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    Kultura a památky v jižním Tyrolsku

    Jižní Tyrolsko nabízí bohatství kulturních památek a zajímavostí. Objevte historické budovy, malebná náměstí a fascinující muzea, která vám přiblíží historii a kulturu tohoto regionu. Nechte se okouzlit jeho kulturní rozmanitostí a prožijte nezapomenutelné chvíle.

    The blue flower of Anterivo

    The blue flower of Anterivo/Altrei

    The variety of Blu Lupine known as "Altrei Coffee" is specific to the area in South Tyrol, and is connectend with numerous exciting stories. For dacades, this plant yielded a coffee which - when mixed with barley or wheat - was a popular drink sold by the village womenfolk. To be exact, the "coffee bean" of Anterivo/Altrei  is neither a bean nor a coffee:lt isa lupine (botanical name:Lupinus pilosus - meaning "hairy lupine") referrend to in the local dialect as "Voltruier Kaffee.

    "Altrei Coffee" is a plant which grows to a height of up to 120 cm. lt grows vertically, and forms taugh twigs. the leaves are coverend with silky hairs. The glorious blossoms are grouped together in bunches on stems about 5-15 cm long. The flower corolla has a bright blue color with yellowish white and occasional pink points

    Lupines belong to the family of legumes (Leguminosae) and are thus related to such garden vegetables as beans and peas.

    The hotel and restaurant of Anterivo/Altrei offer their guests a variety of culinary delights from Altrei coffee/Lupine.

    Info: +39 0471 882077 - +39 0471 869078
    Contact: Ludwig Depaoli - Tel. +39 333 531 2643

    Mill museum im Thal

    What nowadays functions on electricity, once upon a time was driven by watercraft. How this was made, and other interesting things about different handicrafts, you can experience in our mill museum. July–August every saturday with guide to the mills Meeting place: Aldino, 9 a.m.

    Culture & Attractions
    Old Grapevine
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Ancient domestic grapevine in Magrè In the Vicolo dei Conti in Margreid, a house grape which was planted in 1601 covers the entire facade of the Feichter residence and still proudly produces 80 kg of grapes for harvest every year.

    Museum of Popular Culture
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Museum of Popular Culture is situated in a historical building under the arcades of Neumarkt/Egna. You can visit the living space of a middle-class family of the 19th an 20th century.

    With an extensive collection of furniture and utensils used in everyday life, the museum gives insight into a long-gone way of life. Thus, in the museum you can find a playroom, sewing room, a kitchen with pantry, as well as a salon and a bedroom.

    Nature Park House Gfrill / Cauria
    Salorno/Salurn, Alto Adige Wine Road

    In addition to the existing Nature Park House in Truden, an information point for the Trudner Horn Nature Park was opened in Gfrill (Salurn) in 2014. Right next to the car park, visitors will find the most important information about  Gfrill, interesting facts about water and hiking suggestions in the southern part of the Trudner Horn Nature Park. Special attention is also paid to the wetlands, birdlife and amphibians of the nature park.

    Free entry
    Monte Corno Nature Park visitor centre

    The Monte Corno visitor centre is located in the building of the “old mill” in the centre of Trodena. Under the theme “Make visible the hidden” it gives information on the biodiversity of the Nature Park Monte Corno. Furthermore, the visitor also gets information about the geological structure, the flora and fauna of the nature park as well as on the culture and history of the place. Centrepiece of the house is certainly the electricity-powered elevator mill buildt 1948-49. It's three stories high and the only one in South Tyrol which works today. The flour, which is being grinded in the summer season on the mill grinding days, is used for baking bread.

    In the year 2020 we enjoy 40 years Nature Park.

    The Visit centre is open also on Sunday during the months July, August and September.


    Forts & Castles
    Haderburg/ Castello di Salorno
    Salorno/Salurn, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The castle of Salorno stands imposingly on the rocks above the village and is the symbol of the village. Its position makes it one of the most impressive ruins in the Alps. It was built in the Middle Age and during the time it was constantly enlarged. It was in possession of different nobel families and since the 17th century it belongs to the descendants of Earl Zenobio-Albrizzi from Venice. Thank to their help the castle was restored. Since 2003 it can be visited during summer. Nowadays there take place many cultural events during the warm season.

    There is a path called "Way of visions" which leads to the hill of the castle in 20 minutes (by foot).

    Museum of People through Time
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Museum of People through Time documents the impressive life of humankind over different periods. With more than 5,000 exhibits you can discover, step by step, the development from prehistoric man, who lived from hunting and collecting edibles, up to modern civilization. Admission ticket: €5.50 adults €4.00 groups (10 or more) €2.50 children (7-14 years, in classes) €11.00 families

    Places to See
    Mansio Endidae
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    During some excavations in the "Kahn" area in 1983, remains of an ancient Roman edifice were found. Those remains almost certainly belong to the "Endidae Mansio," which appears in the "Itinerarium Antonini." The large edifice with ground area of 737 m² featured a rectangular shape with a huge arcade and a central, partly roofed court. Several rooms were built around the court, which were probably relaxation rooms (cubicula) and a kitchen.


    Places to See
    Trudner Horn/Monte Corno Nature Park

    One of the seven nature parks in South Tyrol is the Trudner Horn/ Monte Corno Nature Park. It covers an area of 6,851 hectares and includes the municipalities of Truden/Trodena, Altrei/Anterivo, Montan/Montagna, Neumarkt/Egna, and Salorno/Salurn. It is bordered to the north by the foothills of the Val di Fiemme, to the southeast by the Val Cembra, and to the west by the Adige Valley between Neumarkt and the Salorno hermitage. It owes its name to the 1,781-meter-high Trudner Horn, a mountain of the Fiemme valley Alps. Due to its location and the sub-Mediterranean climate zone, the protected area offers the most species-rich flora and fauna of all South Tyrolean nature parks.

    Places to See
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    A dozen mighty sequoias, up to 40 metres high, which were planted in 1898 at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the crowning of the Austrian Emperor Franz-Josef, decorate the small high plateau of Fennhals.

    Geomuseum Radein
    The Bletterbach gorge between Aldein and Radein is an attraction for geologists and has been considered a worthwhile object of research for decades. The exhibition at the GEOmuseum shows fossilized plants etc. Particularly impressive are the many dinosaur tracks.
    Cultural centres and theatre
    Cortaccia Hall
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Event venue of Kurtatsch/Cortaccia with stage and seating for 200 people

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Johann´s Church in Taufers i.M.
    Taufers im Münstertal/Tubre, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    In 1220, the Church of San Giovanni/ St. Johann in Taufers was built as a Romanesque church in the shape of a cross. The fully frescoed groined vault depicts its Byzantine influence. It is worth seeing the Late Romanesque frescoes. Whole sections of the walls of the predecessor church from the 9th century were used to build the church. 
    Later, the church was used as a hospice church and served as a common room and sleeping place for pilgrims. 

    The church S. Johann in Taufers is open every day from 9.30 a.m. until 5.00 p.m..

    Other service providers
    Castel Katzenzungen in Prissian/Prissiano
    Tisens/Tesimo, Meran/Merano and environs

    Castel Katzenzungen was first mentioned in 1244 when it was owned by Henricus de Cazenzunge. Between the 16th and the 18th Century, the castle had its golden age when it was owned by the Lords von Breisach, who originally came from Alsace. Then, it was one of the most elegant aristocratic residences in the country. With the extinction of this dynasty, the Renaissance sastle was transformed into farming area and was only renovated after the Pobitzer family from Meran bought the grounds in 1978. For some years, Castel Katzenzungen with its magnificent rooms, panelled Renaissance lounges, the black smoking kitchen and the arched ceiling cellars has been used once again for its original purpose, which is that of a „summer residence“. The programme features in particular cultural and gastronomic events.

    In front of the castle, below the stone bridge leading to the castle entrance, the largest and probably oldest vine in the world thrives. According to the latest scientific findings, the white wine vine "Versoaln" is at least 360 years old and its 300 m² canopy of foliage springs from only one rootstock.

    Forts & Castles
    Gate Tower Sluderno
    Glurns/Glorenza, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Since 2011 the Schluderns Gate Tower in Glurns hosts a permanent exhibition concerning the history of this little medieval town, such as trade, customs, daily life and curiosities.

    Culture & Attractions
    Owl Park San Vigilio
    Al Plan/San Vigilio, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    The owl park counts more than 90 birds, including owls and other birds of prey. Besides teaching, one of the important aims is the conservation of species, some of which are at risk of extinction. We invite you to come and visit these beautiful creatures.

    Opening hours summer 2023

    Solo tour without guide
    10am - 5.30pm - Monday closing day - July and August no closing day!
    Admission: 15 € adults - 10 € children from 5-12 - 3 € children from 0-4

    Didactic visit with flight demonstration:
    1/7 - 31/8 at 3pm each day (duration approx. 2 hours).
    Admission: 20 € adults - 15 € children from 5-12 - 5 € children from 0-4
    --> Info:(+39) 393 875 54 24

    5.7. - 30.8. (every Wednesday) from 10pm to 11pm.
    Admission: 20 € adults - 15 € children from 5-12 - 3 € children from 0-4
    Registration required: www.sanvigilio.com

    Forts & Castles
    Schluderns/Sluderno, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Ganglegg is the best-researched fortified Bronze-Age/Iron-Age Alpine settlement in the entire Alpine region.

    Culture & Attractions
    Multscher and City Museum Sterzing
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The Multscher and Town Museum of Sterzing is housed in the Deutschhaus, a former Teutonic Order commandery next to the parish church. The museum houses the largest part of the former late Gothic altarpiece by the famous sculptor and painter Hans Multscher from Ulm. The altar wings are amongst the most important works of art in the southern German region and are considered the last major work of the Ulm master. The altar was created between 1456 and 1459 for the parish church „Unsere liebe Frau im Moos”.

    Furthermore, the museum houses imperial fiefs and confirmation documents, privileges and regulations of various craft guilds, seals, guild signs, and guild chests. The premises themselves are already a sight worth seeing and worth a visit. They serve as an information source about the local history of the Brothers and Knights of the Teutonic Order (1254-1809). Particularly noteworthy is the "Count's Room" („Grafenzimmer"), where valuable ceiling frescoes from four different South Tyrolean monasteries are located, and on the walls, there is a panoramic view of the Sterzing basin with culturally significant details. An insight into St. Elisabeth's Church completes the visit.

    The museum is about five minutes away from the town center of Sterzing.

    Guided tours by appointment: +39 0472 766464 | museum@sterzing.eu

    Culture & Attractions
    Castelfeder Biotope
    Auer/Ora, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Castelfeder (from castello, the Italian word for castle) is nestled between the holiday villages on this strategically important porphyry hill. Castelfeder is a prehistoric and Roman as well as early medieval settlement characterized by the remnants of several structures and buildings on a large hilltop. It is a true place of energy and a popular destination for excursions, especially in spring. Today, sections of the encircling defensive wall with the well-known "Kuchelen" castle walls, and parts of the Barbara chapel from the 6th century can still be seen. In addition, the sunny Castelfeder hill fascinates with its unique and diverse flora. A special feature is the smoothly polished fertility chute carved in porphyry. It was a central component of an ancient cult. Rumor has it that even today sliding down it results in the arrival of a much yearned-for baby.

    Production facilities, farm shops
    Farm Egghof
    Taufers im Münstertal/Tubre, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Delicacies directly from the farm:

    Products: goat's fresh cheese

    Culture & Attractions
    "Kesselegg" viewpoint
    Taufers im Münstertal/Tubre, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
    The Kesselegg is a special viewpoint in Taufers in the Münstertal valley.

    From the village centre (town hall), take the road up to the sports field. From there, follow the tarmac road briefly upwards and at the end turn right along path no. 7 to "Dreiangel". The path on the left takes you from the village to the viewpoint on the Kesslegg in approx. 1 hour.
    Museum Haderburg
    Salorno/Salurn, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The museum "Avventura Haderburg" shows the historical background of the medieval castle and his residents. There is illustrated the development of the castle, the weir system, the habitation and also the decline of the castle. Over 100 artefacts explain the importance of the castle.

    Production facilities, farm shops
    Bio-Distillery Steiner
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Bio Distillery

    It was always the passion of Friedrich Steiner, to use products from the direct surroundings for the bio distillery Steiner. Since 2006 he is making distillates with highest bio quality.

    You find exquisite quality fires and liqueurs, restored to health from fruits from a biological cultivation or wild collection in the bio quality distillery Steiner which are from our near surroundings.

    Meanwhile we have an extensive assortment develop. 13 quality fires from fruit and 14 noble liqueurs from most exquisite fruits and special berries.

    The distillates and liqueurs of Mr Steiner were repeatedly already awarded at the "Destillata" which the quality of the products underlines.

    You are welcome to convince themselves of the distillates in the Bio Hotel Panorama

    Leaderships take place in the Bio Hotel Panorama every Monday at 9.15 pm on reservation (German or Italian language).

    Culture & Attractions
    Dürer Path
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    During his first trip to Italy in 1494, the famous German painter Albrecht Dürer had to deviate from his route to Venice because of a flood on the Adige River. After possibly spending the night in the monastery "Klösterle" of St. Florian/San Floriano or in Neumarkt/Egna, he probably arrived at the Freedom Square in Laag/Laghetti and from there took the path over the Sauch Saddle into the Cembra Valley. This assumption is based on Dürer's watercolors of Segonzano Castle and a mill. Today it is possible to follow Dürer's footsteps on the Dürer path of the same name, which begins in St. Florian near Laag.

    Places to See
    Hill Castelfeder
    Auer/Ora, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The fertile terrace between Auer/Ora, Neumarkt/Egna, and Montan/Montagna is an ancient cultural landscape. Castelfeder was the center of human existence in the south of South Tyrol for thousands of years. There are traces of settlements from the Stone and Bronze Ages. The remains of a castle complex, the legendary fertility chute and the walls of the Barbara Chapel bear witness to a mystical past. Also, Raetians, Romans, and other tribes who settled in the area around the hill retreated to the 400-meter-high hill in troubled times and left their traces.

    After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire had Castelfeder refortified as a bastion against the Germanic tribes shortly after the year 500. On this "acropolis," hundreds of people could find refuge together with their cattle and supplies. The last remains of the 500-meter-long ring wall of this largest fortress of the Adige Valley are the "Kuchelen," whose construction resembles the city wall of Constantinople.

    Because of the Mediterranean vegetation, the area was called the "Arcadia of Tyrol" by romantic poets. The Castelfeder hill is important not only from an archaeological and historical point of view, but also from an ecological one. Thus, a zone with an area of about one hundred hectares was placed under landscape protection as a biotope years ago. Due to the Mediterranean climate, it is particularly mild on the hill as early as March. Today, Castelfeder is home to some animals that have become rare in Europe. The biotope's flora and fauna can be explored on the nature discovery trail.
    Places to See
    Big stone
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    This large stone from the Bronze Age can be found along the Grauner Weg, but unfortunately, its original place of origin is not known. Its many engraved symbols are still a mystery today.

    Stone of mica schist with 53 sunken bowls. They point to ancient sacrificial and cult ceremonies. Furthermore, two ships and a
    Swastika can be seen (a sun). These type of stones ​​date back to the Bronze Age. The remaining symbols may have been engraved
    later. The exact location where it was found in Graun is unknown.
    Culture & Attractions
    Freienfeld Menhir
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    When the menhir was discovered during excavations, it stood at the western corner of Freienfeld Manor in burnt black soil, surrounded by a circle of stones. Some of these stones still circle the menhir.

    The menhir is, in comparison to other menhirs, primitive, yet there is clear evidence of workmanship. The glacial erratic of quartz phyllite is 1.65 m high with a circumference of 1.95 m and is reminiscent of a cyclopic giant.

    As with other menhirs, it is likely anthropomorphous and imitates, though remotely, the stature of a person. The menhir was presumably a place for worship of gods, heros or the dead. It is probably a male menhir, with three aligned holes, and wearing a clearly visible collar.