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    Kultura a památky v jižním Tyrolsku

    Jižní Tyrolsko nabízí bohatství kulturních památek a zajímavostí. Objevte historické budovy, malebná náměstí a fascinující muzea, která vám přiblíží historii a kulturu tohoto regionu. Nechte se okouzlit jeho kulturní rozmanitostí a prožijte nezapomenutelné chvíle.

    Culture & Attractions
    Covelano marble
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    At the eastern entrance of Silandro one sees the white blocks, which are worked in the marble work of the company Covelano Marmi.

    In the Schlandersburg castle with the Menhir exhibition and in the entire municipality of Silandro, one sees traces of the marble, e.g. at the town hall and at the main square in Silandro and at the ornate fountain in front of St. John's Church in Corzes - as well as in the marble studio at Art & crafts (Covelano marblework).

    Covelano marble is used all over the world, for example in luxury bathrooms and kitchens in the One57 - New Yorker skyscraper of superlatives and also the tombstone of Udo Jürgens, the white stone of the grand piano comes from South Tyrol.

    The world of marble can be discovered during guided tours and hikes.

    Culture & Attractions
    A natural monument - the dripstone spring in the Burgum valley
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Along the stream near the hamlet of "Burgum" you can hear the whisper of one of the most beautiful natural monuments in the region. When the sunlight shines on it, uncountable cascades of a filigree waterfall shine in numerous beautiful colours. Between the cascades a dark olive-green moss grows, saturated with crystal clear and fresh water. It is tough to decide from which angle you have the best view of the waterfall. A few years ago, this spring waterfall was placed under conservation and is now a natural monument that should not be missed. Take the chance and come to rest and dream in this magical place. This natural monument can be found in the wooded Burgum valley on the way to the hut “Sterzinger Hütte” on path nr. 2.


    Culture & Attractions
    Avia - The Lumberjack-Trail
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    AVIA – Lumberjack Trail from San Genesio village centre to Avigna, and on to the Mezzavia in the Sarentino Valley.
    9 interactive stations themed around timber felling and wood processing and the prehistory of the village of Afing will be inviting visitors of all ages to embark on an enthralling journey of discovery.
    Culture & Attractions
    Sulphur Springs, Lasa/Laas
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The old Lasa Stinkabrunn Sulphur Spring was officially opened on 4th September 2011, after extensive renovations. The water is bacterially clean and rich in mineral content and is therefore well-suited to those with digestive, liver and skin-related ailments.

    Culture & Attractions
    Mölten/Meltina, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    lat. JUGUM = YOKE formerly "Schweighof" - in the Middle Age hunting house of the local lords of Maultasch - behind the house you can see a grave that goes back to the migration period (300 - 500 a. Ch.). Beside is the 'Tschaufrer Weiher' - a biotope - once an artificial fish farm.

    Culture & Attractions
    The Monument to St. John Nepomuk in the New Town
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    Following repeated floods, a monument in honour of St. John Nepomuk (1350-1393) was erected in 1739 in Sterzing / Vipiteno. He is venerated as the protector of waters and bridges and is invoked when there is danger of flood. According to the legend, St. John Nepomuk, who came from the Bohemian town of Pomuk, refused to reveal the confessional secrets of the Bohemian queen. The king ordered him to be drowned in the Moldavian river. For this reason he is venerated as the protector of waters and bridges and is invoked when there is danger of flood.

    Angling & Fishing
    Fish pond Anterselva di Sotto/Antholz Niedertal
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Fishing becomes a precious experience for families at the idyllically located fish pond in Antholz Niedertal. No fishing certification is required

    The fishing equipment can be rented directly at the fish pond itself. A playground and a bar with terrace can be found there as well.

    Culture & Attractions
    "Loretzboden" panoramic view point on Monte Sole mountain Lasa
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    Above the marble village of Lasa, the Venosta Monte Sole mountain presents itself in a fascinating way. All sorts of plants and herbs grow on the sun-exposed slopes and countless species of insects and reptiles enjoy the start of spring.
    The “Loretzboden” also marks the beginning of the new Pharmacy way - "A path is created by walking".

    Culture & Attractions
    Adventure trail "Guggn" San Genesio-Tschaufen
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs
    A cozy themed trail for everyone, leads trough for meadows and forests. From San Genesio over the Salten until Tschaufen will have 9 play and activity stations and interesting information
    boards around Haflinger horses and larch trees.
    Menhir Exhibition
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    In 2013, two menhirs dating to the Copper Age were recovered from pieces of marble during the conversion work for a gardening shop in Vetzan near Schlanders. Since March 2017, the menhirs have been showcased at Schlandersburg Castle as part of a comprehensive thematic exhibition. In addition to these two original pieces, eighteen abstract pictorial figures made of metal are also displayed, which represent the eighteen menhirs found in South Tyrol and Trentino in recent decades.

    The two unique sculptures, with male and female attributes respectively, give us an intriguing insight into the history of the area. The male sculpture is over 3 m in height, and wears a belt from which the handle of a dagger sticks out. The female menhir wears a robe and a necklace. The original set-up of these two sculptures can no longer be recovered; most likely they formed part of a larger group of figures.
    Culture & Attractions
    The Vipiteno/Sterzing Swamp
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The basin of Sterzing was once covered with an enormous swamp that extended towards the south to Trens and towards the east to Wiesen. The basin of Sterzing was once covered with an enormous swamp that extended towards the south to Trens and to the east to Wiesen. It was the bottom of a lake that had formed in prehistoric times, fed by local springs, which became a swamp and gradually emptied. The legend that surrounds the Swamp of Sterzing is still told: In ancient times it frequently happened that young women's beauty went to their heads. Regardless of whoever asked their hand in marriage, nobody seemed to be good enough for them. But as the years passed, their beauty waned and they became horrible old maids. In order to punish them for being so pride, they were exiled to live in the Sterzing Swamp, where they cried bitterly for not having wed; and their laments can still be heard today: "hätt' i's gwaggt, hätt' is gwaggt..." (if only I had accepted, if only I had accepted), which only foreigners confuse with the croaking of the frogs, but they are actually the lamenting cries of the old maids.

    Culture & Attractions
    Stoanerne Mandln/Ometti di pietra
    Mölten/Meltina, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Every day, you can climb another summit. You will definitely have to hike up the legendary Alpine rage on the "Hohen Reisch" if you want to be called a friend of South Tyrol. It is one of the most beautiful views of the Sarntal Alps, from where you can see the entire Dolomite group, as well as the Marmolata and the Ortler mountains. Even if the weather should not turn out good, a hiking trip to the "Stanernen Mandln" (stone men) is extrenely fascinating. There are more than one hundred, which have been built over time, and most of them are of an impressive height. They are like a group of soldiers.

    Here, at an altitude of 2,000 meters, they say that more than 500 years ago, witches have performed their dances and celebrations with the Devil. There are terrible stories around, which talk about what happened during a thunderstorm and also about the eating of children etc. A legal document from 1540 states that Barbara Pachler was accused of meeting with devils and witches and the document is used to support the old stories. Ancient signs seem to prove that the outlook was used as a Celtic place about thousands of years ago.

    Culture & Attractions
    Cupule engravings
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Cupule rock art decorations are nowadays found to be a worldwide spread phenomenon and just as mysterious as menhir standing stones. A varied selection of such cupules consisting in different sized cup-shaped engravings, hand carved by man on stone and rock surfaces, have also been discovered on the sun mounatin slopes between Castelbello and Coldrano and in Val Martello. They are arranged in either isolated or group settings, alongside paths and road tracks, streams and waterways and are often located on the most exposed rock outcroppings. Proven archaeological evidence establishes that the beginnings of cupule engravings date back to the neolithic (with some dating even as far back as the mesolithic) era. The bronze age too provides records of cupule rock art, up towards the end of the iron age, where the production of cupules then slowly fades away. Even though christianity is evidently well established by the time, this form of rock art is apparently picked up again towards the end of the early middle ages, with a second bout flourishing around the high middle ages.

    Distillery Zu Plun
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    In an ancient farmstead built in 1400 that faces the Schlern massif of the Dolomites, Florian Rabanser creates his distillates and rum with the skills of a craftsman combined with a passion for the scents of nature. 

    Beekeeping Wieser Erwin
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    Beeswax products of beekeeping Erwin Wieser in San Genesio:

    Candles in different forms and sizes, various table candles and tealights, carved candles with religious motives, lanterns, LED lanterns and much more!

    Various hanging decorations with or without threads

    Beeswax compresses

    Culture & Attractions
    The Lasa Sloped Railway
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Even today, the custom-manufactured railway built for the special environment of the Stelvio National Park transports the heavy marble blocks over four sections almost automatically down into the valley.

    The marble-transporting train has been operated in the same original state since 1930 and carries the marble from the marble quarry (2,200 m above sea level) to the valley. With the Lasa sloped railway, it is possible to transport a 40-ton load at a speed of 1m/sec in 16 minutes in to the valley. To date, this type of transport is the most environmentally-friendly method of transportation of marble thusfar. During the marble hikes, interested guests can also visit the unique inclined railway.

    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    VI.P has the duty to represent and favor the interests of its member cooperatives and their members.

    Culture & Attractions
    "Pfeiler und Koundl" in Lasa/Laas
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    To be able to irrigate the dry valley of the Sun-mountain then, one led the water in larch-wood-gutters on high wall-pier over house roofs and over the river Etsch away on the opposite valley-side.

    Culture & Attractions
    Lake di Tarres
    Latsch/Laces, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Here you will find a splendid panorama and a calm environment. Around the lake is also a small path. The path is very easy to walk and mostly flat. To arrive at this idyllic place you have to follow the path no.9. Only members of the local fishermen's association can also fish there.

    Culture & Attractions
    Tiers am Rosengarten/Tires al Catinaccio, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    Lake "Wuhnleger"

    No other place offers such an intense view of the Catinaccio as Wuhnleger. This alpine meadow is located about a 45 minute walk from S. Cipriano and a 60 minute walk from Tires al Catinaccio/Tiers am Rosengarten at 1,402 m in the heart of the Sciliar-Catinaccio Nature Park. The lake at Wuhnleger and the surroundings provide the living space for many animals like toads, salamanders and dragonflies. The bomb pits at Wuhnleger provide evidence of World War II when an airplane dropped a bomb during an emergency.

    Highlight: Observing sunset and the Catinaccio Mountain being mirrored in the lake provide a special experience.

    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Premium distillates & liquors. Visit of the farm, tasting and sale.

    Culture & Attractions
    Kortscher See lake
    Martell/Martello, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    The mountain lake of Corzes/Kortsch is located in the traditional Schlandrauntal Valley, after the Schlanderser and Kortscher Alm alpine pastures. The Ötzisteig leads directly past the lake into the Schnalstal valley.
    Culture & Attractions
    Göflaner See lake
    Schlanders/Silandro, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The mountain lake of Covelano/Göflan is idyllically situated in the Stelvio National Park, above the Covelano marble quarry and at the foot of Jennwand summit.

    Refreshments stop: Göflaneralm, Haslhof

    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    On our farm we have a small distillery with a varied selection of fine spirits. Some liqueurs are in our range. Our family helps in the production of the precious water: from harvesting the fruits over the burning, to the finished product .

    Culture & Attractions
    Coat of arms of San Genesio
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The coat of arms has five red dots along the diagonals on a silver field. The motif comes from the shield of the noble of Goldegg.

    Forts & Castles
    Church of S. George, Corzes/Kortsch
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    Opinions differ as to its founding date and one legend has it that it was built by a knight. In 1376, the chruch and annex were taken over by the Monte Maria Abbey, but today only the ruins of the walls remain.