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    Kultura a památky v jižním Tyrolsku

    Jižní Tyrolsko nabízí bohatství kulturních památek a zajímavostí. Objevte historické budovy, malebná náměstí a fascinující muzea, která vám přiblíží historii a kulturu tohoto regionu. Nechte se okouzlit jeho kulturní rozmanitostí a prožijte nezapomenutelné chvíle.

    Culture & Attractions
    The stone "Dürerstein" in Chiusa/Klausen
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    One wrote the year 1494 as the young artist ALBRECHT DÜRER made a stop in Klausen during his Italy journey. Today a beautiful walk leads to these slopes from Klausen. From this promising place the painter drew the city of Klausen. The result of its feather was lost later, but a copper engraving "Das große Glück" ( the great fortune) is delivered: Klausen calls itself also the "Small Dürer Town": Who wants to visit this place, goes today to the "Dürerstein".

    Culture & Attractions
    Dr. Franz Tappeiner Memorial
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs

    Tappeiner was a doctor, scientist, and champion of tourism in Merano: there is commemorative statue along the promenade that bears his name.

    Culture & Attractions
    View of the Three Peaks
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    The View of the Three Peaks is located in the Landro Valley. From there you have an amazing view to the Three Peaks. The Dolomite, with the Three Peaks, takes part ot the UNESCO World Heritage. The platform also serves as a starting point for hikes in summer. Around the platform there are several information boards that explain the special features and characteristics of the Three Peaks region.

    Culture & Attractions
    European larch
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta


    Culture & Attractions
    Lake Felixer Weiher
    U.L.Frau i.W.-St. Felix/Senale-S.Felice, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Lake Tret – also called Lake Santa Maria – is located in Alta Val di Non near St. Felix, at the point where South Tyrol and the Italian-speaking Trentino meet. The way to the sea proceeds through the forest and across larch meadows, by the wayside we watch various forest flowers and many butterflies.

    Culture & Attractions
    Market in S. Cristina
    S.Crestina Gherdëina/Santa Cristina Val Gardana, Dolomites Region Val Gardena

    On Wednesdays you can find our weekly market on the Town Hall Square in S. Cristina where they offer fresh fruits and vegetables, cloths and other. The market is smaller in winter.

    Culture & Attractions
    Natural Heritage Glacier Lodner Ferner / Cima Fiammante
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    The western Lodner glacier is located between the Lodnerspitze (3,228) in the south and the Hohe Weiße (3,278) in the north. 
    About 20 years ago, the glacier extended from a height of 2,780 m to a height of 3,180 m and covered an area of 25 ha.
    In recent years, this glacier has also receded considerably and no longer reaches these dimensions. Today, the glacier extends from about 2,855 m to 3,030 m. The only larger ice field that can be seen is about 200 m x 200 m, which is an area of 4 ha. In former times, the northern flank of the Lodnerspitze (3,228) was covered with ice all the way to the peak, but today only three or four small ice fields remain as reminders of this.
    Four to five smaller ice fields can still be seen on the southern flank of the Hohe Weiße (3,278). The rest of the ice is covered with rocks that fall from the wall.

    Source: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano ripartizione Natura, Paesaggio e Sviluppo del Territorio

    Culture & Attractions
    The Chestnut Trees of Köstental Valley in Aicha
    Natz-Schabs/Naz-Sciaves, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    East of Aicha at an altitude of 700 m, lies the Köstental chestnut orchard in a conservation zone. During the Medieval Period, the chestnut (also known as the poor man’s bread) was a staple food of the population, but nowadays it is a soughtafter delicacy forming part of the classical South Tyrolean cuisine. Today, the traditional fruit is a rarity in the South Tyrolean cuisine and the highlight of the traditional Törggelen in the Eisacktal Valley.

    Culture & Attractions
    South Tyrol Museum of Natural History
    Bolzano/Bozen, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Museum of Nature South Tyrol lies in the ancient administrative Headquarters of the Emperor of Austria, Maximilian the First. The variety of South Tyrolean landscape is exhibited on a surface of 100 square metres, with special regard to the Birth of the Dolomites. The main attraction is the marine aquarium, as well as the temporary exhibitions.

    Culture & Attractions
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta


    Culture & Attractions
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta


    Culture & Attractions
    War Cemetery
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    On 23rd May 1915, the Kingdom of Italy declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Italian army occupied Cortina, and the troops of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy withdrew to the Monte Lagazuoi to defend the Val Badia/Gadertal and Val Pusteria/Pustertal valleys. Both armies dug themselves in defensive trenches along the ridges of the Monte Lagazuoi and many other Dolomite mountains. The mountains were to become the scene of an incredible high-altitude war.

    The War Cemetery is the last home of non-Germanspeaking Austro-Hungarian soilders.

    Culture & Attractions
    Iceman Ötzi Peak
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    Standing at the summit cross and enjoying the breathtaking panoramic view of the mountain world as well as the Iceman did 5,300 years ago - this is now possible on the new viewing platform „Iceman Ötzi Peak. “

    The route up to the viewing platform at 3,251 meters above sea level begins in Maso Corto. The Glacier Cable Car takes you up to 3,212 meters, to the mountain station and the Glacier Hotel Grawand, the highest hotel in Europe.

    The steel construction, designed and built by South Tyrolean technicians and companies, can be reached safely and comfortably via a staircase with handrail in 10 minutes from the mountain station.

    Once at the top, you will discover the snowfield of the Similaun (3,606 m), where the oldest and most famous glacier mummy in the world was found.

    You can also catch a glimpse of the Alto Giogo Glacier and the watershed that forms the national border between Austria and Italy, as it were:  Up here, the water flows once into the Black Sea and once into the Adriatic.

    The path of Transhumance can also be seen from the platform. This centuries-old tradition was recently listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
    Culture & Attractions
    Norway spruce
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta


    Culture & Attractions
    Natural Heritage Tablander Lacken
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs
    The two Tablander Lacken lakes are situated the west of the Tschigat (3,000 m) in shallow basins lime-covered by ice-age glaciers, which are framed by the Plattenspitze (2,828 m), the Tschigat and the Partschinser Rötelspitze (3,037 m) and are open to the west.
    The Great Lake (2,649 m) is 160 m long, 90 m wide and about 8 m deep. The inflow comes from the slopes of the Rötelspitze. Most of the outflow runs underground into the Zieltal valley.
    The Small Lake (2,666 m) is 50 m long and 40 m wide and has no visible inflow or outflow.

    (Source: Menara H. & Rampold J. 1976: Südtiroler Bergseen. Athesia Bozen.)
    Culture & Attractions
    Natural Heritage Blaue Lacke/Pozza azzurra
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    The small mountain lake "Blaue Lacke" is located in the basin of the Blaulackenkopf, the Kreuzspitze and the Texelspitze and lies at approx. 2915 m.
    Size: approx. 105 x 65 m;
    Colour: brownish-green, murky water;
    The lake lies lonely and alone. At present only a small slope glacier remains.
    It has changed a lot in the last 10 years and has shrunk considerably.

    It is best reached from Katharinaberg, via the Schrofl-Hof, from there continue in the direction of the Mair-Alm, then take path no. 9 to the GinglJoch, which lies at 2938 m; now go left up over large stone slopes to the Blaulackenkopf (3163 m), from here the lake is clearly visible.

    (Source: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano / Ripartizione Natura, Paesaggio e Sviluppo del Territorio)
    Culture & Attractions
    Natural Heritage Chestnut Oberweirach-Hof
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    Registered as a natural monument since 1979 with the Provincia Autonoma of Bolzano Department of Nature, Landscape and Spatial Development. The reason for protection is its aesthetic peculiarity.

    The sweet chestnut tree is located directly at the Oberweirachhof in Töll, Via Weirachweg and can be visited during a hike along the Peter Mitterhofer cultural hiking trail.

    The Oberweirachhof is located near the Buschenschank Unterweirachhof (here you can find the natural monument grapevine "Weißer Heunischer").

    The crown of the chestnut tree is densely leafy and well formed. It projects over the nearby Talgütl farm.

    Culture & Attractions
    Natural Heritage Chestnut Happichl
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    Registered as a natural monument since 1979 with the Provincia Autonoma of Bolzano Department of Nature, Landscape and Spatial Development.

    The reason for protection is the great age of the tree and its aesthetic peculiarity.
    The chestnut is located directly at the Happichlhof (Happichl Inn) in Rabland/Rablà in Geroldstraße/Via Gerold and can be visited during a hike along the Rablander Waalweg/sentiero della roggia di Rablà (irrigation channel).

    According to the owner, the roots reach under the adjacent barn of the Happichlhof (distance 10 m).

    As a result of its free standing, it was able to develop unconfined.
    The trunk divides into two main branches at a height of 6 m.

    Culture & Attractions
    The world's largest nativity scene
    S.Crestina Gherdëina/Santa Cristina Val Gardana, Dolomites Region Val Gardena

    Since 2000, the world's largest nativity scene has been displayed in the Iman Sports Centre in S. Cristina. The project is beeing carried out by a group of 18 sculptors. It was initiated in 1998 with the first statue being that of the Holy Mary with Baby Jesus. Creativity, sensibility, sense of art and skill fostered the idea: St. Joseph, the Magi, a shepherd, a donkey, three sheep, an Angel and a camel are now part of the scene, and the family continues to grow year after year.

    Culture & Attractions
    Purging buckthorn
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta


    Culture & Attractions
    Natural Heritage Vine White Heunischer
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    Growing on the west side of Unterweirachhof farm is an approximately 250-year-old vine of the Weißer Heunischer grape variety, which has been placed under protection as a natural monument.

    Tradition has it that this vine was destroyed by the French during the pillaging of the courtyard during the Napoleonic Wars in 1809. When the farm was rebuilt in 1810, the vine began to sprout again. The base of the grapevine has a circumference of 106 cm.

    This formerly widespread grape varietal can now be found almost solely on old stock located on the viticultural fringes. Since it is a winter-hardy variety, it is also said: “From loden skirts and the Heunischer vine, Tyroleans shall never part.”

    The Fachschule für Obst-, Wein- und Gartenbau Laimburg (College for Fruit, Wine and Horticulture) used seedlings of this Heunischer to include them in the collection of old grape varieties.

    Culture & Attractions
    Natural Heritage Glacier Roteck Ferner / Großer Trüb Ferner
    Schnals/Senales, Meran/Merano and environs
    Between the 3,337 m high Roteckspitze and the 3,254 m high Rotwand, the glacier "Roteck Ferner" extends in an easterly direction.
    The former direction of flow of the glacier can be seen very clearly in the lateral moraines, which point in the direction of the Zieltal valley and are partly already overgrown with cushion vegetation and grasses. In the upper part of the cirque, the glacier is partly covered with metres of very large boulders. The rock that falls and is carried down the valley by the ice consists mainly of muscovite schist and paragneiss in this area. The Ferner used to have an ice surface of 50 ha, of which about 30 ha are left today.

    Source: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano ripartizione Natura, Paesaggio e Sviluppo del Territorio
    Culture & Attractions
    Snowy mespilus
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta


    Culture & Attractions
    Meran/Merano, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Wandelhalle was originally erected in the 1860s, to provide sheltered seating for visitors. It was meant to provide shelter and thus to enable visitors to enjoy the sunshine and the mild local climate even in winter. The Wandelhalle quickly became a popular gathering spot and was enlarged in 1891. There are busts of distinguished citizens in the middle section or Ehrenhalle (hall of honour), while the side walls are adorned with landscape depictions by such stellar artists as Franz Lenhart, Rudolf Complojer and Peter Demetz.

    Culture & Attractions
    Dog rose
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta


    Culture & Attractions
    Lake of Landro
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    From Dobbiaco in Alta Pusteria you can reach the Landro lake in the Landro-Valley. It is already in the Three Peaks Nature Park, so it is a protected area, and the Fanes-Sennes-Braies Nature Park is directly adjacent to its western shore. The magnificent mountain scenery around the turquoise-green Dolomite lake is known far and wide: The view reaches as far as the Cristallo Group in the Ampezzo Dolomites, and near the lake, in the direction of Dobbiaco, is the well-known "Three Peaks View" with a view of the world-famous Three Peaks.                                                                         

    Culture & Attractions
    Langsee Lake
    Ulten/Ultimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    The end of the Ultental Valley is without a doubt a true power spot. The mystic Langsee lake lies in a hollow fed by numerous block glacier springs. Formed by the retreat of the glaciers of the Ice Age, this mountain lake presents itself as a true work of art of nature. Many legends entwine around this wonderful place of power, which was already visited in the Stone Age as a resting place for hunters.

    Culture & Attractions
    Place of power below Kreuzstein
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road
    Our hiking tip: Outside the Kreuzstein Inn You follow the path a few minutes down to this special place of energy. (Time: approx. 15 minutes)
    Churches & Monasteries
    The church of St. John of Nepomuk in Ranui
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The tiny church founded in 1744 by the mine owner, Michael von Jenner, is nestled in extraordinary countryside. The altar paintings by Franz Sebald Unterberger from the Fleim Valley are particullary noteworthy. The church is privately owned and the access is subject to a fee.
    However, the church remains closed. 

    Please do not enter the meadows surrounded by fence.

    Culture & Attractions
    Three Peaks
    Sexten/Sesto, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    The Three Peaks are the landmark of the Dolomites and the nature highlight of the Holiday Region 3 Peaks in the Dolomites. The Three Peaks are situated in the Three Peaks nature park and in 2009 they were declared UNESCO World Heritage, as were all other peaks of the Dolomites.

    The three battlement-like peaks consist mainly of dolomite:

    • The Cima Grande measures a proud 2,999 metres
    • The Cima Occidentale 2,973 metres
    • And the Cima Piccola 2,857 metres

    Among climbers the Three Peaks are one of the most popular destinations in the Alps, offering numerous climbing routes of various levels of difficulty.
    Alpine climbers began to conquer these most important peaks in the Dolomites from 1860. Paul Grohmann from Vienna was the first climber of many of the summits of the eastern Dolomites. In 1869 Grohmann started from Landro and, together with Franz Innerkofler and Peter Salcher, conquered the Cima Grande di Lavaredo. With the construction of the Val Pusteria railway line in 1871 the number of alpine climbers increased steadily.