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    Kultura a památky v jižním Tyrolsku

    Jižní Tyrolsko nabízí bohatství kulturních památek a zajímavostí. Objevte historické budovy, malebná náměstí a fascinující muzea, která vám přiblíží historii a kulturu tohoto regionu. Nechte se okouzlit jeho kulturní rozmanitostí a prožijte nezapomenutelné chvíle.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church Sanct Anna Villanders/Villandro
    Villanders/Villandro, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    In 1726 a little church was dedicated to the miners of the “Pfunderer” mine. However, it was immediately too small so that today’s construction of the Early Baroque with choir and little tower was built in 1736. The secluded little church was expanded in 1934, though plundered and devastated in 1964. Until the First Wold War there had have been a weekly mass, initially Saturdays, since 1840 every Thursday. The cultural and historical altarpiece is a replica, the original altarpiece is located in the parish church to the St. Stephen. It shows the miners at work and around them the saints of the miners. (St. Daniel, evangelist John, Virgin Mother with the baby Jesus and her mother the saint Anne, as well as patron saint of the mines Barbara)

    Forts & Castles
    The Old Post Office
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The "gemain Riglhaus" once stood on this site. In 1574 it is mentioned as a schoolhouse as well as a teacher's and organist's residence, and in 1629 as the "gemain Mesenhaus". In 1788, after the introduction of compulsory schooling, the schoolroom was extended here. In 1820, this house is listed as a parish residence, and from 1829 to 1845 it is again listed as a schoolhouse. In 1880 it became the parish and sacristan's house, and in the 20th century the post office was housed here. After the fascist takeover, the first floor became the meeting place of the "Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro". On the lower floor, the last of Montan's cobblers had his workshop for a long time, later there was the office of the tourist association, then a butcher's shop. Since the end of the 1980s, the headquarters of the "Montaner Schützenkompanie" have been located here. The panelled Gothic parlour on the first floor and the stucco ceiling on the second floor are particularly valuable.

    Forts & Castles
    Old Railway Line
    Auer/Ora, Alto Adige Wine Road

    As early as 1891, there were plans to construct a railway between Ora and the Val di Fiemme Valley in order to improve accessibility and stimulate the economy. The Val di Fiemme railway line was built during World War I. Between 1918 and 1936, it was used mainly for transporting goods. It connected Auer/Ora with Predazzo. The segment between Auer and San Lugano is still in good condition. Nowadays, it is a very nice hike and cycle path which leads through the beautiful mountain landscape of the Trudner Horn Nature Park and is especially worthwhile due to the views of the South Tyrolean Unterland region.

    Culture & Attractions
    Limekiln in Truden in the Nature Park

    The limekiln in Truden is a kind of kiln where in the past people used to produce quicklime from limestone. The process of lime burning was hard work, but had also some positive aspects: Young and old often met at the limekiln to celebrate the successful lime burning.

    Forts & Castles
    “Altes Gemeindehaus” (Old parish hall)
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Here used to be the farm at Ziggl, first mentioned in 1541 as the property of Franz Seemann von Mangern, later as the property of the Barons von Coreth. In 1798 Bartlme von Hebenstreit sold it to the court clerk Anton Teiss. In 1820 Michael Rizzoll acquired the farm; the majority of the estates were separated in the process. In 1862 it went to Katharina Rizzolli and in 1871 to the grocer Mathias Pfitscher. In 1880, he sold it to the municipality. From 1889 onwards, the school building was erected in the lower part, the upper part being the community hall until the first half of the 20th century. Today, this house houses various social institutions, a primary school, library, flats for the elderly and the doctor's ambulatory.

     Inside the house there are numerous cross vaults, and the doors and windows are mostly stone-framed. The sandstone for these openings was once quarried in the surrounding area, for example in Kalditsch.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church in San Lugano

    The Late Gothic parish church St. Lukan with Romanesque Tower is located in San Lugano -Trodena in the Nature Park.

    Forts & Castles
    Via Andreas-Hofer
    Auer/Ora, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Andreas-Hofer-Street owes its name to the South Tyrolean patriot who led the 1809 uprising against Napoleon. When arrested in 1810, Andreas Hofer was imprisoned in the Neumarkt/Egna prison on the night of January 30th before being transferred to Mantua to be executed. The old court prisons are found at house number 28; originally property of the lords of Enn and Caldiff, they remained in use until 1830. Today, the building is in private hands, but on the ground floor, two cells with cross vaults remain, and plaque commemorating the illustrious guest marks the façade.


    Churches & Monasteries
    Lourdes chapel
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Lourdes chapel at Egna. The construction of the little Marian Chapel is attributed to the will of the parish priest, Johann Giuliani who, at the end of the 19th century, wanted it to complete the “Institute for the Protection of Children”, which he had founded. Inside the chapel, there is a reproduction of the grotto in Lourdes made of tufa rock from the Trodena Creek; the statues of the Madonna and Bernadette adorn the interior of the grotto. The ceiling is decorated with five medallions representing the four evangelists with their insignia and, at the center, the Annunciation. The chapel is still part of the foundation “Asilo infantile di Egna” (Egna kindergarten). In 2014, it was restored at the hands of a local restorer, Lucia Giacomozzi.

    Forts & Castles
    Griesfeld residence
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Griesfeld estate in Neumarkt/Egna. This beautiful residence was built by Karl Balthasar of Cazan around the middle of the 17th century. Rectangular windows, two biforiums and six ox-eye windows adorn the elegant façade. On the second floor of the building there is a wonderful Baroque chapel, whose barrel vault is decorated with rich stucco and valuable 17th-century frescoes depicting the lives of saints and the Blessed Mother. Today this stately building houses a home economics school

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Laurentius in Velturno/Feldthurns
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The St. Laurentius church (Gothic with Romanesque nave walls) stands at the heart of the village. It was built between 1286 and 1295 and extended in around 1400. The tower was not built until the 16th century and was not given secure enough foundations – so Feldthurns has its very own "leaning tower"!

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Anton im Moos in Velturno/Feldthurns
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    On the way to Säben is on the way, the St. Anthony Chapel, built in 1670 at the instigation of the telltale Jerome and his wife. The chapel was restored in the Tyrolean commemorative 1984. The altarpiece in the early Baroque high altar dates from Nicholas squint.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church Loretokapelle in Chiusa
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The gothical building was established between 1467 and 1470 of master Jörg. From the outside on recognize the simple portal, the small pyramid-shaped ridge turret and that gothical five-eighth choir with the four windows. Inside the church you can find some informations about the building history and the artistic equipment.

    Forts & Castles
    “Gasthof Goldener Löwe” (Golden Lion Inn)
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    According to oral tradition, it was once a customs station for the Enn jurisdiction. In 1530, an inn was first documented here. Furrier Hans Disner from Neumarkt is named as the tenant. The valuable wall paintings in the dining room, which probably also served as a courtroom at the time, date from this time.

    The central element of these frescoes is the coat of arms of Emperor Charles V, who probably passed through Tyrol on his way back from Bologna to the Imperial Diet in Augsburg in 1530 and probably stopped here in Montan. Various allegorical representations can be seen in eight divided fields of the cross vault; the Habsburg imperial coat of arms, the Austrian shield with ducal hat and the Tyrolean coat of arms with laurel wreath are also shown in the centre of the west wall.

    Owned by the Teiss family from 1586. In 1600, the "Guldenen Löwen auf Monthan" is described as an economic dwelling. 1687 Ownership by the Pernter family, who appear as restaurant owners until 1737. This was followed by the Constanz and later the Haidenberger from Olang and 10 further owners. In 1865 the property came to the Pichler family from Kalditsch, who had once migrated from Petersberg. Matthias, Peter and Kreszentia acquire the Oberwirt. They are followed as owners in 1928 by Lambert Pichler and then his widow Martha until 1974, followed by their son Otto Pichler with his wife Magdalena Scherlin. In 2002, their son Harald Pichler took over the "Goldener Löwen" together with his wife Barbara Thaler and their two daughters.

    Forts & Castles
    Garni Amplatz
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    In 1523, the inn of Laurenz Wurnigger from Carinthia, also called Windisch, who is probably still remembered by the "Windischwald" (forest) above the village. The owner is Juliana Puphtalerin, wife of Wolfgang Canz, a country writer in Rottenburg am Neckar and in 1551 bailiff of the dominion of Bregenz. In 1554, the inn "zum Payr" was sold. Until 1611, this house was called "zum Zotten", before it was renamed "Wirthshaus An der Roten Rosen" (Inn at the Red Roses) by Georg Osterried, the caretaker of the Fuggers at Enn Castle, and in 1619 it fell to Susanna Payr of Caldiff as a debt. After several changes of ownership, Pastor Alexander Giovanelli acquired this house in 1717 and 1725. When he died in 1743, he bequeathed his entire estate to the poor, the church and the brotherhood in Montan, as well as a benefice he had founded in his home village of Carano. Property of the Resch family from 1744 to 1782, then owned by the Zuveith family until 1908. Since 1908 property of the Amplatz family.

    A special feature of this house is the Gothic parlour with its richly carved beamed ceiling, which bears witness to around 500 years of living culture. Also preserved are sandstone frames on the entrance door and window, the latter with a pentagram and the year 1565.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Little church Tilga
    Laas/Lasa, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    test as Kirchlein St. Ottilia wurde im Jahr 1681 im Auftrag von Caspar Perlinger erbaut. Auf einem Großen Votivbild sind Maria mit dem Jesuskind und Perlinger mit seiner Familie dargestellt. Die Kirche ist ein einfacher Bau mit achteckigem Chor und einem Tonnengewölbe.
    Churches & Monasteries
    apostle church Klausen
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The gothical building was established between 1467 and 1470 of master Jörg. From the outside on recognize the simple portal, the small pyramid-shaped ridge turret and that gothical five-eighth choir with the four windows.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Monastery in Gschnon/Casignano
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    When malaria raged in the swampy Adige Valley in summer, the monks of the Capuchin monastery in Neumarkt moved to the so-called Klösterle in Gschnon, which is 1000 meters above sea level. Today the Klösterle is a self-catering house. In summer, it is used for retreats and spiritual exercises.

    In September, the German Capuchin Order invites men up to 50 years of age to come and live in the Klösterle in Gschnon, to be active together in the mountains, to organize everyday life together, to spend time in worship, silence and prayer, and to engage in conversation.

    Forts & Castles
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    In 1557, this house on the square, always described as small, was still an accessory to today's Amplatz, formerly the inn "zum Zotten" and connected by three doors. After it was later mentioned as an accessory to the Hilber, it was occupied around 1700 by the priest Johann Teiss the Elder. His heirs sold it in 1722 to Balthasar Öfner, Ladler or Krämer auf Montan. In 1783 the cobbler Johann Babtista Monsorno bought the upper part of the house - the seller received a pair of new shoes on top of the purchase price - and in 1788 Monsorno also bought the lower part. In 1813 the house was divided again: Peter Kaufmann received one floor and Josef Gaßmann one. In 1834 Gaßmann ceded his part to Peter Kaufmann. In 1838, he bequeathed the house to the community as the holder of the patronage rights of the Teissische Benefizium, with the condition that it be made available to the respective beneficiary free of charge. In 1905, the Benefiziumhäusl was sold to Jordan Amplatz. In 2017, Karl Amplatz sold it to the Zuchristian-Amplatz family, who lovingly renovated the house and expanded their directly bordering accommodation business (Amplatz). This closes the circle, and the Benefiziumhäusl is once again an accessory to the adjacent Amplatz, as it was in 1557.


    Since 1507, a sundial has adorned this house, which in addition to the sundial on the church tower shows the time to visitors to the village square. As a special feature, this chronometer even distinguishes between "old" (winter time) and "new" time (summer time).

    Forts & Castles
    Seat of the district association in Egna
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Farther down the street, you come to house number 22, today, the seat of the District Association of Unterland/Bassa Atesina. Here again we find judge Peter Ganel's coat of arms and the date of construction, 1583, on the portal. The building distinguishes itself by the refined character of the interior, the window and door frames in stone, as well as by the elegance of the vaulted and beamed ceilings.


    Forts & Castles
    Klosterhof Vill
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    In the Middle Ages, the "Klosterhof" in the Vill/Villa was probably the property of the Augustinian Canons' Monastery of San Michele all'Adige. From 1560, it was owned by Anna Regina Recordin zu Radeck. In 1740, it was acquired by Josef A. v. Feldmannsdorf. From 1762 to 1908, it was owned by the nobles of the v. Vilas family. Since then, it has been the farmstead and winery of the Pernter family. It is a stately two-story building and one of the most beautiful wine farms in the country. The current form dates back to the 17th century.

    Forts & Castles
    Picturesque Arcades in Egna
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Egna is located at the foot of he Castelfeder hill. Already in the Middle Ages the village was a thriving trading centre due to its strategic geographical position and today it is the main cultural and economic centre of the Bassa Atesina. It is no coincidence that this lovely village is considered one of the most beautiful places in Italy. A must see is the old village centre with its 500 metres of arcades, its stately manors and magnificent inter courtyards. This is where you will find the perfect mix of entertainment, relaxation and taste.

    Forts & Castles
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The most interesting building in Andreas-Hofer-Street from a historical point of view is surely the "Ballhaus." This construction functioned as a warehouse and repository for goods passing through Neumarkt/Egna, which, by disposition of the reigning sovereign Duke Otto, were obliged to pay duty and remain there for a night. Above the semi-circular stone framed arch of the portal, the erroneous date of 1372 appears along with the Egna coat of arms. In fact, the Ballhaus was built some 150 years later. You could say that the Ballhaus is the symbol of the privileges which Egna enjoyed until the 18th century and which permitted it to develop into the great and beautiful village we know today. Currently, following very careful restoration, this building is the site of the community library for the German-speaking population, the "Bibliothek im Ballhaus."

    Forts & Castles
    The Saalhaus
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Saalhaus is a type of building which is about 45 to 60 meters deep with a façade width of 5-11 meters. Through the entry door in the façade, you pass through a long, vaulted archway into the inner courtyard onto which rooms, used as storerooms, open. In the heart of the house, facing the courtyard, is the "Saal" or hall, a room of large dimensions, reaching from the ground floor up to the roof. Thanks to its opening onto the courtyard and its dormer windows, the room is well lit and remains cool during the summer months. These characteristics make it suitable for many domestic activities, for example, the preparation of agricultural products or drying of laundry. All the second-floor rooms and the balconies for accessing the upper floors face this room; all of this contributes to making the "Saal" the heart of family life. It is possible to look at the internal structure of a Saalhaus while passing through the pedestrian passageway that leads through the inner courtyard of Via Andreas Hofer 32.

    Forts & Castles
    "Zur Rose" Inn
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The stately Gebhardthof has stood here since 1539. At that time, one of the sons volunteered to go to war as a lansquenet with three other young men from Montan, while his brothers managed the farm. At the same time, they marketed wine - including white Lagrein - even as far as Rosenheim. Already in the next generation, the estates and the stately accessories are separated from the house. After several changes of ownership, the Rosenwirt from today's Amplatz on the opposite side of the village square married into the house in 1671. He gave the former Gebhardthof its present name. There has been the right to manage it as a restaurant since at least the middle of the 17th century. After further changes of ownership among old-established Montan families, the Wegscheider family became the owners in 1862. Since 1990 it has been owned by the Malojer family, who run this house as a traditional inn.

    This house, which forms a unit with the Wegscheiderhof to the south, is a good example of the Überetsch architectural style. The primetime of this architectural style was between 1550 and 1600. Typical features are the stone-framed door frames and window arches, bay windows, double-arched windows with slender central columns, and the enclosed courtyard.

    Churches & Monasteries
    The curch of the fourteen holy helpers
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Capuchin monastery and its small church were built between 1617 and 1620. The church has a simple design in accordance with the style and regulations of the Capuchin Order: simple in terms of furnishings, bare walls, barrel vaults, and a side chapel on the south side. The high altar is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. The pulpit and the side altars are neo-Romanesque and date back to the 19th century. The altar of the side chapel contains a statue of the mother of God with Child from the middle of the 16th century, which is said to have miraculous powers. Between 1999 and 2003, the whole complex was carefully restored. In the little church, this also led to the renewal of the windows and the benches, which – in harmony with the surroundings – are now simple and linear. Thus, the light penetrates through seven beautiful glass panes that seem to communicate with the faithful through their symbolic meaning of colors and number.


    Forts & Castles
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    There used to be two large residential units here: in the front part was the house of the tailor Ulrich Leb, mentioned in 1523, called am "Prunnen", named after the village fountain which stood in front of this house until the first decade of the 21st century; and in the rear part of the house was the "Haus an der Stiegen", first mentioned in 1526 with Conz Puphtaler. Inhabitants of these houses include cobblers, coopers, bailiffs and schoolmasters. Even a baking oven is mentioned: in the 17th century, when Montan had no baker of its own, the "Brothieter" also served bread here from time to time.

    Peter, Elisabeth and Anna Terleth were the last private owners from 1875. With a foundation, they laid the foundation stone for the old people's home that has stood here since 2010.

    The farm gate to the east and the farmhouse parlour to the south have been preserved from the old days and have both been well integrated into the new building.

    Forts & Castles
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Once the "Wirtshaus am Steg". In 1523 the Leb family lived here. Ulrich Leb, called Uez, was a master tailor. In 1568, a bakery with master baker Hans Taz is mentioned for the first time on the lower floor. On the upper floor is the inn, which was probably run as such until the first half of the 17th century. Attempts to make it an inn again in 1670 and 1699 were successfully stopped by the then existing inns "Am Löwen" and "An der Rose" with reference to the few guest houses. After numerous changes of ownership in the following decades, several doctors of wounds moved in here one after the other from 1774 onwards. Only with the Wegscheider family, who have owned the house for several generations, does this place regain its former purpose and become a village bakery and also an inn again.

    The two oculi in the attic are remarkable. These openings, also called "ox eyes", are still a widespread element in the façades of historic houses in Montan today.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Stephanus
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Stephanus Church was originally built in Romanesque style around the year 1200. Afterwards the church was rebuilt in the Gothic style. Inside the church there's the famous winged altar, which was created around 1485 by the South-Tyrolean artist Hans Klocker. Today, this altar is one of the biggest and most beautiful winged altars of Tyrol.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Capuchin monastery
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Capuchin monastery and its small church were built between 1617 and 1620. The church has a simple design in accordance with the style and regulations of the Capuchin Order: simple in terms of furnishings, bare walls, barrel vaults, and a side chapel on the south side. The high altar is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. The pulpit and the side altars are neo-Romanesque and date back to the 19th century. The altar of the side chapel contains a statue of the mother of God with Child from the middle of the 16th century, which is said to have miraculous powers. Between 1999 and 2003, the whole complex was carefully restored. In the little church, this also led to the renewal of the windows and the benches, which – in harmony with the surroundings – are now simple and linear. Thus, the light penetrates through seven beautiful glass panes that seem to communicate with the faithful through their symbolic meaning of colors and number.

    Forts & Castles
    Center of Montan/Montagna
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Montan/Montagna is located at the border of the Trudner Horn/Monte Corno Nature Park and surrounded by vineyards and orchards. Paved alleys and colorful buildings characterize the historic center of Montan. The parish church was built in the 12th century and is dedicated to Saint Bartholomew. The Schloss Enn/Castel d'Enna is located high above the village and was built in 1172 by the Lords of Enn. The small hamlets of Pinzon/Pinzano, Gschnon/Casignano, Kaltenbrunn/Fontanefredde, Glen/Gleno, and Kalditsch/Doladizza also belong to Montan. The plateau is characterized by the typical vineyards, where the best Pinot Noir wines of South Tyrol thrive. Montan is a popular starting point for numerous hikes and mountain bike tours.