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    Vzdálenost v km
    Jídlo a pití
    Lyžařská střediska
    Zajímavá místa

    Energetická místa

    V Jižním Tyrolsku jsou místa, která vyzařují zvláštní energii. V tichu lesa, na vyvýšených vyhlídkách nebo za zdmi kláštera – tam všude můžete naslouchat svému nitru a načerpat nové síly.

    Places to See
    Men of Stone "Stoanerne Mandln"
    Sarntal/Sarentino, Meran/Merano and environs

    Hiking up to see the Stoanernen Mandln, which translates roughly to ‘Men of Stone’, is quite a popular excursion.

    The stone men are located atop a remarkable knoll on Alpine pasture and tower at an elevation of 2,000 metres above the municipality of Tschögglberg mountain plateau, looking out over the Sarentino Alps. Human figures made of stone such as these can also be found in other parts of South Tyrol: they served as a landmark frequently or were simply built by shepherds to pass the time.

    Prehistoric flint tools and stone carvings have been found at the Stoanernen Mandln, however, demonstrating that this stone knoll has served as a passage from the Adige Valley into the Sarentino Valley for millennia.

    Mythology and Witchcraft:
    Myriad tales are linked to this place. In early modern times, people believed witches met with the devil up there, celebrating wild festivals, changing the weather, and sending strong thunderstorms down into the valley.

    Tip: Sunrise and sunset hikes.

    Places to See
    Beimstein Knott
    Vöran/Verano, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Beimstein Knott knoll is particularly impressive for its stunning view overlooking the village of Vöran/Verano.
    The new “Attimo” installation on the red rock here is comprised of five chairlift seats placed in a row, representing an imaginary chairlift.
    The artists: architects Verena and David Messner

    This "Knott" is one of the three "tuff knolls" (Rotstein, Beimstein and Unterstein Knott), they are of volcanic origin and are unparalleled in South Tyrol.

    The Beimstein Knott is part of the new circular hike Knottnkino³.

    Lakes, cascades
    waterfalls of Barbian
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Another important attraction was not created by builders but by nature: the Barbian waterfalls. The Ganderbach (stream), which is near Kollmann and flows into the Eisack river, which has a length of almost 6 kilometres. At the point of 1,510 metres above sea level, the stream falls over several rock cliffs down into the valley. The lower part of the waterfall with his 85 metres is the highest of the waterfalls at Barbian. From here, you can reach the upper part of the waterfall on a marked, wild and romantic path.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Marienberg Monastery
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Marienberg Abbey above Burgeis/ Burgusio dates back to the 12th Century. The highest located Benedictine abbey in Europe is situated at an altitude of 1,340 m a.s.l., since 900 years monks live here according to the rules of Saint Benedict of Nursia. Today, the main hall displays impressions about the daily life of the monks marked by Benedict's credo ora et labora. The exhibition displays also beautiful paintings such as the Romanesque Crypt frescoe with its unique depiction of angels.

    Special exhibitions:

    - Marienberg in front of and behind the lens
    - Maria

    Guided Tours
    All information about guided tours and timetables can be found at https://www.marienberg.it/en/museum/guided-tours.html.

    Places to See
    Earth pyramids Ritten
    Ritten/Renon, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    The Renon earth pyramids are the highest and the most aesthetically pleasing in Europe. Earth pyramids are a phenomenon of erosion. They originate where ice-age glaciers have deposited moraine clay in valleys. When it is dry, it is rock-hard. If it comes into contact with water, it turns into a clayey pulp that flows down into the valley. However, when protected from the rain by large stones, the clay remains dry and hard. Only the part around the stone erodes. This is how earth columns are formed and become higher each time it rains. If the top stone falls off the peak, the column is certainly doomed to a quick decline because the clay is exposed to the rain and then carried away by it. The earth pyramids on the Renon can be marvelled at in three ravines: in the Rio Fosco valley between Longomoso and S. Maria, in the Rio Rivellone valley below Soprabolzano and in the valley of the Rio Gasterer at Auna di Sotto.

    Places to See
    Karlotten Kofel
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
    Not far from Seis, there is a hushed spot with a view beyond compare: The Karlotten Kofel hill. At the highest point of the volcanic rock and at the foot of the shimmering red porphyry of the mountain face, the incredible view opens out onto the mighty massif of the Schlern - and no less than seven chruch towers! Through the heat of the lava and the exceptionally sunny location, the vegetation here is surprisingly Mediterranean.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Chapel St. Peter am Kofl
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    From the pilgrimage church in Santa Maria, via several stations of the Cross, a meditation road (built in 1996) leads you to the oldest religious sanctum of the Alta Pusteria Valley: St. Peter am Kofl. It is said that the chapel was used as a refuge for some priests during the turmoil of the mass migrations from Aguntum (near Lienz in Eastern Tyrol). St. Peter am Kofl was first mentined in 1329 and later renovated in 1987.

    Places to See
    Hill Castelfeder
    Montan/Montagna, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The fertile terrace between Auer/Ora, Neumarkt/Egna, and Montan/Montagna is an ancient cultural landscape. Castelfeder was the center of human existence in the south of South Tyrol for thousands of years. There are traces of settlements from the Stone and Bronze Ages. The remains of a castle complex, the legendary fertility chute and the walls of the Barbara Chapel bear witness to a mystical past. Also, Raetians, Romans, and other tribes who settled in the area around the hill retreated to the 400-meter-high hill in troubled times and left their traces.

    After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire had Castelfeder refortified as a bastion against the Germanic tribes shortly after the year 500. On this "acropolis," hundreds of people could find refuge together with their cattle and supplies. The last remains of the 500-meter-long ring wall of this largest fortress of the Adige Valley are the "Kuchelen," whose construction resembles the city wall of Constantinople.

    Because of the Mediterranean vegetation, the area was called the "Arcadia of Tyrol" by romantic poets. The Castelfeder hill is important not only from an archaeological and historical point of view, but also from an ecological one. Thus, a zone with an area of about one hundred hectares was placed under landscape protection as a biotope years ago. Due to the Mediterranean climate, it is particularly mild on the hill as early as March. Today, Castelfeder is home to some animals that have become rare in Europe. The biotope's flora and fauna can be explored on the nature discovery trail.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Trechiese Barbiano/Dreikirchen Barbian
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Three small churches, the church of Saint Gertraud, Saint Nikolaus and Saint Magdalena, built in the 12th and 15th century in an incredibly beautiful location with a fantastic view over the Isarco Valley. Visitors will be surprised by the level of artistic skill of the late-Gothic frescoes. This location can only be reached on foot over beautiful paths. Ask for the key from the nearby Messner restaurant. Guided tours are available on request, please call +39 0471 650 059. Holy Mass: July and August Sunday at 10:30 clock (german). Open from March to Mid Novembre, winter closed.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Valentin Church
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    The St. Valentin church surrounded by meadows and fields, with the Schlern massif in the background, the small church of St. Valentin offers a real idyllic scene. The construction is of great historical and artistic value with precious frescos from the 14th and the 15th century. A peculiarity (among others): the painter has tried to include the local landscape as background in its representation of the three Kings.

    Lakes, cascades
    Natural heritage Partschinser Wasserfall/Cascata di Parcines
    Partschins/Parcines, Meran/Merano and environs

    Water is, without doubt, one of the most important natural elements in the Texel Group Nature Park. It runs off nearby glaciers and bubbles up from deep underground springs to fill many crystal-clear streams and lakes. The Partschins waterfall is one of the most impressive falls in the Alpine region.

    The thundering water shoots out over a towering rock wall and thunders, rages and roars downwards like a "liquid curtain”. The sun’s rays shine on the drops of water making a fascinating myriad of rainbow colours. The 97 mt. high falls are at their best from May to July, when they swell with melted snow water, or after heavy rain storms (water capacity 4,000 – 10,000 per second). Water in all its mighty, majestic forms – the Partschins waterfall is an absolute must, especially around the end of March to the beginning of April when the snow starts to melt and the falls reach a 50 to 60 lt. per second capacity, at the end of April with an average 100 to 200 lt. per second or the end of May with records of between 350 to 500 lt. per second.

    The falls reach their full weight with melted snow from mid-May to the end of June or beginning of July with 5,000 to 6,000 lt. of water crashing over them. The most impressive sight of all was seen in July 1989 when an estimated 10,000 lt. per second went hurtling its way towards the valley.

    Alpine Health: The high level of humidity found at the waterfall has an extremely beneficial, refreshing and re-vitalising effect on our body, helps improve the circulation of air in our lungs and boosts our immune system. The “WATERFALL CURE” is recommended as a means of combatting the effects of air pollution as well as for itscleansing action on the breathing mucous membranes. The Partschins waterfall is known to have an exceptionally high concentration of so-called oxygen-ions, estimated at an incredible figure of 50,000 per sq: cm. These particular oxygen-ions are present in our homes as 100 ions pro cm³, 200 ions in town and city air, and 5,000 in mountain and seaside regions. You can either walk up to the bottom of the Partschins waterfall from the village centre in about 1,5 hoursor take the bus line 265. A well-marked, safe path then leads up to a viewing platform with a fantastic panorama out over the nearby valley and imposing mountain peaks.

    The Partschins waterfall is fed by various side streams and other smaller falls all along its 8km. journey on through a steep gorge. The watershed of the Texel Nature Park, which is completely encircled by the Merano High Path, totals some 25 sq. km. and includes the highest peak of the Partschins/Parcines area, the Roteck peak at 3,337 mt.

    The falls are most swollen at about 20.00 by which time the run-off water from various mountain streams and little lakes, which takes five hours to reach the main stream, has found its way to the waterfall. The water volume decreases during the night.

    Lakes, cascades
    Lake Felixer Weiher
    U.L.Frau i.W.-St. Felix/Senale-S.Felice, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Lake Tret – also called Lake Santa Maria – is located in Alta Val di Non near St. Felix, at the point where South Tyrol and the Italian-speaking Trentino meet. The way to the sea proceeds through the forest and across larch meadows, by the wayside we watch various forest flowers and many butterflies.

    Places to See
    Ice caves
    Kaltern an der Weinstraße/Caldaro sulla Strada del Vino, The South Tyrolean Wine Road

    The unusual phenomenon of the ice caves between the two villages of Kaltern (Oberplanitzing/Pianizza di Sopra) and Eppan/Appiano can be explained with a simple physical principle: air streams down through cracks in the porphyry stone, creating a system of windpipes that becomes cooler as it descends. This heavier, cold air mass collects in a 5 meter high pool in the depression. This climate is ideal for plants that would normally thrive in higher alpine regions. We do recommend to make this excursion during warm summer months.

    Places to See
    Gilfenklamm Gorge
    Ratschings/Racines, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs
    A nature play in white marble!The Gilfenklamm is a gorge in pure white marble and stretches from the village Stange/Stanghe into the Ratschingstal/Val Racines to the hamlet of Jaufensteg/Ponte Giovo. Wooden bridges and runways lead through the canyon and give a spectacular sight to the waterfalls. The primordial power of the water is tangible with all senses. The gorge is protected as a natural monument and is known as one of the most beautiful natural attractions in the Alpine region.

    The runways through the gorge were built in 1896 and just after a few years the unfolded magic attracted numerous visitors. Beetween the great world wars the bridges were left to decay, but were restored in the early 1960s, and have since become a must see of the Sterzing-Ratschings area. The hike through the gorge lasts nearly one hour (1,5 hours with return) and is worthwhile for nature lovers, families and seniors.

    The Gilfenklamm gorge is situated in the Eisacktal/Alta Val d’Isarco valley, close to Ratschings/Racines and the city of Sterzing/Vipiteno. On an established trail you can walk across this charming and breathtaking canyon with its waterfalls cascading into the depth. About 100 years ago the gorge was named after the Austrian emperor Franz Josef, but its name changed so that it is now known as the “Cascate di Stanghe” gorge. During its course, the initially small Rio di Ratschings river turns into a roaring river which has been carving its way through the marble walls for centuries. Experience the forces of nature and the uniqueness of this fabulous natural monument.

    No reservation is necessary. However, it is recommended to avoid the main visiting hours (between 10.00 am and 12.30pm).

    Gaul Canyon
    Lana, Meran/Merano and environs

    The Gaul Canyon....craggy and beautiful

    Bizarre rock formations, unique vegetation and the picturesque location at the foot of Castle Braunsberg make the Gola Canyon in Lana charming and unique.

    Only a few minutes from the centre of Lana you feel like you are in a different world: the Gola Canyon directly at the foot of the hill on which Castle Braunsberg is towering.

    Steep rocky slopes rise above the pebbly riverbed of the Falschauer. Between the cool rock walls the temperature stays fresh even at the height of summer. A number of different rock types come together here.

    Between the quartz porphyry and the primary gneiss rocks there is also a thin layer of granite. Between the massive rocks the mountain stream runs untamed and only a slim strip of land passes over the river.

    Already for some decades the easily accessible meadow at the centre of the Gola Canyon has been used as a venue for numerous events. The glade is used for summer feasts as well as an atmospheric backdrop for the Lana open-air theatre.

    From the Gola Meadow the well secured path continues over a number of suspension bridges deeper into the rocky canyon passing by a roaring waterfall.

    You can follow it either into the narrowing,wild and romantic canyon or up to Castle Braunsberg, where a lovely view over Lana awaits you.

    Places to See
    The Witches’ benches
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    The Witches’ Benches The resting place of the Sciliar/Schlern witches on the Bullaccia/Puflatsch mountain is a truly mythical location. Starting point: Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm

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