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The chapel at Bad Salomonsbrunn is also called "Bade Stöckl" and was built in 1725 by Peter Josef von Walther from Brixen.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Peter- und Paul church and Jöchlsthurn
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Die den beiden Apostelführern geweihte Kirche liegt gegenüber der Kapuzinerkirche und ist
    ein Anbau des Ansitz Jöchlsthurn. Sie wurde von der Familie Jöchl erbaut, welche auch nach
    damaliger Zeit selbst den Kaplan auswählten. Mit Aussterben der männlichen Linie wurde die
    Kirche vom Hofgericht der Stadt übertragen. Die Erben der Familie Jöchl erhielten die Empore
    zugesprochen, so dass sie der Messe beiwohnen konnten ohne sich unters Volk zu mischen.
    Hierfür hatten sie sogar einen eigenen Zugang über das Wohnhaus. 1787 wurde die Kirche mit
    dem schönen spätgotischen Flügelaltar des Tiroler Meister Friedrich Pacher von der Familie
    Enzensberg, welche inzwischen Eigentümer des Jöchlsthurn war, zurückgekauft. Sie ist bis heute
    im Privatbesitz und wie der Ansitz Jöchlsthurn selbst derzeit nicht zu besichtigen.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Chapel of Steinwand
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    In the year 1848, Christian Altstätter, the ‘Kaiserjäger’, vowed to build a chapel if he returned alive from the Battle of Custoza. Dedicated to St. Martin, the chapel was built in 1873 and today it is privately owned.

    Culture & Attractions
    Wallburg Fortresses
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    Due to its favourable setting, the area around Seis was settled very early on in history, as far back as 2000 BC. The Wallburg fortresses on the Laranz ridge to the north of Seis date back to this time. The inhabitants of these fortresses were Rhaetians or, more specifically, natives of Isarck. A bronze sword found on Hauenstein provides evidence of a further hill settlement in that area. In the Iron Age, settlements were established on Gschlier and Runggereck. In Gschlier (in the Laranz Forest), archaeologists have discovered many pieces of Southern Alpine querns typical of those used in the Middle Iron Age. A further impressive Wallburg fortress can be found in Runggereck, in the area around Laranz. It is, however, impossible to date and classify the finds from this area with absolute precision. Iron Age ceramics have been discovered and, underneath them, numerous pieces of pitchers and bowls. The remains of these Wallburg fortresses in the Laranz Forest can still be seen to this day.

    Forts & Castles
    Castle Hochnaturns
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Castle Hochnaturns is located above from the village Naturno/Naturns. The Roman Tower has been changed in Mediaeval style and in the middle of the 13th century the “Oswald Tower” has been established and named after Oswald von Naturns, who was a knight of the Teutonic Order. From then on, the castle was the principle residence of the Lords of Naturns (Naturno). After various owners, Castel Hochnaturns had its prime in the 16th century has been equipped with various items such as wood ceilings or tilted stove. Then came a period of decay until Franz Ritter von Goldegg had the castle restored in the 19th century. As the complex has been changed into a hotel, its original shape can only be guessed. The castle was designated a historic monument in 1950. Today, Castel Hochnaturns is in private ownership and cannot be visited.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Johannes' Parish Church, Lasa/Laas
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    St. Johannes' Parish Church in Lasa was erected around 1200 on the site of a previous church from the Carolingian period, as evidenced by a marble fragment dating from these times. The chaotic events surrounding the brutal Swabian War saw the Romanesque church burned down in 1499, although it witnessed a Gothic rebuild a few short years later. St. Johannes Parish Church has been damaged by fire on several occasions throughout its history, with the foundation walls and workpieces of the Romanesque apse only being rediscovered in the 1970s. These were then reconstructed true to the original style.

    The East wall comprises three large blind arches that resemble the profile of a Romanesque basilica. Masterful animal sculptures can be viewed all around the apse, including depictions of a lion and a ram. The altar itself is furnished with a relief that dates from the Early Middle Ages and features St. Sisinnius, St. Alexander and St. Martyrius.

    Worship Sat 7.30 pm, Sun 10 am (Winter Sat 6 pm, Sun 10 am)


    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Ägidius' Church, Corzes/Kortsch
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    If you let your gaze wander over the barren slopes of the Sonnenberg mountain range in the Vinschgau valley in summertime, the white-chalk St. Ägidius' church above Silandro/Schlanders will stand out. Embedded in the stone terraces of the Corzes/Kortsch steppe belt, the small Romanesque church resembles a Mediterranean rock church.

    With its octagonal spire and the oversized Christophorus fresco on the south facade , St. Ägidius is also a landmark of the valley. The massive tower with a octagon roof was not built until the 14th century, when the Romanesque church was expanded. The Christophorus fresco, on the other hand, dates from around 1330. Inside there are also wall paintings from the 13th and 15th centuries, when the church above the Kortscher Leiten meadows was much used.

    As a result of the strategically favourable environs featuring a view over the valley, people settled here in ancient times. Specifically, the remains of a prehistoric settlement, known locally as the “Schatzknott," were uncovered nearby.

    Culture & Attractions
    Langfenn - Fenn
    Mölten/Meltina, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Archeological discoveries prove that settlements at Lavena date back to the Bronze Age, probably as a place of paga worship.

    The lovely church beside Lavena is dedicated to St. Jacob, the patron of travellers and wayfarer. 150 years ago, Lavena was a frenquently visited merchant's and livestock market.

    Today, Lavena has become tourist attraction and hiker's delight on the Salto high plateua in San Genesio.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church Unsere Liebe Frau in Stava/Staben
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs
    Named after the Virgin Mary, the church and its tower date back to
    Romanesque times. The church was rebuilt and re-consecrated in 1638. A
    stone with a magnificent coat of arms is set above the pointed archway
    and the 17th Century Cross on the west façade survived a devastating
    village fire in 1876.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Parrish church of St. James
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The church was built between 1821 and 1824 under the supervision of Jakob Prantl. The frescoes were created by the local painter Josef Renzler in 1823.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Oswald in Tschirland/Cirlano
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs
    Revered as Guardian of the Crusaders, St. Oswald was the King of Northumberland/England in the 7th Century. Today, however,he is known as patron saint of the Peasants and the Poor, as well as of Water and the Weather. 800 years ago, the St. Oswald Church and its lands
    formed part of the Welfen-Klosters-Weingarten in Baden-Württemberg.
    The Gothic church was redesigned in 1433 and renovated in 1669. The 17th Century altars, altarpieces and frescoes are the work of Simon Ybertracher (1694 – 1772), a baroque painter from Naturno/Naturns. The relics of the Gothic fresco on the southern wall was discovered during the last restoration.
    Forts & Castles
    Stallwies mill
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    At the Stallwies farm, one of the highest farms in South Tyrol, is an old mill not far from the farm. The Kornhof, on which rye is still grown today, has processed the grain in the mill itself. Visit the old mill and gain an insight into ancient traditions.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Chapel St. Anna in Schanzen
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    St. Anna Chapel in Schanzen was built during the first part of the 15th century, it includes a late-gothic wing-altar.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of St. Magdalena in Viums
    Natz-Schabs/Naz-Sciaves, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The church, situated on a hill in Viums, was consecrated in 1281 and is considered as the most beautiful shrine in the surroundings. The present church construction dates from 1500 and was build on the fundament of a church, the expansion of the tower happened in the 17th century.

    Forts & Castles
    Schloss Dornsberg
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Castle Dornsberg (also called Castle Tarantsberg) has been established in 1217 by the Lords von Tarant. The castle has panels, tiled stove, carved doors and windows, and many more elements. In the Saint Ursula chapel there is also a winged altar, the walls boast ancient paintings. In the heart of the castle, the donjon towers into the sky. Castle Dornsbeg was owned by various families until in 1964 the Gottschall family from Munich purchased the castle and had it restored. Still to this day Castle Dornsberg is in possession of this family and is not open to the public.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish church of Valas
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    A church in Flaas is documented for the first time in 1237. The present church was built around 1500 and has a Romanesque predecessor with a half-round apse.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Remigio, Oris/Eyrs
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The old church at Oris was St. Bartholomew's. After a landslide destroyed the entire settlement, a new church was built at the foot of the mountain dedicated to St. Remigio and was documented for the first time in 1424. Landslides recorded in 1831, 1840 and 1855 destroyed the town and in 1852 a new church was built. Worship: Sunday 10 am in German

    Churches & Monasteries
    Little Church of St. Martin, Lasa
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The little Church of St. Martin lies above Lasa on a small morainic hill. The church was documented for the first time in 1323 although its origin most probably precedes that date. The discovery of clay shards and glass dating from the Roman period, in addition to bronze sheets and other prehistoric remnants, would suggest that this once was an ancient settlement and place of worship.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Nikolaus a Tablà
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Saint Nikolaus was bishop of Myra in the 4th century. He is valued as the Patron of the travelers and the hikers. The church is being mentioned the first time in the year 1369. The walls and the tower, however, seem to be built during the roman time. The choir and the portal have been built during the late gothic period (1493). Later on the church has been changed into the typical style of the baroque era. In 1899 a huge fire destructed most of the church, but has been rebuilt. The most precious piece in the church is the late-gothic Altar, probably deriving from the house of Hans Schnatterpeck.