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    Kultura a památky v jižním Tyrolsku

    Jižní Tyrolsko nabízí bohatství kulturních památek a zajímavostí. Objevte historické budovy, malebná náměstí a fascinující muzea, která vám přiblíží historii a kulturu tohoto regionu. Nechte se okouzlit jeho kulturní rozmanitostí a prožijte nezapomenutelné chvíle.

    Culture & Attractions
    Lasa marble
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    In the area of the station you can already see the marble blocks weighing several tons, which are processed in the marble factory of the company Lasa Marmo.

    In the world of marble and in the whole place one finds the white stone: sculptures, buildings and even marble sidewalks - at sculptor workshops and at the technical school for stone-treatment.

    Lasa marble is not only popular in South Tyrol, as in the Silandro Hospital and Bolzano Concert Hall, but worldwide - to marvel at the World Trade Center Transportation Hub.

    The world of marble can be discovered during guided tours and hikes.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church Hl. Mauritius in Sella
    Tramin an der Weinstraße/Termeno sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    To the north of Rechtenthal Castle lies the hamlet Söll whose church is dedicatet to St. Mauritius. The steeple with its paired round arch windows and its brick-built pyramidal roof dates back as far as the 13th century, whereas the church nave and décor are basically realized in Gothic style. Of particular interest is a fresco, unfortunately seriously damaged, depicting the church's patron saint in a cavalry battle. The same patron also features as the central charakter in the winged altarpiece. When leaving the church, you will notice an inscription on the outer wall, just above the small rectangular window. Written in Gothic minuscules it tells that the south annex of the sacred building was wewcted later, in 1470. Just below the church you can see a building that is architecturally very interesting. Its structure is well-proportioned and the elegant wrought iron window grilles aforning the upper floor bear witness of the centuries-old craftsmanship that was at work here. A little further uphill from the church another architectual gem is hiding: here you will come across a group of two or three picturesque old farmhouses, and on the archway of one of these you can still read the initials of one of its formers owners who perpetuated his name back in 1684.

    The left nave is Romanesque. The high altar was built around 1520. The left side nave is Gothic. The altar there contains picture panels of Adam and Eve, probably from Bartlmä Dill Riemenschneider.

    Culture & Attractions
    The Rosettaa Stone of Mithras and Roman Milestone in the Sterzing City Hall
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    A Rosetta Stone depicting the Persian god of light Mithras was found near Mules in 1589. The original is conserved at the Bozen Archaeological Museum, while a copy is exhibited in the internal courtyard of the Sterzing City Hall, where there is also a Roman Milestone of Septimius Severus (approximately 200 A.D.), which was discovered in Sterzing in 1979.

    Forts & Castles
    Carthusian Monastery Allerengelberg
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs

    Visiting the town of Certosa/Karthaus is like a journey into the past. The town was built inside the walls of the Cloister of Certosa degli Angeli, founded in 1326 and reopened in 1782. The Via Crucis of the ancient cloister is especially interesting.

    Culture & Attractions
    Electrical power station in the former brewery
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Jewish business family Schwarz founded the steam-powered brewery in 1849. It was the largest in South Tyrol. In 1897, an electric power plant was added. The plant was equipped with the latest, state-of-the art turbine model, Pelton. Many parts oft he plant were made of steel casting which are still perfectly preserved today.

    In 1924, the brewery was sold and transformed into a malt brewery. Pilsner, Münchner and Caramel malt beers were produced.

    The electrical power station was in use from 1897 until the malt brewery closed down in 1986. The whole area then became the property of the Autonomous Province of Bozen. The regional Fire Brigade school was built on the site, but a few of the original buildings have been preserved. At Heinrich Erschbamer’s instigation and his untiring commitment, the electric power plant has been professionally restored and has been open to the public since 2014.

    Forts & Castles
    Zwölferturm tower at Sterzing
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The famous landmark of Sterzing, the city tower, is widely known as “Zwölferturm”. Its name is attributed to the fact that its bell rings the citizens for lunchbreak. Consisting of gray granite blocks from the area, it was erected over the city gate from 1468 to 1472 according to the design of Hans Feur. Two marble tablets above the archway remind us of the laying of the foundation stone by the Duke Sigismund of Austria back in 1469. It became a symbol of the economic and cultural boom in the city in the north of South Tyrol and has established itself to this day as the symbol for the city of Sterzing. 

    At certain events, the tower can also be visited also from the inside, e.g. during the Cristmas Market, in summer during the lantern parties or at the famous dumpling festival ("Knödelfest"). 

    Culture & Attractions
    Waterfall in Vilpian
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    A Natural Monument!
    The 82 m high waterfall is fed by the Möltner Brook. The path leads past the old Vilpiano's Wasserwaal from the 17th century. The water was once used to irrigate the fields.

    Accessible by foot in ten minutes from the village center of Vilpiano.

    Culture & Attractions
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta


    Forts & Castles
    The trenches of Teis
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal
    Around the village of Teis, from the bottom of the Villnöss valley to the Haube mountain at 1260 m above sea level, you can find a line of partly uncovered and partly hidden trenches, shelters and caverns. These are the remains of the extensive fortifications built as part of the “Barricade of Klausen/Chiusa” at the beginning of the First World War. Over the course of the last century, the trenches have been partly destroyed by human activities and partly reclaimed by nature. A group of locals has taken on the task of investigating the history of these fortifications more closely, preserving them and making them accessible to the public.
    Alpine dairy Algund
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The alpine dairy of Lagundo offer a rich assortment of local products like cheese, milk, fresh cream, butter and cottage cheese.

    All products are high quality and have an unique natural taste. The clients, residents and guests, are enthusiastic of our products. We supply more than 40 shops in Merano every day.

    We invite you to visit our shop.

    Forts & Castles
    Ansitz Heufler
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    castel builded on 1580 - today it is a hotel - special is the "stube" - livingroom with the fenomenal wood wall

    Culture & Attractions
    Ancient larch tree on the Salto high plateau
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    In San Genesio at 1,435 m asl, located on the „Malgorer“ Salto, there ist the most ancient larch tree of the Salto high plateau.

    Its age cannot be exactly determined.

    This ancient larch tree is an an aesthetic feature in the middle of the wide larch groves on the Salto.

    The lowest strongest branches form a candelabra shape. The tree crown could develop freely upward due to the lack of competition.

    The once splendid tree has suffered damage due to the snow pressure in the winter of 2008/2009, numerous branches were pressed down and broken.

    Height of the tree: 24m

    Diameter: 2,03m

    Circumference: 6,40m

    Locality: Montoppio

    Sea level: 1435 m

    Frubona fruit cooperative
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The fruit cooperative frubona Obstgenossenschaft Terlan originally arises from six cooperatives in the Bozen-Etsch Valley area. It has existed in its present form since 2010. 426 members cultivate a total of 1,154.55 ha of net area. In the shop you can buy apples.

    Culture & Attractions
    Niederhof Farm Museum
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    The old Niederhof farm, which can still be seen today from the new house and farmstead, was built around 1555, housed two families and was also used as a primary school for the Waldberg district until 1955. 

    If you find stories about life on mountain farms in the past and old traditions exciting, the Niederhof farm tour is the right place for you. 

    Find out more about the history of the Niederhof and about life as a mountain farmer in the past and today. The farm tour focuses on mountain farming and life as a mountain farmer, while the farm museum takes you back to a time when the farmhouse parlour was the centre of life and gives you an insight into the way farming used to be done. Afterwards there is a joint tasting of the farm produce. Duration: approx. 2-2.5 hours 

    Make an appointment with senior farmer Sepp on +39 335 5295 016
    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish church "Maria Himmelfahrt" (Mary’s ascension) by Terlan
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Parish church "Maria Himmelfahrt" (Mary´s ascension) by Terlan is a building from the High Gothic Period of the 14th Century. The altar room and the choir chairs are the oldest part of the building.
    Catholic services: Sat. 7 pm (every 2nd and 4th saturday of the month) and Sun. 8.45 am (every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month) in German and every Sunday 10.15 am in Italian.

    Brewery Forst
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs

    Visitors to the breathtaking Merano valley can enjoy the unique beauty of a place where nature and a masterful human touch come together to create extraordinary harmony.

    Just outside Merano, on the way to the Val Venosta a Lagundo, a complex of buildings perfectly in keeping with their surroundings catches the eye. They are decorated in a graceful, highly tasteful manner and almost blend in with the flourishing local vegetation. Anyone who is curious enough to ask the name of this “village” – because that is what it looks like at first sight – will simply receive the answer “That’s FORST”. It is not called the “beer factory” or the “brewery”, but “FORST”. The name is inherently linked with the local area. It stands for tradition and love for nature, but also striving to ensure that the quality of its products remains consistently high. Traditional and modern values go hand in hand, making positive contributions to each other: this is the guiding concept of FORST.

    The visits of the FORST Brewery are held every Wednesday from April to October at 14.00 o’clock in German language and every Thursday from June to September always at 14.00 in Italian. There is no guided tour available i English. Participation is possible by prior telephone arrangement at 0039 0473 260111. There is also a shop in the brewery, where you can buy souvenirs.

    Culture & Attractions
    Brandis waterfall
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs

    Natural spectacles awaken the curiosity and fantasy of kids. In Lana and its surroundings you can not only find phenomenal mountains, but also waterfalls, that can easily be reached via short hiking paths. The whole family will enjoy a visit to the waterfall at the Brandiswaalweg.

    Forts & Castles
    Viewing platform "Klapf"
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The viewing platform "Klapf", just a few minutes walk from the village center, is quite a highlight: lose yourself in the breathtaking view over the main chain of the Alps. 

    Forts & Castles
    Greifenstein Castle Ruin above Settequerce
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Greifenstein castle is enthroned high above the village of Siebeneich/Settequerce. It was first mentioned in 1159.  During the war between the Counts of Tyrol and the Bishop of Trient, in 1275/1276, the castle was destroyed.  Only in 1334, the small aristocrats, the Lords of Greifenstein decided to re-built it again.  On a few years later, in 1348, it was burnt down.  In latter years (once more re-built in 1363), Greifenstein went into the hands of the Lords of Starkenberg.  In 1420, when a part of the Tyrolean aristocracy went into war against the sovereign Duke Frederick of Austria, the sovereign had the castle besieged and starved out.  Amongst the duke's enemies was also the minnesinger Oswald von Wolkenstein.  He wrote a poetic song about the duke's besieger and made fun of them.  The duke's army could not take Castle Greifenstein, but the fight of the aristocracy and the castle's owner, Wilhelm von Starkenberg, became meaningless and, therefore, the Lord of Starkenberg escaped probably through a crevice at the south-western part of the castle.  His 18 servants gave up their resistance once they were promised free withdrawal.  Today, Castle Greifenstein is merely a ruin. 
    In common language, it is also called the Sauschloss.  This name derived from a legend, which speaks about the time of the siege.  During this time, the people inside the castle had to face fact that they were left with no food.  There was only one well fattened pig in the castle's cellar.  Suddenly, one of the servants had an idea: instead of slaughtering the animal, they threw it with much laughter over the castle walls and down the rock just in front of the besiegers.  When those realised what just had happened, they lost all courage as they believed that the castle's inhabitants still had lots of food available.  Therefore, they withdrew ..... and Greifenstein was saved.


    Culture & Attractions
    Monument - memorial
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Tyrolean Rebellion of 1809 was a rebellion of peasants in the County of Tyrol led by Andreas Hofer against the occupation of their homeland by the French and Bavarian troops within the context of the War of the Fifth Coalition against Napoleon I.

    Forts & Castles
    Lime pit
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The lime pit was built of bricks and reminds of the shape of a well. There was produced lime for the construction of houses.
    Wolves were also caught on the basis of stories.

    Forts & Castles
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    You will soon find more information about the Perlmühle mill here. 

    Culture & Attractions
    Waterfalls in Stuls
    Moos in Passeier/Moso in Passiria, Meran/Merano and environs

    Just below Stuls/Stulles, the third highest waterfall in Europe, cascades down a drop of 112m and then another 230m.
    It can be seen from Breiteben/Pianlargo, from the road to Timmelsjoch mountain pass or from the trail Passer Gorge.

    Culture & Attractions
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Schreiberhouse is one of the oldest and best conserved buildings in Jenesien. It was built in the 16. century and was designated as a historic monument. 

    Forst Beer
    Algund/Lagundo, Meran/Merano and environs

    Visitors to the breathtaking Merano valley can enjoy the unique beauty of a place where nature and a masterful human touch come together to create extraordinary harmony.
    Just outside Merano, on the way to the Val Venosta, a complex of buildings perfectly kept within their surroundings catches the eye. They are decorated in a graceful, highly tasteful manner and almost blend in with the flourishing local vegetation. Anyone who is curious enough to ask for the name of this “village” – because that´s what it looks like at first – will simply receive the answer “That’s FORST”. It is not called the “beer factory” or the “brewery”, but “FORST”. The name is inherently linked with the local area. It stands for tradition and love for nature, but also for striving to ensure that the quality of its products remains consistently high. Traditional and modern values go hand in hand, making positive contributions to each other: this is the guiding concept of FORST.

    The visits of the FORST Brewery are held every Wednesday from April to October at 14.00 o’clock in German language and every Thursday from June to September always at 14.00 in Italian. There is no guided tour in English available. Participation is possible by prior telephone arrangement at 0039 0473 260111, registrations by e-mail cannot be considered.

    Culture & Attractions
    400 year old mountain maple
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Come and see this 400 year-old mountain maple just next to the Tomanegger restaurant on the road between San Genesio and Valas. Relax under its calming branches, while having a spectacular view on the Dolomites just in front of you! 

    Here some informations about the Tomanegger mable:

    Trunk circumference: 1,7 metres, 3,0 metres, 1,8 metres Height: 18 metres

    Leafage diameter: 18,5 metres

    Age: about 400 years 


    Distillery St. Urban
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road
    Distillation at the highest level
    With fruits and grapes from our own vineyards we produce excellent fruit brandies and grappa. We use only fresh, sun-ripe and healthy fruit. Those are the heart and the abundance of aroma of our noble brandies and grappa. Barrique barrels in our naturalstone cellar hold special distillates up to 2 years, thus they get a pleasant mature and finesse! In our sortiment you will find various fruit brandies, berries brandies, grappa and liquors.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Joseph in Ronchi - Rungg
    Tramin an der Weinstraße/Termeno sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The little St. Joseph Church in Ronchi - “Kirche St. Joseph in Rungg” in German, “Chiesa di San Giuseppe a Ronchi” in Italian - is, compared to the other churches in the surroundings of Lake Caldaro, a more recent construction. The building was planned in 1900 by Ferdinand Mungenast, an Austrian architect, who designed also other significant buildings in Bolzano and the Oltradige area, such as the Grandhotel d’Appiano or the St. Joseph Church in Frangarto. Seven years after its edification in 1901, the St. Joseph Church was embellished with a steeple.

    Nowadays, the sacred building presents itself with a two-bay groined vault, a polygonal choir termination and a church tower with a pointed spire. In 1977 the church was placed under monumental protection. Worth seeing are above all the artworks by Ferdinand Stuflesser (1855 - 1926), a famous sculptor from the Val Gardena valley in South Tyrol: the altar with the statues of St. Joseph with Jesus the child and St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers and deaf people, as well as St. Teresa of Ávila, also called Saint Teresa of Jesus, the national patron saint of Spain.

    Above the church entrance there is the statue of St. Anthony of Padua, venerated as the patron saint for the recovery of lost items. It is located in the hamlet of Ronchi (Rungg), which can be found along the South Tyrolean Wine Road after the centre of Termeno and before the wine village of Cortaccia. Also the public bus stops there.

    Culture & Attractions
    Viewing plaform
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Enjoy the viewing platform above the wonderful Zufritt reservoir in the Val Martello. From there you can enjoy the view over the whole valley, in front of you the mighty Cevedale glacier.